The Battle of Christophsis, alternatively referred to as the Siege of Christophsis, was a conflict fought for dominion over the planet of Christophsis in the early stages of the Clone Wars. With the aim of securing the planet's crucial resources, the Separatist Droid Army, under the command of General Whorm Loathsom, launched an invasion and successfully seized Christophsis. In response to an urgent appeal from the planet's inhabitants, the Galactic Republic and the Jedi High Council deployed High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, accompanied by Admiral Wullf Yularen and a clone trooper detachment from the Grand Army of the Republic, to liberate the world. After successfully breaching the massive blockade orchestrated by Confederate Admiral Trench around the planet and delivering supplies to Senator Bail Prestor Organa's refugee camp on the surface using an experimental stealth ship, the IPV-2C Stealth Corvette prototype, Republic forces attempted to surprise the Confederate droid army from within a business center situated in one of the plazas of Chaleydonia, the planet's capital city. However, acting on intelligence provided by one of their spies, Clone Sergeant Slick, the Separatists thwarted the Republic's planned assault. Despite this setback, the Jedi and the clone troopers managed to retreat to their base.
Suspecting the presence of a spy within their ranks, Skywalker and Kenobi embarked on a mission to gather more information behind enemy lines, while Clone Marshal Commander Cody and Clone Captain Rex remained at the base to identify the traitor. Kenobi and Skywalker confronted Sith acolyte Asajj Ventress at the Separatist base, uncovering the existence of an invasion force far larger than they had initially anticipated. Back at the Republic base, Slick was exposed as the turncoat, but he managed to sabotage the Republic's weapons depot, destroying a significant portion of their supplies before Rex and Cody could apprehend him. With the stakes raised, the main Confederate troops launched a full-scale assault on the Republic forces. After several days of intense fighting, the Republic managed to force the Separatists into retreat. When Loathsom launched a second assault, his forces' advance was stopped by the Republic's AV-7 Anti-vehicle Artillery Cannons, prompting him and his droids to withdraw to their base behind a deflector shield to counter the Republic's artillery.
The renewed Separatist blockade of Christophsis forced Yularen and the Republic fleet to withdraw from the planet, but Skywalker's newly assigned Jedi Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, successfully landed on the surface. Loathsom and the Confederacy launched another assault, this time advancing behind their shield, effectively neutralizing the clones' artillery. While Kenobi, Rex, and the 501st Legion defended the artillery cannons, Skywalker and Tano sabotaged the Confederacy's shield generator. Kenobi surrendered to Loathsom, buying time for his comrades to complete their mission. Subsequently, Yularen returned to the system with Jedi Grand Master Yoda and a reinforced fleet to break the blockade, driving the Separatists away from Christophsis. Furthermore, the Republic's renewed use of artillery proved crucial in decimating the Separatist forces in the capital. Kenobi captured Loathsom, securing a Republic victory, and additional reinforcements were deployed to solidify their control.

Following several months after the First Battle of Geonosis, Count Dooku and his Separatist Alliance dispatched an army under the leadership of General Whorm Loathsom and the assassin Asajj Ventress to capture the planet Christophsis. This action was motivated by the planet's valuable resources and its strategic location on the Corellian Run. Simultaneously, Admiral Trench established a blockade around the planet with a fleet of thirty warships to prevent any intervention from the Galactic Republic.
The Republic responded to the invasion by deploying a relief force led by Senator Bail Prestor Organa to assist the people of Christophsis. However, they found themselves trapped with Republic troops in the eastern exurbs during the invasion. While Christophsian rebels fought against the Separatists, the Christophsians eventually pleaded for assistance from the Republic due to worsening conditions and dwindling supplies. In response, the Republic dispatched High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi General Anakin Skywalker with the mission of disrupting the blockade and delivering Senator Organa's relief supplies. The Battle of Christophsis, as it would come to be known, marked one of the initial conflicts of the war, occurring shortly after Skywalker led a revolt on Kudo III.

