The Providence-class Dreadnought, also known by the designations Providence-class carrier/destroyer, Providence-class cruiser-carrier, or simply Separatist dreadnought, represented a dreadnought design originating from Quarren engineers on the planet of Pammant. It saw widespread use by the Confederacy of Independent Systems navy throughout the Clone Wars. Initially serving as command ships within the Trade Federation's private fleet, its introduction featured the Invisible Hand, the personal flagship belonging to Viceroy Nute Gunray. Due to the substantial costs associated with operating such a vessel, the Confederacy's naval leadership employed the warship judiciously, deploying it only when its unique capabilities were essential.
The Providence-class Dreadnought, produced by Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps, carried a multi-million credit price tag. Its debut occurred via the Invisible Hand after the Trade Federation's defeat and the subsequent sanctions resulting from their failed invasion of Naboo in 32 BBY. Years later, in 22 BBY, the Federation allied itself with the Separatist Alliance. As part of this alliance, the Federation's military assets, including its navy and warships like the Providence-class, were integrated into the Confederacy military. From that point forward, the Confederacy utilized and constructed numerous dreadnoughts of this class, including the Invincible and Invulnerable. These vessels were commanded by Harch Admiral Trench during the war; the former met its end during the siege of Christophsis, while the latter was destroyed along with its commander in a battle over Anaxes.
Initially, the Invisible Hand was the property of Viceroy Gunray, but command of the warship later became a point of contention among the Separatist leadership, including the Executive Separatist Council. Ultimately, Gunray reluctantly relinquished ownership of the dreadnought to Supreme Martial Commander General Grievous, much to the general's satisfaction. By 19 BBY, under Grievous's command, the Invisible Hand rose to become the Confederacy navy's primary capital ship. It subsequently played a role in Grievous's large-scale assault on Coruscant, the Galactic Republic's capital world, where it was destroyed during the conflict.
Following the conclusion of the war, during the reign of the Galactic Empire, many Providence-class Dreadnoughts were dispersed across the galaxy for dismantling, including sites on Bracca and at the Bilbringi shipyards. Components from the Lucid Voice, which was dismantled at Bilbringi after participating in numerous battles across contested star systems during the war, were repurposed along with parts from the long-destroyed Invincible dreadnought in a down-sized version of a Providence-class Dreadnought utilized by Imperial defector Berch Teller. Furthermore, the armada of the Alliance to Restore the Republic also deployed the dreadnought class during the Galactic Civil War, including a member of the dreadnought's carrier variation.

The Quarren shipbuilders of the Free Dac Volunteers Engineering Corps, alongside Rendili StarDrive, a manufacturing company, designed and built the Providence-class Dreadnought in construction facilities located on the planet Pammant. This dreadnought type had a price of 400,585,000 credits and came in two size variants, one measuring 1,088 meters in length and the other reaching 2,000 meters. Powered by a trio of Creveld-4 radial ion drives made by Nubia Star Drives, Inc., the Providence could achieve a maximum acceleration of 2,500 G, a speed of seventy megalight per hour, and an atmospheric top speed of 2,000 kilometers per hour. Complementing its propulsion, the Providence-class was equipped with Class 1.5 and supplementary Class 10 hyperdrive generators for hyperspace travel. It also featured long-range sensors, a navigation computer, and multiple reactors for power.
The dreadnought, one of the largest and most formidable warships fielded by the Separatist Alliance's naval forces against the Galactic Republic, was built using a highly modular design. Its extended, roughly cylindrical hull featured a tapered, cone-shaped bow, while the aft section was characterized by a large superstructure with a towering, fin-like spire rising from the hull's dorsal surface. This spire housed the command bridge and observation platforms, accessible via five turbolifts. The spire's topmost level contained the commanding officer's private quarters, along with a command center featuring tactical display screens and briefing tables within an observation platform offering a 180-degree viewport of the surrounding space.

