
During the High Republic Era, a group of anarchistic marauders known as the Nihil rose to power. They possessed access to enigmatic hyperspace routes called "Paths," which defied standard hyperspace principles. These Paths enabled them to traverse hyperspace in unique ways, taking routes that were seemingly impossible for others. Initially, their focus was on conducting raids throughout the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy. However, with the aid of their Paths, the Nihil became a major threat to the expanding Galactic Republic, prompting the Republic to launch anti-piracy campaigns against them. Their base of operations was the Great Hall of the Nihil, a space station situated in No-Space, accessible only via the Path engines.

The Evereni Ro family founded the Nihil, initially as an offshoot of the Jedi-hating Path of the Open Hand. The Ro family provided the Nihil with the Paths and the Path engines, promising unparalleled mobility through hyperspace. The title of Eye of the Nihil was hereditary within the family, eventually passing to Marchion Ro after the murder of his father, Asgar Ro. Marchion Ro exploited his position to seize absolute control of the organization and broaden its objectives.

In the aftermath of the Great Hyperspace Disaster of 232 BBY, an event orchestrated by Marchion Ro and the Nihil, the Nihil began defending their lifestyle against the Jedi Order and the expansionist Galactic Republic, which they perceived as intrusive and oppressive. Consequently, the Nihil wreaked havoc across the Republic Frontier and were implicated in the spread of the carnivorous Drengir species along the Galactic Frontier, causing thousands of deaths. After the Nihil destroyed the Valo Republic Fair, the Jedi ultimately forced the Nihil to disperse. However, by 230 BBY, the Nihil successfully destroyed the Republic's prominent space station, Starlight Beacon, and subsequently prevented the Galactic Republic from accessing ten entire sectors of the Outer Rim, claiming and securing that territory for themselves.

By the time of the Galactic Empire, the Nihil had become irrelevant, although their rhetoric, imagery, and technology, such as the Path engine design, persisted.



The Nihil saw themselves as riders of a storm that swept through the galaxy, allowing them to take whatever they wanted.

Operating from the Outer Rim Territories, the Nihil were a lawless criminal syndicate of anarchistic marauders. Their operational code revolved around seizing what they desired and killing anyone who opposed them. They considered themselves a rebellious faction against the expanding Galactic Republic, which they accused of encroaching on their territory and depriving people of their liberty. They envisioned themselves as riders of a "storm," adopting weather-related terminology for their structure and ranks, and using a symbol featuring three lightning bolts. Their very name evoked a sense of inescapable doom, spreading across the Outer Rim like an unstoppable plague.

The Nihil's primary objective was to take what they coveted and obliterate what they could not possess. United by a shared thirst for acquisition, violence, and consumption, these thousands of pirates engaged in various criminal activities, including theft, raiding, kidnapping, and murder, operating in diverse environments ranging from wilderness to cities and planets to realspace. To the inhabitants of the Outer Rim, the marauders appeared as ghostly figures, dealing death like demons, leaving their victims to question whether they were monstrous beings or simply acting with expected savagery. Concealing their identities behind masks, the Nihil intentionally cultivated a monstrous image, reveling in the destruction and murders they inflicted across the galaxy.

Their ideology and symbolism endured beyond their period of prominence. Despite maintaining a detached stance toward the wider galaxy, the group cultivated extensive connections, including prominent Republic officials like chief aide Jeni Wataro, and some Nihil, such as Pan Eyta, participated in mainstream activities like attending operas. Nihil pirates preferred swift and frequent raids, believing in relentless momentum.


Tempest divisions

The Nihil were organized into three Tempests, each under the command of a Tempest Runner who exercised absolute authority. Below the Runners were the Storms, Clouds, and finally the Strikes. Since the Nihil's inception, advancement was based on recruitment and reputation. Strikes brought in new members, becoming Clouds upon acquiring sufficient recruits. Clouds could ascend to Storms by establishing a strong reputation. Promotion was also contingent on success and was challenging to achieve, requiring individuals to actively undermine their peers. The rank of a Storm was indicated by three jagged white stripes on their clothing, while Clouds had two, and Strikes had one.

A violent and destructive Nihil raid

Despite their constant need for "new blood," each Tempest comprised approximately a thousand members by the time of the Great Hyperspace Disaster. Each Tempest Runner held sole authority and responsibility for their Tempest's actions. In the event of a Runner's death or departure, a Storm of their choosing would assume their position. Within the Great Hall of the Nihil, the three Runners occupied a raised platform from which they led celebrations and rallies. The styles and cultures of the Tempests were determined by their Runners, with members generally reflecting their leader's preferences. For instance, Lourna Dee led a Tempest of subtle, introverted Nihil who wore minimalist clothing but were among the cruelest pirates. Members of Dee's Tempest concealed their intentions until their desired outcome was achieved.

In contrast, Pan Eyta's Tempest focused on refined tastes, mirroring their well-dressed Runner's preferences, such as the operas of Cato Neimoidia in the Colonies. Eyta personally selected his initial Strikes, who then chose their subordinates, and this pattern continued as the Tempest expanded. The Nihil in Eyta's Tempest were typically precise and methodical in their planning. Conversely, Kassav Milliko's Tempest was filled with impulsive and chaotic Nihil of all ranks. Members of Kassav's division constantly sought new, significant scores to boast about, but their drug use, such as smash, often left them too intoxicated to recount their exploits. Despite occasionally collaborating, Dee, Milliko, and Eyta operated their Tempests independently, deploying them on raids throughout the Outer Rim.

The Eye of the Nihil

The Nihil revolved around "the Eye," a title held by members of the Ro family.

In addition to the Tempest Runners, there was the Eye of the Nihil, a position established after Asgar Ro granted the Nihil access to their Paths through hyperspace. Regarded as the visionary who planned their future and guided them, the Eye was considered the symbolic leader of the organization. However, the position initially lacked the authority to issue orders and could only offer advice if votes went against them. As observed by Asgar's son, Marchion Ro, the Eye could recognize the Nihil's potential but could not act upon it or direct the Tempest Runners. During celebrations in the Great Hall, the Eye occupied a platform one–meters lower than that of the Tempest Runners. Ro also despised the "pageants" orchestrated by Runners Dee, Pan Eyta, and Kassav Milliko in the Great Hall, which he saw as fostering division among the Clouds, Strikes, and Storms. In Ro's view, the Nihil were fragmented and chaotic.

