This is a promotional image for the Valo Republic Fair.
A sequence of events known as the Republic Fair was put on by the Galactic Republic. Avon Starros enjoyed amusement park attractions at a Republic Fair sometime before her assignment to Port Haileap. A Fair was organized on Valo in 231 BBY by Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh as a component of her Great Works, drawing important figures and visitors from all over the galaxy. The Jedi Order was also a major participant in the celebration. However, the Nihil, a band of dangerous marauders responsible for the Great Hyperspace Disaster the previous year, attacked the Valo Fair, resulting in numerous deaths.
The Republic Fair was conceived as a piece of the larger Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project. It was initially revealed during the initiative's launch event on January 4, 2021. The Republic Fair played a role in the second wave of material from the initiative, notably in the novels The High Republic: The Rising Storm, penned by Cavan Scott, and The High Republic: Race to Crashpoint Tower, authored by Daniel José Older with illustrations by Petur Antonsson; both were released on June 29, 2021.
Scott likened the Republic Fair to a World Fair for the Galactic Republic. A promotional poster for the Republic Fair was displayed on May 5, 2021, on the website dedicated to The High Republic.
The Rising Storm states that the Valo Republic Fair was the first such event in a generation, which is inconsistent with a reference in The High Republic: A Test of Courage to Avon Starros, at age twelve, having enjoyed rides at a previous iteration of the fair.