501st Legion

The 501st Legion, originally established as the 501st Clone Battalion under the banner of the Grand Army of the Republic and later integrated into the Imperial Army as the 501st Imperial Legion, also known as the 501st Stormtrooper Legion—and famously called "Vader's Fist"—was a distinguished stormtrooper legion answering to the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader during the Imperial Era. Before the rise of the Galactic Empire, its history began during the Clone Wars of the late Republic Era, where the 501st served as an elite military battalion that evolved into a legion of clone troopers within the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic. Under the command structure of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, and Clone Commander Rex, the 501st engaged in combat against the Separatist Droid Army belonging to the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Throughout this period of conflict, the soldiers of the 501st became well-known for their exceptional bravery, innovative combat strategies, and steadfast dedication to the Republic.

The 501st participated in numerous battles across the galaxy, playing a significant role in several historic events, including the Battle of Christophsis, the Second Battle of Geonosis, and the Battle of Umbara. During the campaign on Umbara, Skywalker was summoned back to the Republic capital on Coruscant, resulting in General Pong Krell taking temporary command of the legion. Unbeknownst to the clones under his command, Krell had fallen to the dark side of the Force, and anticipating the emergence of a New Order, he secretly worked to undermine the Republic. When his betrayal was uncovered, the 501st initiated a mutiny against Krell. Despite suffering casualties during the confrontation with their commanding officer, they ultimately succeeded in capturing Krell, who was subsequently executed while in military custody.

A specific event within the 501st nearly revealed a Sith plot against the Jedi Order. During the Battle of Ringo Vinda, 501st trooper Tup committed an act of betrayal by killing General Tiplar, which led to an investigation that uncovered a concealed behavioral modification biochip implanted within the brain of every clone trooper. Fives, an Advanced Recon Commando assigned to the 501st, conducted a deeper investigation into the matter and discovered that these chips were designed to force the clones to turn against and eliminate their Jedi allies. Alarmed by this revelation, he shared his findings with Skywalker and Rex, but he was unable to fully convince them before his death at the hands of the clone shock troopers from the Coruscant Guard.

In the final days of the Clone Wars, Skywalker divided the 501st, creating the 332nd Division and sending it, including the 332nd Company, to Mandalore. Led by Commander Rex and former Commander Tano, the division achieved victory over the Mandalorian super commandos and captured their leader, the former Sith apprentice Maul. However, during their return journey to Coruscant, the Great Jedi Purge began when Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine—the Sith Lord Darth Sidious—issued Order 66, turning the clone troopers against their Jedi officers. While the 501st failed to eliminate Tano, the remaining portion of the legion stormed the Jedi Temple and massacred its inhabitants, including Padawans and Jedi younglings, under the direction of the newly appointed Sith Lord Darth Vader during Operation: Knightfall. Rex abandoned the 501st after defending Tano from his own troops, including Jesse, who all perished in their attempts to execute Order 66. On Coruscant, the 501st was defeated by Jedi Masters Yoda and Obi-Wan Kenobi, who had infiltrated the [Temple](/article/jedi_temple], while Sidious declared himself Emperor of the Galactic Empire.

The 501st was integrated into the Imperial Military, becoming a legion within the Stormtrooper Corps, which transitioned to recruiting human soldiers after the Empire ceased the cloning operations on Kamino. Although the 1st Legion took the 501st's place as Vader's personal legion, the 501st continued to serve under the Dark Lord's command, even being personally led by him during events such as the capture of Princess Leia Organa. During the height of the [Galactic Civil War](/article/galactic_civil_war], the 501st participated in the Battle of Hoth, where the Empire aimed to destroy the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Ultimately, the legion's final engagement was at the Battle of Endor, where it was fragmented following the death of the Emperor and the defeat of the Empire.


Republic service


For the majority of the Clone Wars, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, and Clone Captain Rex jointly commanded the 501st Legion, with Rex serving as the primary officer.

The 501st Legion, which began its service as the 501st Clone Battalion, was an elite unit within the Republic Military. Organized first as a battalion and subsequently as a legion, the 501st was comprised of distinguished clone troopers under the leadership of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano. Jedi General Pong Krell briefly and provisionally led the legion during the Battle of Umbara, a period when Skywalker was removed from the front lines by the Jedi High Council at the request of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine himself. Clone Captain Rex acted as Skywalker's primary subordinate. Despite holding only the rank of captain, Rex commanded the entire 501st as its leader, with only Jedi officers holding a higher rank.

During the Battle of Umbara, at least one Clone Commander was present within the legion, but this did not diminish Rex's authority. At the conclusion of the Clone Wars, Rex was promoted to Clone Commander when the 501st Legion was divided into two groups. Rex assumed command of the 332nd Division, while the other half of the 501st was placed under Appo, a Clone Sergeant within the legion who was promoted to Clone Commander following the execution of Order 66, as Rex was off-world with the 332nd. Other officers in the 501st included Clone Captain Vaughn, Clone Lieutenant Jesse, Clone Lieutenant Hawk, Clone Sergeant Fox, and another clone sergeant.


The 501st was recognized as an elite clone trooper legion within the Grand Army of the Republic.