While all Nihil utilized the Paths and operated under the same banner, each pirate was ultimately self-serving, with Tempests willing to undermine each other and members ready to kill for profit or at the slightest provocation. Ro believed he was the only one who understood the potential of the Paths to take them anywhere they needed to go, together. Nevertheless, in votes with the Tempest Runners, a long-standing rule granted the Eye a double vote on matters involving the Paths, ensuring that any tie would be resolved in the Eye's favor. Ro appreciated this aspect of his position, believing it was only fitting that the custodian of the Paths should have the most influence over their use. While Tempest Runners could approve raids for their own crews without consulting other leaders, jobs involving the Paths required a full vote, with the Eye's double vote often proving decisive, as the two disinterested Runners often voted against the proposal, leaving the Eye to side with either the proposer or the other two Runners.

In 232 BBY, following the Battle of Kur, the role of the Eye of the Nihil underwent a transformation when Marchion Ro unified the Nihil under his command, promising to expand their operations throughout the galaxy and defend their lifestyle against the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order. Ro gained the power to issue orders, including to the Tempest Runners. As the lord of the Nihil, members pledged lifelong service to the Eye, and Ro marshaled his forces to strike against the Republic and Jedi.

Ro secretly contemplated abolishing the Tempest Runner position altogether. While he would offer the current Runners smaller but still influential roles, he would become the sole ruler of the Nihil. As Ro consolidated power, some Nihil began to believe the group had deteriorated, becoming less chaotic and offering fewer opportunities for personal gain. However, others fully embraced Ro's leadership, praising the Eye and seeking his favor, believing that the organization still allowed them to destroy and steal as they pleased. In time, Ro fully cemented his control over the marauders, granting him sufficient power to declare to the Republic that the galaxy was his for the taking.

The Great Hall

The Nihil operated out of an area of space they dubbed "No-Space" from their Great Hall.

The Nihil operated from a location known as No-Space, which housed a vast durasteel platform called the "Great Hall of the Nihil." The group convened there to celebrate and feast after raids, although the "hall" lacked walls or a ceiling. Invisible vacuum shields maintained a breathable oxygen dome, allowing the raiders to gaze into the darkness of realspace, implying that leaving the group would result in a desolate, cold death. Remaining with the Nihil, therefore, promised continued life and light for survival. The Great Hall appeared to drift through the emptiness of space, with glowing blue-white lights marking the platform's edges. Towers of flame seemed to push back the endless void, keeping the Nihil safe, although the shielding was the true protector.

Nihil were prohibited from bringing blasters into the hall but were permitted to carry bladed weapons. Only the Nihil knew how to reach the Great Hall, as they alone possessed knowledge of the Paths. For private meetings, the Tempest Runners and the Eye could travel to a small structure located at the far end of the Great Hall. Guarded by two Killdroids, the structure contained docking mechanisms, an airlock, and a small complex of rooms designed for privacy. However, Marchion recognized that the Great Hall was not a defensible position, arguing with his father, who dismissed his concerns due to the belief that No-Space was undetectable, about the base's vulnerability. During Marchion's reign, he dispatched the Nihil to find new, more defensible bases while maintaining operations at the Great Hall. He later declared several sectors of the Outer Rim to be Nihil territory, forming the Occlusion Zone.

The Rule of Three in practice

The leaders of the Nihil (left to right) Marchion Ro, Pan Eyta, Kassav Milliko, and Lourna Dee

After gaining access to the Paths from the Ro family, the Nihil adopted the Rule of Three to distribute the spoils of their raids, with the Eye receiving a share from raids that utilized the Paths. The Rule of Three was intended to ensure that each Nihil received everything they desired, promising that all participants in a raid would benefit from the attack. The Tempest Runners proclaimed that all Nihil flew and died as one, sharing the rewards together. Any loss of potential spoils was considered an insult to the entire group, including the Runners and the Eye, and warranted punishment.

When the group participated in a raid, a third of the bounty went to the Eye if the job used the Paths. Until Ro assumed control of the Nihil, this and providing the Paths was the extent of the Eye's power. The remaining funds were deposited into the Nihil's secret bank accounts, known as their black accounts. While lower-ranking Nihil believed the organization benefited them, most spoils ended up in the hands of the Tempest Runners, enriching them through the labor of their pirates.

Technology and tactics

The miracle of the Paths

Nihil ships could materialize from seemingly nowhere at any time, regardless of location in the galaxy, appearing like spirits at will, with no defenses capable of stopping them. This ability to appear and disappear at will was made possible by the Path engines, a navigational marvel that, when integrated with a starship's standard engines, allowed the ship to traverse hyperspace in a way unmatched by anyone else in the galaxy. The Republic considered their method of hyperspace travel impossible. To Jedi Master Avar Kriss, the paths appeared unnatural; she perceived hyperspace as "sick" during the Great Hyperspace Disaster caused by a Nihil path engine-equipped craft, sensing that something had gone awry and that the disaster should not have occurred. These tortuous paths were known only to the Nihil and provided by the Eye.

The Nihils' Path Engines enabled them to seemingly appear anywhere.

The Paths were essential to the Nihil's effectiveness. The engine itself, a visible green half-sphere that glowed on the hull of a Nihil ship, was one of the few elements uniting individual ships into a cohesive force. As custodian of the Paths, the Eye supplied them to the Nihil but recognized that they were not an unlimited resource. While the Nihil needed new members, excessive recruitment would dilute their ranks. The unique source of the Paths was known only to the Eye: the Force-sensitive hyperspace prospector Mari San Tekka, whom the Ro family had kidnapped. Her ability to map new hyperlanes served as the sole, exhaustible source for new paths, which Asgar and Marchion Ro relied upon. Before gaining full control of the Nihil, Tekka was Ro's only true ally, yet he considered killing her to forge his own path.

