A Sith wayfinder represented a pyramidal type of wayfinder. These devices were engineered by the Sith specifically to provide guidance to Exegol. By the time that the First Order-Resistance War was occurring, there were at least a pair of these artifacts in existence. One, which had been the property of Sith Lord Darth Vader following its bestowal upon him by the Eye of Webbish Bog, was situated on Mustafar. It was held by the Alazmec of Winsit and under the Eye's protection. The other belonged to the overthrown Galactic Emperor Darth Sidious and was found amidst the wreckage of the second Death Star that rested on the oceanic moon Kef Bir within the Endor system.
Wayfinders of the Sith were constructed in a shape reminiscent of Sith holocrons. However, instead of the holocron's three-sided tetrahedral form, they featured a four-sided pyramid design. These were fabricated using Kathol resin alongside Cybotaro waxen glass. Furthermore, the wayfinders served as the technological forerunners to the holocrons. Functioning similarly to other wayfinders and Luke Skywalker's compass, Sith wayfinders operated as hyperspatial lodestones. This allowed for secure navigation through the Unknown Regions leading to Exegol, the Sith's concealed world.
The navigational systems present on starships had the capacity to be modified. This allowed them to interpret the binary signals emitted by the wayfinders as hyperspace jump coordinates. Kylo Ren adapted his TIE whisper in this manner to pinpoint Exegol's location. Later, Rey performed a similar adaptation on Luke Skywalker's X-wing with the same objective.
The ancient Sith brought into being two wayfinders, both designed to indicate the route to their hidden stronghold on Exegol through the Red Honeycomb Zone situated in the Unknown Regions. Each individual wayfinder was entrusted to a Sith Lord, a title which, under Darth Bane's Rule of Two, was exclusively held by a Sith Master and their Sith apprentice.
As the final Dark Lords of the Sith, Darth Sidious and Darth Vader each possessed Sith wayfinders capable of revealing the route to Exegol. Vader obtained his wayfinder from the Eye of Webbish Bog after successfully undergoing its trial. Sidious, who governed the Galactic Empire in the guise of Emperor Palpatine, kept his wayfinder within a concealed chamber adjacent to his throne room aboard the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station during the time of the Battle of Endor. Vader's wayfinder was situated inside Vader's castle on the volcanic planet of Mustafar, with the Eye tasked with its protection. Following their deaths and the end of the Galactic Civil War, both wayfinders remained concealed for decades.

During the rise of the New Republic, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker pursued the Emperor's wayfinder. He documented his attempts to locate it within the Sacred Jedi texts, while also chasing after fleeting rumors of Exegol during his explorations across the galaxy. The Jedi texts held pages of information concerning wayfinders, notably within the red-covered Rammahgon, which had been annotated by Skywalker. The Emperor had amassed troves of Sith artifacts and Jedi artifacts, storing them in various vaults throughout the galaxy. Skywalker was determined to prevent these artifacts from falling into the hands of treasure hunters, particularly fearing someone would acquire a Sith wayfinder before he could locate it. Despite assistance from Landonis Balthazar Calrissian, Skywalker never completed his quest, which ultimately concluded on the desert planet Pasaana.
During the war between the First Order and the Resistance, Vader's wayfinder was found by Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, his grandson, amongst the ruins of Vader's castle. Prior to his demise, Vader had entrusted his wayfinder to the Eye of Webbish Bog. In accordance with Vader's directives, the guardian was to relinquish the artifact to anyone who could overcome its protectors. Consequently, it deemed Ren worthy of claiming his inheritance after he eliminated a group of Sith cultists. By attaching the device to his TIE/wi modified interceptor, the master of the Knights of Ren charted a safe course through the turbulent space of the Unknown Regions, eventually discovering Exegol at the end of his voyage.

Rey, a Jedi apprentice, gained knowledge about the Sith wayfinders while studying the Jedi texts with the aid of Captain Beaumont Kin, a historian. Knowing that Ren had utilized one of the wayfinders to locate Exegol, Rey sought to acquire the one that had belonged to the reborn Emperor. Consequently, she started a journey to complete what Skywalker had begun, traveling to Pasaana, which, in turn, ultimately guided her to the Death Star ruins on the oceanic moon of Kef Bir. She found the Emperor's wayfinder while exploring the wreckage, only to have Ren take it from her. The dark warrior pointed out that only two Sith wayfinders were in existence: one that belonged to him as Vader's grandson, and the other, which he had also seized, was Rey's inheritance as the Emperor's granddaughter.
Ren crushed the wayfinder in his hand to prevent Rey from confronting her grandfather and destroying the Sith without him. He destroyed it, which sent Rey into a rage. This resulted in a final lightsaber duel between the two halves of the Force dyad. Despite Ren's attempts to prevent Rey from finding Exegol without him, the scavenger still managed to achieve her goal by utilizing the last remaining Sith wayfinder, which she obtained after taking possession of Ren's personal starfighter. Using it, she was able to guide the Resistance fleet to Exegol, where they fought against the Sith Eternal's fleet, the Final Order.
The wayfinders made their appearance in the 2019 saga film titled Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. Several variations of the prop were employed during production, including some containing liquid to produce the unusual effect visible within the wayfinder.