Nack Movers

Nack Movers was a male Trandoshan assassin operating as a hitman on the planet Coruscant during the era of the Clone Wars. He resided in an apartment alongside his girlfriend, Ione Marcy, and employed Cassilyda Cryar as his personal protector. Movers acquired the stolen lightsaber of Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano from the thief known as Bannamu. Ultimately, he met his death through [poison](/article/poison], specifically Sennari, administered by Marcy and Cryar, who then absconded with the lightsaber.


During the Clone Wars, Nack Movers, a male Trandoshan assassin, plied his trade as a hit man within the criminal underbelly of the world of Coruscant. Police officers belonging to the Coruscant Security Force found their efforts to connect Movers to his illicit activities consistently undermined by bribery and intimidation, as documented in the records of police Inspector Tanivos Exantor Divo. Divo's reports indicated that Movers seemed to have received training from the Malkite poisoners, given his preference for poison as his weapon of choice.

Nack Movers' dead body

Movers maintained a skyrise apartment located in the upper east side of the Jrade District, sharing it with his girlfriend, Ione Marcy. Driven by growing paranoia, he also employed Cassilyda Cryar as a bodyguard. However, he remained oblivious to the burgeoning closeness between Cryar and Marcy, and their subsequent plot against him after Marcy's unsuccessful attempts to dissuade him from making unwanted advances towards Cryar. At some point, he acquired Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano's lightsaber from the thief Bannamu and returned to his residence. It was there that he met his end, murdered by Marcy and Cryar, who laced his drink with the very same Sennari poison he himself employed against his own victims.

Cryar and Marcy made off with Tano's weapon, only to be intercepted by Padawan Tano and Jedi Master Tera Sinube. Following a pursuit across the cityscape of Coruscant, the Jedi apprehended Marcy and Cryar, who were then taken into custody by the Coruscant Police. The crime scene analysis droid Russo-ISC soon joined the investigation, analyzing Movers's blood sample. He reported the Trandoshan was 1.75 meters in height, weighted 104 kilograms, and his ID number was COR143817TRND195441.37. He also detected that Movers's had been poisoned with the same Sennari drink that he used to poison his victims, with 11.3 of the Sennari extract appearing in his blood. Meanwhile, Russo's blood sample analysis revealed Movers's potassium level was 5.2, his sodium level was 155, his urea level was 6.4, his creatinine and glucose levels were 130, while he had also had a cooper level of 33.

All of Russo's analysis results were subsequently noted in the file police Inspector Tanivos Divo compiled on the case. Divo's grandson, New Republic police Commissioner Exantor Divo of Hosnian Prime later catalogued the case in his set of security files he wrote in 34 ABY called Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious.

Behind the scenes

Nack Movers made his debut in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Lightsaber Lost", albeit solely as a deceased character. The design and model for Movers were derived from those of the Trandoshan scavenger Gha Nachkt, a character featured in the first season of the series.