Ro understood the need to keep her existence a secret, knowing that the Tempest Runners would kill him if they learned how to access the Paths themselves. Instead, he had to create the impression that the Paths would vanish with him, when in reality any of the Runners could have maintained Tekka's medical capsule. To Ro, the Paths were what made the Nihil special and powerful. While numerous raider organizations existed in the Outer Rim, the Paths and Path engines enabled Nihil teams to access hyperspace in ways unmatched by any other group in the galaxy. Through the Paths, Nihil ships could bypass gravity well protection, perform microjumps, enter hyperspace from any location instead of relying on non-occluded access zones or complex calculations, and even appear in the same lane as another hyperdrive-equipped craft.


The Nihil marauders employed various types of starships, including battleships and warships. The fleet was divided into three classes: the large Stormships, another large class called Cloudships, and the smaller, starfighter-like Strikeships. Each Tempest Runner also had a corvette-sized flagship. Another type of large craft, known as Spider Cruiser due to its spider-like appendages, were used in both ground and space operations. Regardless of classification, all Nihil starships were adorned with the group's symbol as if it were war paint. This, along with the path engines and their shared brutalist aesthetic, was the only indication that they served the same force, as no two ships were identical. To outsiders, their craft generally appeared ugly, often featuring blocky designs with seemingly random spikes. Lacking curves and composed of straight lines, every Nihil ship, regardless of class, resembled a spiked fist with armor, creating a fleet capable of crushing enemies and collecting their remains.

Nihil Stormships were one of three classifications within their fleet.

To Chief Executive Officer Larence Garello, the ships appeared to be designed solely for destruction, specifically to beat enemies to death. Marchion Ro recognized that each craft in the Nihil fleet reflected its owner's culture and tastes, while sharing a brutalist aesthetic. Nihil ships also lacked overall symmetry and featured numerous sharp edges in their design. Ro himself commanded a unique starship named the Gaze Electric, where he kept Mari San Tekka. Larger and more imposing than the Tempest Runners' ships, it was a flying fortress with a shadow like that of an ocean predator. Filled with empty corridors, the mobile palace was the only home Ro had ever known.

A typical Nihil raid consisted primarily of small starships designed for one or two pilots, with larger ships present in smaller numbers. The Tempest Runner's flagship, the largest ship in the raid, could be positioned at the center of the force. The marauders could also conceal their ships behind a stormcloud-like effect upon entering a star system. Within this blue-grey cover, their ships remained hidden from sight and sensors, although their lights could be seen through the dense vapor. This tactic served to intimidate their foes and allowed the Nihil to launch surprise attacks. However, the light emitted from within the stormcloud could reveal their positions. Nevertheless, the Nihil could fire quickly from cover before launching their ships once their concealment was compromised.

Nihil ships could also fire blasts with ion cannon-like capabilities, disabling ships upon impact. These blasts resembled lightning strikes and carried immense energy. While deflector shields could temporarily withstand the lightning-like blasts, the strikes would still inflict significant damage to the ship's shielding.

The marauders themselves

Members of the Nihil

Often, the Nihil would seek out individuals who felt abandoned and ignored by the Republic, turning them into new recruits. Kidnapping became a common method for the Nihil to bolster their ranks, a practice that figures like Melis Shryke viewed as a time-honored tradition with positive outcomes. During their raids on celestial bodies near the Occlusion Zone, the Nihil specifically targeted younger individuals, capturing those who showed some resistance to the attack and separating them from their families. After being transported to Nihil-controlled space, these potential recruits were forced into fighting pits, where their spirits were broken over several weeks. The Nihil, a diverse group of individuals from numerous species, donned heavy masks and helmets, often adorned with tubing, and were armed with a variety of weapons and pieces of armor. These masks served both a symbolic and practical purpose: they presented an intimidating image while also protecting the pirates' identities and shielding them from the toxic gases they frequently deployed in combat. The group also employed a range of weaponry, with many using blasters and some carrying knives.

In their quest for freedom, the Nihil's celebrations were open to all members, allowing them to indulge in various foodstuffs, drugs, and drinks. Banquet tables overflowed with these items, including potent alcoholic beverages and rich foods. Nihil masks served to conceal the identity of individual marauders, with most members choosing to wear one. Beyond hiding facial expressions, the masks could also amplify and distort the wearer's voice. However, Marchion Ro's leadership would later eliminate the requirement to constantly conceal one's face. Add-ons such as horns and brows were sometimes added to the masks. Almost all masks also included filter equipment over the mouth and nose of the raider, helping them to survive any of the various chemical attacks employed during raids. Clothing between different raiders was often unique, sometimes including capes, armor made from animal hides, and more.

Each member of the Nihil was expected to contribute to the organization's growth and strength, whether by enhancing its power or increasing its wealth. To maintain their strength, those deemed weak were forcibly eliminated from the ranks through killing. Most Nihil were also eager to establish a connection with the Eye or the Tempest Runners in an effort to climb the ranks. Chemical weapons and poison were among the strange and frightening tactics employed by the Nihil. Chemical weapons, in fact, became a standard weapon for the pirates. One of the gas attacks used by the marauders involved launching white canisters filled with a blue-grey gas. This [war cloud](/article/war_cloud] gas, thick and dense like a storm cloud, was deadly and instantly filled the air with a poison that made breathing feel like fire.

The Nihil not only permitted independent droids to join their ranks but also utilized them in their operations. Sentry droids served as guards within the Great Hall. Standing over two meters tall, these droids displayed unwavering loyalty to the Eye and Tempest Runners. Instead of a conventional face, their faceplates were adorned with the Nihil's three lightning bolt symbol in light blue. With bodies covered in spikes and fists strong enough to crush bones or tissue, the droids had no need for additional weaponry.



