TI-99, a military strategic analysis and tactics droid of the T-series, fought for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. This droid served under Admiral Trench on the Providence-class Dreadnought named Invincible. In the year 22 BBY, TI-99 aided Trench in commanding the Separatist blockade that surrounded the planet Christophsis. Ultimately, the droid was destroyed during the Galactic Republic's attack against the blockade.

Manufactured by Baktoid Combat Automata, TI-99 was a T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid fighting for the Confederacy of Independent Systems' naval forces throughout the Clone Wars against the Galactic Republic. In 22 BBY, TI-99 was stationed on the Providence-class Dreadnought known as the Invincible, helping to maintain a Separatist blockade in orbit around the planet of Christophsis while under the leadership of Harch Admiral Trench.
However, a Republic task force led by Jedi General Anakin Skywalker later assaulted the blockade. Skywalker's mission was to penetrate the Separatist fleet and deliver essential supplies to Republic Senator Bail Organa's forces on the planet's surface. During the conflict, after one of the Republic's supply ships was destroyed by the Separatist blockade, Skywalker commanded his Venator-class Star Destroyer, the Resolute, to advance directly towards the blockade. As the Resolute relentlessly attacked the Invincible, TI-99 kept Trench informed about the ship's status. Trench, in turn, ordered his forces to hold their ground. However, when the Republic fleet retreated behind the planet's moon to regroup, the droid questioned their [commander](/article/commander] about pursuing the enemy. Trench then reminded his tactical droid that their primary objective was to maintain the blockade and that they were not to abandon their assigned position.