Initially a battalion, the 501st underwent reorganization to become a legion. Consequently, the 501st was composed of various sub-units. When the unit was split into two groups at the end of its service to the Galactic Republic, one of these groups was the 332nd Division. The 501st also included at least three brigades, which included the Carnivore Battalion and Execute Battalion, as well as a battalion on Umbara, each consisting of the standard 576 troopers. Additionally, an armored brigade was deployed under the 501st's command. Numerous companies comprised the legion, including the 332nd Company and Torrent Company.

Platoons within the legion included a platoon in the 332nd Company, another platoon under the direct command of Captain Rex, and another platoon that specialized in cold-weather operations and comprised four squads, including first squad. Other squads within the legion included a squad directly led by Rex and a squad led by Skywalker. Additional units in the legion included Skywalker's team, Calm Tree, Snow Wolves, and Wildfire. Furthermore, the 501st maintained its own starship group.

Culture and training

The 501st was known for its courage and its unique approach to warfare.

The 501st Legion was a close-knit squadron celebrated for its bravery, non-traditional combat methods, and unwavering dedication. It participated in historic conflicts ranging from the Battle of Christophsis to the Siege of Mandalore and frequently operated alongside Obi-Wan Kenobi's 212th Attack Battalion. The 501st secured victories in numerous battles, often against seemingly insurmountable odds. Many, including Kenobi, speculated that Skywalker's unconventional strategies had an impact on the members of his unit. They demonstrated unwavering ferocity in combat and showed no mercy. Initially, the 501st received training in basic combat tactics, but they lacked specific training for engaging Separatist forces at the start of their service. A rigorous training regimen improved their performance.

Equipment and vehicles

An ARF trooper is seen on an AT-RT, which is painted with the blue markings of the 501st Legion.

The 501st Legion utilized All Terrain Tactical Enforcers, All Terrain Reconnaissance Transports, and various other vehicles. During the Battle of Horain, the 501st Legion commandeered an Armored Assault Tank Mk I. The 501st Legion employed the Phase I clone trooper armor during the early stages of the Clone Wars, from the First Battle of Geonosis until the introduction of the Phase II model by the time of the Battle of Mon Cala. On certain occasions, Rex and other members of the 501st utilized jetpacks for aerial transport and enhanced mobility.

By the time of the Battle of Arantara, Rex wore his armor featuring blue markings, a command pauldron, and a kama. By the time of Christophsis, Rex was not the only clone trooper in the legion with blue markings, as several others had them as well. A clone sergeant had blue markings around this time. Over time, more troopers of the 501st began to customize their own gear, incorporating blue as a complementary color to the standard white. The distinct blue color and markings clearly identified them as one of the army's most well-known units.

As the war progressed, Phase II clone trooper armor became widespread within the ranks of the Grand Army of the Republic, replacing the Phase I model. The 501st adopted the new armor and quickly added their signature blue markings. Nevertheless, some clones, such as Rex, the Advanced Recon Commandos, and even regular soldiers, retained their own unique designs that set them apart from the rest of the 501st. As an elite unit, the 501st recognized the importance of communication for coordinating actions during combat and therefore used their Phase II helmet's built-in comlink on the battlefield. Ahsoka Tano's Togruta markings served as the inspiration for the redesigned helmets worn by the 501st clones who remained loyal to their former commander.


Within the 501st Legion, officers, medics, and other specialists served alongside standard soldiers.

As a legion within the Grand Army of the Republic, the 501st Legion consisted of clone troopers with various specializations. In addition to the standard clone trooper, the 501st deployed clone trooper pilots through its starship and ground vehicle groups, as well as clone gunners and various clone trooper officers with a wide range of customized armor and equipment. The 501st included a variety of specialized clone troopers who served in operational capacities, including Clone Comms Technicians responsible for maintaining proper communication and Clone Engineers tasked with ensuring the operational status of Republic vehicles.

Elite special forces clone trooper variants were also assigned to the elite 501st Legion, including several Advanced Recon Commandos for special operations and general deployment, many Advanced Recon Force Scout Troopers for reconnaissance and light vehicle support, and clone commandos. The 501st was also equipped with other types of specialized troopers for different combat scenarios, including many clone jetpack troopers for aerial combat, clone sharpshooters for sniping and marksman actions, heavy weapons clone troopers for heavy infantry support, clone medics for medical aid and assistance, and clone cold assault troopers for cold weather operations.

Imperial service

Command and organization

During its service to the Galactic Empire, the 501st transitioned to using stormtrooper armor.

Under the service of the Galactic Empire, the 501st Legion was commanded by Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Vader, formerly the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, as his personal legion of troops. Officers who served in the legion included General Maximilian Veers, Brigadier General Nevar, Colonel Starck, Commander Daine Jir, Commander Praji, Stormtrooper Commander TD-4445, Stormtrooper Commander TK-9091, commanding officer TK-4601, Captain Wanten, Captain TS-4068, another captain, and Sergeant Kreel.

The legion could be divided into squads, which could be further divided into fireteams. Blizzard Force, a unit consisting of AT-ATs and snowtroopers, was part of the 501st Legion. Blizzard Force adopted its name from its aggressive tactics, striking targets quickly and decisively. Blizzard Force utilized a range of ground vehicles, including AT-ATs and AT-STs. Blizzard Force troops were not subtle and were infamous for not taking prisoners unless specifically ordered to do so. Members of Blizzard Force were, in their own right, one of the most feared units in the Imperial Army. Blizzard Force's AT-AT squadron was known as the Thundering Herd and also included other units, such as unit two-two-eight-seven. The 501st also maintained a standing sandtrooper regiment, which included multiple units, such as Foot Patrol 7. Task Force 99, a Special Commando Advanced Recon Trooper squad, was attached to the elite 501st, which at the time continued to report to the highest levels of Imperial High Command.