Skywalker was sent ahead with a fleet of Star Destroyers, while Kenobi and Clone Marshal Commander Cody followed behind aboard Kenobi's flagship, the Negotiator. The Negotiator carried a secret cargo: an experimental stealth ship equipped with cloaking technology. The Republic forces faced unexpected challenges, as the Separatists possessed a significantly larger army than anticipated. Furthermore, Clone Sergeant Slick, one of the clone troopers deployed to Christophsis, had become disillusioned with the Jedi and the Republic. He believed that the clones' lives as [soldiers](/article/soldier] were akin to enslavement. Consequently, he provided vital intelligence to Ventress in exchange for payment.

Upon their arrival in Christophsian space, Skywalker and Yularen engaged the Separatist blockade with three Venator-class Star Destroyers, defying Kenobi's orders to avoid direct confrontation. Trench's forces, consisting of at least twenty-three Munificent-class star frigates, at least six Lucrehulk-class Battleships, and Trench's Providence-class Dreadnought, the Invincible, quickly overwhelmed the smaller Republic fleet. Aboard the bridge of his flagship, the Resolute, Skywalker, alongside Yularen, made repeated attempts to break through the blockade, but each effort resulted in significant casualties. Additionally, Skywalker and Yularen established contact with Senator Organa on the surface, who reported that his position was being overrun by Separatist forces and that they were running low on food, water, and ammunition. The transmission was cut off as one of Skywalker's cruisers was struck by enemy [fire](/article/fire], indicating that Organa and his men were on the verge of being overwhelmed. As the two sides exchanged heavy fire, the Invincible advanced on the Resolute unopposed. Yularen ordered the activation of the Resolute's forward deflector shields just before the Separatist command ship unleashed a barrage of laser fire at the entire task force. Trench also targeted the Pelta-class frigatess, separating them from their escort cruisers.
Subsequently, the left supply ship was struck by the intensified fire and completely destroyed. In response, Skywalker ordered all reactors to be overfired, intending to break through the Separatist Commander's line, although he was unaware of the commander's identity. At that moment, Kenobi and Cody arrived aboard the Negotiator behind Skywalker's ships, maintaining proximity to Leesis, Christophsis' moon. Despite his tactical droid, TI-99, informing him that the Resolute was not breaking off its attack, Trench held his ships in formation and instructed his bridge crew to reinforce forward shields. As their ship sustained increasing fire, Skywalker and Yularen consulted with Kenobi holographically. At their friends' request, Skywalker decided to regroup behind the moon, ordering the supply ships to retreat first, with the Star Destroyers providing cover for their escape. His cruisers managed to maneuver and absorb most of the enemy fire with their hulls, protecting the supply ships and the fleet behind them. Knowing that his orders were to simply blockade the planet, Trench, believing he had won the initial engagement, decided against pursuing the retreating fleet and remained in orbit to await the Republic's inevitable second attack. To prepare his ships for this, he ordered the recycling of his command ship's shields and the resetting of forward cannons to full charge.
As the Republic fleet recuperated and prepared for the next attack, Skywalker took a Nu-class transports to the Negotiator, where he met with Kenobi to inspect the ship that the General had brought. After Kenobi showcased the IPV-2C Stealth Corvette prototype ship and its stealth capabilities to Skywalker, he explained that the ship was undetectable to scanners to the best of their knowledge, but this was its first real-world test. Despite the ship's size, Skywalker believed he could use it to eliminate the blockade from behind; however, Kenobi instead instructed him to use it for a mercy mission to deliver supplies to Organa's refugee camp. Although he preferred to attack and destroy the blockade, Skywalker agreed to carry out the mission. Meanwhile, aboard the Resolute, Yularen researched the markings on the Invincible, recognizing a familiarity with the tactics employed in the earlier battle. He discovered that it belonged to Admiral Trench, an adversary he had previously encountered and believed to have been vaporized during the Battle of Malastare Narrows. Concerned, he requested that Skywalker delay his mission and meet with the General aboard the Negotiator, reporting his findings while the stealth ship was being loaded. Given his previous engagement with the admiral, Yularen volunteered to accompany Skywalker on the mission, believing it would be beneficial in the anticipated encounter with Trench's cunning. Skywalker accepted and welcomed him to the mission.

