The Mission to Desix, also referred to as the Coup at Desix or the Desix campaign, unfolded during the early years of the Imperial Era. In this operation, the Galactic Empire deployed soldiers to Desix, a planet formerly aligned with the Separatists. The mission, spearheaded by Clone Marshal Commander Cody along with his designated team, aimed to liberate Grotton, the Imperial governor assigned to the planet. Grotton was being held captive by Separatist resistance forces under the command of Tawni Ames, the original governor who sought to maintain her planet's independence. Accompanying Cody was Crosshair, a sniper who was a clone with genetic mutations possessing heightened abilities. Cody had specifically requested Crosshair for his specialized skills. While the clone stormtroopers successfully rescued Grotton and confronted Ames, Cody defied Grotton's directive to kill Ames for her actions. However, Crosshair obeyed the order. Following these events, the Empire solidified its control over Desix. Cody, deeply affected by the events, abandoned his service to the Empire. Crosshair, on the other hand, was reassigned to serve under CC-1226.
Back in 24 BBY, Count Dooku, the Count of Serenno and a former Jedi Master, initiated the Separatist Crisis. He led numerous star systems in seceding from the Galactic Republic to establish the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Dooku justified his actions by citing widespread corruption within the Republic. However, the entire political upheaval was orchestrated by the Sith, an ancient and secretive group wielding the dark side of the Force. Dooku, also known as Darth Tyranus, served as the Sith apprentice to Darth Sidious, the Dark Lord of the Sith. Sidious was publicly known as Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine of the Republic. Together, they conspired to bring the galaxy under their dominion. The Separatist Alliance was merely a tool to ignite a war against the Republic, paving the way for the rise of the oppressive Galactic Empire through the Proclamation of the New Order.
Despite this manipulation, some Separatists genuinely believed in their cause. Among them were Senator Mina Bonteri of Onderon and her colleague Tawni Ames, the governor of the isolated planet Desix. The political tensions between the Republic and Confederacy escalated into open warfare at the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY. The Separatist Droid Army, funded by corporate entities, clashed with the Grand Army of the Republic. This clone army was secretly created by cloners from Kamino for the Republic, following a request from the long-deceased Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. The clone army also played a crucial role in the Sith's scheme. The Sith had killed Dyas and manipulated the cloning process, instructing the Kaminoans to implant the clone troopers with inhibitor chips. These chips, once activated, would force the clones into absolute obedience to the Sith, causing them to view their Jedi commanding officers as traitors who needed to be eliminated.

In 21 BBY, Bonteri, after clandestine discussions with Republic Senator Padmé Amidala, proposed a peace agreement between the Republic and Confederacy within the Separatist Senate. Ames was among the many Separatist and Republic Senators who supported the proposal. Although the motion passed in the Separatist Senate, Palpatine rejected it. Combined with Bonteri's assassination by Dooku's agents (which he blamed on the Republic) and an attack orchestrated by Dooku on the central power distribution grid of Coruscant, the Republic's capital, the peace initiative failed entirely. As a result, Ames lost all hope for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
The Clone Wars continued until 19 BBY. In the war's final days, the Separatists launched an attack on Coruscant, which Palpatine used as an opportunity to eliminate Dooku, whom he no longer needed. General Grievous, the Supreme Martial Commander of the Separatist Droid Armies, assumed the role of Head of State. However, Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi defeated him during the ensuing Battle of Utapau. Shortly thereafter, Palpatine issued Order 66, the command that activated the inhibitor chips, triggering the Great Jedi Purge as the vast majority of the Jedi Order were killed by their own soldiers. Palpatine transformed the Republic into the Empire, and his new apprentice executed the Executive Separatist Council and deactivated the droid armies, effectively ending the Clone Wars.

The Empire began occupying Separatist worlds, prioritizing key planets such as the capital, Raxus Secundus, and Dooku's homeworld of Serenno, promising fair treatment to all. Desix, due to its remote location, was not initially targeted. The Empire communicated its intention to annex Desix, informing Ames that she would be replaced by an Imperial appointee, Grotton. Ames refused, declaring her world's intention to remain independent. Despite the shutdown of battle droids, the governor and her people managed to reactivate a force of droids, including a tactical droid, to serve as their military.