With the end of the Republic Era, the 501st transitioned from clone troopers to stormtroopers and continued to employ several variant units, including elite storm commandos and snowtroopers. With the Republic's transformation into the Empire, the Kaminoan cloning production was shut down, and the Imperial Military replaced clones with human conscripts. These changes also applied to the 501st. By 0 BBY, human Soldiers such as TK-7624, TK-8332, and Commander TK-9091 served in the 501st.

Equipment and vehicles

After the 501st was absorbed into the Imperial Military, becoming a division of the Stormtrooper Corps, its members were equipped with stormtrooper armor and the E-11 medium blaster rifle as their primary weapon. The legion also used terrain-specific equipment employed by cold weather assault stormtroopers during the mission on Hoth.


Clone Wars

Foundation and Geonosis

The 501st Legion participated in the Battle of Geonosis, which marked the beginning of the Clone Wars.

At the outset of the pan-galactic Clone Wars in 22 BBY, the Galactic Republic mobilized an army of clone troopers to combat the armies of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, ending a millennium of peace. These soldiers, cloned from the genetic source material of the human template Jango Fett, formed the core of the Grand Army of the Republic, which was organized into various corps, battalions, regiments, platoons, and other units.

One such unit within the Grand Army of the Republic was the 501st Clone Battalion. It began as an elite group of clone troopers and participated in the initial action that triggered the Clone Wars: the First Battle of Geonosis. Although they had not yet been assigned to the Jedi Anakin Skywalker, as he was pursuing Separatist Head of State Count Dooku, the 501st was transported from its homeworld of Kamino to Geonosis by Grand Master Yoda and engaged in battle against the Separatist forces. Despite being well-trained in basic combat tactics, members of the 501st did not receive specific training to fight Separatist forces. Fortunately for the Republic troops, the Separatists were conducting a rear-guard action to defend their transports, which were attempting to escape into space.

Jedi General Anakin Skywalker was given command of the 501st, with Clone Captain Rex serving as his first officer.

Even amidst dire circumstances, the 501st Clone Battalion's soldiers engaged the newest droid forces, including unpainted B2-series super battle droids fresh off the assembly line. Clone Captain Rex commanded the battalion, and his and his clone troopers' performance at Geonosis led to their designation as veterans within the Grand Army. This initial battle provided vital combat experience to the veterans, which they then imparted to the incoming rookie troopers who were intended to fill the ranks left by the unit's casualties. Furthermore, the 501st underwent reorganization following this battle, gaining sponsorship from Republic Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, eventually evolving into the 501st Legion, and being placed under the command of Anakin Skywalker.

Skywalker was promoted to Jedi Knight and given the military title of Jedi General, and subsequently led the legion with Captain Rex as his second-in-command. As war spread across the galaxy, the 501st Legion was deployed to numerous battlefronts, with an increasing number of Jedi joining the Republic Military. Throughout the war, Skywalker and the 501st launched assaults on several droid manufacturing facilities.

Initial Deployments and Hisseen

The Battle of Arantara was among the unit's first engagements, during which 501st Clone Captain Rex was injured and unable to fight. Upon regaining consciousness, General Skywalker imparted a lesson, explaining that a true leader always leads from the front. Another early assignment involved a mission to Benglor to investigate Separatist activities on that planet. After uncovering evidence of Separatist battle droids, members of the 501st found themselves under attack by an indigenous creature, which resulted in the death of 501st clone trooper Bellow.

Captain Rex's 501st often served alongside Clone Commander Cody and the 212th Attack Battalion.

Later, the 501st Legion was involved in the Separatist siege of Hisseen, fighting alongside the 7th Sky Corps under the command of High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Clone Marshal Commander Cody, as well as the 104th Battalion commanded by Jedi General Plo Koon and Clone Commander Wolffe. After establishing a secure position on the planet Hisseen, clone troopers from these three units defended the Hisseenians against continuous waves of battle droids, until the three Jedi arrived to defeat the remaining droid forces. Soon after, the Jedi were compelled to leave their troops to maintain the ground while they engaged Separatist leader Count Dooku and his apprentice Asajj Ventress. At that point, additional droid forces pressed their attack on the clone troopers, and members of the 104th and 7th were sent to rescue members of the Hisseenian parliament, while the 501st maintained the front lines.

Shortly after the rescue of the parliamentary members, Rex contacted Cody to request reinforcements as the droid assault intensified. As the 501st troopers suffered increasing casualties and were on the verge of being overrun, Commanders Cody and Wolffe returned with their units to provide support. Following several explosions, the clone units were disoriented and captured by the droid forces, who had overwhelmed the Republic position, but they were rescued upon the return of the Jedi Generals. With Separatist forces retreating from Hisseen, Republic forces, including the 501st Legion, were ordered back to the Republic capital world of Coruscant.

Christophsis Conflict

The 501st during the Republic campaign on Christophsis.