With a stealth clone pilot, Clone Commander Blackout, and trooper Spark—the last of the stealth ship's [crew](/article/special_ops_clone_trooper]— on board, at their stations, and ready for takeoff, the stealth ship powered up and prepared to depart. Skywalker piloted the ship out of the Negotiator's main hangar bay and toward the heavily armored Separatist blockade, activating his craft's cloaking shield just as it emerged from behind the moon. Remaining undetected by Trench and his fleet, Skywalker and Yularen slipped past an unaware Munificent-class frigate, coming close enough to make Yularen worried about alerting the enemy to their presence. Conferring with his tactical droid aboard the Invincible, Trench learned that the Christophsian resistance was weakening, and the droid estimated that it would be completely over in half a rotation. Intending to increase the pressure on those sent to rescue Senator Organa, Trench dispatched his Hyena-class Droid Bombers to attack the Senator's camp on the surface, hoping to draw his enemies out from behind the moon. The squadron of bombers, accompanied by a fighter escort, launched from the Separatist fleet, and their path to the surface inadvertently led them directly toward Skywalker's stealth ship, despite Trench's continued unawareness of the spacecraft.

The approaching bombers presented Skywalker with a difficult decision. Because he was unsure if the Separatists had detected their presence, he didn't know if the bombers were targeting the stealth ship or not. The Republic craft was armed with proton torpedoes and anti-aircraft cannons, but using either would require deactivating the cloaking device, which would reveal their presence to the Separatists. Yularen noted that an offensive would need to be mounted soon if Skywalker decided to engage. As the diving bombers came within range, Skywalker chose to gamble that the blockade was unaware of the stealth ship and ordered his crew to keep the ship cloaked, power it down, and allow it to drift. Despite Yularen's contrary belief, the bombers did not attack the stealth ship, zooming past and shaking it but otherwise leaving it undamaged. However, Yularen dismissed the comforting thought that the Separatists were unaware of their presence and voiced his realization that the bombers were heading to bomb Organa's command center. The bombers did just that, releasing their explosives on the Senator's camp in the city. With the Separatists approaching by both air and ground, Organa opened a transmission to Kenobi, informing him that without reinforcements, there was little chance of survival. Kenobi then contacted Skywalker and instructed him to continue with his mission while he engaged Trench's fleet with the remaining ships of the task force. Both Yularen and Skywalker disagreed with this plan. Yularen stated that Kenobi lacked the necessary resources to openly engage Trench and asserted that it was a trap, while Skywalker affirmed that the proposed tactic would not be successful.
Believing that their ship was in the best position to attack Trench, Skywalker, to Yularen's surprise, had four of the stealth craft's proton torpedoes prepared, intending to go on the offensive and divert Trench's attention from the Christophsians back to the Republic fleet. He then cut off Kenobi's transmission before he could continue ordering Skywalker to deliver the supplies to the surface. Meanwhile, Trench found the Republic fleet's silence odd and pondered their intentions. He soon discovered the reason when Skywalker brought the stealth ship around to get a clear shot at Trench's ship. After disengaging the ship's cloaking shields, Skywalker had his crew fire the four prepared torpedoes at the Invincible's bridge. Trench managed to activate his ship's thermal shield, rendering the attack unsuccessful. As the stealth ship began to re-cloak, Trench had his ship fire four missiles at the stealth craft. Skywalker decided to have his pilot launch decoy flares to intercept the missiles, and then re-cloaked the ship. Not to be deterred, Trench then ordered a large spread of lasers fired at the ship's last known position, believing he would be able to hit the craft with the sheer number of blasts. Despite this, Skywalker managed to avoid the laser spread. This did not go unnoticed, as Trench surmised that since no clone pilot would have been able to avoid that many lasers, he must be dealing with a Jedi.
Deciding to communicate with his adversary, Trench patched himself over an open frequency and called out to his unseen enemy. Skywalker picked up the transmission and accessed it without hesitation, witnessing Trench taunting the Republic forces into attacking him and boasting that he had dealt with cloaked ships before. After he terminated his transmission, Trench was not surprised when his tactical droid calculated that the Jedi would not turn back as requested and theorized that the Jedi would attack again. Meanwhile, Skywalker and Yularen were puzzled by the revelation of Trench's experience with cloaked ships until Kenobi obtained records of Trench's past battles. Kenobi reported that Trench had indeed faced such technology and had successfully hit them with tracking torpedoes, though nothing as small as the stealth ship. Skywalker correctly theorized that Trench had homed in on the ship's magnetic signature as a means of targeting the cloaked ships. Skywalker requested that Kenobi hold off his attack until Trench had been destroyed before ending the transmission. After completing the necessary preparations, the stealth ship de-cloaked once more and fired four more torpedoes at the Invincible. While the torpedoes hit the Invincible's thermal shields and failed to do any damage, the bridge's crew locked onto the stealth ship's magnetic signature and was able to track it. Having to lower his shields to fire tracking torpedoes, Trench had his tactical droid do just that and released the four-torpedo volley. With the bait taken, Skywalker began to pilot the stealth ship toward the Invincible.

