Emerie Karr

Emerie Karr, a human female clone, was derived from the genetic template belonging to Jango Fett, the Mandalorian bounty hunter. Karr was, at some point, moved from Kamino because she was needed elsewhere. Doctor Royce Hemlock eventually took her under his tutelage. She was brought to Mount Tantiss by him, and there she was employed as both a scientist and a doctor. Karr assisted Hemlock as well as Dr. Scalder in the daily functions of the Tantiss facility.

After Lieutenant Nolan met his death at the hands of Crosshair, Karr oversaw the medical care given to the clone. When Hemlock captured the enhanced female clone Omega and brought her to Mount Tantiss, Karr told her that Crosshair was still alive and was recovering alongside the other rogue clones. Omega was initially wary of her until Karr revealed that she was her sister. For several weeks, Omega collaborated with Karr. During this period, Karr developed a routine of taking Omega's blood sample daily and instructing her to carry a tray of samples, including her own, to Nala Se for testing. Eventually, Hemlock informed Karr about an unexpected visitor scheduled to arrive at Tantiss. Karr and Omega soon discovered that the visitor was Emperor Palpatine. Seizing this opportunity, Omega, ignoring Karr's warnings about the dangers lurking in the forests around Tantiss Base, escaped Tantiss with Crosshair. Meanwhile, Karr informed Hemlock that Omega's blood demonstrated favorable M-Count replication when combined with the specimen stored in the vault. In response, Hemlock commanded his forces to stand down, allowing Crosshair and Omega to escape into hyperspace.

Shortly after Crosshair and Omega's departure, Karr took Nala Se's place as the Chief Scientist at Tantiss. In this new capacity, Hemlock escorted her to the Tantiss vault. There, Karr discovered that her task was to work with several "specimens," whom she realized were Force-sensitive children, which greatly disgusted her. Hemlock instructed her to only refer to the specimens by their numbers. Karr spoke with Nala Se, who informed her that she was now powerless, and it was Karr's responsibility to protect the children and Omega. Karr traveled to Coruscant with Clone Commander Scorch to retrieve the most recently captured child. After Hemlock's forces recaptured Omega, Karr confirmed again that her M-Count was compatible with the specimens. In the vault, one of the children was holding a straw tooka and told Omega that Karr was the only kind person in the facility.

After the Bad Batch infiltrated Wayland, Karr made her way to the Central lab. She noticed that Echo had infiltrated the base disguised as a TK stormtrooper and identified him by his stolen droid hand. Echo questioned how she could condone Hemlock's experiments, and Karr responded that she was simply doing her job. Karr offered to guide Echo to the vault, but he had to trust her. Upon entering the vault, they discovered that Omega and the other children had escaped. Hemlock ordered Karr to locate Omega, stating that their fates were now intertwined. Karr and Echo caught up with the children at the transport hangar. Echo instructed Karr to take them to the designated rendezvous coordinates, where he would meet her after rescuing Omega and the rest of the Bad Batch. Karr followed Echo's instructions and piloted the shuttle to Pabu.

Following the escape from Tantiss, Karr conversed with Echo on Pabu, where he invited her to accompany him to Pantora, as Senator Riyo Chuchi would be interested in hearing about her experiences. Eager to atone for her past actions, she joined the Clone Underground and departed Pabu with Echo aboard the Remora.


Early life

Emerie Karr was created as a clone from the genetic template of Jango Fett, engineered to be a female, setting her apart from the majority of clones. Created by the Kaminoans, Karr resided on the planet Kamino and was aware of another female clone, Omega, who was her sister. At some point, Karr departed Kamino and was taken in by Doctor Royce Hemlock. She began working at the Galactic Empire's facilities at Mount Tantiss on the planet Wayland.

Imperial scientist

Zillo Beast incident

Emerie Karr and Scorch report to Dr. Hemlock

When a transport carrying a Zillo Beast clone lost contact with Tantiss Base near the planet Silla, Karr approached Hemlock, who was in conversation with an imprisoned Nala Se. She alerted Hemlock about the missing transport, and Hemlock instructed recovery teams to initiate a search and secure the transported asset, which was a cloned Zillo Beast. Hemlock then inquired with Karr if there were any Kaminoans who were taken off-world before the destruction of Tipoca City, and Karr informed him of one: the former Kaminoan Prime Minister Lama Su. Hemlock requested that Su be brought before him. Later, Karr informed Hemlock that the Zillo Beast had been recovered and secured at Mount Tantiss. She also informed him that Lama Su would be arriving soon.

