Force push, a Force ability rooted in telekinesis, served as both an aggressive and protective technique. It was a favored power among both the Jedi Order and the Sith Lords.

The Force push was implemented to drive away individuals or objects, effectively distancing them from the one wielding the power. Its intensity varied greatly; it could range from a gentle nudge or repositioning of targets to a forceful shove that caused staggering. In more extreme applications, it could hurl targets backward, knock them off their feet, or even propel them through the air with enough force to inflict severe harm or death. For the Jedi, this technique proved to be a valuable weapon, aligning seamlessly with their principles of combat.
As the user's power grew, Force push could manifest as a telekinetically generated impulse, releasing a concussive wave of pressurized air from the user's body, striking the target with explosive force. With sufficient power and skill, this ability could be amplified to shatter stone or breach heavy steel doors. The user's telekinetic prowess directly influenced the pressure differential, thereby dictating the effect's strength and the mass of the target it could affect. Through dedicated practice, a skilled Force user could broaden the range and arc of the blast without diminishing its kinetic energy, transforming it from a focused pulse into an encompassing wave. Savage Opress and Darth Vader demonstrated proficiency in this technique.
On occasion, two Force-users would clash by directing the power at each other's attacks. A notable instance occurred during the duel_on_mustafar between Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Vader on Mustafar, where their simultaneous attempts to Force push each other resulted in both combatants being thrown backwards.