With the torpedoes following closely, Skywalker deactivated his ship's cloaking device and diverted all the ships power to its engines. He then steered the ship straight towards the Invincible's bridge. Realizing his mistake, Trench attempted to raise the thermal shields, but could not because they were still charging. Skywalker piloted the ship across the Invincible's hull, grazing it and leading the tracking torpedoes straight towards the bridge. As the Invincible exploded behind him, Skywalker made for the planet's surface. Giving Skywalker a grudging congratulations, Kenobi engaged the remainder of the blockade with the Negotiator, while the stealth ship continued to the surface to deliver its supplies. Skywalker and Yularen landed at the refugee camp and unloaded their supplies. Organa thanked the General for the lives he saved, and Yularen expressed his impressed view of Skywalker's unusual tactics.
With Trench out of the way, the Separatist fleet was in disarray, and Kenobi pushed his fleet of Venator-class Star Destroyers forward to break the enemy blockade, which—in the absence of the Invincible—was now comprised of Munificent-class frigates and Lucrehulk-class Battleships. Skywalker temporarily returned with Kenobi to pilot their respective Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptors against the remnants of the blockade. On the ground, Skywalker and Kenobi captured the western district in the capital city of Chaleydonia. The Republic eventually set up a base on the ground for their artillery, LAAT/i gunships, and All Terrain Tactical Enforcers.
Kenobi, Cody, Skywalker, and Clone Captain Rex were stationed on the surface while Yularen eventually returned to the fleet as its acting Commander in the continuing struggle against the Separatist blockade.

Kenobi, Skywalker, Cody, Rex, and their men formulated a plan to ambush a column of battle droids and Armored Assault Tanks from two towers. Kenobi, Cody, and Sergeant Slick positioned their men in the south tower, while Skywalker and Rex were stationed in the parallel north tower. As Separatist battle droids and AATs moved through the plaza below, Kenobi's men set up several blaster cannons, preparing to ambush the advancing enemy forces. However, as the clones watched the droids, the column unexpectedly split into two. B1 battle droids used a turbolift to reach the level of the south tower where Kenobi's forces were positioned and ambushed them, surrounding and converging on the clones. The failed ambush made it clear to Kenobi that their plan had been compromised. Observing the events unfolding from the north tower and confirming the situation with Kenobi over comlink, Skywalker contacted clone trooper pilot Hawk and ordered an evacuation from the south tower. Skywalker then cut through the window overlooking the plaza with his lightsaber and used the Force to create a hole through it, allowing his men to fire their blaster rifles' ascension cables across to the south tower. Skywalker, Rex, and the clone troopers crossed the gap, sustaining minimal casualties from the battle droids that opened fire on them from the plaza below.

In the south tower, Rex, Skywalker, and their troops linked up with Kenobi, preventing battle droids from ambushing him from the rear; Kenobi used telekinesis to hurl a blaster cannon at the droids, briefly stopping their advance. To escape the tower's roof, the Jedi and their forces boarded a turbolift, while droids gave chase in other lifts. Upon reaching the roof, clone troopers provided covering fire, enabling the Jedi to engage the droids up close. Shortly thereafter, the tactical droid TJ-55 arrived on the roof with additional droid units. At that moment, Hawk's gunship appeared, hovering near the tower's edge. The troopers, while continuing to shoot at the droids, began a retreat into the vessel. Before the withdrawal, trooper Gus charged at TJ-55 and dismembered the droid's head, bringing it aboard the gunship. The Republic forces then departed from the unsuccessful ambush site and returned to their base, where Rex and Cody conducted a robolobotomy on the tactical droid's head, successfully accessing its memory banks. The droid's head verified that the Separatists were aware of the Republic's plan and location, but it ceased functioning before disclosing further information.