Meeting Crosshair

Emerie Karr told Crosshair to remain calm just after he woke up on Tantiss.

When the Imperial agent Crosshair betrayed the Empire, he was captured and transported to Tantiss Base before being placed under Karr's supervision. Upon Crosshair's awakening, Karr greeted him gently, informing him that Hemlock would arrive soon. In the meantime, she advised him to remain calm and administered a chemical injection that returned him to unconsciousness, adding that cooperation would improve his chances of survival.

Crosshair's escape attempt

Emerie listened as Dr. Hemlock tried to convince Crosshair to divulge the whereabouts of Clone Force 99.

Later, Karr awaited Crosshair in a ray-shielded cell. When two stormtroopers escorted him inside, Karr inquired about Crosshair's well-being, but the clone did not respond. Hemlock arrived shortly after, noting Crosshair's remarkably quick recovery. Hemlock offered Crosshair freedom in exchange for revealing the location of Clone Force 99, adding that they possessed something that belonged to him. Karr observed Crosshair deny any knowledge of his former squad members' whereabouts. Consequently, Crosshair was restrained on the operating table, and an IT-O Interrogation Unit was brought in. As the interrogation droid began injecting Crosshair, Scalder informed Hemlock that one of their transport ships had been attacked while departing the planet Balmorra, and the prisoners aboard had escaped. Hemlock left Karr to oversee the interrogation and instructed her to inform him when Crosshair was ready to talk.

Emerie showed concern as she told Crosshair he was in no condition to escape.

As the interrogation droid continued, Karr ordered it to stop. A stormtrooper questioned her actions, to which she responded that he could not talk if he was dead. She injected Crosshair with a shot in the arm and then instructed the guards to secure Crosshair's restraints while she retrieved a datapad and checked his vitals. However, Crosshair seized one of the troopers' blasters and shot them as well as the interrogation droid. While being held at blaster-point, Karr attempted to reason with Crosshair, but the imprisoned clone forced her to remove his restraints. She warned him that he would not be able to escape the facility in his weakened condition and the hounds would find him in minutes. She requested him to not make the situation worse, telling him there was no escape, but he nonetheless stunned her with the blaster.

Shortly afterward, Crosshair was recaptured and returned to the cell. Once again fastened to the table, Karr followed Hemlock inside to once again interrogate him. This time, Karr only watched as the droid injected him again, this time with a higher injection level, per Hemlock's orders.

Meeting Omega

Emerie revealed to Omega that they were sisters.

When Imperial forces captured Omega on Ord Mantell, the young clone was brought to Tantiss Base. Karr met Omega there and watched as Omega tried to help Crosshair, whom she had found unconscious and strapped to a table in a large room of other clone prisoners. Omega demanded to know what they had done to him, and Karr calmly responded that he was recovering and that she had tried to warn him what would happen if he did not cooperate with Hemlock. Omega demanded to speak with Nala Se, and Karr replied that it was ironic that Omega did not trust her, then revealed to her that they were sisters, shocking Omega.

Working with Omega

Emerie greats Omega and tells her she was not a prisoner and will acclimate.

One morning shortly after Omega became imprisoned on Tantiss, Karr greeted Omega in her room. Omega insisted she was being held as a prisoner, but Karr rebutted Omega's claim, telling her she would acclimate. Karr then led Omega through the corridors, passing several imprisoned clone troopers, including Crosshair; who were guarded by clone commandos. Karr led Omega to the laboratory, where they collected blood samples from the imprisoned clones. As they finished, Karr told Omega that lastly, she would need to collect a sample from her. Omega reluctantly obliged. As Karr took Omega's sample, Omega asked her why she had not seen Karr on Kamino. Karr replied she had been sent elsewhere until Hemlock took her under his wing. She explained that Hemlock saw potential in her, just like Nala Se saw potential in Omega. Omega noted it would have been nice if she had a sister around. Karr then instructed Omega to send the tray of blood samples to Nala Se. Unbeknownst to Karr, Nala Se discarded Omega's sample upon receiving the tray of blood samples. Omega also secretly visited Crosshair's cell and tried to convince him unsuccessfully to trust Karr.

