A female Chiss operative is shown removing her mask used for espionage.
An agent, also known as a secret operative, was someone who participated in the covert gathering or procurement of private information about a person, entity, or other point of interest, commonly for purposes related to politics, the military, or monetary gain.
During the Christophsis conflict, specifically the Battle of, an inquiry conducted by Clone Commander Cody and Clone Captain Rex brought to light that troop positions were being leaked to the Separatists, giving the opposition the ability to proactively strike Republic squads. The perpetrator was identified as a clone trooper sergeant known as "Slick", who was apprehended, but not before causing extensive damage to the base's armory.
After R2-D2 went missing during the Battle of Bothawui, R3-S6 was given to Jedi General Anakin Skywalker as a replacement. Unbeknownst to Ahsoka Tano, his Padawan, and Skywalker himself, R3-S6 was secretly working as a confederate operative, with the goal of selling R2-D2 to General Grievous.

The Jedi Council, suspecting that Senator Rush Clovis was assisting the Confederacy of Independent Systems, enlisted Senator Padmé Amidala to keep tabs on him. Amidala went with Clovis to Cato Neimoidia, where she found proof of a large droid foundry on Geonosis. After being discovered and surviving an attempted poisoning by Lott Dod, she was rescued by Anakin Skywalker.
Obi-Wan Kenobi embarked on a clandestine mission, going undercover as Rako Hardeen, aiming to earn the confidence of bounty hunters Cad Bane and Moralo Eval. Despite meddling from Padawan Ahsoka Tano and Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan's assignment was ultimately successful, revealing Count Dooku's scheme to abduct Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine.
Rush Clovis, having defected from the Separatists, sought Padmé Amidala's assistance to expose the InterGalactic Banking Clan's financial ruin by infiltrating their vault, a place typically off-limits to outsiders.

Due to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's instructions, the Jedi Council gave Anakin Skywalker a position on the Council, but they also wanted Skywalker to spy on the Chancellor and his actions, which Skywalker viewed as both treason and a breach of the Jedi Code.

Ezra Bridger infiltrated the Academy for Young Imperials on the planet Lothal, disguised as an Imperial cadet, intending to obtain an Imperial decoder that held the coordinates of a very large kyber crystal. With the support of Zare Leonis, Bridger was successful and fled with another cadet, Jai Kell. Leonis chose to stay behind to find out more about the disappearance of his sister Dhara. With the help of his girlfriend, Merei Spanjaf, and the rebel group known as the spectres, Leonis was ultimately able to rescue his sister, who had been taken into Project Harvester. Bridger and the spectre cell interacted with an unknown Rebel spy known by the alias "Fulcrum" on several occasions; this individual was later revealed to be Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi Padawan. After Tano was presumed dead, Imperial Security Bureau agent Alexsandr Kallus adopted the identity, providing intelligence to the Rebels and eventually defecting when Grand Admiral Thrawn discovered his betrayal.

Following the Battle of Scarif, spies working for the Rebel Alliance secretly delivered Death Star plans to Leia Organa on the Tantive IV. Cassian Andor, an agent of the Rebel Alliance Intelligence Service, led the team known as Rogue One in infiltrating the Imperial security complex on Scarif to obtain the plans and transmit them to the Rebel fleet. The Alliance learned about the Death Star project from Tivik, Andor's informant, and from Bodhi Rook, an Imperial pilot who defected and gave Saw Gerrera Galen Erso's details about the station's vulnerability.
After the destruction of [Alderaan](/article/alderaan], the Empire used a human female named Tula to manipulate her sister, Tace, into unknowingly revealing the locations of Alderaanian survivors. Members of Inferno Squad, including Iden Versio, Gideon Hask, Seyn Marana, and Del Meeko, were dispatched to infiltrate and take out the Dreamers.
On Nar Shaddaa, Grakkus the Hutt and his prisoner, Luke Skywalker, were captured because Sergeant Kreel, also known as Imperial agent 5241, had been planted in the Hutt's Palace after Grakkus's collection of Jedi artifacts caught the Empire's attention.
During the construction of the second Death Star, the Alliance's Bothan spies discovered that a shield generator on [Endor](/article/endor], a nearby forest moon, was protecting the superweapon. This invaluable information came at the cost of many Bothan lives.

Kazuda Xiono, a spy, embarked on a mission on the Colossus platform for the Resistance thirty years after the Battle of Endor, with the goal of identifying those on Castilon who were aiding the First Order in expanding its military. In 34 ABY, Kragan Gorr, the captain of the Warbird gang of pirates, dispatched Hallion Nark, a Neimoidian, to act as a spy and insider. Nark soon contacted Gorr, giving him the green light to attack the Colossus under the cover of a "Triple dark" storm. Norath Kev monitored black market material shipments on Varkana, a planet in the Outer Rim, and compiled a list of First Order sympathizers and collaborators to track First Order activity.

Bazine Netal, a mercenary and assassin, was used by the First Order as one of its spies. Netal, while posing as Grummgar's girlfriend at Maz Kanata's castle on Takodana, informed the Order that BB-8 was present. The Resistance also had a spy droid network, and GA-97, one of its agents, alerted the Resistance to BB-8's presence at the castle.
During a mission to Sinta Glacier Colony, Boolio, a Resistance informant, provided Poe Dameron with intelligence from a high-ranking spy within the First Order. When he saved Dameron, Finn, and Chewbacca from execution, the spy was revealed to be General Armitage Hux. Hux stated that he simply wanted Kylo Ren to fail, not for the Resistance to succeed. Allegiant General Pryde killed Hux for his disloyalty.