Additionally, Providence-class vessels were equipped with several sensor and communications masts along the dorsal hull, used to coordinate nearby droid starfighter defenses. The command bridge, though varying in design, featured yellow-lit display screens used by a crew of 900 officers, droids, and other crewmembers to manage the vessel's systems. The command bridge also provided a 180-degree view of space through viewports, and at its center was a throne-like chair for the commander.
The warship's straightforward construction and modular interior allowed for configuration to suit various starship roles. One such role was that of the Providence-class Carrier variant, among others, providing versatility and enhancing its utility for operators compared to specialized vessels.
The Providence-class featured numerous weapon emplacements along its cylindrical hull, providing enough firepower to independently maintain a planetary blockade. Its weaponry could also penetrate enemy warship deflector shields. A Providence-class's armament included fourteen port and starboard heavy quad turbolaser cannons capable of generating a magnitude-10 earthquake-equivalent yield, thirty-four dorsal and ventral turret-mounted dual heavy laser cannons, twelve port and starboard twin light point-defense ion cannons, and two forward-mounted battleship heavy ion cannons. Furthermore, it was equipped with 102 proton torpedo launchers, each firing three torpedoes, twelve heavy flak guns, and ten port and starboard heavy tractor beam emitters.
Besides its robust hull and thick [armor](/article/armor], the Providence-class had deflector shields and thermal shields capable of deflecting or absorbing heavy laser fire from opposing starships. Despite their power, Separatist admirals used Providence-class ships cautiously, deploying them only when their overwhelming force was necessary due to high operational costs.

Despite its formidable weaponry, the Providence-class Dreadnought often served as a carrier for starfighters and landing craft in the Separatist armada. Its large hangar could accommodate up to 120 Vulture-class droid starfighters, 120 droid tri-fighters, and 10 Hyena-class Droid Fighter/Bombers. It also transported hundreds of droid armored vehicles, like Multi-Troop Transports and Armored Assault Tanks, as well as shuttles, and HMP droid gunships. The vessel had a passenger capacity of 48,247 troops and a crew of 900 officers, droids, and other enlisted crew. Furthermore, the Providence-class could carry 1.5 million deactivated battle droids and 18,000 metric tons of cargo.
The Providence-class, propelled by three Nubian Creveld-4 radial ion drives, achieved speeds of 2,000 kilometers per hour and 70 megalight per hour. It was equipped with a Class 1.5 hyperdrive generator and a backup Class 10 hyperdrive, along with long-range sensors and a navigation computer.
The Providence-class Dreadnought primarily functioned as a command ship for fleets. However, it could also serve as a cruiser-carrier, transporting a large passenger complement and a vehicle and starfighter complement in its hangars.

During the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, the Confederacy of Independent Systems, seeking control over the crystalline planet Christophsis for its resources and strategic location along the Corellian Run, deployed its Droid Army under Kerkoiden General Whorm Loathsom and Sith assassin Asajj Ventress. After securing the planet's surface, the Confederacy established a thirty-vessel blockade in orbit, consisting of at least six Lucrehulk-class Battleships and twenty-three Munificent-class star frigates, commanded by Harch Admiral Trench from his flagship, the Providence-class Dreadnought Invincible.
The Republic responded by dispatching a fleet of three Venator-class Star Destroyers and three Pelta-class frigates under Jedi General Anakin Skywalker to break the blockade and deliver supplies to the surface. As the two fleets exchanged fire, the Invincible advanced on the Resolute unopposed, forcing the Republic fleet to reinforce its forward shields. Unleashing a barrage of turbolaser fire, the Invincible separated the Republic frigates from the Venators, destroying one frigate.
As the Invincible continued its bombardment, Skywalker ordered his fleet to overcharge their reactors to break through the blockade. Trench countered by ordering the blockade to hold position and intensify forward deflector shields. Shortly after, Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived in the system aboard his flagship, advising Skywalker to retreat behind the moon of Leesis with a plan. As the Republic fleet withdrew, Trench's T-series tactical droid TI-99 inquired about pursuit, but Trench, adhering to his orders to maintain the blockade, predicted the Republic's return. After the Republic retreated, Trench ordered two B1-series battle droids to recharge the vessel's shields and reset its cannons.