After the clones informed their Generals of their discoveries, Skywalker theorized that a security breach had allowed the Confederacy to obtain the plans. Kenobi even suspected the presence of a spy and proposed covert operations to gather intelligence. Before departing with Skywalker for investigation, Kenobi instructed Cody and Rex to maintain secrecy about the mission and to locate and apprehend the spy. As Kenobi and Skywalker departed, Cody noticed that someone—Slick, though unknown to them at the time—had left their comlink active in the room and had been eavesdropping on the entire conversation. Rex and Cody subsequently spotted Slick in the corridor, but he was too distant for them to identify him clearly. Slick fled, and Rex and Cody pursued him, but they lost track of him. Based on the spy's movements, they concluded that he must have entered the mess hall. Upon realizing that all the occupants of the mess hall were clones, they were compelled to conclude that the spy was one of their comrades. Cody then attempted to contact Kenobi and Skywalker, but his efforts were thwarted by droid signal jamming. Deciding to continue their investigation, they returned to the communications center, where, with the assistance of the R2-series astromech droid R2-D2, they uncovered several instances of external communication. These communications had occurred at irregular intervals of a few days, making them difficult to detect. The wavelengths were eventually traced to a terminal in the barracks used by Slick's squad. Concluding that one of Slick's men was the spy, they resolved to interrogate them in the hope of capturing the culprit.

Under the cover of darkness, Skywalker and Kenobi approached the Separatist base—the primary landing and staging area for the Separatist invasion force preparing to advance on the city—on BARC speeders through the ruined city streets. The two Jedi observed an increasing number of battle droids observing them, but as the droids made no attempt to stop or engage them, the pair surmised that they were entering a trap, yet they proceeded regardless. Upon arriving at the base, Skywalker and Kenobi were met by the hooded figure of Ventress. Upon seeing each other, all three adversaries activated their lightsabers. Ventress taunted her attackers with the knowledge of the spy and swiftly ascended to the top of the base's stairs. A lightsaber duel began when Skywalker attacked Ventress, who forced him back down to the bottom of the stairs. Kenobi joined the battle and engaged Ventress as well. Ventress fought Skywalker and Kenobi simultaneously with her dual lightsabers and used the Force to telekinetically hurl a piece of crystal rubble at the duo. Kenobi bisected the projectile, and he and Skywalker gradually pushed Ventress back up the stairs.
Ventress retreated into another room, and the Jedi pursued her. She summoned numerous books from their shelves and hurled them at her pursuers; Kenobi halted them with the Force, and Skywalker's added telekinetic assistance sent the books back at Ventress. As the Dark Acolyte assumed a submissive seated position, the two Jedi approached her with their lightsabers ignited. However, Ventress suddenly activated her own lightsabers into the floor, creating a hole that caused Skywalker and Kenobi to fall into the room below. Ventress mocked the two before fleeing, and the two Jedi jumped back up into the room above and followed Ventress as she broke a window and leaped out of it. While Ventress landed on the head of an Octuptarra tri-droid attached to the side of the building, Skywalker and Kenobi stepped onto the balcony and discovered the full scale of the Separatist invasion force: numerous C-9979 landing crafts were landing, delivering more battle droids to the surface, and many troops had already disembarked and were marching in formation on the ground far below. Despite the revelation of the enormous invasion force, Skywalker and Kenobi continued the duel and jumped onto the legs of the tri-droid, severing two of its legs and causing it to lose its grip on the building. Ventress jumped off the droid's head and briefly engaged Skywalker on one of the droid's remaining legs. As the droid plummeted to the ground, Skywalker Force-pushed Ventress away, and he and Kenobi each commandeered a Single Trooper Aerial Platform from the battle droids piloting them.
Ventress landed on the ground as the tri-droid crashed behind her. She then issued orders to General Loathsom through a tactical droid, instructing them to attack the city to keep the Jedi occupied while she executed the next phase of her master's plan: turning Jabba the Hutt against the Jedi and the Republic by kidnapping his son, Rotta the Huttlet. She then departed in her Trident-class assault ship, leaving Loathsom and the tactical droid in command of the attack. Back at the Republic base, Rex and Cody, despite Slick's objections that it would demoralize his men, interrogated his squad: Jester, Gus, Punch, Sketch, and Chopper. All of them had verifiable alibis except Chopper, who admitted to making a necklace out of battle droid fingers, violating wartime protocol. Seeking to avoid suspicion, Slick questioned Chopper's loyalty. However, while telling Chopper that he did not have to say anything, he inadvertently revealed that he knew the Jedi were gone. Chopper then retaliated, questioning why he had turned left, towards the command center, after returning, when everyone else went right, towards the mess hall and barracks. Cody then realized that he had mentioned that the Jedi were gone, something Slick could not have known unless he was the spy. Exposed, Slick punched Cody and fled towards the exit. Rex and Cody pursued him to the gunships and tanks, but encountered a primed thermal detonator.