During the High Republic Era, a time roughly spanning from 500 BBY to 100 BBY, the Nihil emerged as a small band of pirates operating from [Thull's Shroud](/article/thull%27s_shroud], near Belsavis. They were established by the Evereni family known as the Ros, specifically Marda Ro, as part of a scheme to exact revenge on the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic. Consequently, the Nihil originated as a component of the Jedi-hating Path of the Open Hand cult, to which Marda had dedicated herself. The Elders of the Path, a remnant of the Path, viewed themselves as having purged the Nihil, hoping that its separation would lead to its downfall. While the Elders maintained their religious focus, the Nihil transformed into a criminal organization to achieve the Ros' objectives, experiencing significant growth in power and alarming the Elders, who saw them as a force of pure chaos. Marda later became the mother of Shalla Ro.

The Nihil's storm-related terminology and imagery stemmed from the Evereni's descriptions of their homeworld of Everon, with the Ros' religious imagery bearing visual similarities to the lightning bolt pattern that represented the Nihil logo. Between approximately 350 BBY and 330 BBY, an Evereni known as Ro captured Mari San Tekka, and by 331 BBY, the Nihil had imprisoned her aboard the Gaze Electric. After Shalla's tenure as the Eye, during which she further consolidated the Nihil, her son Asgar Ro killed her in 252 BBY. He then assumed the title of Eye after approaching the Nihil and offering them the use of the Path engine—a device he claimed would grant them unparalleled mobility through hyperspace—to ensure the group's continued progress after a period of stagnation under his mother's leadership.

Asgar's reign and Marchion's rise

The Nihil Tempest Runners and Eye Asgar Ro with his son Marchion

Subsequently, Asgar Ro ascended to the position of Eye of the Nihil, becoming the sole authority for granting access to the Paths used by the engines for hyperspace travel. Unbeknownst to the Nihil, the Paths originated from the hyperspace prospector Mari San Tekka, who was kept alive in a medical pod after her capture by the Ro family. The three Tempest Runners consisted of the Twi'lek Lourna Dee, who earned her position by rescuing Asgar from Tempest Runner Xanaven, the Weequay Kassav Milliko, and the Dowutin Pan Eyta. Each Tempest Runner commanded their respective Tempests from their own corvette-sized vessels; Eyta commanded the Elegencia, Milliko commanded the New Elite, and Lourna Dee commanded a ship named after herself, the Lourna Dee. At some point, Nihil raiders torched the idyllic planet Nelgenam, transforming it into a desolate wasteland and causing its renowned library to crumble into ruin.

Ro was also accompanied by his son Marchion, whom Shalla believed would ultimately carry out their revenge. Asgar subjected his son to abuse to ensure he would develop into a ruthless individual. Furthermore, the three Tempest Runners grew resentful of the Rule of Three established by Ro, which guaranteed the Eye one-third of their spoils from any job that utilized the Paths. All three Tempest Runners underestimated the Ros, who harbored personal motives for eradicating the Jedi Order, rooted in their family history. In 242 BBY, the three Tempest Runners devised a plan to assassinate Asgar, with Lourna Dee ultimately delivering the fatal blow.

Asgar Ro is murdered

Upon discovering his father bleeding on the floor of his quarters, Marchion learned that he did not know the identity of his attacker. Disappointed by this, Marchion proceeded to kick his fallen father, continuing even after the man had died. With Asgar's death, Marchion inherited both the unfinished family objective and the title of Eye, along with all its associated responsibilities. He commenced his new role with a ceremony, during which he initiated his mission to unite the Nihil under his control. He referred to the Tempest Runners as "his" and spoke of the group's rebirth, leading Dee to realize that they had underestimated Marchion as the crowd began to chant in support. As time went on, the three Tempest Runners would often see Marchion without his mask, but the features of his species always struck fear into them on an instinctive level.

Agents of chaos

Ro begins the Great Disaster

The Great Hyperspace Disaster threatens the Hetzal system

By 232 BBY, Ro advanced his agenda to strike against the Jedi Order and the expanding Galactic Republic, driven by reasons tied to his family's history. Moreover, he despised the Republic and believed that reforming the Nihil was essential to combat the growing government. Over a brief period, particularly from around 234 BBY to 232 BBY, the Nihil's prominence in the Outer Rim began to rise. Just a year before the Great Hyperspace Disaster, individuals like CEO Larence Garello and his employees were unfamiliar with the pirates, only to witness their name and actions rapidly spread, even as their origins remained shrouded in mystery. The name "Nihil" itself acquired a cursed reputation. In essence, despite the tales of savagery circulating about the Nihil in the Outer Rim, more remained unknown about the organization than what was public knowledge.

For these civilians, the most crucial takeaway was that the Nihil seized whatever they desired and destroyed what they could not take. While stories of individuals surviving encounters with the Nihil occasionally surfaced, there were no accounts of people successfully repelling the pirates. However, the Republic at large viewed the Nihil as a minor criminal group that it had not bothered to address. The Nihil became aware of the Republic's expansion into the Outer Rim and the construction of a space station known as the [Starlight Beacon](/article/starlight_beacon]. Despite Ro's frequent mentions of the topic, the Tempest Runners remained confident that the Republic would not crack down on their operations. Nonetheless, Eyta hoped for an opportunity to kill a Jedi one day, viewing it as a story worth telling.

Marchion Ro had plans to use the Nihil against the Republic and Jedi.

Ro, too, had yet to encounter a Jedi, but he prepared to lead the Nihil against their Order, having grown up hearing stories of his family's history with Force-sensitives. Around the same time as the Republic's expansion, all three Tempests experienced a surge in new recruits. As fear of the Nihil spread, Ro continued his plans by arranging for a Nihil Stormship to be sent on a Path that intersected with a hyperspace lane—something the Republic believed to be impossible—in the Outer Rim near the Hetzal system. Upon encountering the Nihil ship at Hetzal's transit point, the freighter Legacy Run—detecting the ship in their path with only ten seconds until a potential collision—was torn apart while attempting to avoid impact. There was no specific reason for targeting Hetzal; Ro simply needed a major crisis to draw the Republic's attention to the Nihil, and the Legacy Run happened to be the ship he targeted.

