In 35 ABY, operatives of the Resistance embarked on a crucial undertaking: the Mission to Sinta Glacier Colony. The purpose of this operation was to gather intelligence pertaining to a spy embedded within the ranks of the First Order.
Following the unsettling emergence of a mysterious, galaxy-spanning broadcast echoing the voice of the deceased Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Sidious, General Leia Organa of the Resistance dispatched covert teams across the vast galaxy. Their mission was to pinpoint the source of the disturbing transmission. One such team, under the command of Commander Poe Dameron, was dispatched to the Sinta Glacier Colony. Their objective: to investigate potential clues indicating the presence of a spy operating within the First Order. Initially, their informant, Boolio, offered to provide a regulator for repairing the Resistance flagship, the Tantive IV. He was hesitant to disclose sensitive information over the HoloNet.

The Resistance team journeyed to the colony aboard the iconic Millennium Falcon. During the voyage, Poe Dameron and Finn engaged in a game of dejarik against Chewbacca. When the pair accused Chewbacca of cheating, he reacted with intense anger, which subsided only upon the navicomputer's announcement of their arrival. As Dameron approached the cockpit, he inquired of crew member Klaud about the status of the Falcon's power surge repair, to which Klaud responded in his native alien tongue.
The Falcon emerged from hyperspace, navigating the icy corridors of the glacier. Positioning itself beneath a maintenance hatch, the ship opened its upper hatch, allowing Finn to retrieve Boolio's data reel. The connection was established with R2-D2, and the data transfer commenced. However, First Order intelligence had traced Boolio's transmission to the colony, prompting the dispatch of a squadron of TIE fighters. With time running out, the Falcon initiated a rapid escape, carrying the vital data. Boolio expressed that the Resistance's ultimate victory would serve as sufficient gratitude. As Poe piloted the Falcon through the colony, Finn took control of the ventral gun. While he successfully destroyed one of the four pursuing fighters, he was unable to eliminate the remaining Special Forces craft. Dameron then executed a maneuver, allowing Finn a clear shot at a nearby walkway, causing it to collapse and taking the pursuing TIEs with it. As additional fighters approached, Poe skillfully flew through an ice wall, initiating a jump to lightspeed.

With the enemy fighters still in hot pursuit, the Falcon momentarily exited lightspeed within the Crystal Chaos of Cardovyte. Dameron expertly navigated the ship through the crystalline structures, resulting in one of their pursuers colliding with a spire. The skilled Resistance pilot then re-engaged lightspeed, employing the technique of lightspeed skipping, a tactic favored by pirates, to evade the First Order's hyperspace tracking capabilities. The ship reappeared from lightspeed at the Mirror-Spires of Ivexia. Two more TIE whisper starfighters were destroyed before the Falcon once again jumped to lightspeed. This final jump brought them to the Megafauna Chasm of the Typhonic Nebula, a region teeming with colossal creatures. One such creature emerged directly in front of the ship, causing the two remaining enemy fighters to crash into its massive jaws. The Millennium Falcon then made a swift return to the Resistance base on Ajan Kloss.

Upon the Falcon's arrival, its systems overloaded, resulting in fires erupting in various sections of the freighter. Poe and Padawan Rey engaged in a brief but intense disagreement, with Rey criticizing the condition of Han Solo's cherished vessel. Poe responded by questioning Rey's commitment to the Resistance's cause, suggesting that she should prioritize frontline combat over training with General Organa to enhance her connection to the Force.
Shortly thereafter, R2-D2 successfully uploaded the acquired intelligence into the base's central computer. Later that day, the majority of the Resistance assembled in the main hangar to hear the decrypted message. The message verified the rumors of Darth Sidious's return and his plan to deploy the Sith Eternal's armada of Xyston-class Star Destroyers, known as the Final Order, from the hidden world of Exegol. This force, combined with the First Order, aimed to establish an enduring Sith Empire. With the location of Exegol unknown, Rey resolved to continue her former master's quest and departed with her companions for Pasaana, hoping to discover Luke's trail and locate a Sith wayfinder, a device capable of guiding them to Exegol.