Ames' request was denied, and Grotton proceeded to Desix, accompanied by a squad of recruited TK stormtroopers intended to replace the clones. Upon landing his shuttle in Desix City, amidst the chaos of fleeing citizens, he was met by Ames. He attempted to order her to relinquish her position, but after giving him a chance to leave peacefully, she used her droids to trap him and his soldiers, taking them captive. Ames held Grotton hostage, promising to release him and his men if the Empire respected her world's independence.
When Order 66 was executed, only a few clones were unaffected. Among these exceptions were most members of Clone Force 99, an unconventional clone commando unit primarily composed of clones with genetic mutations. During the war, the "Bad Batch" typically operated independently, avoiding interaction with "reg" clone troopers. One of the few regs the squad respected was Clone Marshal Commander Cody, the leader of the 212th Attack Battalion alongside General Kenobi.
Crosshair, the sniper, was the only member of the Batch affected by his inhibitor chip. A detached individual with a strong disdain for regs, considering himself superior, he was left behind by the rest of the Bad Batch during their escape from the Empire shortly after its formation. His inhibitor chip had been enhanced on the orders of Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin to ensure his complete loyalty. Crosshair became obsessed with hunting down his former unit. The remaining Bad Batch had their chips removed after discovering the danger, and eventually, so did Crosshair. However, he remained loyal to the Empire, believing it provided him with purpose that his former team lacked and that his perceived superiority would prevent him from being discarded.
The conflict between the Bad Batch and Crosshair culminated in a confrontation on Kamino after the capture of the Batch's leader, Hunter, on Daro. The Empire had seized Kaminoan scientists and technology for their own purposes, planning to destroy their cities and facilities. Crosshair, however, had replaced his desire to kill his former squad with the hope of recruiting them back into the Empire. His attempt failed, and when Crosshair lost control of the situation, Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart opened fire on Tipoca City with the clones still inside. The Bad Batch and Crosshair survived a perilous underwater escape, but Crosshair was left behind on a remaining landing platform after reaffirming his loyalty to the Empire.
Crosshair was not rescued by the Empire for thirty-two rotations and was subsequently placed on medical leave. The Bad Batch was officially reported as deceased. However, Rampart discovered they were still alive after the Batch attempted a failed heist at Castle Serenno, killing Clone Captain Wilco to prevent him from reporting the news. Although Crosshair had previously led an Elite Squad of recruited troopers, Rampart did not believe he was ready for command again when he was cleared for duty. He briefed Crosshair on the Desix situation, which would be his next mission, and that his team would be posing as a diplomatic envoy. Rampart instructed him to secure the city and ensure Grotton's release by any means necessary, telling him to meet his new commander at the First Battle Memorial at 0900 hours.
When Order 66 was issued, Cody had been brainwashed by his chip into betraying Kenobi, although the Jedi Master survived and escaped Utapau. In the following months, the effects of the chip began to diminish, restoring his original personality. Cody continued to serve the Empire and lead a squad, but he began to harbor doubts. Other clones started questioning Order 66 and deserting, and he felt guilty about his betrayal of Kenobi. Nevertheless, Cody convinced himself that the Empire was bringing peace and order to the galaxy. He learned of the Bad Batch's desertion and, upon discovering that Crosshair was available, requested him for his squad. Before their departure for Desix, he met Crosshair at the war memorial. They discussed the desertions, and Cody was surprised when Crosshair insisted that the deserters were traitors just like the Jedi, but he dismissed the moment. The squad departed Coruscant on Imperial Shuttle 995.

Aboard the Nu-class shuttle, Cody briefed his team on their mission, explaining that Separatist insurgents had seized control of the city and captured Grotton. One trooper questioned how the droids had evaded the shutdown order, and Crosshair suggested they had been reprogrammed. Cody outlined the plan to surprise the insurgents under the guise of a diplomatic mission, then eliminate the droids and locate Grotton. However, Ames suspected such Imperial deception.
