During the Clone Wars, a vast conflict across the intergalactic expanse, Gha Nachkt, a Trandoshan captain of a salvage ship, allied himself with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Following the battle over the planet Bothawui, Nachkt discovered a wrecked Jedi interceptor and its surviving occupant: the R2 series astromech droid R2-D2. Aware that R2-D2 possessed crucial information about the Galactic Republic, he intended to sell the droid to the Confederate General Grievous. However, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, the droid's owner, intercepted Nachkt. While Skywalker searched his salvage ship, the Trandoshan concealed R2-D2. After Skywalker's fruitless search, Nachkt proceeded to the Separatist-controlled Skytop Station. There, he demanded a higher payment from Grievous than initially agreed upon, resulting in Grievous stabbing him in the back with his lightsaber.

Gha Nachkt, a male Trandoshan, began his career as a salvage ship captain prior to or during the widespread galactic conflict of the Clone Wars. During the war, the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems fleets clashed above the planet Bothawui. Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker led the Republic forces, piloting a Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor with his R2 series astromech droid co-pilot R2-D2. During the confrontation, Skywalker's ship sustained critical damage, forcing his ejection and subsequent rescue. However, R2-D2 and the interceptor were left behind.
Following the withdrawal of both sides, Nachkt arrived in his ship, the Vulture's Claw, to scavenge the wreckage. He eventually located the damaged interceptor and brought R2-D2 aboard. Recognizing the potential value of R2-D2's Republic intelligence to the Confederacy, Nachkt contacted General Grievous, the commander of the Separatist droid armies, and proposed selling the droid. The arrangement stipulated that Nachkt would transport R2-D2 to Skytop Station, a listening post, deliver the droid, and then receive his payment.

However, before Nachkt could leave Bothawui's space, Skywalker returned, seeking R2-D2. Skywalker, accompanied by his Padawan Ahsoka Tano, boarded the Vulture's Claw to search for his droid. Nachkt pretended to cooperate, even attempting to sell the Jedi other droids from his ship. Eventually, he left them to search on their own. However, the Jedi's new droid, R3-S6, secretly a Separatist spy, tried to assassinate the Jedi by activating two dormant IG-86 sentinel droids. The Jedi destroyed the droids and then departed the ship, leaving the Trandoshan salvage ship captain unhappy because of the damage inflicted on his droids. However, with the Jedi gone and R2-D2 still onboard the Vulture's Claw, Nachkt was finally able to depart for Confederate space.

During the journey to the listening post, R2-D2 attempted to escape the Vulture's Claw, removing his restraining bolt and ejecting another IG-86 droid into space. Although Nachkt soon recaptured R2-D2, the droid managed to transmit his location back to Skywalker before being disabled. Realizing this, Nachkt knocked the droid out of commission.
Upon arriving at Skytop, Nachkt disassembled R2-D2 under Grievous' orders, revealing that R2-D2 possessed even more Republic intelligence than they had anticipated. However, their investigation was cut short as Skywalker launched a rescue mission for R2-D2, aiming to prevent the Confederacy from acquiring the droid's intel. Despite the impending rescue as Skywalker's clone troopers fought their way through the listening post, Nachkt decided to demand a larger payment from Grievous, arguing that the droid's value had increased due to the extent of its information. Finally fed up with the salvage ship captain, Grievous used one of his lightsabers to stab Nachkt through the back, mockingly calling the action the Trandoshan's "bonus." After Nachkt's death, R2-D2 was successfully recovered, and Skytop Station was destroyed by the Republic troopers.

Gha Nachkt, a corpulent Trandoshan, was driven by the pursuit of wealth. After striking a deal with Grievous, he meticulously ensured its fulfillment, concealing R2-D2 to prevent any loss of valuable merchandise. However, Nachkt's greed led him to brazenly demand additional money from Grievous upon delivering the droid, reneging on their initial agreement.
Physically, Nachkt displayed a distinct facial asymmetry, characterized by a fold of skin drooping over his right eye. He had brown skin and eyes, large, rounded feet, and four fingers on each hand.
Gha Nachkt was conceived for the animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars, debuting in the episode "Downfall of a Droid," voiced by Ron Perlman. He later reappeared in the subsequent episode "Duel of the Droids." According to series supervisor Dave Filoni, Nachkt's creation stemmed from Filoni's fondness for Trandoshans, leading him to create an older, out-of-shape character based on a suggestion from his friend Giancarlo Volpe, rather than using Bossk. Nachkt's digitally rendered model was later repurposed and retextured for the character Nack Movers, who appears in the episode "Lightsaber Lost." The model appears with its original texture in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars theatrical film, but this has not been officially confirmed as Gha Nachkt himself.