Thus began the Great Hyperspace Disaster, with numerous fragments of the starship exiting hyperspace and raining down upon the Hetzal system. A joint Republic Defense Coalition-Jedi Order effort was launched from Starlight Beacon to the star system in an attempt to rescue as many people as possible, but the Republic remained unaware of the event's cause. While some feared the crisis might be an attack, Republic Admiral Pevel Kronara deemed it unlikely, reasoning that enemies typically do not announce their intentions before launching an attack. Several fragments of the Legacy Run that fell upon the system still contained living passengers, while another contained liquid Tibanna. Towards the end of the disaster, the Jedi were compelled to unite to prevent the container from colliding with an R-class star and destroying the system. Their success was broadcast to various worlds by technician Keven Tarr, with only those who harbored hatred for the Jedi being displeased by the disaster's outcome.

Raid at Ab Dalis

The salvation of the Hetzal system did not end the Legacy Run crisis; remaining fragments of the starship still traveling in hyperspace began to emerge in other Outer Rim systems, resulting in the Emergences. The First Emergence occurred in the Ab Dalis system, where only one of seven fragments struck the planet Ab Dalis. That single impact resulted in twenty million deaths. Even though Ro was the only member of the Nihil who knew they were responsible for the Great Hyperspace Disaster and the subsequent Emergences, Pan Eyta's Tempest planned a job to capitalize on the sudden disaster in the Ab Dalish system. Dee and Milliko also contributed some members from their Tempests to assist, but Milliko only allocated one Cloud's crew to the effort. Ro provided the three Tempests with the Paths needed to enter the system. Under the command of one of the Nihil fleet's warships, the largest ship in the attack force, the assembled Nihil could thus enter the system.

The Ab Dalis system (pictured) was the site of an Emergence and then a Nihil raid after the Great Disaster.

As a six-freighter convoy—carrying the entire workforce of Garello Technologies, many of its resources, and the workers' families—departed from Ab Dalis towards the outer edge of the system, the massive force of Nihil ships arrived, their craft shrouded in a storm-like effect. Unable to scan anything within the storm, the convoy attempted to maneuver around it, only for the marauders to suddenly open fire, disabling the freighter Maree's Diligence before the other convoy ships could raise their deflector shields. However, the freighters were not designed for battle and lacked escort fighters, giving the Nihil an advantage. Firing two more shots, the Nihil targeted another ship, which—thanks to its raised shields—was not crippled but still sustained significant damage from the blasts. Additionally, the shots briefly illuminated the inside of the storm, revealing the presence of a large force awaiting them.

Firing a final blast as a signal, various Nihil ships of different classes emerged to attack the convoy. As the convoy attempted to return fire, panic spread among those aboard the freighters as they realized the Nihil were attacking, forcing them to begin a likely-futile retreat. As company CEO Larence Garello reflected on what he had heard about the Nihil, a large number of Nihil attack ships focused on the disabled Maree's Diligence, swirling around it before launching harpoon-like projectiles into the freighter's hull. With each hook embedding deep into the unshielded ship, each attack craft simultaneously turned its engines towards the disabled freighter and activated its thrusters, tearing the Maree's Diligence apart and killing the thousands on board.

The crew of the Storm Zagyar (pictured) was tasked with recovering one of the disabled craft, only for it to explode.

With the planet behind them long since consumed by corruption and then struck by an Emergence, there was little hope of assistance against the Nihil, who had just committed mass murder in front of the entire convoy. The largest ship in the Nihil fleet fired another "lightning" blast, deactivating the freighter it hit, just like the Maree's Diligence. A crew from Lourna Dee's Tempest under the command of the Storm Zagyar was tasked with recovering the newly disabled craft. The Nihil surrounded the ship until it suddenly exploded, appearing to be the result of a reactor issue or some other malfunction. In reality, a member of Zagyar's crew, the young Strike Blit, had simply miscalculated the harpoon blast and struck one of the ship's fuel tanks. The resulting explosion eliminated many of the surrounding Nihil, including Blit herself and most of Zagyar's crew. Of his team, only five Strikes, two Clouds, and Zagyar himself survived.

Just as Garello felt a moment of triumph at his employees taking down some of the Nihil, the Nihil fleet focused its attention on the flagship and boarded the vessel. As Garello and his employees attempted to arm themselves, the Nihil smashed open the door to the bridge, which went flying and crushed a Klatooinian crewmember, before shooting three canisters of blue-grey gas into the bridge. The canisters exploded before hitting the floor, and the Nihil entered the bridge wearing their masks. Garello, as he succumbed to the gas, spotted the pirates and realized he had no chance of survival. Ultimately, the raiders slaughtered everyone in the Garello Technology convoy, reveling in their actions after tearing the ships apart. Under Pan Eyta's leadership, the Nihil involved in the raid seized everything the civilians possessed. With the spoils secured and the raid concluded, the Nihil returned to No-Space and the Great Hall. Nonetheless, Eyta was angered that the Nihil had only been able to raid five of the six ships in the convoy, given that one of the ships had exploded when the Nihil started to rip it open, robbing them of whatever spoils it contained.

One of the Emergences

Meanwhile, an increasing number of Emergences began to occur within the Outer Rim. As the Republic Defense Coalition blockaded hyperspace routes in the region to protect against the Emergences, leading to hardship as worlds in the Outer Rim began to suffer from supply shortages, Nihil ships became the only vessels capable of traversing hyperspace, as they alone utilized the Paths, while an increasing number of public hyperlanes were being blockaded with each Emergence. Ro's spies within the Republic also reported that the government was launching a major investigation into the Great Disaster and Emergences with the assistance of the Jedi. While he had achieved his goal of drawing the Republic's attention to the Nihil, he recognized that the pirates were not yet prepared for his ultimate objectives and sought to slow down operations until the time was right. Needing new Paths, he had also been working Tekka hard to fuel the future of both the Nihil and his own goals, meaning he had another, secret reason to hope the Runners agreed to suspend operations for some time.