While the Republic regrouped, Trench tasked TI-99 with providing a surface engagement update. The tactical droid estimated the Confederacy would control the planet within half a rotation. Believing a two-pronged attack would draw out the Republic, Trench dispatched a squadron of Hyena-class Droid Bombers to bomb Senator Bail Organa's position. However, the bombers unknowingly flew over General Skywalker, who, under Kenobi's orders, used a prototype stealth ship to deliver supplies to the surface.
Shortly after the bombing run, Skywalker, determined to defeat the blockade, attacked the Invincible. Deactivating the stealth ship's cloaking device, the Jedi Knight revealed himself to Trench and launched torpedoes at the Invincible's command bridge. The dreadnought's thermal shields repelled the attack, and Trench ordered his crew to unleash a wall of turbolaser fire, which failed as the stealth ship reactivated its cloaking device. Realizing that a clone trooper couldn't navigate such a laser spread and that they were fighting a Jedi, Trench contacted Skywalker aboard the stealth ship, warning him to turn back. He acknowledged the impressive vessel but stated he had faced similar ships before.

After the transmission, Trench deduced that Skywalker would likely attack again, understanding that a stealth ship could have slipped by unnoticed but chose to attack. Confirming Trench's prediction, Skywalker decloaked again, firing torpedoes that were again repelled. However, Trench tracked the stealth ship's magnetic signature before it disappeared. Locking onto the signature, the Invincible, lowering its shields, fired tracking torpedoes at the stealth ship. The stealth ship evaded the torpedoes, decloaking and boosting engine power, heading straight for the unshielded Invincible and sending the torpedoes into its bridge, resulting in the vessel's destruction. With the Invincible gone, Kenobi and the Republic fleet returned, continuing their attack on the blockade, which was thrown into disarray.

Following the Confederacy's triumph over the Republic on Felucia in 21 BBY to secure the Perlemian Trade Route, the Separatist navy launched an attack on Felucia Medical Station HCTFF2, a Republic Haven-class medical station in the Felucia system. The attack, led by a Providence-class Dreadnought and two Munificent-class star frigates, resulted in the medical station's destruction.

Despite an earlier failure, General Grievous, a Kaleesh cyborg, and Asajj Ventress, a Dark Acolyte, planned a second invasion of the cloning planet Kamino. However, the Republic intercepted a transmission detailing the invasion, leading to the deployment of the 501st Legion clones to defend the planet.
Upon arriving in the Kamino system, Grievous commanded the fleet from his personal Providence-class Dreadnought, supported by several Munificent-class star frigates and Recusant-class light destroyers.

Later, a Providence-class Dreadnought led a Separatist fleet under the command of the dark side assassin Asajj Ventress. This fleet encountered a Republic fleet commanded by Jedi Generals Skywalker and Kenobi, resulting in a battle for control of Sullust.
Near the battle's end, Count Dooku, ordered by his master Darth Sidious to eliminate Ventress to prove his loyalty, instructed Ventress' tactical droid, TJ-912, to withdraw their forces and open fire on the Separatist command ship. Ventress, caught in a brief lightsaber duel between Skywalker and Kenobi, narrowly escaped the dreadnought before its destruction.
After Jedi Master Even Piell discovered the location of the strategic Nexus Route hyperspace lane, his forces were ambushed by a small fleet of Separatist warships led by a Providence-class carrier/destroyer. This led to Piell's imprisonment in the seemingly inescapable Citadel on the volcanic planet Lola Sayu.
Following Piell's capture, the Republic sent a Jedi-led rescue team to extract him from the Citadel to prevent the Confederacy from learning the hyperlane's coordinates. Entering the Lola Sayu system aboard a stolen Sheathipede-class Type B shuttle, the Republic rescue team encountered the Separatists' planetary defense fleet, commanded by a Separatist dreadnought.

After the Citadel's liberation of Master Piell by the Jedi, the Republic shuttle, already stolen, was obliterated during their attempted departure. This prompted the Republic to deploy a task force composed of four Venator-class Star Destroyers. This group was under the command of Jedi Master Plo Koon, with the mission to rescue the stranded team. This action then compelled the Separatist dreadnought, along with the rest of the planetary defense fleet, to engage the incoming Republic task force.
During the Clone Wars, the cyborg Kaleesh General Grievous, leading a Separatist cruiser fleet, initiated a surprise attack against Jedi Master Adi Gallia and her flagship. This assault occurred near Patitite Pattuna, with Grievous aboard his personal Providence-class cruiser-carrier. Following a lightsaber duel on Gallia's Star Destroyer, Grievous successfully captured her.