The next day Karr and Omega went through the same procedure. However, this time, Omega was subject to a surprise cell inspection by clone commandos. They found and confiscated the straw tooka Omega had made, handing it to Karr. Karr reminded Omega that personal items were forbidden. After that incident, everything else quickly became routine between Karr and Omega.

Immediately after Omega released a lurca hound whom she named Batcher, she was cornered by Hemlock and Karr. Hemlock scolded Omega for releasing the wounded animal, insisting that Batcher’s domestication only made her vulnerable to the deadly wild beasts roaming the planet. Omega countered saying Batcher deserves a chance to live. While Omega continued to protest, Karr attempted to defuse the situation by volunteering to return Omega to her cell. However, Hemlock rejected her and continued to press Omega, threatening to hurt Crosshair if she did not cooperate. As Omega backed down, Hemlock instructed Karr to escort Omega back to her cell and restrict her access.

The Emperor’s arrival

Around 164 days after Omega arrived on Wayland, Emperor Palpatine traveled to the facility. As the facility became a buzz of activity, Karr told Omega that she did not know what was happening and told her it was best not to ask questions. As Karr prepared for their daily samples, Hemlock and Nala Se entered, and Hemlock told Karr about Palpatine's imminent presence and said that it required his and Nala Se’s attention. Hemlock instructed Karr to finish the blood testing in the lab herself instead of handing it off to Nala Se. Nala Se objected to this, wanting to do it herself so she could secretly discard Omega's sample, but Hemlock dismissed her. After finishing the samples, Karr went to the central lab, with Omega trailing her. As Karr prepared the centrifuge, she noticed Omega acting strange. Karr was unaware that Nala Se had instructed Omega to escape the facility, telling her that she would be in great danger if her sample was tested. Karr asked if Omega was doing alright, but before waiting for her answer, decided to dismiss her and gently told her to forget the rest of her duties for the day and to return to her room until she felt better. Unbeknownst to Karr, Omega stole Nala Se's datapad, as she had been instructed to, before leaving the lab.

Later, Karr went to check on Omega at her cell, only to discover it empty. Remembering Omega's incident with the lurca hounds, she quickly went to check the hound kennels and Omega and Crosshair trying to escape, the former having freed the latter from his cell. As Crosshair raised a blaster at her, Karr calmly offered to quietly return them to their cells, promising she would tell no one of their deception. Omega countered, telling Karr that she lived on Kamino her entire life and that Tantiss was now a second form of captivity for her. Omega reminded Karr she was a clone too, and asked Karr to help them. Although this caused Karr to momentarily pause, she nonetheless alerted her superiors, leading to Crosshair stunning her. Crosshair and Omega were then able to escape.

Omega and Crosshair’s escape

In the kennels, Hemlock and the clone commandos found Karr unconscious on the ground and helped her back to her feet. Karr informed them Omega had a datapad and had used it to escape with Crosshair through the kennels. Hemlock subsequently ordered the other lurca hounds be released to help track down the fugitives. Karr objected, citing the hounds could kill Omega and Crosshair. Hemlock replied they were now escapees and needed to be stopped at all costs.

Karr returned to the lab to examine the remaining blood samples as Rho-class shuttles were filled with stormtroopers and were sent to track down Omega and Crosshair. Shortly after the escapees hijacked one of the shuttles, Karr scanned Omega’s sample. While V-wings pursued the stolen ship, Karr discovered Omega’s blood sample supported a positive M-count transfer. She informed Hemlock, who in turn ordered the V-wings to stand down, as they needed Omega alive to finish their experiments. Karr’s timely report meant that Crosshair and Omega were allowed to escape into hyperspace. Moments later, Hemlock told Karr and the rest of his staff that the clones’ escape was a minor setback, and that he would use all of the Empire’s resources to track them down.

Karr's promotion

The truth about Tantiss

Emerie enters the Tantiss vault

Hemlock left the Tantiss vault to speak with Karr and Scorch. Karr reported that progress in the laboratory had stalled since Nala Se’s detention. Hemlock replied that Nala Se could not be trusted following her role in Omega and Crosshair's escape. Karr asked him if he trusted her, since she had worked by his side for years and said that she could be of more help if given the right clearance. Hemlock asked if Karr desired to be promoted to Chief Scientist and then reluctantly agreed. He told Karr to follow him and proceeded to update her about Project Necromancer.