Aftermath of the raid

Upon returning to No-Space, the Nihil gathered in the Great Hall to celebrate their victory at Ab Dalis with a rally led by the three Tempest Runners. Every Nihil who had participated in the raid was invited to take a seat at dozens of banquet tables laden with food, drugs, and drink—as during the celebration where they could as much of those they wanted—to share in the spoils. Among the feast tables and fountains were intoxicants like death sticks, piles of downfire, and piles of uppowder. The Runners themselves took their place on their high platform with a table of their own. Ro, hoping for a chance to speak with the Tempest Runners, also attended the gathering, leaving the Gaze Electric to loom behind the other Nihil craft outside the Great Hall, where he sat alone on a lower platform than the Runner's. As the rally began, the crowd quieted to hear their Eye quietly ask what he saw for them, which they responded to with a yell that they could take anything they wanted. Ro allowed Pan Eyta to take control of the rally, leading to the Dowutin celebrating their murders and victory at Ab Dalis with a speech, thanking Milliko, Dee, and Ro as well.

During a rally after the Ab Dalis raid, Zagyar stood before the Tempest Runners, explaining his crew's failure to secure the freighter that exploded.

After Eyta drank an entire goblet of spiced wine and Ro raised his hand in acknowledgment to the cheering crowd, Eyta suddenly brought up their failure to secure one of the freighters, demanding to know which Storm was in charge of the crew that failed. Faced with mounting pressure as the moments passed, Zagyar eventually stood, and Dee, seemingly unconcerned, allowed Eyta to mete out any punishment he wished upon her Storm. Summoned with the rest of his crew, Zagyar and his seven surviving crewmembers, all of whom shared their Storm's white eyes, walked through the parting crowd to stand before the Runners. Zagyar plainly and truthfully explained Blit's failure, which Ro respected but made no difference to Eyta, who demanded some form of punishment despite Blit's death, reasoning that one of the survivors could have provided better guidance. As all of the Nihil began to chant for a punishment, Zagyar hesitated to choose a victim as his tensing crew reached for their blades. Although Ro looked away at first, annoyed at the Runners playing Nihil against each other, he and the rest of the Nihil watched as one member of the crew was dragged off the platform into space despite their pleas. Ro remained unconcerned with who had been killed, even pondering if it was Zagyar himself even though, in fact, it wasn't.

With the lesson clear, Eyta let the party he said the Nihil had earned begin, enabling any Nihil who disagreed with the execution to hide it through indulging in the celebration or simply keeping on their mask. As loud music began to fill the room but before any of the Runners became drunk, Ro pulled the trio away to a back room at the far end of the Great Hall, ignoring the many Nihil who reached out to them to try to establish connections with their leadership. Passing its two droid sentries and entering the room, Milliko was the first to speak and complemented the party, only for Ro to remove his mask and show his face, striking fear into the hearts of the three Runners. Questioning whether it was indeed a good party or simply a large one before also noting that there were many new Nihil within all three Tempests, the Eye advised the Runners that they would need to slow down operations to not stretch themselves too thin, although Dee believed such an idea would not go over well with their Tempests. When Eyta realized Ro was again talking to them about the Republic, he remained sure the regime would not target their group, also noting the Paths would keep them safe.

Marchion Ro warned the Tempest Runners that the RDC and Jedi Order (pictured) would be too great a challenge for the Nihil.

Ro, acting as if he bore no responsibility for the Great Hyperspace Disaster, argued that the Emergences devastating the Outer Rim had sparked a significant, Jedi-supported investigation. However, Eyta interjected, expressing his desire to murder a Jedi. Disregarding Eyta's comment, Ro pointed out that the Tempest Runner would eventually die and need to select a Storm to succeed him. After allowing the tension to escalate until he was certain no one would openly defy him during the conversation, Ro contended that the Nihil were at risk of being easily discovered by the Jedi or RDC because they had become the sole entity capable of hyperspace travel. He emphasized that a modest RDC task force would be sufficient to eliminate the relatively small pirate group. Concluding that the Nihil needed to cease operations to remain hidden, Ro declared he would not be offering new Paths. Nevertheless, he advised the Runners to inform their subordinates, if they complained, that he envisioned a major new endeavor in the future. When Dee questioned the truth of this statement, Ro vaguely responded that he was perpetually devising new strategies. When Ro initiated a vote on whether to lie low, Milliko dissented, asserting that the Nihil needed to continue riding their storm, while Eyta concurred that it was an opportune moment for planning in case the Republic invaded their territory.

Milliko suspected that Eyta's agreement stemmed from his Tempest's substantial gains from the Ab Dalis raid, leading to an argument between Eyta and Milliko. Dee, as usual, remained silent on the matter. With the opinions clearly divided two-against-two, Ro's double vote on Path matters guaranteed a suspension of Path activities until the Republic investigation subsided. Much to the apparent irritation of the other two Runners and Ro himself, Dee abruptly announced that she wished to propose a new job for her Tempest, requiring a vote due to its involvement of the Paths. She elaborated that she had a new group of seven Strikes under the Cloud Ultident Margrona, who had devised an intriguing scheme to abduct the well-connected Blythe family for ransom. Although Ro initially vehemently opposed the idea, Dee then revealed that the family had relocated to the planet Elphrona. She explained that Elphrona lacked a significant security presence, while attempting to conceal her knowledge of a Jedi outpost on the world. Ro, also aware of the outpost, began to recognize the possibility that the Cloud's team could capture a Jedi, which would greatly benefit his future plans. After Dee detailed her need for the Paths in case of danger and the immense potential of the new group, Ro feigned interest in the rewards that capturing the family would yield.

The Nihil face the Jedi during their raid on Elphrona

Asserting that he did not want her to attract the attention of the Jedi, he consented, solidifying the decision with his two votes before requesting the plan and the team's requirements. As Dee and Eyta returned to the outside celebration, an irate Milliko remained behind as Ro replaced his mask and exited with him, complaining about the unfairness of granting Dee the job when he and Eyta also commanded Tempests. Believing his Tempest would be angry but unaware of Ro's interest in the Jedi on Elphrona, Milliko offered to provide the Eye with new job ideas that could generate wealth for both of them. After the two departed the room, Ro moved to gaze into space from the edge of the platform. Milliko, however, followed closely behind him and, perceiving Ro as a coward, claimed Asgar would never have suspended the Paths. Finally reacting by freezing in place, Ro reminded the Weequay that he had succeeded the deceased Asgar as the Eye. With the Runners free to do as they pleased with their Tempests as long as it did not involve the Paths, Ro challenged the Runner to make a move against him if he possessed sufficient courage, cautioning that such actions could result in a severe penalty.