As the shuttle exited hyperspace, the pilot requested permission to enter Desix airspace, which was granted by the tactical droid, who cleared the ship to approach. In the city's bell tower, Grotton was guarded by two B1-series battle droids, who mocked his claims of being the legitimate governor. Ames told him that he would be freed when her world was, responding to his assertion that the Empire would not agree to her terms by stating she knew the truth about the "peaceful" envoy the Empire had sent. She added that Dooku had been correct about the Republic's corruption and had foreseen its transformation into something worse. Grotton retorted that Ames would lose this conflict, just as the Separatists had lost the war.

As the spacecraft plummeted down through the atmosphere, the tactical droid relayed to Ames that proximity had been achieved. Ames commanded the droid to extend a suitable greeting, before informing Grotton that the Empire's choice to forgo negotiation would have unfortunate consequences for him. The tactical droid then commanded the air strike team to assume their designated positions, and battle droids armed with rocket launchers manned the fortifications atop the walls, while a heavily armed Armored Assault Tank rolled out of the city's main gate and positioned itself on the access bridge. The wall-mounted droids unleashed a barrage, impacting the descending shuttle with multiple missiles. Subsequently, the tank joined the attack, its firepower resulting in the pilot's death. The crippled shuttle then impacted the ground in the farms located just outside the city limits.
From his vantage point in the bell tower overseeing the wreckage, the tactical droid reported to Ames that the shuttle had crashed in Sector Five. Ames then issued an order for scouts to be dispatched to the crash site to search for any surviving personnel. While several clone troopers were killed on impact, and others sustained injuries preventing them from continuing the mission, some, including Cody and Crosshair, emerged unscathed. The survivors disembarked the shuttle and concealed themselves among the debris, leaving their fallen comrades behind.
Upon arrival at the crash site, the scout squad forced open the shuttle's primary hatch, discovering only the deceased clones inside. Presuming that the entire crew had perished, the scouts reported their findings to the tactical droid, who then instructed them to return to the city. Immediately following their departure, the survivors emerged from their hiding places and ambushed the scouts, with Cody and Crosshair spearheading the assault. The sniper remarked that they had gained themselves some additional time, and Cody added that the loss of their transport necessitated an infiltration of the city on foot. He expressed regret that half of their squad was too wounded to proceed, but Crosshair countered that he had defeated "clankers" with even fewer resources. Crosshair then utilized his rangefinder to survey the city's defenses, identifying the tank guarding the entrance.
The squad advanced towards the city under the cover of stealth, concealing themselves behind a structure as Cody and Crosshair carefully assessed the challenges ahead. Cody pointed out the lack of adequate cover, which would expose the clones to the tank's direct line of fire. Crosshair responded that Separatist tanks universally suffered from the weakness of their droid operators, and declared he would draw the tank's attention while Cody and his men established a secure position, assuring the Commander of his competence. Remarking that Crosshair injected an element of unpredictability into their operations, Cody signaled his team to advance, and they sought refuge among the crops near the bridge's base. Crosshair initiated the attack on the tank, scoring multiple hits.
Taken by surprise, the tank's spotter quickly identified Crosshair's location, directing the gunner to adjust the turret's alignment. The tank retaliated, firing a shot that landed close to Crosshair's position. He returned fire, waiting until the tank's main cannon was aimed directly at him before disabling it with a single shot down the barrel. Simultaneously, Cody and his men advanced across the bridge, while additional droids were deployed from the city gate and took up defensive positions on the walls. Crosshair eliminated several of the droids on the wall while moving to rejoin his squad. Cody's team neutralized the droids on the bridge using grenades before approaching the closed gate, employing ascension cables to overcome it. They cleared out the remaining droids on the opposite side before opening the gate, allowing Crosshair and the others to join them.
Cody commended Crosshair for his successful destruction of the tank. Crosshair responded that, based on the battle droids' strategic deployments, a tactical droid must be in command. As a countermeasure, Cody decided to divide his team to force a corresponding division of the droid forces, instructing Nova and Wyler to accompany him and Crosshair along the northern axis while dispatching team two to the south. Observing the invaders' successful breach of the perimeter from the bell tower, Ames expressed concern, and the tactical droid, noting the clones' split assault, recommended the implementation of protocol four. Ames instructed the droid to oversee its execution before departing to secure Grotton.
