The Armored Assault Tank Mk I, also designated the AAT battle tank, the AAT-1 Hover Tank, or the Trade Federation battle tank, was a tank type vehicle employed by the Trade Federation, the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and the Rebel Alliance.

The Armored Assault Tank Mk I, also known as the AAT-1 and produced by Baktoid Armor Workshop, functioned as the primary infantry support vehicle of the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars against the forces of the Galactic Republic. This relatively small and compact tank measured 9.19 meter in length, and comprised a heavily armored, spade-shaped lower hull topped by a lighter, secondary hull and a rotating turret. Operation of the vehicle required a crew of four: two gunners managing the side-mounted weaponry, a commander responsible for firing the main cannon, issuing commands, and confirming sensor readings, and a pilot.
The crew of four typically consisted of B1-series battle droids; this could be a full complement of four OOM pilot battle droids or a combination of various B1 models. Roles included standard B1 droids as gunners, an OOM pilot or the specifically programmed AAT Driver Battle Droid as the pilot, and an OOM command battle droid, OOM Pilot, AAT Driver Battle Droid, or even a standard B1 as the tank commander. Notably, the role of tank commander could also be filled by a BX-series droid commando, a tactical droid, or even an organic being. The tank also had the capacity to carry up to six additional droids via exterior handholds and footholds, as well as ten metric tons of cargo. The AAT-1's cost was 75,000 credits.
The AAT-1 was a highly adaptable vehicle engineered to confront almost any adversary encountered on the battlefield. Its main armament was a heavy laser cannon situated in the upper turret, granting the tank 360-degree long-range firepower sufficient to destroy an All Terrain Tactical Enforcer belonging to the Grand Army of the Republic. Complementing this were two medium laser cannons mounted on the port and starboard sides of the tank, coupled with a twin rangefinder assembly, providing substantial anti-vehicle capabilities. Additionally, a pair of coaxial short-range heavy blasters were integrated with the lasers for defense against infantry. The AAT-1 also featured six-barreled multi-ordnance projectile launchers embedded in the lower hull. These launchers were automatically reloaded with three distinct ammunition types: bunker-busting heavy explosive rounds, larger armor-piercing projectiles, or general-purpose high-energy shells, all encased in a plasma field prior to launch to minimize friction and enhance velocity. This diverse selection of specialized ammunition equipped the AAT-1 with both anti-armor and siege capabilities.
The AAT-1 derived its power from a compact, four-chambered multi-reactor power plant positioned at the rear of the tank to maximize protection from enemy fire. Two robust repulsorlift stabilizers located at the vehicle's rear ensured stable movement across uneven or difficult terrain, while a combination of auxiliary repulsor coils and discs maintained the heavy vehicle's hover just above the ground, propelling it forward. Despite its sophisticated mechanics, the AAT-1 lacked speed and agility on the battlefield, achieving a top speed of 55 kilometers per hour.
Despite its theoretical capabilities, the AAT-1 often underperformed in practice. Its primary weakness lay in its crew, composed of four B1-series battle droids. While competent, these droids lacked the initiative and adaptability of a sentients crew. This predictability made them vulnerable to opponents familiar with the tank's tactics. Furthermore, deficiencies in their computer and electrical systems rendered a platoon of AAT-1s susceptible to neutralization by a small number of electromagnetic pulse grenades. Another design flaw was the main cannon's barrel construction. A skilled sniper could potentially target the barrel's opening, triggering the laser cannon's firing mechanism and destroying the entire tank; however, this tactic was rarely attempted due to the difficulty of executing such a precise shot. Nevertheless, the tanks posed a significant threat to clone trooper infantry and armored units.

The AAT was originally conceived for, and deployed during, the Trade Federation's Invasion of Naboo. It was subsequently provided to the Confederacy of Independent Systems, where it became a crucial infantry support asset throughout the Clone Wars. Many AATs operated by the Confederacy were painted in Confederate colors, such as blue and white, although some CIS tanks retained the tan color scheme previously used by the Trade Federation. During the Battle of Horain, the Galactic Republic commandeered an AAT to infiltrate the base and combat the base's battle droids. Furthermore, the tanks were supplied to the Death Watch during their alliance with the Confederacy.
Notably, General Lok Durd of the Confederacy constructed a specialized variant of the vehicle. He converted an AAT into the Defoliator Deployment Tank, which he attempted to test on Maridun and the local Lurmen population. However, Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and his forces destroyed his prototype. This tank variant was later used by the Supreme Commander of the Droid Army, General Grievous, to eliminate the Nightsisters on Dathomir.
Following the Clone Wars, numerous AATs ended up in the possession of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, where they underwent substantial modifications to better suit organic crews. Conversely, the Galactic Empire's Imperial Assault Tank in the Galactic Civil War showed a strong resemblance to the Armored Assault Tank. Separatist holdouts, such as the one under governor Tawni Ames on the planet Desix, maintained their AATs as part of their defensive capabilities, with Ames' forces deploying them against the Galactic Empire in her attempt to secure the planet's independence. The Empire also provided a heavier version of the vehicle to their Trandoshans allies. This variant featured a flamethrower turret operated by an additional gunner. Heavily camouflaged, this tank was used by Trandoshan hunters on Kashyyyk to incinerate remaining Wookiee villages. The Rebel Alliance deployed an AAT during the skirmish on the Ghost Moon against the SCAR troopers of Task Force 99.