Batcher, a lurca hound hailing from the planet of Wayland, was initially hostile while held captive by the Galactic Empire. The Empire had designated this hound as LH-201. However, the imprisoned clone known as Omega gave her the name Batcher. Omega, who was tasked with feeding the lurca hounds at the Mount Tantiss facility on Wayland, developed a connection with Batcher. When Omega discovered that Batcher was slated for termination due to her domestication, she assisted Batcher in escaping the base. After gaining her freedom, Batcher later played a crucial role in Omega and Crosshair's joint escape from Wayland. Ultimately, she joined the "Bad Batch," also known as Clone Force 99, bearing the same name as her rescuer.

Within the Lurca kennels of Mount Tantiss, a hidden base located in the forests of Wayland, the Galactic Empire maintained a population of captive lurca hounds, including Batcher. Identified as LH-201, she, like the other hounds, was compelled to wear a collar and was regularly released through a narrow passage to patrol the area surrounding the facility. The collars were used to forcibly recall them to their cages inside Mount Tantiss, where the droid K-9X1 managed them.
Omega, an imprisoned human clone and member of the renegade Clone Force 99, also known as the "Bad Batch," who defied the Empire, was assigned the responsibility of feeding the lurca hounds, among other duties within the facility. Omega noticed that one hound was particularly aggressive and refused to eat the provided food. Secretly, Omega shared extra food from her own rations with this hound and named her "Batcher."
After Batcher sustained an injury during one of her patrols around Mount Tantiss, the Empire scheduled her for death. Wanting to save Batcher's life, Omega tended to her wound and gradually formed a bond with the hound. Despite this, the Empire considered her domestication and growing attachment to Omega as detrimental, and the termination order remained in effect. Upon discovering Batcher's impending fate, Omega subdued K-9X1, the lurca hounds' handler, and freed Batcher, urging her to stay away from Mount Tantiss.
Later, when Omega and fellow clone Crosshair orchestrated their own escape, they utilized the same tunnel that Batcher had used during her captivity to flee the facility. Batcher assisted the clones by attacking the pursuing TK stormtroopers, enabling Omega, Crosshair, and Batcher to escape Wayland aboard a stolen shuttle. Subsequently, the three rejoined Clone Force 99.
Following their escape from Wayland and subsequent crash landing on Lau, Batcher accompanied Crosshair and Omega to the local spaceport in an attempt to find transport off-world. During Omega's balaans game with Imperial Captain Mann, Batcher made an effort to intimidate the Imperials. After Omega's victory, Imperial TK stormtroopers kidnapped Batcher and took her to the spaceport's cargo docks. Crosshair and Omega freed the lurca hound, along with other wild animals, including nunas, void striders, and a rathtar.
After reuniting with the rest of Clone Force 99, Batcher lived with them on the planet of Pabu, quickly befriending the islanders and the local wildlife, particularly the moon-yo. She was frequently by Omega's side, notably present during Omega's meditation sessions with Crosshair and exploring the caves beneath the island, where Batcher ran away after sensing Asajj Ventress.
Batcher joined the Batch on several subsequent missions, playing a key part in the mission to Barton IV. During the attack on the island led by CX-2, Batcher accompanied Crosshair and Omega as they attempted to escape. The hound attacked multiple stormtroopers, providing a distraction for the two to evade patrolling troopers. Following Omega's recapture, Batcher remained on Pabu while the rest of the squad traveled to Erebus to break Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart out of an Imperial prison in order to gain the coordinates to the Mount Tantiss Facility.
Following the final confrontation at Mount Tantiss, Batcher rested with the rest of her squad under the weeping Maya tree. Some years later, a visibly older Batcher and Hunter bid Omega farewell as she left Pabu to join the Rebel Alliance as a pilot.

As a hound, Batcher was known for her affection and loyalty. She enjoyed being around Omega and Crosshair. Although Crosshair was initially reluctant to keep Batcher on Lau, he eventually grew to appreciate her presence. When Batcher encountered the other members of Clone Force 99, the group developed a fondness for her. She particularly enjoyed playing with Wrecker. Batcher remained closest to Omega, who enjoyed petting and playing with her, and even slept leaning against her on at least one occasion. Joining the squad on missions, Batcher proved eager to assist without much prompting. She helped dig out the entrance to the Imperial Depot buried in snow on Barton IV and assisted in incapacitating clone stormtroopers on Teth.
Batcher's debut was in "Confined," the opening episode of Star Wars: The Bad Batch's third season, which premiered on February 21, 2024. Prior to her on-screen appearance, Batcher was initially mentioned in an interview with Michelle Ang on February 14, 2024. Dee Bradley Baker, the voice actor for the clone troopers in The Bad Batch, also created the sounds for Batcher.