Kelleran Beq, a human male Jedi Master known as the "Sabered Hand," was a member of the Jedi Order. He frequently received assistance from the protocol droid AD-3 and the astromech droid LX-R5, and he operated from the starship Athylia. In the year 22 BBY, Master Beq dedicated his time to the Jedi crèche, caring for the temple's younglings. During the events of Operation: Knightfall, Beq successfully escaped the Jedi Temple thanks to the aid of sympathetic Royal Naboo Security Forces personnel, fleeing Coruscant with the youngling Grogu.

Supervising Padawans as they undertook their Jedi Trials was the responsibility of Kelleran Beq, a Jedi Master. He received support from the protocol droid AD-3 and the astromech droid LX-R5. Beq had a history of service on the starship Athylia. The Jedi Master held cherished memories of his own Jedi Trials and earned the moniker "Sabered Hand" during his time as a Padawan.
Following the knighting ceremony that occurred after the First Battle of Geonosis, Obi-Wan Kenobi tasked the newly appointed Jedi Iskat Akaris with escorting the younglings back to the crèche, where Beq provided their training. However, upon reaching the crèche, they discovered that Beq had not yet arrived, prompting Akaris to lead their training temporarily until Beq eventually arrived to relieve Akaris.

Beq awaited the arrival of the youngling Grogu, one of his pupils, in an elevator during Operation: Knightfall of the Great Jedi Purge. As the elevator doors opened, Beq, with his lightsaber already activated, informed Grogu that he was there to rescue him. Beq retrieved another lightsaber from a fallen Jedi and utilized it to protect Grogu. They were soon ambushed by multiple clone troopers from the 501st Legion, but the Jedi Master successfully deflected the incoming blaster fire and used a Force push to knock a clone trooper off the edge of the temple. As more reinforcements appeared, Beq and Grogu hurried to a BARC speeder and fled the Jedi Temple.
While flying through the skies of Coruscant, Beq and Grogu were pursued by several Republic LAAT/i gunships. Beq cautioned Grogu that the situation was about to become challenging after one of the gunships struck the engine of the speeder. In an attempt to evade the gunships, Beq piloted the speeder into a hovertrain tunnel, but a hovertrain soon approached them from the opposite direction. Beq swerved to avoid a collision, while the train collided with a pursuing gunship and crashed into a station that led to Monument Plaza. As they continued their escape, Beq reassured Grogu, telling him not to worry and that they were about to meet some friends, while also warning him of a rough landing. They reached the platform, but Beq was thrown from the speeder upon landing. The Jedi Master then stood up and opened the hovering pram to ensure Grogu's safety.

Beq was then greeted by supportive Royal Naboo Security Forces personnel aboard a small Naboo yacht. One of the guards inquired about other Jedi, to which Beq responded that there were none remaining. Their conversation was interrupted when a gunship landed on the platform, and clone troopers and clone shock troopers began to disembark and open fire. The guard urged Beq to take the ship, assuring him that it was fueled and ready for departure, while the Royal Naboo Security Forces guards provided cover for their escape. Beq and Grogu boarded the yacht, and the Jedi Master quickly started the engines. Two V-wing starfighters soon approached them from the sky and began firing as Beq lifted off from the platform. As they departed Coruscant and entered space, Beq immediately initiated a jump into hyperspace.
Kelleran Beq was a human male characterized by his dark complexion and black hair. According to AD-3, Beq was "halfway through his lifespan." Despite maintaining a friendly relationship with his servant droid AD-3, the latter harbored envy towards his Force abilities, which she lacked as a droid. AD-3 frequently teased Beq about his use of the Force to close doors and lift rocks. Beq demonstrated unwavering devotion to his student Grogu and his well-being.

Beq possessed exceptional skills as a Jedi Master. His proficiency with lightsabers earned him the title "Sabered Hand." Beq had a tendency to remind AD-3 of his nickname, much to her irritation. Beq was skilled in Jar'Kai, capable of wielding two lightsabers simultaneously, notably doing so during the siege of the Jedi Temple.
As a Jedi, Beq could use the Force, which he employed to levitate rocks. He also utilized the Force to hurl a clone trooper off a ledge while protecting Grogu. Beq also possessed the ability to communicate with the Force.
Kelleran Beq owned a green-bladed lightsaber, which he used as a means of defense for himself and Grogu against the Clone troopers of the 501st Legion.

Kelleran Beq is a character that was conceived for Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge. Ahmed Best, who also played Jar Jar Binks, portrays him. Best mentioned in an interview with Anthony Carboni on The Star Wars Show that the showrunners Steve Blank and Scott Bromley, as well as executive producers Christine Beebe and Mickey Capoferri, gave him a lot of freedom in developing Kelleran Beq's past, mannerisms, and even lightsaber color. Best verified that Beq was related to Achk Med-Beq, whom he had played in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, though no canonical source has verified the relationship.
Best also revealed his character's moniker, "Sabered Hand," before it was mentioned in the series, though it would be written in-universe with a lowercase "the." Best revealed in an interview with Kristin Baver that Beq's purple lightsaber color was a deliberate homage to Jedi Master Mace Windu. However, Beq's lightsaber had a green blade when he appeared in The Mandalorian's "Chapter 20: The Foundling." He also mentioned that Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, and the Shaolin monks from Best's childhood favorite kung fu films all had an impact on other facets of Beq's character. Best portrayed Beq as the first Jedi committed to teaching, noting that he had been inspired by Kenobi and Yoda's nurturing mentoring.
Best tweeted that the components of Beq's lightsaber are accessible to everyone at Savi's Workshop and that his teaching philosophy is that all forms of learning, including lightsaber learning, should be open to everyone. Best has stated that Kelleran Beq is fundamentally a teacher and that one of the reasons for this was his desire for Beq to be relatable to the audience rather than separate from them.

The Team revealed in an interview that Best gave it some thought when he was asked to reprise his role as the Jedi Master because of his difficult history with the franchise. Best stated that he was thrilled, but he couldn't respond right away. However, he was persuaded to return by the support of the show's creators, Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni.
Best was also a creative partner in developing Kelleran Beq for The Mandalorian, just as he was on Jedi Temple Challenge. He collaborated closely with costume designer Shawna Trpcic, incorporating elements such as Best's tribal tattoos and Afrofuturism symbols into the outfit's gold detailing. Furthermore, Best developed his own perspective and understanding of the Force for Kelleran Beq, as well as a distinctive fighting style influenced by Bruce Lee and "the style of the unknown." Best viewed the Jedi Master as a celebration of teaching, building on the backstory he had created for Kelleran Beq in Jedi Temple Challenge.
Kelleran Beq was added as a playable character with the same name to the 2015 mobile game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes in 2023, which features characters and ships from both the canon and Legends continuities.