Skywalker and Rex spearheaded the 501st's Torrent Company throughout the campaign aimed at reclaiming Christophsis. During this conflict, the 501st was joined by Ahsoka Tano, Skywalker's new apprentice, who asserted her authority as a Jedi Commander by virtue of her status as a Padawan within the Order. Following a victory over the Separatists, achieved with the assistance of the 212th Attack Battalion, the 501st was rerouted to the planet Teth with instructions to rescue Rotta, the son of the Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Despite enduring substantial losses against the droid army, they ultimately triumphed in the Battle of Teth with assistance from General Obi-Wan Kenobi and the 212th.

Subsequently, the 501st Legion took part in the Battle of Mimban, fighting alongside the 224th Clone Division's Mud Jumpers. The 501st and 224th engaged a significant Separatist droid force, and after Jedi General Laan Tik was killed and they sustained heavy fire, Captain Rex commanded the Republic forces to retreat to their military outpost. At the outpost, Captain Rex and his officers reviewed their situation, and Captain Rex decided to withdraw his forces while he single-handedly destroyed the Separatist deflector shield generator. Junior Representative Jar Jar Binks, who was accompanying the Republic troops, used General Tik's lightsaber to assist Captain Rex after he was injured and defeated, and together they advanced to the shield generator.

Rookies Echo and Fives transferred to the 501st.

Throughout the war, Skywalker's legion continued its service to the Republic, undertaking various missions and incorporating new troopers, Echo and Fives, who were deemed worthy by Rex to join the elite ranks of the 501st.

Given Skywalker's frequent collaborations with his mentor Kenobi, the 501st also served alongside the 212th in several operations, including the voyage of Duchess Satine Kryze from Mandalore to Coruscant. The combined efforts of the 501st and 212th thwarted the Death Watch, a terrorist organization opposing Kryze's government, from assassinating the duchess before she reached the galactic capital. Later, a detachment from the 501st, along with a squad of clone ordnance specialists, was dispatched to Naboo, where they successfully prevented Doctor Nuvo Vindi's scheme to unleash biological warfare on the population.

Units of the 501st, under the command of Skywalker, Tano, and Captain Rex, participated in the First Battle of Felucia alongside Kenobi and Commander Cody. Facing overwhelming odds in terms of both numbers and firepower, Republic forces were confined to a small area, relying on their AT-TE walkers for cover and support. While General Plo Koon and his forces attempted to break through the Separatist Felucia blockade, Tano led a jungle patrol from a HAVw A6 Juggernaut escorted by a pair of AT-TE walkers. After Koon's forces succeeded in breaking through, Republic gunships evacuated Republic forces from the AT-TEs before moving to extract Tano and her patrol group.

Following the theft of a holocron from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the 501st's Carnivore and Execute Battalions were dispatched on a mission to Devaron to recover the artifact from Cad Bane. During the ensuing conflict between Republic and Separatist forces, the 501st forces boarded a Separatist frigate but failed to secure the holocron. The bounty hunter was believed to have perished in the battle, but he survived by disguising himself in the clone armor of 501st trooper Denal and escaping with the holocron.

Kamino and Lola Sayu Engagements

The 501st defended the clone hatcheries in the Battle of Kamino.

When the Separatists devised a plan to cripple the Republic by attacking the cloning facilities on Kamino, the 501st and 212th swiftly moved to defend their homeworld and bolster the local garrison. The Battle of Kamino resulted in a hard-fought victory for the Republic, thanks in part to the actions of the 501st. Troopers Echo and Fives, in particular, were commended for their service by Captain Rex and Commander Cody of the 212th, leading to their promotions to the elite rank of ARC trooper after the battle. Subsequently, Rex and the newly appointed ARC troopers of the 501st accompanied Skywalker and Kenobi to infiltrate the Citadel. While the Republic successfully retrieved the information regarding the Nexus Route from General Even Piell and his captain, Wilhuff Tarkin, the mission resulted in the loss of Echo, who survived but was presumed dead, along with other casualties.

Felucia and Horain Clashes

The 501st prevailed on Felucia, supporting the 104th Battalion against Separatist battle droids.

Following the Battle of Lola Sayu, the 501st Legion was redeployed to Felucia alongside the 104th Battalion and several clone tank divisions, becoming involved in the Second Battle of Felucia. Around this time, the Phase I clone trooper armor was replaced by the Phase II armor, which the 501st Legion adopted throughout its ranks. The 501st's Torrent Company was then dispatched to Horain to engage the Separatist garrison stationed there, participating in the Battle of Horain. During the battle, Captain Rex and members of Torrent Company encountered a group of Horian children in a crater, and after helping them escape, Rex became separated from his unit and was pinned down by a large contingent of Separatist forces. After attempting to contact General Skywalker, Captain Rex was rescued by General Kenobi. In the ensuing skirmish, Separatist droid B1-0516 sustained damage to its central processing unit and began assisting Rex and Kenobi. Following the droid's capture, Rex and Kenobi rescued it from the Separatist headquarters, eventually reuniting with Skywalker and the rest of Torrent Company at the Republic Evacuation Point.

Umbara Conflict

The 501st mutinied against Jedi General Pong Krell during the Battle of Umbara.

A battalion from the 501st was among the clone formations deployed by the Republic to retake Umbara from the Separatist Alliance. During this campaign, Skywalker was summoned back to Coruscant by the Jedi High Council at the request of Chancellor Palpatine, leaving the 501st under the command of Jedi General Pong Krell. Despite his reputation as a war hero with a distinguished service record, Krell became a Separatist spy after embracing the dark side of the Force. He intentionally sabotaged his own strategies to undermine the clones, whom he viewed with contempt and disgust.

