The Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing starfighter, also referenced as the Alpha-3 Nimbus, the V-wing starfighter, or simply the Nimbus fighter, represented a starfighter design produced by Kuat Systems Engineering.

The sharp, wedge-shaped Alpha-3 Nimbus-class starfighter was a product of Kuat Systems Engineering, the same manufacturer responsible for the Jedi starfighters. These V-wings demonstrated impressive agility and speed, reaching a maximum velocity of 52,000 kilometers per hour alongside a peak acceleration of 5,200G's. The V-wing's maneuverability was achieved using state-of-the-art technology, and its two vertically aligned ion engine thrusters enabled remarkably quick pitch-turnings. Though the thrusters were situated at the rear, the V-wing, akin to several Republic vessels, lacked the capacity for a hyperdrive due to its compact structure. It did, however, feature a robust reactor.
To optimize power allocation for speed and agility, Kuat opted for a non-pressurized cockpit design. Consequently, pilots were required to wear sealed flight suits equipped with integrated life-support systems, also facilitating ejection. The craft was typically crewed by a single clone trooper pilot, clone trooper, TK stormtrooper, and/or Conscription trooper pilot who was supported by an independent Q7-series astromech droid that assisted in-flight maintenance and navigation. Adjacent to the astromech were a pair of deflector shield heat sinks. The ship's design also incorporated repulsorlift vanes, a minimum of one reactant tank, shield projector units, the power conduits for the shield projectors, and forward-facing sensors.

Resembling Sienar Fleet Systems' larger Star Courier, the V-wing was equipped with folding radiator wings and laser cannons. These wings, positioned on either side of the V-wing and extending both above and below, constituted the ship's most prominent characteristic. Mounted on articulated collars, they could rotate ninety degrees for landing purposes. The radiator panels integrated into the wings played a crucial role in dissipating heat during periods of intense activity. In flight, the wing radiators remained extended. The laser cannons, mounted on both wing struts/hubs, possessed a swiveling capability and a rapid rate of fire. The cannons were fed by a power supply and capacitors. The design included at least two distinct sub-models: the Alpha-3B "Besh" and the Alpha-3E "Esk."

During the Clone Wars, the V-wing starfighter functioned as a support vessel within the Republic Navy. The Galactic Republic's warships and carriers launched overwhelming swarms of V-wings, deploying them in the defense of fortress worlds and as components of fleet engagements. Due to the absence of an integrated hyperdrive, V-wings relied on carriers like the Venator-class Star Destroyer for transportation to combat zones. Its superior maneuverability rendered the V-wing more agile than the Republic's Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter. Furthermore, it represented a clone trooper pilot's preferred choice for engaging the vulture droid starfighters and droid tri-fighters employed by the Confederacy navy in aerial combat.
The V-wing's dual laser cannons made it a dangerous and surprising adversary. Its elusive nature made it a challenging target, and it could be effectively integrated into mixed strike forces alongside Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptors and Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighters.

