The Multi-Troop Transport (MTT), a heavily armored repulsorlift transport vehicle, was produced by Baktoid Armor Workshop. It saw service with the Trade Federation during their Invasion of Naboo, and later with the Confederacy of Independent Systems for transporting B1-series battle droids leading up to and during the Clone Wars. During the Clone Wars conflict, B2-series super battle droids were also transported by it.
This heavy, broad, and blunt-nosed repulsorlift vehicle, the Multi-Troop Transport, was constructed by Baktoid Armor Workshop for the Trade Federation, and subsequently, the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Its purpose was to move battle droids onto the battlefield. These massive, slow-moving, and imposing vehicles were 35.94 meter in length, and 10.45 meters in height. The MTT was considered a troop carrier, a tank, and even a siege ram. Reaching a top speed of only thirty-one kilometers per hour, it proved difficult to halt. When compared to the Armored Assault Tank, which was also utilized by both the Federation and Confederacy, the MTT demonstrated exceptional capabilities in its designated role. For defense, the Multi-Troop Transport possessed a pair of forward-facing antipersonnel twin blaster cannons. It also had short-range sensors.

The MTT's overall shape, with its bulky front hull, sloping front, and compact rear, gave it a somewhat elephant-like appearance. Atop the towering hull, directly above a large, thick, circular hatch, sat a small armored cockpit, where two OOM pilot battle droids operated the vehicle. These pilot droids navigated the vehicle based on instructions from a Lucrehulk-class Battleship. One of the pilots served double duty as an engineer and a gunner. The majority of the interior space was occupied by the hydraulically driven droid deployment rack. This rotating assembly could hold a total of one hundred and twelve deactivated B1-series battle droids.
To deploy its droids, the MTT had to come to a complete stop, open the hatch, and extend the rack. The droids were then rapidly deployed and activated, forming an immediate infantry formation. Another version of the MTT deployment rack dropped its robotic soldiers from a few meters above the ground, allowing them to assume their battle-ready configuration more quickly, rather than rising from a compact form. However, this faster deployment rack had a smaller capacity, holding a maximum of twelve B2-series super battle droids. Alternatively, it could accommodate a combination of B1s, B2s, and BX-series droid commandos.
The Trade Federation, and later the Confederacy of Independent Systems, employed Multi-Troop Transports to deliver over one hundred battle droid infantry troops directly into the heart of combat zones. With assistance from an orbiting Lucrehulk-class Battleship, which transmitted an activation signal to the droids, the MTT deployed its stored soldiers into their battle-ready humanoid forms.

Typically, MTTs were supported by formations of Armored Assault Tanks. These tanks cleared the path ahead, allowing the troop transports to safely deploy their units. However, MTTs also provided support to front lines and ranks composed of AATs. Multi-Troop Transports themselves were launched from C-9979 landing craft, each of which could carry eleven MTTs.
During the Invasion of Naboo, numerous Multi-Troop Transports were deployed from landing craft. After being released into the planet's swamps, MTTs cleared anything obstructing their path, including trees and native creatures. Ultimately, thirty-three of these large transports participated in the occupation of Theed. Later, they formed part of the Trade Federation Droid Army dispatched to confront the Gungan Grand Army on the Great Grass Plains. When the Gungans' deflector shields proved resilient against the bombardment from Armored Assault Tanks, a line of MTTs deployed their B1-series battle droids to advance through the energy barrier and engage the Gungans in close combat. The MTTs remained a formidable presence throughout the battle. Some moved in to encircle the Gungan army, and once the deflector shield generators were destroyed, many Gungans became vulnerable to the transports' laser fire.

The Confederacy of Independent Systems utilized MTTs during the Clone Wars to transport infantry troops to various battlefields. Many of these MTTs were painted in the Confederacy's colors.
By 9 BBY, the Bedlam Raiders on Koboh possessed an MTT within one of their outposts. The transport housed six B1-series battle droids, two B2-series super battle droids, and four BX-series droid commandos.
In 9 BBY, Jedi Knight Cal Kestis encountered the Bedlam Raiders' MTT and destroyed the droids contained within.
The Dowutin Hunters, mercenaries active during the Galactic Civil War who fought for both the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, also used Multi-Troop Transports. These transports were modified with a distinctive green and yellow color scheme, resembling that of their Dowutin operators.

The MTT made its debut in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which was the first movie in the Star Wars prequel trilogy.
The Encyclopedia previously listed the vehicle's length as 25.94 meters, but the updated Databank now states it is 35.94 meters.
The design of the rail jet cars inside the Malevolence was inspired by the MTT.
The MTT is also featured in Star Wars Battlefront II. In the game, players on the Separatist team can pilot the vehicle in the Naboo and Kashyyyk levels. Players not piloting the MTT are tasked with defending it from Republic ion cannons.