The initial episode, entitled "Confined," kicks off the third season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch. This episode was released on February 21, 2024, simultaneously with the second and third episodes.
Shuttle 135 of the Imperial fleet makes its way toward Tantiss Base located on Wayland. The TK stormtrooper piloting the shuttle communicates with the base's traffic control, receiving clearance for landing. During its descent into the planet's atmosphere, a lightning strike causes a short circuit, leading to a crash within the jungle. The stormtroopers survive the impact, with TK-343 attempting to establish contact with the base.
One of the stormtroopers cautions about dangerous wildlife, but another assures his companions that the lurca hounds are not present in the area. The other stormtrooper retorts that the hounds don't usually come out this far. Back at Tantiss Base, Dr. Royce Hemlock inquires about the shuttle's delayed arrival. As they overhear the stormtroopers battling wild creatures via the intercom, Hemlock dismisses the idea of sending assistance, citing the troopers' misfortune of landing outside the base's safety perimeter. He considers their fate sealed.
Later that morning, Omega observes the surrounding mountains through the bars of her cell. Water steadily drips from a faucet into her washbasin. Her "sister," Emerie Karr, pays her a visit. When Omega complains about being held captive, Karr denies the notion, assuring her that she will adapt. Karr insists that Mount Tantiss offers greater security than the outside world. Karr then instructs Omega to accompany her, stating that they have much to accomplish.
As they proceed through the hallways, Omega passes by several imprisoned former Clone troopers, including a dispirited Crosshair, all under the watch of Clone commandos. Inside a medical bay, Omega observes Karr taking a blood sample from a Clone trooper. Karr then asks Omega to provide a blood sample as well. When Omega questions the reason, Karr explains that everyone serves a purpose and assures her that it will be painless. Hesitantly, Omega sits on a chair and asks if Karr knows the whereabouts of her brothers. Karr claims to be unaware.
Omega inquires why she had never encountered Karr on Kamino, Karr explains that she was stationed elsewhere until Dr. Hemlock took her under his guidance. She states that Hemlock recognized her potential, similar to how Nala Se saw potential in Omega. Omega expresses surprise at having a sister and feels relieved not to be alone. After Karr obtains the blood sample, she directs Omega to deliver the test tubes containing the blood samples to Nala Se in the laboratory.
En route to the lab, Omega walks past an RA-7 protocol droid. Outside the lab, two Clone commandos grant her entry. She enters a secondary chamber where a scanner system analyzes her. Inside, Nala Se and several droids are depositing samples into various pieces of equipment. Nala Se thanks Omega for delivering the blood samples. Nala Se then asks Omega if her own blood sample was taken. Upon Omega's confirmation, Nala Se disposes of the sample in a trash bin, instructing Omega to keep it a secret, emphasizing that it's safer that way.
When Omega inquires about the nature of the research, Nala Se explains that it differs from the Clone trooper program on Kamino. When Omega asks why she was brought to this place, Nala Se reveals that Omega's presence is to ensure her cooperation. She explains that the Empire is trying to replicate a genetic M-count, but the experiments on the specimens have not yet achieved the desired outcomes. Nala Se clarifies that these specimens are not clones. Soon, Dr. Hemlock and an Imperial clone commando join them. Hemlock expresses his hope that Omega's presence will enhance her work.
Hemlock requests Nala Se to accompany him to the vault. Nala Se instructs Omega to remain behind and finish her assigned tasks. One of the scanners identifies a matching sample. The vault is heavily protected by numerous armed Clone commandos and a secondary red scanner system. Meanwhile, Omega is feeding biscuits to lurca hounds, which are confined within pens. The sentry droid K-9X1 presses a button on a panel, which activates a lurca hound outside.
Omega secretly tends to her pet lurca hound, Batcher, who refuses to eat the pet biscuits. Omega shares some of her own food, which Batcher readily consumes. Omega promises to bring Batcher more food the next day. Omega leaves the pens and walks through the hallways, which leads to a series of cells where the Clone troopers are being held.
Taking advantage of the absence of guards, Omega visits Crosshair in his cell. Crosshair cautions her against attempting to escape, as he has tried before. When Omega suggests that they can trust Emerie, Crosshair argues that not all clones are their allies. When Crosshair comments on her trusting nature, Omega retorts that he is not trusting enough. Crosshair urges her to leave for her own safety. Omega resolves to find a way to escape Mount Tantiss.
Back in her cell, Omega marks another day on her tally. After putting away her food, she holds her tooka doll while looking at the moon. Elsewhere, a centrifuge spins blood samples. The next morning, Omega watches the sunrise through the window. She places her tooka doll inside her briefcase. As usual, Karr visits Omega and escorts her out of her cell. While walking through the corridor, she sees Crosshair and other Clones being escorted by Clone commandos. As before, Karr takes her blood sample, but Nala Se secretly discards it.
