Jade Squadron

Jade Squadron was a starfighter squadron within the Resistance, commanded by Commander Venisa Doza throughout the First Order-Resistance War.


Open warfare

Among the various Resistance cells, Jade Squadron was known for its adaptability. By the time of the hunt for the Colossus, the squadron's numbers had dwindled to only four pilots.

Blockade of Dantooine

At some point during the War between the Resistance and the First Order, Jade Squadron took part in a mission to escort three shuttles carrying Resistance recruits from Dantooine to the Colossus. This was a temporary measure until a new location could be found, as the First Order had compromised all of their rendezvous coordinates. Before the mission commenced, Commander Doza sought assistance from her husband, Captain Imanuel Doza, given the critical situation of having only four pilots, including herself, remaining in Jade Squadron. They received assistance from three volunteer pilots from Ace Squadron: Venisa and her husband’s daughter Torra, Hype Fazon, and Resistance spy Kazuda Xiono. They engaged in combat with a squadron of TIE fighters belonging to First Order Security Bureau Agent Tierny and Commander Pyre's Resurgent-class Star Destroyer, the Thunderer. After returning to the Colossus, Doza extended an invitation for Jade Squadron and the recruits to stay, having decided to cease running and commit the Colossus to aiding the Resistance in any way possible.

Rescue of Tamara Ryvora

Later, Jade Squadron was deployed during the rescue of Tamara Ryvora to defend the Colossus. Their ion weaponry and attacks played a crucial role in the destruction of the Thunderer.

Behind the scenes

The animated series Star Wars Resistance marked the debut of Jade Squadron.

