The lightsaber of Kelleran Beq, a green-bladed lightsaber, was used by Jedi Master Kelleran Beq. This Jedi weapon contributed to Beq's moniker, "The Sabered Hand," which he earned because he was so skilled with it. During the execution of Order 66 on Coruscant, also known as Operation: Knightfall, Beq used this very lightsaber to try and shield Jedi Initiate Grogu from the attacking clone troopers belonging to the 501st Legion.

Ahmed Best stated in a conversation with Kristin Baver that the original plan was for Beq's lightsaber to be purple, as a tribute to Jedi Master Mace Windu. Nevertheless, when Beq made an appearance in The Mandalorian's "Chapter 20: The Foundling," his lightsaber was depicted with a green blade.