A salvager, alternatively referred to as a scavenger, was someone who recovered discarded or aged materials and components, either to be resold or reused.

Jawas were inherently scavengers. On Tatooine, a band of Jawa scavengers came across the droids C-3PO and R2-D2 amidst the desert wastes of the planet, subsequently selling them to Owen Lars.
During the Clone Wars, Gha Nachkt, a Trandoshan scavenger, captured R2-D2 with the intention of selling him to General Grievous.
Sarco Plank functioned as a scavenger at Niima Outpost on Jakku. While residing on Devaron, he was known by the moniker "The Scavenger".
Rey, a human scavenger residing on the planet Jakku, salvaged components from various Imperial and New Republic vehicles and ships that remained after the Battle of Jakku. She traded these parts with Unkar Plutt in exchange for portions of ration packs.