Krell's betrayal was exposed after he manipulated the 501st and the 212th into fighting each other, resulting in friendly fire incidents. Under the leadership of Captain Rex, the battalions mutinied against Krell, but the fallen Jedi slaughtered many clones. However, he was eventually captured while attempting to escape. As a consequence of his actions, Krell was summarily executed by his most loyal soldier, Dogma, who was subsequently taken into Republic custody for the killing of an officer, but Rex gave Dogma a reassuring nod as he was escorted away. Afterward, Fives informed the Clone Captain that Umbara had been conquered, but Rex began to question the purpose of the war and the fate that awaited them upon its conclusion.


Fives was killed while trying to expose a Sith conspiracy against the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic.

During the Battle of Ringo Vinda, the 501st was compelled to retreat from the Separatists due to an unexpected incident: Tup murdered Jedi General Tiplar. Suffering from a malfunction in his inhibitor chip, the trooper turned against the Jedi, triggering a premature execution of Order 66—a clone protocol designed to turn the clone army against their Jedi officers in the event of a Jedi rebellion. This event prompted an investigation that began on Kamino but was later moved to Coruscant at Chancellor Palpatine's request.

By this point, ARC trooper Fives had partially uncovered the nature of the inhibitor chips and, believing they posed a threat to the Grand Army's security, demanded their immediate removal from the brains of every clone trooper. However, the Chancellor revealed his knowledge of the chips and their true purpose to Fives, causing the clone to become a fugitive after attempting to assassinate Palpatine. The rogue clone tried to expose Palpatine's conspiracy to Rex and Skywalker, but Fives was killed by Commander Fox of the Coruscant Guard before he could provide proof of his claims. He died in Rex's arms, stating that he had only wanted to fulfill his duty and that his nightmares were finally over.

Final Engagements

The 501st Legion participated in the Outer Rim Sieges, including the Battle of Anaxes. They were also involved in the Fourth Battle of Mygeeto and the Battle of Yerbana. Following this engagement, the 501st was divided into two forces to participate in the Battle of Coruscant and the Siege of Mandalore. Elements of the 501st Legion, alongside the 41st Elite Corps and the Wookiee Army's Kachirho Wookiee Militia, participated in the Battle of Kashyyyk to defend Kachirho City and prevent further landings by Separatist forces in their attempt to capture the vital trade and communications hub.

Great Jedi Purge

A company of troopers' helmets were customized to resemble Ahsoka Tano's face.

In 19 BBY, the 501st and 212th fought in the Outer Rim Sieges, including the Battle of Yerbana. Following this battle, Ahsoka Tano, who had left the Jedi Order after being framed for the bombing of the Jedi Temple hangar, reunited with Skywalker and the legion. She and Lady Bo-Katan Kryze of the Mandalore resistance had located the rogue Sith Lord Maul in the Mandalorian capital of Sundari. While Skywalker was willing to grant their request for a joint Republic/resistance operation, he and General Kenobi learned that Separatist General Grievous had attacked Coruscant. Skywalker established a new division within the 501st, known as the 332nd Division, and promoted Rex to its commander. This division was to be sent to Mandalore with Tano and the Mandalorians, while the remainder of the legion would accompany him and Kenobi to Coruscant. The Battle of Coruscant resulted in a Republic victory, with Skywalker even killing Separatist Head of State Count Dooku, and the Siege of Mandalore ultimately led to the 501st and resistance's victory and Maul's capture.

The conspiracy uncovered by Fives culminated in the mass execution of Order 66, forcing the Grand Army to betray their Jedi leaders throughout the galaxy. Palpatine, who had orchestrated the Clone Wars as Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith, used the clone army as the instrument for both the fall of the Jedi Order and the Sith's rise to absolute power. Aiding the Dark Lord in the initial phase of the Great Jedi Purge was Anakin Skywalker, now known as the Sith Lord Darth Vader after being corrupted by the dark side. On the Venator-class Star Destroyer Tribunal, Rex, his division of the 501st, and a force of Coruscant Guard clone shock troopers, received the order while en route back to Coruscant with Maul in custody. Although Tano was no longer part of the Jedi Order, she was targeted by the clones, but Rex resisted long enough to instruct her to find ARC trooper Fives. Rex then succumbed to his control chip and led the hunt for his friend. The Commander also ordered his troops to kill Maul, but Tano released the rogue Sith to create a distraction.

The 501st Legion conducted an assault on the Jedi Grand Temple.

On Coruscant, Sidious' new Sith apprentice was tasked with leading the 501st Legion in a direct assault on the Jedi Temple, codenamed Operation: Knightfall, which led to the deaths of its inhabitants while thousands of Jedi were killed by their troops across the galaxy. The 501st served under Appo—formerly a Clone Sergeant who had been promoted to the rank of Clone Commander by the time of Order 66—as well as Vader. A battalion of 501st troopers marched in formation to the entrance of the Jedi Temple behind Lord Vader in silence, their obedience ensured by their inhibitor chip's programming. Once inside, the 501st's slaughter began. Lord Vader allowed his troopers to complete their objectives while he killed stragglers attempting to hide, including a class of younglings in the Jedi High Council chambers. During the siege, the 501st operated in squads to eliminate their Jedi targets, using their superior weaponry and firepower to overwhelm them. The 501st killed anyone they encountered, displaying the same ruthlessness as their Sith leader.