Civilians scattered as the clones advanced into the city, destroying any battle droids they encountered. Cody's team entered a small courtyard containing a staircase. As Cody and Crosshair surveyed the area, a door opened, revealing two civilians, an adult and a child. Cody lowered his blaster and attempted to reassure the two that they were safe and that the clones were there to help, but the adult responded with a hostile glare and sealed the door. Immediately afterward, a familiar sound signaled the approach of droidekas. One rolled into the courtyard on the upper level and opened fire on Nova and Wyler, killing the latter as his comrade jumped down to the lower level.
Battle droids appeared above and initiated an attack, which Cody and Crosshair returned. Crosshair yelled at Nova to target the destroyer with a droid popper, but his throw missed, and the projectile bounced off its deflector shield before detonating harmlessly. The droid descended the stairs and opened fire on Crosshair and Cody, forcing them to seek cover. On the other side of the stairs, Nova fired at the droideka, drawing its attention, before eliminating it with a popper when it rolled within range. The clones advanced up the stairs and through an archway into another courtyard, evading the fire of two more droidekas. From the tower, Ames and the tactical droid continued to monitor the battle's progress.
Cody, Crosshair, and Nova entered another courtyard where a droideka and three B1s fired at them from an elevated position, forcing them to take cover. When asked if he had located the tactical droid, Crosshair confirmed its presence in the bell tower but noted the lack of a clear line of sight, prompting Cody to suggest they rectify the situation. Crosshair eliminated two of the droids before signaling Nova, who launched a magnetic grenade at the third B1. The sniper then fired at and damaged the droid, causing it to collapse onto and breach the droideka's shield before the bomb detonated, destroying both droids. Cody then led the trio onwards.
Cody, Crosshair, and Nova arrived at the base of the bell tower. Forcing the door open, Cody cautiously led the way inside, discovering Grotton's hat resting on a chair. Shortly thereafter, the trio was ambushed by commando droids that descended from the ceiling, prompting them to retreat towards the doorway of the spiral staircase on the opposite side of the room, with Nova covering their rear. One commando ascended to a higher position and shot Nova, incapacitating him and causing grenades to spill from his backpack and initiate their detonation sequence. Cody reached out to assist him, but Crosshair pulled him back into the staircase just as the bombs exploded. The resulting blast shook the entire structure, prompting Ames, who was at the top of the tower with the tactical droid, to order it secured. The tactical droid activated additional commando droids, while Ames concealed herself in the shadows with her Imperial hostage.
Cody and Crosshair's ascent of the staircase was hampered by the advance of commando droids from both directions. When asked if he had any ideas, Crosshair instructed Cody to maintain his pace. The sniper used his mirror pucks to provide himself with a clear line of fire on the droids, attaching them to the wall as he advanced. The tactical droid's attention was momentarily diverted by an explosion resulting from team two's engagement with other droids in the streets below. Approaching the top of the stairs, Crosshair sought cover from two droids guarding the main chamber. He deployed another mirror, but a commando droid pounced on him before he could fire, sending them both tumbling down the stairs. Another droid attacked Cody, dislodging both clones' helmets.
Crosshair's attacker seized him by the neck and pinned him against the wall, choking him. Cody was disarmed by the droid he faced, but he kicked it away before drawing a vibro-knife and repeatedly stabbing it until it was disabled. Crosshair called out for assistance, and Cody hurled his knife, eliminating the droid by striking it in the head. Recognizing Crosshair's disorientation, Cody instructed him to remain in place while he neutralized the tactical droid. Insisting that he could still make the shot, Crosshair provided Cody with a mirror and instructed him to establish a line of sight. Nodding in agreement, Cody retrieved his helmet and blaster before resuming his ascent of the stairs, where two commando droids still awaited. Cody inquired about the desired placement of the puck, and Crosshair instructed him to simply throw it as far as possible.
Leaning out from behind cover, Cody eliminated one of the commando droids, prompting the tactical droid to dispatch the remaining two it had in reserve with orders to defend Ames at all costs. Seeing Crosshair in position below, Cody emerged again and threw the mirror, before being knocked back by a shot to the shoulder. As the mirror sailed through the air, Crosshair waited until he had a reflection of all four droids before firing, eliminating the three commandos and the tactical droid with a single shot.