Later, Omega visits the lurca kennels, where she notices Batcher has a wound on her forearm. Omega informs K-9X1 about the injury, who explains that LH-201 sustained the injuries during a night patrol. He explains that if her wounds don't heal, she will be terminated. When Omega asks him to treat her, the droid responds that he is not a medical droid and is not programmed to treat wounds. Batcher whimpers in pain. Omega borrows a cleansing tool from the first aid kit and convinces Batcher to let her treat her wound.
Omega later tells Crosshair about the incident. When Omega mentions stealing a medpack to treat Batcher, Crosshair tells her to stop wasting time with "lost causes" if she wants to escape. Omega refuses to abandon Crosshair, but he replies that if he had the chance to escape, he wouldn't hesitate to leave her behind. Omega says Crosshair is her brother, but he disagrees. Omega refuses to abandon Crosshair. Before she leaves, he tells her not to risk anything for him because he belongs in here.
Later that morning, Omega is subjected to a surprise inspection by Clone commandos, who search through her belongings. Omega attempts to conceal her tooka doll. Karr explains that this is standard procedure. One of the commandos takes the tooka doll from her hand. Karr reminds Omega that personal items are prohibited and says she will dispose of it. She then takes Omega away for work duties.
Meanwhile, Nala Se provides an update to Dr. Hemlock, who is displeased that the M-count has significantly decreased in the process. He warns that if they fail to match the M-count of the specimen, it will be considered a failure. He also warns that failure will lead him to reconsider the privileges granted to Omega. Hemlock warns her about the consequences of delaying progress. Nala Se asserts her dedication to science, but the doctor cautions that the Emperor is not as patient as they are.
Inside the lurca hounds' pens, Omega is relieved to see that Batcher's wound is almost healed. However, K-9X1 informs Omega that Batcher has been scheduled for termination because her recent domesticated behavior has been deemed a liability. As the droid drags her away, Omega says that Batcher is not at fault, but the droid insists on following protocol. She snatches a datapad from the droid. K-9X1 issues a security alert before activating his electrostaff.
Omega uses the datapad to make a cage fall on top of K-9X1. She then hits the droid on the head with his stolen electrostaff. She uses the datapad to unlock the external chute for Batcher's kennel. After removing her control collar, she tells the hound to run. Omega tells Batcher she can't go with her since she has to rescue Crosshair first.
Omega is soon cornered by Dr. Hemlock and Emerie Karr. Hemlock scolds her for releasing a weak lurca hound and accuses her of being cruel. When Omega argues that they were going to terminate Batcher, Hemlock explains that the passengers of an Imperial shuttle a few rotations ago were killed by wild beasts, which are more formidable that the lurca hounds. Hemlock says that Omega's domestication of LH-201 only made her vulnerable. When Omega argues that Batcher deserves a chance, Hemlock mocks her idealism and says that emotion and sentiment have no place within these walls.
When Omega protests, Karr attempts to calm the situation by escorting Omega back to her room. Hemlock asks Omega if she has anything else to say. Omega reveals that she knows that Hemlock brought her here as a hostage to keep Nala Se in line. When Omega says that he will not dare to hurt her, Hemlock agrees but warns that her misbehavior will endanger Crosshair. While he plans to rehabilitate Crosshair, Hemlocks warns that he will terminate him if her misbehavior continues. After warning Omega that actions have consequences, Hemlock orders Karr to escort Omega back to her room and to restrict her access.
Omega sits cross-legged inside her cell and sulks. Karr attempts to speak to her, but she tells her to leave. As a gesture of reconciliation, Karr returns her tooka doll. Omega hears Batcher howling in the distance. Batcher rummages through the wreckage of the crashed Imperial shuttle.
An exclusive clip from "Confined" was shared by Rotten Tomatoes to promote the episode on February 8. However, the clip was leaked before that date. Despite the leak, Bad Batch crew member Joel Aron engaged in discussions about it. He confirmed that when shadows of Crosshair's cell fall onto Omega's face, the shadow creates an image on her face that looks like Crosshair's own face mark, and that this was an intentional visual cue. Aron also designed the light of the scene to be shining down on Crosshair from above, as if being cast by an angel. He was inspired by the lighting design of 1940s cinema. Aron promised there would be similar uses of lighting akin to the Crosshair-Omega example throughout season three, with individual characters, creatures, droids, and ships getting moments with light underscoring the emotions of the scene. Aron was inspired by the work of cinematographer Jack Cardiff for how to use lighting in season three.