Disseminating Devastation

As repercussions from the Great Disaster penetrated the Trymant system, the Nihil materialized above Trymant IV in a sizable starship. Nihil forces disembarked in Bralanak City as burning wreckage rained down upon the city, extracting a member of the Elders of the Path, Tromak, and his aide Krix Kamerat. With Ro's authorization secured, Nihil operatives participated in a raid on Elphrona.

The Nihil attack Trymant IV

Simultaneously, Kassav's Tempest engaged the Jedi Order in combat within the Kur Nebula, only for Ro to sacrifice the entire Tempest to divert attention from the larger organization, hoping the Jedi would believe the Nihil had been neutralized. The raid on Elphrona also culminated in victory for Ro when he dispatched the remainder of Dee's Tempest to reinforce the operation; the Nihil successfully apprehended Jedi Master Loden Greatstorm, fulfilling Ro's aspiration. To solidify his control over the entire organization, Ro presented doctored footage of the battle of the Kur Nebula, portraying Kassav's Tempest as having sacrificed themselves for their way of life, and leveraged the numerous new Paths he had acquired from Tekka to offer the pirates an opportunity for galaxy-wide raids.

Seeking to expel the Republic from the remote region near the periphery of the Dalnan sector, the Nihil dispatched the pirates Gwishi and Klinith to sabotage the luxury liner Steady Wing as it departed the remote outpost of Port Haileap with a prominent Republic figure aboard. Arriving at Port Haileap on a pilfered cargo hauler, the two impersonated mechanics, intending to incapacitate the genuine mechanics with ovax gas and damage the Steady Wing's escape pods to ensure no survivors.

A New Epoch

Reassembling on Grizal

Following the Battle of Kur, Ro instructed Lourna Dee and the other tempest runners to maintain silence and allow the Republic to believe the Nihil had been vanquished. During their respite, the Nihil had sought a base that could serve as both a haven and a stronghold, and Zeetar, the new Tempest Runner succeeding Kassav's death, discovered the prison complex on Grizal. However, a member of Pan Eyta's tempest named Sarn Starbreaker disregarded the directive to remain inconspicuous and led a raid on the shipyards of Cyclor in an attempt to plunder the Innovator, a new Republic vessel. They were apprehended by the Jedi, who destroyed the Cloudship Starbreaker was leading the attack from.

Chancellor Lina Soh and her pet Targons

Subsequently, Eyta was summoned back to Grizal and met with Dee and Zeetar, who had constructed a powersuit. Eyta ridiculed him for it, and the two engaged in combat until Dee intervened. Eyta inquired of the other Tempest Runners why he had been called back to Grizal, and Zeetar explained that it was because he had erred. Lourna clarified that they were referring to the attack on Cyclor, which had resulted in the death of an entire Cloud and placed the Republic on high alert. As Lourna and Zeetar insulted Sarn Starbreaker, Eyta insisted that the raid's failure was not his fault, as there were Jedi present at the shipyards, but Zeetar still reproached Eyta for disobeying Ro's orders to lie low. Pan countered by stating that they should no longer heed Ro, as the Nihil had outgrown his influence. However, Ro eventually arrived and threatened Eyta by deceiving him and electrocuting him, Eyta only saved by Dee. Increasingly angered towards Ro, Eyta revealed to the others that Ro did not personally provide the Paths and instead received them from Mari San Tekka, a fact he had learned from a man named Udi Dis who had been onboard the Gaze Electric.

Eyta then orchestrated a public dispute with Ro regarding the Nihil's recent inactivity following the Great Disaster, attracting the attention of the other Nihil forces assembled on Grizal. There, he disclosed the same secret of the Paths to the Tempests in order to undermine Ro's authority. However, Ro diffused Eyta's challenge to his position by redirecting the crowd's attention to the Nihil's next operation: an assault on the Republic Fair with the intention of assassinating Republic Chancellor Lina Soh. With the Nihil galvanized into a frenzy, Eyta was left with no alternative but to join in with their renewed support of Ro.

Assault on Valo

After Ro suppressed the dissent from Eyta and other Nihil, they prepared for their attack on the Valo Republic Fair. The Republic Fair was another of Chancellor Soh's Great Works intended to unite the galaxy and demonstrate that they had recovered from the Great Hyperspace Disaster and the Emergences. The marauders had assisted in seeding the carnivorous plant-like Drengir species across the Outer Rim to distract the Jedi, which succeeded, most of the Jedi of Starlight Beacon including Marshal Kriss being off fighting the Drengir while the Fair occurred. During the attack, Dee's Tempest conducted a ground assault while Eyta's attacked ships in orbit and Zeetar's picked off ships attempting to flee. They also disabled communications on the planet so that they could not call for help and placed Drengir around the communications tower so it could not be easily reactivated.

The Attack on Valo

The Nihil destroyed and decimated the fair, killing hundreds of thousands. They spread a giant War cloud of toxic gas across the entire fair to assist in their attack, their masks protecting them. They also specifically targeted the Innovator, which was on display at the fair as a gift to the Republic and a symbol of progress, sinking it into Lake Lonisa. Eyta remained aboard the Elegencia during the raid, coordinating the overall operation, while Dee fought on the ground. She dueled Ugor Jedi archivist OrbaLin, who bored her with lectures on Jedi artifacts during their fight. The Nihil also destroyed sky islands known as the World Pavilions that represented the different planets of the Republic. The original Nihil attack plan called for a bombardment from Eyta's ship once as much damage as possible had been caused by Dee's Tempest. However, when the tide of the ground battle turned against the Nihil, Eyta ordered the bombing early with Nihil forces still on the planet. One bomb severely injured Chancellor Soh. Lourna Dee, who had been attacking the Chancellor and her companions at the time, was also injured. A small force of Skyhawks and Jedi Vectors, led by Indeera Stokes, then attacked Pan's ships in hopes of stopping the carpet bombing. While their attack did draw Eyta's attention, all of the Skyhawks were destroyed in the attack, and Stokes was left alone as her fellow Jedi were forced to retreat with damaged Vectors. Before Indeera's ship could be destroyed, after communications were restored by Jedi Padawan Ram Jomaram, the Togruta fleet arrived, summoned to rescue their imperiled ruler on the planet below. Outmatched by these new arrivals, Pan ordered his forces to retreat, leaving his fellow Tempest Runners and their forces to fend for themselves.

