A straw tooka refers to a tooka doll crafted from straw. Around 18 BBY, during her imprisonment at the Galactic Empire's Tantiss Base, the young clone known as Omega pilfered straw from the base's lurca kennels. She then fashioned it into a straw tooka, as she sought solace in the familiar toy. When she was with her squad, the Bad Batch, Omega was accustomed to having the tooka doll named Lula. She would hold the doll while sleeping, dreaming of freedom. Being one of her only possessions, she kept the doll hidden, as personal belongings were prohibited. Later on, during an inspection, the straw tooka was found in and taken from Omega's room, which made her sad. However, that night, while Omega was upset, Doctor Emerie Karr went against the rules and gave the straw tooka back. Omega eventually escaped the base, but she had to leave her straw tooka behind. Karr, however, who had saved the doll even after Omega left, gave it to another young prisoner, the Iktotchi girl named Eva, in an effort to comfort her.
The Star Wars: The Bad Batch episode "Confined," which was released on February 21, 2024, marked the first appearance of the straw tooka. Later, it was identified in its Databank entry on StarWars.com. Kiner Music initially hinted at its existence in a post, part of a series of cryptic tweets alluding to upcoming The Bad Batch episodes. Lucasfilm Animation artist Vivian Ly created the concept art for the straw tooka.