Sometime after this capture, Grievous's Providence encountered the Weequay pirate ship known as the Marauder. Grievous immediately ordered its destruction for target practice. While Gallia was still a captive, a Republic Star Destroyer fleet, led by Plo Koon, entered the system and began bombarding the Separatist dreadnought. This assault enabled a successful retrieval of Master Gallia, while Grievous escaped the severely damaged cruiser.
Around the second year of the Clone Wars, the Umbaran government declared its secession from the Republic. This followed the death of Senator Mee Deechi, the planet's representative in the Galactic Senate. Umbara then aligned itself with the Separatist Alliance. To counter this, the Republic initiated a planetary invasion to reclaim Umbara, facing a Separatist blockade headed by a dreadnought.

As the conflict intensified, the Separatists deployed a DH-Omni Support Vessel to bolster the faltering Umbaran forces. Their objective was to thwart the Republic troops commanded by Jedi Generals Kenobi, Skywalker, and Pong Krell. To safeguard the supply ship's arrival, the Separatists deployed a defensive fleet. This fleet included at least three Separatist dreadnoughts, four Recusant-class light destroyers, and eight Munificent-class star frigates.
Following Asajj Ventress's unsuccessful attempt on Count Dooku's life, orchestrated by his new apprentice Savage Opress, Dooku learned of Ventress's return to Dathomir. In response, he commanded General Grievous to launch an invasion of the planet. Dooku's intention was to exact revenge on Ventress and Mother Talzin, and to annihilate the entire Nightsister clan.
Grievous, commanding a fleet consisting of four Munificent-class star frigates, two Recusant-class light destroyers, two Separatist supply ships, and his personal Separatist dreadnought, traveled to the Dathomir system. Upon arrival, Grievous ordered the deployment of droids onto the planet's surface, achieving the massacre of the Nightsister clan.

Later in the war, the Republic, fearing a major Separatist offensive after a secret transmission from General Grievous was interrupted, dispatched a droid squad under the command of Colonel Meebur Gascon and Zilkin to infiltrate a Separatist dreadnought. This dreadnought, commanded by the super tactical droid Aut-O, carried an encryption module that the Republic hoped to use to decipher Separatist plans.
At a later point, General Kenobi and his task force were caught in an ambush orchestrated by General Grievous's Separatist fleet. This fleet included two Providence-class Dreadnoughts, one Recusant-class destroyer, and three Munificent-class star frigates; one of the frigates was destroyed during the battle. The ambush resulted in significant losses for Kenobi's fleet, including the destruction of his flagship, Negotiator.
In the final year of the Clone Wars, the Separatists launched an invasion of the Trade Federation world, Cato Neimoidia. However, they encountered a Republic defense led by Skywalker, his Padawan, Jedi Commander Ahsoka Tano, and the 501st Legion. After breaking through the Separatist fleet in orbit, the two Jedi led a squadron of Z-95 Headhunters to the planet's surface, engaging the command ship and its escorting cruisers.
During the Battle of Ringo Vinda, Separatist forces under the command of Admiral Trench utilized five Providence-class vessels in an attempt to repel Republic forces both on and around the ring-shaped space station. These dreadnoughts were supported by two Recusant-class vessels. They sustained heavy damage from the Republic fleet, which consisted of twenty Venator-class Star Destroyers, one Arquitens-class light cruiser, one Acclamator-class assault ship, and three Consular-class cruisers.

During the invasion of Scipio, the world controlled by the InterGalactic Banking Clan, Count Dooku directed the battle from his personal Providence-class Dreadnought. After successfully manipulating Rush Clovis into raising interest rates on the Republic rather than the Separatists, Dooku and his flotilla fled the system upon the arrival of a Republic fleet commanded by Anakin Skywalker, ceding control of Scipio to the Republic.

During the Confederacy's campaign against the Shadow Collective, a criminal syndicate established by former Sith Lord Maul, Grievous led a substantial Separatist fleet in a battle on the moon of Zanbar. This occurred after the Zabrak successfully escaped from the Spire prison on Stygeon Prime. The fleet included Grievous's Providence-class Dreadnought, at least two Recusant-class warships, at least eighteen Munificent-class star frigates, at least five DH-Omni Support Vessels, and at least five C-9979 landing craft.
Following their defeat at Zanbar, Maul and Mother Talzin, suspecting a Sith and Separatist ploy to draw her out, orchestrated a scheme to lure Count Dooku and Grievous to Ord Mantell, setting a trap for their capture. After deploying their droid forces, the Separatists were immediately engaged by the Shadow Collective. Maul boarded the dreadnought, ordering Grievous to deactivate his army under threat of death. Grievous complied, leading to his capture. Dooku, having defeated the Nightbrothers, was also captured by the Collective.