After the successful attack, Eyta once again came into conflict with the Eye, who once again caught him in a trap, this time with a poisonous blade. He was given an antidote by Lourna Dee, who told him that she agreed with his frustrations with Ro's leadership. Dee told the Dowutin that another attack on the Cyclor Shipyards would catch the Republic off balance and vulnerable. Eyta agreed with this move and moved to attack the shipyards alongside Dee's Tempest. Upon arriving at Cyclor, the Tempest Runner was greeted by a large Republic and Jedi task force. Moreover, he discovered that Dee had sent him into this trap to rid herself of the other Tempest Runner. Eyta's Tempest suffered major casualties during the ensuing battle, prompting him to make use of a secret escape ship within the Elegencia.

Conflict of Grizal

On Grizal, Ro was contacted by Dee and informed that a Republic ship was approaching Grizal, and he ordered Dee to destroy the ship. However, the ship, occupied by Nihil Quin Amarant and his Republic prisoner, Klerin Chekkat, was allowed to land after Amarant hailed his fellow Nihil at Grizal. Unbeknownst to all of them, a pair of Jedi, Indeera Stokes and Greatstorm's Padawan, Bell Zettifar, hid aboard the ship. They activated a homing beacon after the vessel had been scanned, signaling other Jedi to the Nihil outpost's location. Using his helmet's internal display, Ro watched footage broadcast from Dee's own mask of Chekkat being dragged into Dee's chambers. Amarant then revealed that Chekkat knew the existence of a disruptor field, possessed by the Republic, that could disable all types of energy weapons. Zeetar ordered Lourna to kill Chekkat. At the same time, unknown to him, however, Ro's captive Jedi Loden Greatstorm had used a mind trick on his scientist Kisma Uttersond in order to have the Jedi released. However, Ro eventually apprehended him and held the Jedi's own lightsaber to him.

The Great Leveler attacks Bell Zettifar

At that moment, Jedi Master Stellan Gios and his Red Group departed the ongoing Second Battle of Cyclor, having received the homing signal, arriving at Grizal and assaulting the base. and began attacking the base in what became known as the Battle of Grizal. Dee gave the word to abandon the base, and most of her tempest immediately scattered. Ro was informed of the attack before Greatstorm used the distraction as an opportunity to enter a fight with him in which Greatstorm managed to get outside of the ship. Ro followed him and then immediately came under fire from a Vector, forcing him to throw himself to the deck, his armor protecting him from harm.

During the attack, Jedi Bell Zettifar was briefly reunited with Greatstorm, who was his thought-dead Master. However, Marchion Ro unleashed a living weapon called the Great Leveler against the Jedi, killing Greatstorm and traumatizing Zettifar. In the aftermath, the Jedi assumed that the Twi'lek Tempest Runner Lourna Dee, who had escaped the battle, was the true leader of the Nihil. As a response to the attack on the fair, the Republic launched a campaign called Operation: Counterstrike to wipe out the Nihil. At some point, while a number of other Nihil raids had recently failed, the Nihil of Dee's Tempest carried out a successful raid on Krupx Munitions, during which they captured a number of nova charges.


Marchion Ro and other major Nihil members

In 200 BBY, the Jedi Padawan Sean remembered the Nihil as an illegal organization that once invaded the Galactic Republic. By the year 132 BBY, the Nihil would be defeated, which was celebrated across the galaxy. During the time of the Galactic Empire, the warlord Burnium Ro utilized rhetoric and imagery associated with the organization. As such, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin of the Empire sent his protégé, Lieutenant Commander Ellian Zahra, to destroy Ro and his operation.

In 3 ABY, Beol De'Rruyet of De'Rruyet Industries claimed to possess a Nihil path engine and have the ability to replicate it, which would subsequently unlock the ancient method of lightspeed travel. As the unveiling of such technology would have a significant effect on the galactic economy, Domina Tagge of the House of Tagge intended to stop De'Rruyet, recruiting the rogue archaeologist Doctor Chelli Aphra to ascertain whether De'Rruyet's claims were true. Later in 3 ABY, the scoundrel Kay Vess found the ruins of the Castellan, a High Republic Era vessel once brought down by the Nihil.

The Making Of

The Nihil were conceived for the Star Wars: The High Republic publishing project. The group was developed as a potential solution to the question of what would frighten the Jedi, which was posed by High Republic writer Cavan Scott during an initial meeting. The Nihil were first mentioned in the comic story "The Lost Stories, Part 1," authored by Scott and published in Star Wars Adventures (2017) 30 by IDW Publishing on January 29, 2020. During the official announcement panel for Star Wars: The High Republic, the Nihil were revealed to be associated with the project, and concept art for members of the group was displayed.

In the project's announcement trailer, the Nihil were characterized as "space Vikings." The appearance of the Nihil was derived from art specifically created for the initiative. Concepts from other Star Wars works such as Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens that explored individuals such as pirates and scavengers pointed toward a force that was uniform in its non-uniformity.

In writing the Nihil, Charles Soule, author of the novel The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, sought to explore a villain that was genuinely terrifying and lacked allegiance to any ideology, unlike most villains in Star Wars. Justina Ireland, author of The High Republic: A Test of Courage, viewed the Nihil and the devastation they caused in various parts of the galaxy as an opportunity for more intimate storytelling as well as the Jedi engaging in a conflict that did not necessarily involve the light side of the Force against the dark side but instead was simply survival.