Among the Jedi that perished in the Temple was Zett Jukassa, a Padawan who was killed in battle by the 501st Legion.

As alarm spread throughout the Temple, fires began to break out. Senator Bail Prestor Organa of Alderaan witnessed the assault and traveled to the Jedi Temple in his airspeeder, landing on a platform outside. He was confronted by Commander Appo and a contingent of troops before they were attacked by Jedi Padawan Zett Jukassa. Commander Appo was struck down, and Jukassa was eventually killed by Sergeant Fox. Senator Organa fled the scene, and the 501st troopers allowed him to escape.

Elsewhere in the Temple, the outnumbered Jedi fought and died defending themselves and each other against the clones. Jedi Master Minas Velti was killed while protecting a group of Jedi Initiates, striking down several 501st soldiers, including the clone who fatally wounded her. The younglings in Velti's care attempted to escape as more Jedi fell against the 501st, but their path was blocked by a column of clone troopers led by Darth Vader, whom they recognized as Anakin Skywalker. The younglings had believed that Skywalker had come to save them; instead, the fallen Jedi Knight proceeded to kill them with his lightsaber. The youngling Reva Sevander survived Vader's attack by hiding among the bodies of her friends and feigning death until the 501st departed. The youngling Grogu also survived, after being rescued by Master Kelleran Beq when Grogu's Jedi security were killed by 501st troopers. Beq defeated a number of 501st clones during their escape, including troopers who arrived at the temple in BARC speeders.

Through Order 66, the 501st was directed by Darth Sidious to execute the former Jedi Ahsoka Tano, turning their guns on Commander Rex as well when he was saved from Order 66.

While aboard the Tribunal, Tano examined Fives' records and uncovered the control chip conspiracy. She and a team of astromech droids–R7-A7, RG-G1, and CH-33P–knocked out Rex, allowing them to bring him to a medical bay and remove his chip. With Rex freed from Order 66, he, Tano, and the droids headed to the hangar to find an escape ship, but the Star Destroyer was pulled out of hyperspace when Maul destroyed the hyperdrive, causing the warship to be caught in a moon's gravitational pull. When Rex, Tano, and the droids reached bay 12, they found that the clone troopers, now under the command of ARC Clone Lieutenant Jesse, had anticipated their actions. Rex, pretending to have captured Tano, attempted to reason with Jesse, explaining that she was no longer part of the Jedi Order and therefore not a target. When the lieutenant recounted Rex's earlier command that they were under special order to kill Tano and all clones who refused to obey, Rex tried to reach his friend one last time, but Jesse refused, instead stating that Rex would be demoted and executed alongside Tano.

The clones who tried to terminate Tano were killed in the destruction of their Star Destroyer.

However, Rex had been successful in delaying Jesse and his fellow soldiers, giving the astromech droids the opportunity to secretly activate the hangar elevators. While this action did manage to isolate a large number of the clones, Maul then appeared in the hangar and commandeered the available Nu-class shuttle, which then compelled Rex and Tano to search the lower decks where the majority of the clones were located after being dropped there. By the time they located a BTL-B Y-wing starfighter/bomber, their three astromech droid companions had already been destroyed, but Tano and Rex were able to make their escape from the doomed Star Destroyer aboard the bomber. When the Venator crashed into the moon, Jesse, his 501st division, and all other clone troopers who were onboard perished, but Rex and Tano paid their respects to the Clone Lieutenant and the other clones by burying them near the wreckage of the ship.

Following their participation in the siege of the Jedi Temple, the 501st began patrolling the area surrounding the site. On the night before Chancellor Palpatine's proclamation to the Galactic Senate, the 501st encountered Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda, who had briefly returned to Coruscant. Despite the clones' best efforts, they were unable to defeat the Jedi, who eliminated many troopers as they infiltrated the now-fallen Jedi Temple. At some point after this, the 501st was dispatched to the planet Zondula with the mission of eliminating five Jedi who were stationed there.

Imperial Era

Acquiring the moniker "Vader's Fist," The 501st Legion remained active during the reign of the Galactic Empire.

After the Jedi Order fell, Darth Sidious solidified his position by declaring himself the Emperor of the Galactic Empire. The clone troopers who had survived the Clone Wars were kept on by the new regime, effectively becoming the first generation of Imperial stormtroopers at the beginning of the Emperor's rule. The 501st Legion continued to serve as the personal troops of Lord Vader, following his orders without hesitation. Because of this, Vader had complete trust in his troops and their lethal effectiveness. Over the course of the next several years, the 501st Legion became known as "Vader's Fist." However, after some time, all clones within the legion were replaced by the new stormtroopers and were forced to live in the streets of Daiyu City like trooper Nax.

On one occasion, a trooper from the 501st joined forces with a 7th Sky Corps paratrooper, a clone trooper wearing phase I clone trooper armor, and an AT-TE that was decorated with the Imperial crest for a battle that took place in a sandy environment. During the invasion of Mon Cala during the first year of the Empire's existence, the fugitive Jedi Padawan Ferren Barr showed his disciples a Coruscant Security Force hologram recording of Vader's 501st Legion marching on the Jedi Temple on Coruscant at the beginning of the Jedi Purge after finding out that Vader and his Inquisitors were present on Mon Cala. Barr told his disciples that he had studied the massacre of the Jedi in order to understand how it happened so quickly, and he continued to talk about Vader before leaving his cave refuge.