During the Outer Rim Sieges, the Separatists, under Trench's command, launched an assault on Anaxes to seize the Republic's crucial shipyards. Trench commanded the battle from his new flagship, the Invulnerable, leading an orbiting fleet that included at least two other Providence-class Dreadnoughts, seven Munificent-class star frigates, two Recusant-class light destroyers, and six DH-Omni Support Vessels. Initially, the Republic contained Trench's forces, but after weeks of intense fighting, the Separatists gained the advantage using a strategy algorithm designed by Clone Captain Rex. This algorithm had been extracted from clone trooper Echo, believed dead after the Battle of Lola Sayu, on Skako Minor, the Techno Union headquarters.
Later in the Outer Rim Sieges, Grievous commanded a fleet of six Providence-class vessels against a fleet of six Republic Star Destroyers. During the battle, clone Z-95 Headhunters and droid tri-fighters engaged in dogfights, causing significant hull damage to at least two Separatist dreadnoughts.

As the war drew to a close, the Republic aimed to capitulate Cato Neimoidia, viewing it as vital for ending the conflict. The Jedi Council dispatched Plo Koon to lead the 442nd Siege Battalion and secure the planet. Koon and Clone Captain Jag led starfighter squadrons against three Separatist dreadnoughts and droid tri-fighters above Cato Neimoidia.
Near the war's end, the Confederacy, under Darth Sidious's orders (secretly Chancellor Palpatine, the CIS's hidden leader), launched a massive surprise assault on the Republic capital, Coruscant. The goal was to capture Palpatine, drawing Anakin Skywalker closer to the dark side.

Against expectations, Grievous attacked Coruscant with over 1,000 starships, led by the Providence-class Dreadnought Invisible Hand. The attack caught the Coruscant Home Defense Fleet off guard, quickly overwhelming them. The Chancellor was captured after a chase through the Federal District and taken aboard the flagship.
Despite being outnumbered, the Home Fleet tried to stop the Invisible Hand's escape. Before the Separatists could leave Coruscant, the Open Circle Fleet and Jedi Generals Kenobi and Skywalker arrived, engaging the _Munificent_s, _Recusant_s and _Lucrehulk_s escorting the Invisible Hand. Skywalker deactivated the shields, allowing the Jedi to land inside the main hangar.

Aboard the Invisible Hand, the Jedi rescued the Chancellor and killed Count Dooku. The dreadnought briefly exchanged fire with the Venator-class Star Destroyer Guarlara, sustaining heavy damage and plummeting towards the planet before the crew regained control. Despite the rescue and the loss of a third of the fleet, Grievous escaped in an escape pod retrieved by the Lucrehulk-class Battleship Profusion. Skywalker and Kenobi managed to land the Invisible Hand on Coruscant, with half of the vessel breaking off.
Following the end of the Clone Wars and the transition to the Galactic Empire in 19 BBY, Providence-class Dreadnoughts were decommissioned and sent to Bracca for dismantling. On Bracca, they deteriorated, their hulls rusting.

Later, in 14 BBY, a rebel cell led by Berch Teller used a modified, smaller version of a Providence-class Dreadnought, notorious for jamming signals and destroying HoloNet relays. This dreadnought was an amalgamation of ships including the Lucid Voice (sensor array) and the Invincible (Admiral Trench's former flagship), recovered and repurposed. It participated in an attack on the Imperial Sentinel Base during Moff Wilhuff Tarkin's visit. The Lucid Voice was later destroyed near the Gulf of Tatooine by Tarkin's forces.
Another Providence, with expanded stern and engines, served in the Rebel Alliance Navy, fighting Imperial Star Destroyers alongside Mon Cala warships.
The Providence-class Dreadnought debuted in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. The Expanded Universe identified it as a carrier/destroyer. With the discarding of the Expanded Universe on April 25, 2014, the official name became "Separatist dreadnought." The Star Wars Encyclopedia uses "dreadnought," but the URL uses "dreadnaught."