A warlord can be defined as a military commander wielding authority over a civilian region.
Throughout the extensive timeline of galactic history, the Hutt species maintained a vast criminal syndicate, the Hutt Clan, also referred to as the Hutt Cartel, which spanned numerous planets and directly governed a portion of the galaxy known as Hutt Space. At times, the Hutts functioned as warlords, while at others, they were viewed as mere gangsters. Throughout its existence, the Galactic Republic engaged in conflicts with warlords and other adversaries, including the Hutts, particularly when the cartel challenged the Republic's authority. Following their annexation of the Occlusion Zone, the Nihil marauders counted warlords such as Melis Shryke among their ranks. Furthermore, after the Nihil publicly executed Grand Master Pra-Tre Veter, Supreme Chancellor Lina Soh voiced concerns that the Republic's inability to protect its citizens would embolden numerous minor warlords to seize and govern their own territories within the galaxy.

After the destruction of Starlight Beacon, Lula Talisola, an amnesiac Jedi Padawan, adopted the persona of Tartak Vil, a rogue Nihil warlord, and established a small dominion on the moon Bracront, situated just outside the Nihil-controlled Occlusion Zone. Seeking self-preservation and observing that people readily obeyed her when she wore stolen Nihil attire, despite her lack of knowledge about the Nihil, she assumed the identity of "Tartak Vil" for safety. By maintaining a discreet presence and capitalizing on the Galactic Republic's focus on the larger Nihil organization, "Vil" successfully maintained "his" rule on Bracront with the support of the local populace, whom "Vil" protected and supported as a benevolent leader. The arrival of Talisola's former lover, Zeen Mrala, aided Talisola in moving beyond that identity and recovering her lost memories.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems utilized the position of warlord, with figures such as General Grievous, the Kaleesh cyborg who served as the Supreme Commander, holding this title. Previously, Grievous had also functioned as a warlord of the Kaleesh, leading the Izvoshra. As a Separatist warlord and the Supreme Commander of the government, Grievous, alongside Head of State Count Dooku, directed the Confederacy military in its war against the Galactic Republic. Dooku himself was also regarded as a warlord. Other Confederate warlords included Archduke Poggle the Lesser of the Stalgasin hive and Karkarodon Commander Riff Tamson.
Despite the Jedi Order's dedication to peace, its members were compelled to serve as battlefield commanders for the Republic during the conflict with the Separatists, with Jedi Knights and Masters being granted the rank of Jedi General under the Jedi Military Integration Act. One such Jedi General, Master Pong Krell, succumbed to the dark side of the Force and began acting as a warlord. Krell aspired to join Dooku and become the count's new apprentice, but his ambitions were thwarted by the clone troopers whose trust he had betrayed: Clone Captain Rex united the 501st Legion and 212th Attack Battalion against the rogue Jedi, leading to Krell's execution by trooper Dogma, who had previously been his most devoted follower.

Kaplan held the position of warlord within the Galactic Empire. Darth Vader, the Sith Lord and apprentice to Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine, wielded authority over the Imperial Military akin to that of a Commander-in-Chief, effectively functioning as a warlord for the Empire. Burnium Ro was a warlord during the Imperial Era who evoked the imagery of the Nihil, creating a force of Nihil-inspired holdouts.
Within the Kingdom of Shu-Torun, the position of celebrant warlord existed, serving as the head of the War-Faith and leading conflicts against the kingdom's enemies. During the reign of one king, he held both the roles of monarch and celebrant warlord, intending to pass his crown to his eldest son, Monthan, while the warlord title would be given to his second eldest child, Hollian, the current Shu-Torun war minister. However, Vader's arrival led to the execution of the entire family, except for the king's youngest child, Princess Trios, who inherited all royal titles and thus became both warlord and queen.

Following their significant defeat in the Battle of Endor, which resulted in the apparent death of Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine and the destruction of the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station, the Galactic Empire fragmented into warring factions. After its collapse in the Battle of Jakku, the Empire was reduced to scattered warlords and mercenaries. While some were dedicated to restoring the Empire, many were more interested in establishing their own domains from the remnants of the Empire.
In the years following the Empire's fall, Moff Gideon and Grand Admiral Mitth'raw'nuruodo, known as "Thrawn," acted as warlords with plans to revive and lead the Empire during their conflicts with the New Republic. Gideon also belonged to the Shadow Council, a clandestine group of Imperial Remnant warlords who collaborated while awaiting Thrawn's return to wage war against the New Republic. Teza Nasz, a former Imperial strategist who survived the events on Jakku, later united a warrior clan of Rattatak under her leadership as a warlord, possessing the strength and intellect to maintain her position. Three decades after the Battle of Endor, Kylo Ren severed his ties with the Jedi Order and became the new Master of the Knights of Ren, assuming the roles of warlord and, ultimately, Supreme Leader of the First Order.
The concept of a warlord initially appeared in Star Wars media through the character of Darth Vader, who made his canonical debut in 1977's Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, the first Star Wars film. However, Vader was not officially identified as a warlord until the 2019 reference book, Star Wars: The Secrets of the Jedi.
The audio description for the 2002 film Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones on Disney+ inaccurately translates a quote from Poggle, suggesting he is sending his "warlords" to hide in the Geonosis catacombs. The film's subtitles, however, indicate that Poggle is sending his Geonosian warriors to the catacombs.