Rex and Cody sought shelter just before a series of explosions detonated, completely destroying the landing pad, the AT-TE walkers, and the weapon supply depot. Slick fled into the command center and concealed himself in the vents above the room, and Cody and Rex pursued him there. The two officers devised a scheme to lure Slick out of the vents—Cody left his DC-15A blaster carbine on the table after secretly removing the ammunition, while Rex pretended to leave for the south exit to restart the generators. Slick emerged from his hiding place, stole Cody's blaster, and aimed the weapon at Cody, at which point the Commander revealed that it was empty. Rex re-entered the room, and the officers surrounded Slick. The Sergeant stole Rex's blaster, and Cody lost his own blaster while disarming the Separatist agent. Cody tackled Slick as he headed for the exit, and the two engaged in close combat before Rex pulled the clone traitor off Cody. Slick head-butted Rex and employed the "groin popper" maneuver to dislocate his leg. As Slick revealed his motives for treason, Cody knocked him unconscious and secured him in handcuffs. Upon the Jedi's return to the base, the apprehended Slick accused them of enslaving the clones before being taken to lock-up. Kenobi and Skywalker then dispatched Yularen's fleet back to Republic space for resupply.
Skywalker's and Kenobi's forces managed to salvage only the AV-7 Anti-vehicle Artillery Cannons, which they positioned in anticipation of an assault. Loathsom then initiated an attack, with his army consisting of B1 and B2 battle droids and three Octuptarra tri-droids at the forefront, followed by AATs in large numbers. In response, Kenobi and Cody led the main force of clone troopers—some riding on All Terrain Reconnaissance Transports—in a direct charge against the droids in the main lane, while Rex, Skywalker, and a squad of clone troopers advanced to the top of a nearby tower. The clones used jetpacks to land on the street and attack the Octuptarra droids, and Skywalker landed on one of the droids. The team succeeded in eliminating all three Octuptarra droids and proceeded to attack the advancing droid forces from the rear. Seeing no other options due to the Republic's heavy cannons, Loathsom was compelled to withdraw his forces to establish a deflector shield, and he had an OOM command battle droid relay his orders to the front lines. The droid forces retreated to regroup in the Separatist-controlled area of the city, though the battle for Christophsis continued to rage on.
With squadrons of starfighters engaged in dogfights across the space above the planet with the Separatists, Admiral Yularen promptly dispatched the young Padawan Ahsoka Tano to the surface aboard a Nu-class transport from the Resolute as a messenger from the Jedi High Council with important orders for the Jedi, as disruptions in the star system had caused a communications blackout between Christophsis and the Jedi Temple. Upon seeing the shuttle, Kenobi hoped it would bring assistance. Afterward, Skywalker surveyed the battlefield from above multiple times and reflected on himself. After ordering his clone commandos to maintain their positions, he departed to meet Kenobi, unable to shake the feeling that his life was about to change. Tano landed in the city and was greeted by a surprised Skywalker and Kenobi, who had anticipated Republic reinforcements instead of her. Tano revealed to Skywalker that Jedi Grand Master Yoda had assigned her to be his Padawan, much to Skywalker's surprise and alarm.

In the City Plaza, Skywalker, Tano, and Kenobi managed to contact Yoda at the Jedi Temple through the Resolute—which was being battered by intense turbolaser fire from several Munificent-class frigates of the renewed Confederate blockade, itself smaller than Admiral Trench's original fleet but still a significant threat—and, with all their support ships destroyed, requested reinforcements for the battle. Skywalker and Kenobi discovered that the Jedi Council had been unaware that the Republic forces had engaged the Separatists but managed to get the request for assistance across to Yoda. Before the conversation could continue, increasing enemy fire forced the Resolute to terminate the transmission. More Separatist ships arrived, and Yularen and the Resolute were forced to retreat from the system to avoid further damage. Without the Republic armada to provide support or transportation off the planet, the Jedi were trapped on Christophsis with limited supplies against the large droid army.