Hemlock led Karr through a corridor leading to the Vault, which was guarded by clone commandos. As they passed through the series of scanners, they passed several more clone commandos. Simultaneously, Hemlock explained to Karr there were specimens inside that were vital to Project Necromancer’s success, and they must be handled with the greatest care. Inside a circular chamber, she met three Force-sensitive alien younglings, all with a high M-count; an Iktotchi designated SP-54, a Mirialan designated SP-32, and a Pantoran female. Karr asked why they were experimenting on children, rather than adults. Hemlock replied there were few Force-sensitive adults left and that children were easier to control.

Karr and Hemlock followed Scalder, who escorted the Iktotchi into a room where a nanny droid extracted a blood sample from her. Hemlock explained to Karr that M-counts could not be directly replicated from the source, but that Nala Se knew of an alternate method. Omega had been the only binder proven to be compatible with their DNA to replicate their M-count levels, and Nala Se had helped her escape once she had discovered this. Therefore, it was imperative that Omega was found, and they must be prepared for the scenario she was retrieved. Moments later, Hemlock talked with Scorch, while Karr spoke with the Iktotchi child. She smiled at Karr and told her that her glasses were nice. When Karr asked what her name was, Hemlock interjected, ordering her to limit her interactions with the specimens.

Jax's escape attempt

As Karr oversaw the nanny droid collecting blood samples from the SP-54, the girl greeted her. Karr addressed her as SP-54, but the girl introduced herself as Eva, proceeding to ask for Karr's name. Karr introduced herself as Dr. Karr. Eva asked Karr what happened to Nala Se and why she was no longer overseeing the project, Karr told her that was none of her concern. Eva said that Nala Se promised that she would find out when she would be going home and asked Karr to find out for her, to which Karr replied she would look into it.

Karr then attended to SP-32. While Karr was busy working on her datapad, SP-32 dodged the nanny droid, grabbing an unsuspecting Karr’s datapad, and charged out of the lab. Other scientists in the upper tier placed the vault into complete lockdown, while Karr and two nanny droids attempted to stop him, to no avail. He yelled that he wanted to go home, just like Eva. Scorch intercepted him at the doorway, stunning him, much to Karr’s resentment. While the medical droids extracted the required blood sample from SP-32, Eva asked if Jax would be okay. After Eva confirmed SP-32 was Jax, Karr reassured Eva that Jax would be fine. Karr insisted he was not in trouble and could be visited the next day.


Later on, Karr visited Nala Se in her cell to seek answers about the experiments in the Tantiss vault. Nala Se realized Karr has replaced her in her former position. She reconfirmed the Galactic Empire planned on keeping the children so they could be controlled. Karr said that the children did not belong on Tantiss, to which the Kaminoan agreed. Nala Se told Karr she had done all she could to protect the children and it was Karr’s responsibility to protect them, including Omega. Karr said she had no power to do anything, but Nala Se told her to reconsider. After Karr left Nala Se’s cell, she was encountered by Hemlock and Scorch in the corridor. Hemlock told her he knew of Jax’s escape and informed her another, far younger specimen was ready for pick up. Karr requested to go herself, to ensure the specimen was “handled carefully.” Hemlock originally declined her request, but then agreed and allowed her to go alongside Scorch.

Karr, Scorch, and a squad of TK stormtroopers traveled to Imperial Station 003 located above Coruscant to rendezvous with the bounty hunter Cad Bane. Bane remarked Karr was not the Imperial he normally dealt with, and Karr replied she was there to examine the specimen and not to answer any other questions. Bane's droid, Todo 360, brought out a feline child in a floating cradle. Karr turned to Scorch and commented the specimen was far younger than expected, but Scorch was unconcerned, replying that would make him easier to handle. While Karr verified the child's M-count, a stormtrooper paid Bane. Karr then asked Bane how many Force-sensitive children he had brought in, and Bane responded that was confidential, only confirming he was good at his job.

Emerie pulled the straw tooka out of a drawer and gave it to Eva.