Around 9 BBY, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, who was in hiding, encountered a veteran clone trooper named Nax, whose armor had the markings of the 501st Legion on it. The retired 501st trooper had become a homeless beggar on the streets of a city on Daiyu, as the Empire had decommissioned the Kaminoan clone trooper production in favor of a conscription and volunteer force. Kenobi fulfilled the clone veteran's request by giving him a few credits to buy food.

The 501st continued its existence as an elite unit within the Stormtrooper Corps, composed of recruited stormtrooper soldiers. The 501st gained a reputation as Vader's personal enforcers. However, the 1st Legion also functioned as Darth Vader's own stormtrooper legion. The stormtroopers who made up the 1st Legion were recruited from the ranks of the 501st. Regardless, the 501st remained under Vader's command, with Everi Chalis asserting that the 501st was Vader's personal legion. The "Vader's Fist" title was even applied to the 501st as a symbol of its position as Vader's personal legion. Whatever the case, the 501st fought under Vader's leadership against the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War.

Galactic Civil War

Raid on the Tantive IV

The 501st stormed the Tantive IV and captured Princess Leia of Alderaan.

In 0 BBY, not long before the Battle of Yavin, the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Devastator tracked the Alderaanian diplomatic cruiser Tantive IV to the desert planet Tatooine. A group of soldiers from the 501st Legion—including new recruit TK-4601, who had been assigned to the Devastator and Vader's Fist immediately after graduating from the Imperial Academy—boarded the cruiser, engaging Rebel troopers while the princess was in the process of downloading the Death Star plans into the astromech droid R2-D2. Despite suffering a number of casualties during the initial attack, the 501st defeated the Rebels and moved quickly through the corridors, searching for Organa.

With her secret mission compromised, Organa sent the R2 unit to Tatooine along with the protocol droid C-3PO via an escape pod. She remained on her starship, hiding from the 501st until a squad of stormtroopers located her. Organa opened fire on the stormtroopers, fatally wounding TK-9091 in the process, but was stunned by TK-4601 as she attempted to escape. The 501st escorted Organa to Darth Vader, but the princess refused to cooperate and protested the attack on her ship, citing her position as a member of the Imperial Senate.

Unleashing Task Force 99

The SCAR troopers of Task Force 99 comprised the special forces wing of the 501st.

Following an assault on Sunspot Prison, the 501st's Task Force 99 was sent to investigate the prison and look for Kolar Ludd, an imprisoned member of Imperial Special Forces. After a brief search, Task Force 99 received new orders to capture Rebel Alliance Admiral Verette, who was on his way to board the hijacked Imperial-class Star Destroyer Harbinger for deployment against Imperial forces at the siege on Tureen VII. Task Force 99 intercepted the admiral's Taylander shuttle, which then crashed on the Ghost Moon. There in the abandoned city, Rebel forces managed to escape the shuttle and hide in a skyscraper, but they were eventually discovered by Task Force 99. After engaging the Rebel forces and destroying the building, Task Force 99 continued to fight the Rebels among the debris, and after a short speeder chase, they were forced to retreat into the sewers to avoid a Rebel-controlled modified Armored Assault Tank Mk I. Task Force 99 used explosives to destroy the road, causing the tank to fall into the sewer, where Admiral Verette was then captured.

Following the skirmish on the Ghost Moon, General Crix Madine sent an official document to General Pitt Onoran regarding the 501st's Task Force 99. In the message, General Madine stated that he believed that the extermination of Rebel troopers was carried out by Imperial SCAR troopers, and he included a document detailing elite stormtrooper squads, as well as additional information about the SCAR program and how Task Force 99 was attached to an elite legion that answered to the highest levels of Imperial High Command. The documents also included an analysis of the Primtara incident that had been perpetrated by Task Force 99, as well as documents about its members. These documents were included in The Rebel Files, the rebel depository.

Armed with a lightsaber, Sergeant Kreel fought against the Jedi apprentice Luke Skywalker.

Several days after the Ghost Moon skirmish, Task Force 99 used the Taylander shuttle, with Verette's corpse tied to the front of its hull, as a diversion to gain access to the ISD Harbinger. After entering the Harbinger, Task Force 99 sabotaged several systems and ejected the bodies of a rebel maintenance crew after defeating them. Task Force 99 then divided into three groups, with one group of three members neutralizing the bridge, another group of three, including Sergeant Kreel, securing the hallways that led to maintenance, and a single member securing the engine room, where the Rebel droids R2-D2 and C-3PO were located. However, rebel forces fought back against Task Force 99 at all locations, with Sergeant Kreel engaging Luke Skywalker in a lightsaber duel, while Princess Leia Organa and Captain Han Solo maintained control of the helm and Chewbacca assisted the rebel droids.

Within the hour, the Harbinger arrived at Tureen VII and attacked the Imperial blockade, which was caught off guard. During the duel with Skywalker, Kreel stated that Task Force 99 would have destroyed the Harbinger if they had been ordered to do so, but Darth Vader had other plans for the special forces group. As the battle intensified, Vader arrived in his TIE Advanced x1. At that point, Task Force 99's members began to lose control of the situation on board the Star Destroyer, and each of them was quickly defeated. Kreel was then incapacitated by Skywalker while dueling and also reporting to Vader. With the Rebels destroying Imperial forces in orbit and on the surface, Task Force 99 proceeded to destroy the Harbinger as the Rebels escaped. Despite the failure of their mission, Task Force 99 managed to capture C-3PO, revealing it to Darth Vader, who then criticized them for their defeat.