While the Republic observed the Separatist forces from several towers throughout the city, Loathsom completed the setup of a deflector shield generator and launched another attack. The Separatist force advanced behind its deflector shield, negating the Republic's use of long-range artillery. The Separatist battle droids and AATs advanced through the city, followed by several lines of NR-N99 Persuader-class tanks. Meanwhile, Skywalker, Kenobi, Tano, and Rex met at the command center and formulated an attack plan: Skywalker and Tano would infiltrate the Separatist-held area of the city and disable the shield generator, while Kenobi and Rex would buy them time by defending the base. With Kenobi and Rex rallying their men to defend the Republic's position, Skywalker and Tano proceeded with explosives towards the advancing Separatist lines. The pair concealed themselves beneath a large box to bypass the droid lines. Once the shield and the droid troops had passed over them, Skywalker and Tano made their way to the generator but encountered a droideka along the way. Forced to abandon their cover, Skywalker and Tano drew their lightsabers and managed to destroy the enemy droid. At some point, they encountered two more droidekas that they had to deal with.
They then reached the generator site, which, unbeknownst to them, was being guarded by numerous LR-57 combat/retail droids. Meanwhile, Kenobi and Rex attempted to use the base's heavy cannons to defend their position in the city but could only confirm that the weaponry was ineffective against the droids' deflector shield. Loathsom, meanwhile, ordered his troops to target the heavy cannons. As soon as the deflector shield enveloped them, Kenobi led a charge against the droids while Rex began to lure the enemy into the buildings, where his forces would have the advantage. As the Separatist forces overwhelmed their own, Rex had to order his men to retreat. He and Kenobi met at the command station, where the General had Rex organize a defense of the cannons while Kenobi delayed the droids. Reluctantly, Rex agreed and retreated as Kenobi battled the droids alone. However, he was soon surrounded by a squad of B2 battle droids, DSD1 dwarf spider droids, and Loathsom's personal AAT. Meanwhile, at the shield generator, Tano, against Skywalker's advice, ran towards the generator, accidentally activating buried LR-57 combat droids. As the droids emerged, Skywalker attacked them to give Tano time to plant the charges on the generator. However, while avoiding one of the retail droids, Tano severed its 'head' and Force pushed it away, inadvertently activating more droids.
As Skywalker was being surrounded by the combat droids, Tano noticed a wall behind her Master with a hole in the middle. Tano carefully brought the wall down with the Force, crushing the droids around Skywalker without harming him. Despite Tano saving his life, Skywalker was infuriated by her recklessness and believed that he could have been killed. Meanwhile, Kenobi used his capture to buy time for Skywalker and Tano to destroy the shield generator by prolonging negotiations. Kenobi was brought to a crystal table and, while held at blaster point, patiently discussed the "terms of surrender" with Loathsom over a cup of Tarine tea, to the Confederate General's increasing impatience. Continuing to defend the heavy cannons with his men from their cover behind some fallen rubble at the end of the city's main street, Rex discovered that Kenobi had been captured but rallied his men to continue fighting. Loathsom, frustrated by Kenobi's continued refusal to stand down his troops, angrily overturned the table. Loathsom ordered two B2 super battle droids to seize Kenobi and demanded that the Jedi General call off his troops immediately under the threat of being killed. At that moment, Skywalker and Tano detonated their charges and destroyed the shield generator, causing the shield to dissipate. Seeing the dissipating shield, Kenobi broke free from the droids' grip and grabbed Loathsom around the neck. As the battle droids took aim, Loathsom ordered his troops not to attack and surrendered to Kenobi.

