Tera Sinube, a male Jedi Master of the Cosian species, existed during both the peak and subsequent decline of the Galactic Republic. During the High Republic Era, Sinube held the position of marshal at a Jedi outpost situated on Derra. He also served on the Jedi High Council at some point prior to the Invasion of Naboo. In 21 BBY, Ahsoka Tano, a Jedi Padawan, sought his assistance in locating her stolen lightsaber. By 9 BBY, Sinube had met his death and his remains were interred at the Fortress Inquisitorius located on the moon known as Nur.
Sinube's birth occurred before 428 BBY. By 231 BBY, Sinube had recently achieved the rank of Jedi Master and was functioning as the marshal of a Jedi outpost on Derra. When the planet Cyclor nearby came under attack from the Nihil pirates, Master Stellan Gios reached out to Sinube for help, resulting in the dispatch of the renowned Ikkrukkian Master Porter Engle to command a drift of Jedi Vectors in providing support.
Being a Jedi investigator, Sinube possessed extensive knowledge of the criminal underworld of the planet Coruscant. His connection to the Force enabled him to solve crimes more quickly than experienced detectives in the Coruscant Police. Decades prior to the Invasion of Naboo, Sinube led the Jedi youngling Hawk-Bat Clan, which included Zang Arraira, Arath Tarrex, Sifo-Dyas, and Dooku. When Dooku was still a Jedi youngling, Master Sinube journeyed to Serenno with Dooku, Sifo-Dyas, Grand Master Yoda, Master Yula Braylon, and numerous other younglings and masters for the galactic festival taking place there. When the youngling Sifo-Dyas accidentally bumped into Yoda, he and Master Braylon hurried to Yoda's assistance. In 86 BBY, he chose Zang to become his Padawan apprentice, and by the following year, he had a position on the Jedi High Council.
While serving on the Jedi High Council, Sinube was present at the funeral of Master Katri, who had passed away on Raxus Secundus. Subsequently, he was also present when the Padawan Cere Junda met with the Council following the battle for Ontotho and was granted the rank of Jedi Knight for her actions. Sinube would relinquish his seat on the council at some point before the Invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY.

During the Clone Wars, Padawan Ahsoka Tano approached Sinube, who had dozed off amidst research in the Archives, seeking assistance in recovering her lightsaber that had been pilfered by a thief named Bannamu. Having not been assigned a mission in many years, and confident that she would not succeed unless she learned to be patient and take things slowly, Sinube decided to accompany her. After tracking Bannamu to the Spider Arms Hostel, Sinube employed a mind trick on the attendant to gain entry, and the two Jedi then located and confronted the thief in his room. Sinube had to step in on Bannamu's behalf to prevent Tano from inflicting physical harm on the Patrolian in her anger. Under pressure, Bannamu admitted to selling the lightsaber to Nack Movers, a notorious criminal and assassin within Coruscant's underworld. Upon arriving at Movers' apartment building, Sinube noticed the broken lock and deduced that it was the Trandoshan's residence. Inside, they discovered Movers' dead body and a frightened girl identifying herself as Ione Marcy, who claimed that a group of men had murdered Movers.
While Sinube stayed with Ione, suspecting she knew more than she was revealing about what happened to Movers, Tano searched the other rooms. Tano soon reported being attacked by an intruder with her lightsaber, a female Terrelian Jango Jumper, which contradicted Marcy's earlier statements. Sinube called the authorities, discreetly placing a tracker on Marcy's back, and proceeded to question her further. Marcy's evasive and contradictory answers convinced the elderly Jedi that she was involved in Movers' death, leading him to order the arriving police droids to arrest her. However, Marcy managed to escape. Undeterred, Sinube borrowed a speeder bike from the police, picked up Tano, and followed the tracker signal to a nearby train station, where they found Marcy and her accomplice, Cassie Cryar.

While police droids apprehended Marcy, Tano pursued Cryar to the next station, where the criminal used the stolen lightsaber to take two hostages to discourage further pursuit by the Jedi. However, when the train door opened, she found Sinube waiting for her. Drawing his lightsaber from within his cane, Sinube engaged Cryar in a very brief duel before disarming her and knocking her unconscious with a single move. Tano and Sinube then returned to the Jedi Temple, where Sinube asked Tano to pass on what she had learned from the situation. He then visited a class of younglings being taught by Master Yoda, whom Sinube greeted as an old friend, and watched as Tano informed the younglings of the importance of keeping their lightsaber with them at all times.
Following their adventure, Sinube maintained his interest in and observation of Tano's Jedi training, at one point overseeing a test where Tano practiced against new training remotes designed to simulate battle droids within the Jedi Temple dojo. In 20 BBY, Sinube volunteered his astromech droid, M5-BZ, for a mission to infiltrate a Separatist dreadnought and steal an encryption module that was disrupting communications in the area. He also instructed younglings in the Jedi arts at the temple on Coruscant, where they witnessed the fallen Padawan Barriss Offee duel Tano's master, Anakin Skywalker, who defeated Offee before Sinube and the younglings. Sinube had drawn his saber ready to protect the younglings if needed but it was not.

By 9 BBY, Sinube had been killed and his body was entombed at Fortress Inquisitorius, the headquarters of the Inquisitorius, on the water moon Nur. His petrified corpse was among the first on display, located on the left side of one of the tomb's entrances. While infiltrating the base to rescue Princess Leia Organa, Kenobi entered the tomb and was horrified to find the corpses of Sinube and many other deceased Jedi. After informing former Imperial officer Tala Durith about the tomb, Kenobi left to continue his mission.

Sinube possessed M5-BZ and wielded a lightsaber that emitted a very light blue blade, which also functioned as a cane.