When Karr got back to the Tantiss vault, she was told that Jax had been put in isolation for 48 hours. An irate Eva accused Karr of being untruthful about Jax not facing repercussions, emphasizing that everyone desired to return home. Later that same day, Karr analyzed the children's blood samples, comparing them to Omega's in the main laboratory. Following this, she retrieved the container holding Omega's straw tooka from a storage compartment. As a gesture of comfort, Karr presented the tooka doll to Eva, observing as she accepted it from the vault's upper level.

Omega’s return

As soon as Omega was brought back to Tantiss, Hemlock guided her down via a turbolift, returning her to Nala Se's laboratory and Karr’s supervision. For a brief moment, Omega and Karr exchanged surprised looks. Hemlock then commanded Karr to utilize Omega's blood to verify the experiment's continued success. Upon Omega's inquiry about Nala Se's whereabouts, Hemlock responded that the Kaminoan was imprisoned and would not assist Omega in any further attempts to escape. Hemlock informed Karr that he would return later to assess the results before departing. Omega implored Karr not to proceed with the experiment, but Karr reluctantly stated that she had no alternative. While extracting a sample from Omega, Karr commented that she was relieved her sister was unharmed. Omega questioned whether she was truly safe, but Karr remained silent.

After Karr completed the analysis of Omega's blood sample, she reaffirmed that Omega's blood, when combined with the specimen in the vault, yielded a favorable M-Count replication. Hemlock, unsurprised, stated that he had anticipated this outcome. He then escorted Omega into the Tantiss Vault, explaining why she was crucial to their cloning endeavors. Following Omega's imprisonment in the vault, she engaged in conversation with a fellow inmate, Eva, while seated at one of the tables, noticing the straw tooka Eva held. Eva shared with Omega that Karr had given it to her and that she was the only kind person in the facility.

Later on, as Karr was extracting Omega’s sample, Omega inquired about the origins of the other children. Karr responded that she was unaware, only knowing that they were well cared for. Omega expressed her desire to believe Karr, while a Tantiss medical droid collected a test tube containing her sample and deposited it into a dumbwaiter system in the wall. While Karr was occupied, Omega covertly pocketed a small metal tool, concealing it in her sleeve. As Omega interacted with the other children in the vault's common area, Karr conversed with Dr. Scalder, who voiced objections to Omega's interaction with the other children. Karr defended her actions, stating that the children were participating in activities designed to stimulate their minds and assuring her colleague that they were under constant surveillance. Scalder pointed out that their protocols had not prevented Omega from escaping previously. Karr asserted her authority, reminding Scalder that she was the Chief Scientist and would manage the vault as she deemed appropriate.

The Bad Batch arrive at Tantiss

As the Batch approached Tantiss, they were quickly engaged by V-wings and laser cannons. In the vault's observation deck, Karr and her associates became aware of the intrusion. She gave the order to initiate lockdown procedures within the vault and assigned Scalder the task of protecting the children. Scalder countered, expressing that her concern for the "specimens" was unnecessary.

Subsequently, Echo, having infiltrated a science vessel and disguised himself as a TK trooper, entered Nala Se's laboratory. He accessed a computer containing information about Omega's Midi-chlorian count, at which point Karr entered the lab and confronted him. She scrutinized Echo as he subtly reattached the droid hand he had taken from a protocol droid onto his cybernetic scomp link. She informed him that troopers were not permitted in the lab. Echo claimed it was a special security protocol, but Karr noticed his droid hand. As he was leaving the lab, Karr called him by name and told him Omega had told her about him. Echo responded that the Bad Batch were not only there to rescue Omega, but to free all the other prisoners being experimented on in Tantiss. Karr said she was simply following orders, to which Echo replied he'd heard that before. He asked her how she could be involved in Hemlock's projects, being a clone herself. Echo said Omega trusted Karr and he hoped she was right. Karr informed Echo that Omega was inside the vault and he had to trust her to get him inside and free the children. Karr explained to a surprised Echo that Omega was not the only child imprisoned in the base.

Escaping Tantiss

Karr cautioned Echo that the longer the facility remained in lockdown, the greater the risk of him being discovered. However, Echo was more concerned about the absence of records in the vault, to which she explained the databanks were heavily encrypted and the vault was several levels below, heavily guarded, but she could get him inside. Echo hesitated, questioning the scientist's motives for assisting him. Karr explained to Echo that she had come to realize the wrongfulness of her past actions and was prepared to atone for them and do what was right. Echo nodded and agreed to her plan.

