Cybernetics, also known as augs (a shortened form of augmentations), encompassed technological replacements for or improvements to biological body components, which spanned from eyes and limbs to, in more extreme instances, a large portion of someone's body, even including entirely new organic systems. An individual with cybernetic body part replacements was known as a cyborg, while a cyberneticist was a professional specializing in the installation, upkeep, or research of cybernetics. These cybernetics could be sheathed in synthflesh or synthskin.
Long ago, the Sith ruler named Ommin created a mechanical spinal support system referred to as the "Ommin harness."
Following his confrontation with Jedi Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Maul utilized three distinct sets of cybernetic legs to substitute for his lost lower extremities.

General Grievous, the cyborg who commanded the Separatist Droid Army, had undergone extensive cybernetic reconstruction, resulting in most of his original body being replaced.
As a consequence of an incident during her Challenge of the Body, Breha Organa received pulmonodes to substitute her heart and lungs, which then emitted a golden light from her chest area.

After his encounter with Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker was fitted with a cybernetic right forearm to replace the lost limb; later, upon becoming Darth Vader, he underwent extensive cybernetic reconstruction by medical droids after suffering the loss of his limbs and sustaining near-fatal burns.
Following the loss of his arm and part of his head to Tracking torpedos during the Battle of Christophsis, Admiral Trench was equipped with three cybernetic arms and a cybernetic replacement for the left side of his head.
The bounty hunter Cad Bane utilized detachable breathing tubes to defend against Force-choking, and he later acquired a metal plate for his head.
After losing his right eye to Asajj Ventress in a battle, Clone Commander Wolffe had a cybernetic replacement installed.
The Junkers, a species originating from the planet Lotho Minor, routinely enhanced their bodies through the use of cybernetics.
Following his skirmish with Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Savage Opress had a cybernetic left arm attached to replace the one he lost.

After surviving a shuttle explosion during a battle, Advanced Recon Commando Echo was outfitted with cybernetic legs, a socket-arm on his right side, and new neural and respiratory systems.
Prior to her induction into the Inquisitorius, Jedi Initiate Reva Sevander (Third Sister) received cybernetic implants after being impaled by Darth Vader during Operation: Knightfall.
Following the loss of her right leg to Sixth Brother during the Skirmish in Bel City, the Ninth Sister had a cybernetic replacement installed; she later had her right hand replaced after Cal Kestis severed it during the Liberation on Kashyyyk.
Mokko possessed a cybernetic claw in place of his right arm, along with implants in his head and back.
Denetrius Vidian once considered acquiring cybernetic implants to achieve near-perfect memory recall but ultimately decided against it, fearing potential harm to the brain chemistry that he believed underpinned his genius.
After losing his right upper arm to the Fifth Brother, Greez Dritus had a cybernetic replacement installed.

Beilert Valance underwent extensive cybernetic reconstruction following the Mimban Campaign, resulting in the replacement of a significant portion of his body and internal organs.
According to Spectre Sabine Wren, "The Empire is known to implant lower-level technicians with cybernetic circuits, sacrificing them for the sake of enhanced productivity."
After losing his right leg, Saw Gerrera had a low-grade cybernetic replacement installed, in addition to wearing a pressurized suit.
Florn, a pilot in the Galactic Empire, received cybernetic implants following a crash that left him severely injured.
Like Sarco Plank, Melitto required the use of cybernetic breathing tubes.
Hutt Grakkus Jahibakti Tingi had cybernetic legs installed, as did the Grakks.
Following his duel with Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker had a cybernetic right hand attached to replace the one he lost.

The assassin Ochi had cybernetic head implants and a visor installed after his eyes were burned by a kyber crystal during the Mission to Exegol.
The residents of the Colony of Kezarat utilized salvaged droid parts as prosthetics, creating replacements for lost hands such as claws and grappling hooks.
After being shot by Toro Calican, Fennec Shand received cybernetic enhancements in her lower abdomen, courtesy of "the Modifier."
"The Modifier" himself had a cybernetic right arm, and the Mods also had cybernetic implants.
Guavian security soldiers belonging to the Guavian Death Gang were enhanced with cybernetics to improve their capabilities as enforcers.
The cyborg "Colonel" Guswan Askreeth was present on Canto Bight in 34 ABY, observing a Fathier racing event; his cybernetics included an arm from a 2-1B surgical droid, the trunk-like body of an FX-8, and a Imperial stormtrooper breath mask.
Following Darth Sidious' initial defeat in the battle of Endor, his essence was transferred into a cloned body, which then wore the Ommin harness.