Battle of Hoth

Vader led the 501st against the Rebel Alliance in the Battle of Hoth.

Both the First Legion and the 501st Legion fought against the Alliance at the Battle of Hoth in 3 ABY, which took place three years after the destruction of the first Death Star at Yavin. When Vader's starfleet, the Imperial force known as Death Squadron, first arrived, they came out of hyperspace too close to Hoth to surprise the rebels. After this, Vader instructed General Maximilian Veers to lead the 501st All Terrain Armored Transport group Blizzard Force in a ground assault. Veers led the AT-ATs to destroy the rebel power generator, and the walkers decimated the rebel infantry lines. As he approached the generator, Veers ordered his troops to disembark for a ground assault. The generator was soon destroyed, and Vader, who had been leading the First Legion from the east, was informed that he could begin his landing at Echo Base.

Vader and 501st cold weather assault stormtroopers stormed into Echo Base, with 1st Legion snowtroopers also supporting Vader. The remaining rebel personnel rushed to evacuate and abandoned Echo Base, making the battle an Imperial tactical victory. 501st snowtroopers attempted to assist Vader in capturing the rebel freighter Millennium Falcon, with some 501st troopers even setting up an E-Web heavy repeating blaster cannon, but the starship was able to escape Vader's grasp. After a number of weeks, Blizzard Force personnel remained at Echo Base to take possession of Alliance contraband and to continue searching for signs of rebel activity as per the orders of Captain Ivies. Dr. Chelli Lona Aphra, a rogue archeologist and criminal, infiltrated Imperial forces with a repulsorlift transport and instructed the snowtroopers to load the contraband onto the vehicle. After traveling for some time, the snowtroopers realized that they were being led elsewhere and were attacked by Aphra's companions, Krrsantan and Tubleek Ruz. Aphra revealed her true identity, and the snowtroopers were eliminated, but Aphra and her companions were forced to escape when an AT-AT began firing on the crew.

Battle of Endor and demise

Hours before the Battle of Endor, Darth Vader informed the Emperor that his son, Luke Skywalker, had descended to the surface of Endor. The Emperor forbade him from openly seeking out Skywalker and instead sent Vader to the Imperial base in charge of guarding the Death Star's shield generator, where he predicted that his son would seek him out. Vader became increasingly impatient as he waited at the base, and he openly considered ordering the 501st Legion to destroy the forest in order to find his son. The 501st Legion subsequently participated in the Battle of Endor, although the legion was destroyed there along with Emperor Palpatine, Darth Vader, and the second Death Star.


The 501st Legion's assault on the Jedi Temple was remembered by Grogu, a survivor of the Great Jedi Purge.

The 501st Legion's attack on the Jedi Temple resulted in the deaths of many Jedi, including the younglings. However, Grogu, one of the younglings, survived the siege. Grogu, who is a member of Yoda's species, lived through the Imperial Era and became a foundling under the care of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin during the New Republic Era. With the assistance of the Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, Grogu recovered his memories of his life in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. As a result, Grogu remembered the 501st Legion's blue and white armored clone troopers who stormed the Temple, attacking and killing the Jedi who had been branded as traitors to the Galactic Republic under Order 66.

Reva Sevander witnessed the deaths of her friends as the Jedi Temple fell to Darth Vader and the 501st Legion.

The 501st Legion's attack on the Jedi Temple also had an impact on the life of Reva Sevander, the Jedi youngling who turned to the dark side of the Force and joined the Inquisitorius as a Jedi hunter. However, her position as an Inquisitor was a deception, as the former youngling had infiltrated the Empire's ranks in the hopes of finding an opportunity to assassinate Darth Vader for the slaughter of her peers. During the attack on Jabiim in 9 BBY, Sevander recounted the events of Order 66 to Obi-Wan Kenobi, confirming the Jedi Master's suspicion that she was a youngling who had survived the Temple's fall to the 501st. Through Sevander, Kenobi learned that the young Inquisitor had personally witnessed Vader killing her fellow younglings as he led the 501st into the Temple.

Behind the scenes


"501st Legion" is also the name of a fan costuming group that was created in 1997 by Albin Johnson and Tom Crews. The group's original goal was to accurately recreate stormtrooper costumes, but it has since grown to include Sith Lords, bounty hunters, and other villains from the film series, encompassing EU source material as well as canonical material. The group is also known as "Vader's Fist," and it served as the inspiration for George Lucas to include the organization in official Star Wars canon. The group actively participates in charity and volunteer work for a variety of organizations, and it currently has over 10,000 members worldwide.

Hayden Christensen and the 501st Legion

The 501st Legion makes an appearance in a flashback scene of Order 66 in the first, fifth, and sixth episodes of the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series. Writer Joby Harold wanted the series to begin with Order 66 in order to remind the audience of where Obi-Wan Kenobi's journey began and to emphasize that the stakes were high for everyone involved. The troopers were portrayed by at least nine people who were wearing physical armor. In the second episode, Temuera Morrison played a veteran of the 501st Legion. This was the first instance of Morrison wearing physical clone trooper armor while playing a clone.

Non-canon history

The 501st is featured in a number of non-canon stories. Glider, Flanker, and Spacer are three characters from the 501st who appear in LEGO Star Wars comics.