Emerie Karr speaking with Echo as they prepared to enter the Tantiss vault.

As they proceeded into the vault, she revealed to him that the children had been abducted from various undisclosed locations and their genetic material was required for certain medical tests. When Echo inquired about Omega's role in the testing, Karr responded that she was essential to Project Necromancer. Inside, they encountered Hemlock and Scorch. Hemlock informed them that Omega and the other children had incapacitated Scalder and escaped through a structural vulnerability in the walls. Shortly thereafter, the room shook violently before Scorch announced that the Zillo Beast had breached containment. As Hemlock departed to address the situation, he instructed Karr to locate Omega and return her to the vault, stating that their fates were now intertwined. After Hemlock and Scorch departed, Echo remarked to Karr that Omega had released the Zillo Beast as a diversion, as that's exactly what he would have done.

Karr and Echo advanced towards the doors leading to the sublevel containment chamber, only to find a trail of destruction inside, leading Echo to deduce that the children had used the ladders to ascend to the surface. They chose to take a shortcut to a transport hangar at the top of the shaft. On their ascent, they encountered the Clone X troopers, who had just captured the rest of Clone Force 99, agreeing to return and assist them after ensuring the children's safety. Shortly after, they intercepted and stunned two TK stormtroopers just as they were about to report the children's location. Echo stunned the troopers, before revealing his identity to the children. Karr and Echo then escorted the children to the hangar. Upon reaching a Nu-class shuttle, Echo provided Karr with coordinates, instructing her to take the other children there and that he and Omega would meet them after they had freed the rest of the clones. Karr then handed Omega her datapad, instructing her to use it to access all wings of the base. As Echo and Omega headed back inside the base, Karr led the children onto the shuttle and flew away from Tantiss, soon arriving on the island Pabu.

Emerie Karr agreed to accompany Echo as part of the Clone Underground.

Later, Karr spoke with Echo on Pabu, who invited her to accompany him to Pantora, as Senator Riyo Chuchi would be interested in hearing about her experiences. Eager to atone for her past wrongdoings, she joined the ranks of the Clone Underground and departed Pabu with Echo on the Remora.

Personality and traits

Emerie Karr during her days as an Imperial scientist

Emerie Karr was a human female characterized by her long [brown](/article/color] hair, typically styled in a ponytail, and her tan complexion. Karr often maintained a composed and unemotional demeanor in her professional life, which made her motivations and actions difficult to decipher. She was known as a dedicated and resilient worker, demonstrating compassion for the clone prisoners, although she considered resistance against the Empire to be futile. While Karr participated in experiments conducted on the clone troopers, she occasionally experienced feelings of empathy and compassion towards them. She held a special affection for Omega, whom she regarded as her sister, and even made efforts to assist Crosshair during his imprisonment. During Omega and Crosshair's attempted escape, she was hesitant to act aggressively towards them, although she did attempt to apprehend them. When Omega tried to persuade her to escape with them, Karr declined and alerted the Empire to their escape, resulting in Crosshair stunning her. Following her experiences on Tantiss, particularly her involvement in overseeing kidnapped children, she found herself unable to continue serving the Empire. She aided the Bad Batch in rescuing the imprisoned clones and children before joining the Clone Underground, believing that she had significant work ahead of her to atone for her past actions.

Karr typically carried a datapad, and upon her appointment as Chief Scientist, she was provided with a small device designed to measure an individual's M-count level. This process involved extracting a blood sample from the person and inserting it into the device. The device would then analyze the blood sample, and a green flash would indicate a high M-count.

Behind the scenes

Emerie Karr was voiced by Keisha Castle-Hughes

Emerie Karr made her debut in "Metamorphosis," the eleventh episode of the second season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, with Keisha Castle-Hughes providing her voice. Castle-Hughes had previously portrayed Queen Apailana in the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, the concluding installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy.

When Castle-Hughes was initially cast as Emerie Karr, she received limited information about the character. While she suspected a connection between Karr and Omega, given that both she and Michelle Ang, the voice of Omega, were instructed to use their natural New Zealand accents, the show's creators did not reveal that Karr and Omega were sisters until the recording sessions for the final episode.