The Galactic Republic first deployed Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wings in the waning days of the Clone Wars. Advanced mass production techniques enabled this vessel to supplant the V-19 Torrent starfighter as the primary compact space superiority fighter. Wilhuff Tarkin, at a point when he was progressing toward the rank of admiral, piloted a V-wing as part of a trio. Clone trooper pilot Klick also flew a V-wing, participating in a space battle against vulture droids. In 19 BBY, V-wings saw action in the Battle of Coruscant against the Confederacy of Independent Systems Navy. During the battle, clone pilot Contrail piloted a V-wing above the devastated Federal District. During Order 66, two V-wings pursued Kelleran Beq and Grogu in an attempt to prevent their escape from Coruscant. However, the starfighters' lack of a hyperdrive prevented them from intercepting the fleeing Jedi as they entered hyperspace.
Following the Clone Wars and the implementation of Order 66, V-wings continued to be widely utilized under the banner of the Galactic Empire throughout its reign. Notably, a V-wing variant served as an escort fighter for Emperor Palpatine's personal Theta-class T-2c shuttle. Some even superseded the V-19 Torrent starfighter in guarding the cloning facilities on Kamino. Others provided security for the Imperial-occupied Confederacy capital of Raxus, and were observed on Ryloth. On Daro, a multitude of V-wings pursued Clone Force 99's Marauder after the squad rescued clone commando Gregor following his defection from training the initial cohort of TK stormtroopers. On Serenno, V-wings escorted several Class four container transports carrying Count Dooku's war chest to finance various projects, and provided air support for Clone Captain "Wilco" and his company during their pursuit of Clone Force 99 through a ruined Serennian city.
When Clone Captain Rex and Clone Force 99 members "Hunter," "Echo," "Tech," and "Wrecker" infiltrated Vice Admiral Rampart's Venator Star Destroyer in the Coruscant shipyard, Tech and Echo's activation of the ship triggered an alarm. A clone stormtrooper reported a security breach and dispatched patrol squads to trench Alpha-7. Subsequently, a squadron of six V-wings launched from a nearby hangar and circled the Venator. Echo commandeered the ship's turbolasers and downed two V-wings, which crashed into the shipyard. The remaining four V-wings continued to circle the Venator as the clones made their escape in an escape pod.
A squadron of V-wings and LAAT/Is were deployed from a Venator-class Star Destroyer to Silla to assist in the recapture of a cloned Zillo Beast that had escaped Imperial captivity. Around 18 BBY, several V-wings were deployed from another _Venator-_class Star Destroyer to stop rogue clones Echo, Gregor, Fireball, and Nemec from rescuing Howzer and two other rogue clones from being transported on an Imperial cruiser. Later that same year, a squadron of V-wings was assigned to Wilhuff Tarkin's personal compound, Raven's Peak, on the planet Eriadu. After the rogue commandos of Clone Force 99 had infiltrated the base and attempted to escape using the installation's sky train, numerous V-wings proceeded to strafe the train's trail line, causing it to detach, ultimately leading to the death of Tech.
V-wings were subsequently deployed on Wayland to escort Palpatine's shuttle upon his arrival at Tantiss Base to assess the progress of Project Necromancer, a project of paramount importance to the Emperor. Later, four V-wings were dispatched to intercept rogue clones Omega and Crosshair, along with Batcher, a Lurca hound rescued from termination, as they attempted to escape Wayland aboard a hijacked Rho-class transport shuttle. Doctor Royce Hemlock initially ordered the starfighters to destroy the clones, but rescinded the order upon learning from Emerie Karr that Omega's blood possessed a significant M-count.
V-wings also patrolled around Imperial Station 003, while three more were sent from Tantiss Base to shoot down Alpha-44, which housed Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, and former Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart during their mission to infiltrate Tantiss to rescue Omega and all the Clone prisoners that were held there. After Tantiss was destroyed by the cloned Zillo Beast and Hemlock's death, V-wings, along with numerous Nu-class attack/transport shuttles and Rho-class transport shuttles, collected the various resources during Tarkin's cleanup of Mount Tantiss.

In 14 BBY, Moff Wilhuff Tarkin employed V-wing starfighters during the Berch Teller campaign.
In 2 BBY, Imperial Moff Ahr deployed a large number of V-wings from his Venator-class Star Destroyer during the Attack on Namzor. After the V-wings decimated rebel positions, Ahr ordered the starfighters to return to his Venator to secure the rebel's coaxium supplies.
By the time of the Galactic Civil War, the TIE/ln space superiority starfighters had largely supplanted V-wings. Eventually, some V-wings found their way into the possession of law enforcement agencies such as Jinata Security.
In 5 ABY, Wild Squadron of the New Republic utilized V-wings at the Battle of Jakku.
V-wings initially appeared in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
Rob Coleman initially considered including TIE Fighters at the conclusion of Revenge of the Sith, Lucas opted to feature V-wing starfighters, explaining that the Empire would have nineteen years to develop TIEs. As a nod to TIE fighters, however, they share similar engine sounds, which are audible towards the end of the film when several pairs of V-wings are seen patrolling the area where construction of the Death Star is commencing.
In "THE TWINS," an episode of Star Wars: Visions, V-wings are utilized by Am's Galactic Empire. The Neimoidian pirate Billow also piloted a V-Wing in the non-canon comic "Trouble on Takodana."
In 2023, Jazwares unveiled a V-Wing Starfighter as part of their Micro Galaxy Squadrons line. A second, as-yet-unidentified variant was also revealed as part of the Series 5 line-up during Celebration Europe (2023). This second variant was designated as a "chase" item, limited to 5,000 units worldwide. The Micro Galaxy Squadron ship also stands out as the first toy/collectible V-Wing to accurately depict the wing positioning during landing, a feature absent in the LEGO and Hasbro versions.