Back at the heavy cannons, Rex saw the shield dissipating and ordered the cannons to fire on the exposed battle droids. Just then, Yularen, accompanied by Jedi Master Yoda, emerged from hyperspace with a reinvigorated fleet of Venator-class Star Destroyers and Acclamator-class transgalactic military assault ships borrowed from Admiral Wurtz's fleet. Ordering the cruisers to protect the transports, Yularen's forces engaged the blockade, breaking through the Separatist defenses and forcing the enemy armada to retreat from the planet. Gunships were then deployed from the fleet to assist the heavy cannons in bombarding the remaining droid forces. One of the assault ships landed in the city, unloading clone reinforcements to further secure the Republic's victory on the planet.

By defeating Loathsom, the Republic transformed what could have been a Separatist triumph into a Republic gain.
Rex used an LAAT/i gunship to collect Skywalker and Tano from the generator site and return them to the Republic base. Meeting with Skywalker, Tano, and Kenobi, Yoda informed them that the son of crime lord Jabba the Hutt, Rotta the Huttlet, had been kidnapped by a group of renegades. Rescuing Rotta was essential to secure Jabba's favor, as the Republic was seeking access to hyperspace lanes in Hutt-controlled space. Skywalker and Tano were tasked with rescuing the captive Huttlet, while Kenobi would enter into negotiations with Jabba on his homeworld of Tatooine. Based on clone intelligence reports, Skywalker, Tano, and Rex departed for the Wild Space planet of Teth to rescue Rotta from a monastery with the 501st detachment of Torrent Company. Unbeknownst to them, they were heading into a trap set by Count Dooku and his assassin Asajj Ventress, who sought to claim the hyperlanes for the Separatist Alliance and had orchestrated Rotta's capture with the help of Jabba's uncle, Ziro the Hutt, to manipulate Jabba into turning against the Jedi.
The Republic High Command cited the victory as evidence of the capabilities of Clones and Jedi working together. The battle demonstrated that a single Jedi and an armed squad of clone troopers could eliminate an entire column of battle droids. The Separatists also recognized this and began researching Jedi-proof biological weapons. Examples of this project were the Defoliator and the Blue Shadow Virus. These weapons would be deployed later in the first year of the war. Despite this boost to the Republic, the CIS also gained a propaganda advantage through Kenobi's stalling. While no flag of truce was established as Kenobi did not surrender his forces, with both armies continuing to battle, Separatist-controlled media portrayed his successful ruse as a false surrender and a clear indication of Republic duplicity. Conditional surrenders were rarely offered by either side for the remainder of the Clone Wars.
The Republic concealed all evidence of Slick's betrayal, and his motivations were kept secret from all except Republic High Command to ensure that the knowledge that clones weren't entirely obedient remained secret to prevent similar sentiments throughout the trooper ranks. While the Jedi had previously viewed their leadership of organics as more noble than the Separatists' use of droids, they now realized they would have to address the factor of free will.
Admiral Trench survived the destruction of his flagship, though he underwent cybernetic reconstruction to replace several limbs and part of his head. Loathsom was imprisoned in the Republic Center for Military Operations. A Republic soldier who mentioned "cracking that crystal" identified himself as a veteran of Christophsis and the assault on Crystal City.

The initial canon depiction of the Battle of Christophsis occurred in the 2008 film, Star Wars: The Clone Wars. As the film served as an introduction to the television series of the same name, also from 2008, this battle was the first event showcased in the series. The planet Christophsis and Anakin Skywalker's new Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, were both introduced during this battle, and both were further developed throughout the show. Series producer George Lucas requested the January 2009 first season episode "The Hidden Enemy" be created as a prequel to the film, to provide more background information on Christophsis. The Clone Wars television series featured the battle again in March 2010, specifically in the second season episode "Cat and Mouse." Chronologically, this episode took place before "The Hidden Enemy" and depicted Admiral Trench's blockade of Christophsis. Including the portion of the battle shown in The Clone Wars film, this episode marked the third instance of expanding on the Battle of Christophsis, creating a three-part narrative arc within the television series.
Originally, a "flashback" episode titled "The New Padawan" was planned for the television series' first season to feature the battle. However, after Lucas's decision to combine several episodes for a theatrical release of The Clone Wars, the episode was repositioned to its correct chronological order among other first-season episodes, ultimately becoming the film's opening segment. According to the reference magazine "The Clone Wars Begin", the battle took place seven weeks after the start of the Clone Wars, while the magazine "Boba Fett and Other Characters of the Underworld" and the reference book Collapse of the Republic indicate that the battle occurred a few months into the conflict.