The destruction of the tactical droid disrupted the remaining battle droids' tactical coordination. Team two swiftly routed the remaining droids as they attempted to contact their commander for reinforcements. Crosshair complimented Cody on his throw and received a reciprocal compliment on his shot. As the two clones entered the dimly lit tower room, Cody was informed by team two that the remaining droids in the city had been neutralized, and he instructed them to search the city for Grotton. Ames revealed herself and her prisoner, prompting Cody and Crosshair to aim their blasters at her. She introduced herself as Grotton pleaded with the clones to intervene, and Cody stated that they were operating under official Imperial orders.
Advancing across the room with her hostage, Ames stated that Desix had seceded from the Republic years ago and was an independent system. She reiterated her terms, stating that she would release Grotton and his men if the Empire recognized her planet's sovereignty. Cody responded that he was not there to engage in political debate, and Ames countered that he would recognize the injustice of his actions if he did. She defended her droids' attacks on Imperial convoys by asserting that she was defending her people from a hostile occupation, informing Cody that Imperial forces were the sole threat to Desix. Cody responded that the Empire was not the enemy and sought to bring peace and order to the galaxy, a claim Ames dismissed with derision. She stated that she had lost all faith in peace once Chancellor Palpatine had rejected the joint peace treaty during the war.
Ames' statements resonated with Cody, who lowered his blaster and signaled Crosshair to do the same. Removing his helmet and placing it and his weapon on the floor, he declared that peace was now a viable option. He appealed to Ames, arguing that as they had both endured one war, they should avoid initiating another, and that there was a way to resolve the situation without further bloodshed as too many lives had already been lost. Cody implored her to consider the well-being of her people. Ames contemplated his offer for a moment before releasing Grotton, who stumbled towards the clones. Grotton commended Cody's handling of the situation before ordering him to execute Ames. Cody protested, stating that he had offered her a peaceful resolution, but Grotton retorted that he had made no such agreement. Cody turned to look at Ames, who stated "So much for peace," but remained still.
Grotton began shouting that he had given Cody an order, but as he threatened to punish the commander for disobedience, Crosshair shot and killed Ames, whose blaster pistol fell to the floor alongside her lifeless body. Cody was aghast, turning to stare at Crosshair, who remained silent. Grotton, smugly satisfied, ordered that Ames' body be displayed in the square as a warning before departing the room. Crosshair followed, but Cody remained standing in silence for a time, gazing at what remained of Ames.

A Venator-class Star Destroyer arrived at Desix, deploying a contingent of TK stormtroopers who secured the city and began rounding up some of the inhabitants. Cody observed as the liberated troopers were escorted onto a shuttle for departure, with Crosshair boarding the ship afterward. He noticed Grotton glance at him as another shuttle landed with additional soldiers, before boarding the shuttle alongside Crosshair in silence. Upon their return to Coruscant, Cody paused at the war memorial and questioned Crosshair about whether the Empire was genuinely improving the galaxy. Crosshair responded that they were soldiers and simply carried out their assigned duties. Cody countered that what distinguished them from droids was their capacity for independent decision-making, and that they had to bear the consequences of their choices, before departing in silence. He went AWOL that same night, unable to reconcile his conscience with the Empire's actions.
The following morning, Crosshair was once again summoned to Rampart's office. The Vice Admiral informed him that he was being assigned to another mission following his success on Desix, instructing him to report to CC-1226. Crosshair inquired about why he was no longer serving under Cody, finding himself compelled to specify Cody's designation number after Rampart feigned ignorance of whom he was referencing. Rampart stated that Cody had deserted, before remarking that clone loyalty seemed to have diminished. He smugly hinted at the curious pattern of clones disappearing around Crosshair before dismissing him.
Crosshair was subsequently assigned to Barton IV with Lieutenant Nolan. They were dispatched as reinforcements for Clone Commander Mayday and his squad to assist in guarding and transporting cargo from the Imperial Depot. The depot was later attacked by a group of local raiders, who also absconded with some of the cargo. Two men, Hexx and Veetch, were killed during the attack. Crosshair and Mayday were tasked by Nolan with retrieving the stolen cargo. Mayday requested Nolan's permission to utilize his men in the retrieval operation, but Nolan insisted that only the two clones should undertake the mission. This retrieval mission ultimately resulted in Mayday's death and prompted Crosshair's betrayal of the Empire by killing Nolan.