An EMP (electromagnetic pulse) grenade, alternatively known as a droid popper, represented a kind of grenade that harnessed the power of electromagnetic emissions. These devices had the capability to render battle droid circuitry useless or to subdue human targets. In confrontations with stormtroopers, employing these grenades resulted in the overloading of their armor's electronic components; however, the degree of impact was subject to both the distance and the positioning in relation to the intended target. The Jedi, along with their clone troopers, employed them as a weapon against the forces of the Separatist Droid Army throughout the duration of the Clone Wars.
The initial depiction of Electro Magnetic Pulse grenades occurred within The Courtship of Princess Leia, a Star Wars Legends novel authored by Dave Wolverton and published on April 1, 1994. Their integration into canon materialized with their inclusion in "Duel of the Droids," the seventh installment of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars' first season, which premiered on November 14, 2008.