Battle of Utapau

As one of the final conflicts within the Outer Rim Sieges, the Battle of Utapau marked a crucial moment during the Clone Wars between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The battle's significance was amplified by the demise of General Grievous, an event orchestrated by Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Hostilities on Utapau persisted even after the Galactic Empire rose to power, continuing until the Separatist Droid Army was deactivated.

Lead-up to the Conflict

Utapau surrenders to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.

After a prolonged three-year conflict, the Galactic Republic began to assert dominance over the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This shift occurred as numerous Separatist leaders perished, notably Count Dooku, the faction's original Head of State. Republic Clone Intelligence soon pinpointed the location of General Grievous, Dooku's successor.

Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi assembled a fleet of Venator-class Star Destroyers carrying a substantial army of clones, capable of seizing three star systems. This force was under the command of Clone Commander Cody. Kenobi and Cody's 7th Sky Corps were bolstered by elements from the 41st Elite Corps and the renowned 501st Legion. The 501st were assigned the task of establishing perimeter defenses around Hangar 10.

Initial Contact

Obi-Wan Kenobi is greeted by Tion Medon.

Under the guise of needing to refuel his Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor, Kenobi arrived on Utapau. He was met by Tion Medon, the Port Administrator of Pau City, while a MagnaGuard observed from afar. Medon disclosed that Grievous and his battle droid army were using the city as a refuge and were aware of Kenobi's presence, instructing Medon to reveal their location. Kenobi dispatched the droid R4-G9 to relay this information to the clone forces, while he remained in Pau City to confront Grievous. Securing a varactyl mount named Boga, Kenobi secretly rode to the tenth level of Pau City, where Medon indicated the Separatists were concealed. He infiltrated Hangar 10 of the Lucrehulk core ship Unlimited Projection, the Separatists' unofficial command center, and observed a meeting of the Separatist Council from a platform overlooking the hangar.

Confronting Grievous

Obi-Wan Kenobi faces General Grievous for the last time.

During the Separatist Council assembly, Grievous announced his intention to relocate them to Mustafar due to an anticipated Republic assault.

After the Council's departure, Kenobi revealed himself, descending from the catwalk and immediately facing a swarm of battle droids and four of Grievous' IG-100 MagnaGuards. He swiftly defeated them, using the Force to drop a cargo module from the ceiling, crushing three guards, and decapitating the remaining one.

Although Grievous' troops prepared to engage Kenobi, Grievous halted them, seeking to personally challenge Kenobi, despite his recent injury inflicted by Mace Windu. The cyborg split his arms into four, reminding Kenobi of his Jedi arts training under Count Dooku, while Kenobi countered by mentioning his role in training the individual one who killed Dooku. Grievous ignited four lightsabers and advanced on Kenobi, spinning them rapidly. Kenobi retreated before engaging Grievous in a brief yet intense lightsaber duel.

Grievous unleashed a barrage of unpredictable attacks, escalating to over twenty blows per second. However, Kenobi maintained his defense. As Kenobi's defense began to falter, he altered the angle of a parry, slicing Grievous' left lower wrist.

Grievous, surprised, lunged again. After another brief exchange, Kenobi severed another of Grievous' lightsabers, still held in his right hand.

At that moment, Cody and the clone army arrived. While Kenobi and Grievous fought, clones infiltrated the Unlimited Projection and attacked the droid soldiers.

The Conflict Unfolds

The Clone Assault

The Battle of Utapau begins.

Commander Cody led the 212th Attack Battalion in the assault on Pau City, aided by native warriors. Two battalions launched a full-scale attack, with the third held in reserve. Hailfire droids attempted to repel the clones but were destroyed by the clone flagship, Vigilance.

Troopers of the 501st secured security posts within Utapaun cities, linking up with Kenobi in the Unlimited Projection's hangar. After disabling two AA turrets, heavy LAAT/i firepower eliminated droids in the hangar. They dealt a final blow by destroying a major CIS power complex, disrupting the troops in Utapau.

Grievous Flees

Grievous mounting his wheelbike.

As the Republic forces arrived, Grievous prepared to continue the duel, asserting Kenobi's inevitable defeat. However, Kenobi used a Force Push, sending Grievous crashing into the ceiling. Unarmed, Grievous fled to his wheel bike, speeding out of the hangar towards his ship. Kenobi pursued on Boga, losing his lightsaber in the descent, which landed at Cody's feet.

Cody informed the Jedi Council about the pursuit. Mace Windu instructed Anakin Skywalker to inform Chancellor Palpatine, while the Council discussed their suspicions regarding Palpatine's intentions. Ki-Adi-Mundi suggested forcibly removing Palpatine if he refused to relinquish his emergency powers. Windu acknowledged the difficulty, requiring the Jedi Council to control the Senate for a peaceful transition. Yoda cautioned that their plan led them to a dark path.

Kenobi chased Grievous through Pau City as the battle raged. As Kenobi closed in, Grievous attacked Boga with an electrostaff. Kenobi seized the staff, attempting to destroy the wheel bike's wheels before attacking Grievous. Grievous regained control, pulling Kenobi along. Grievous drew a blaster and attempted to shoot Kenobi, who evaded the shots, but their movements caused the wheel bike to flip at Grievous' landing platform.

The End of Grievous

Grievous bursts into flames after being shot by his own blaster.

Kenobi, wielding the electrostaff, disarmed Grievous and unleashed a series of jabs, knocking him over. Grievous retaliated with a kick, throwing Kenobi. Kenobi kicked Grievous' leg, injuring himself.

Grievous grabbed Kenobi, throwing him across the platform. Kenobi grabbed the edge. Grievous retrieved the electrostaff, advancing on Kenobi. Kenobi used the Force to summon Grievous' blaster, blasting through the gaps in Grievous' armor, igniting his internal organs. Grievous died, which Obi-Wan felt disgusted by, citing it as "so uncivilized."

Grievous's death was reported to the Jedi Council. Mace Windu prepared to inform Palpatine, until Anakin revealed Palpatine was a Sith Lord, Darth Sidious, the one they had been seeking since the Battle of Naboo.

Advancing Forward

Cody's clone troopers in battle.

Despite the destruction of the Droid Control antennae aboard the Unlimited Projection, the droid army continued fighting. However, they were overwhelmed by the relentless fire of the LAAT gunships. Hangar 10 was secured by the 501st. Anti-aircraft turrets in the hangar fired on incoming LAAT reinforcements, but the 501st disabled them. They launched an attack on another Confederate outpost with TX-130S fighter tanks.

The outpost was destroyed by LAATs and hover tanks. The destruction of the CIS main ATX energy pillar contributed to a Republic victory. Kenobi, riding Boga, rejoined the clones, receiving his lightsaber from Cody before charging towards the Separatist headquarters.

Order 66 Executed

As Order 66 is executed, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Boga fall into the sinkhole.

Cody received a message from Darth Sidious, instructing him to execute Order 66. Cody ordered an AT-TE walker to fire at Obi-Wan, who was ascending to the Separatist headquarters. Boga jumped in front of the shot, saving Kenobi, who fell into the sinkhole with her.

Republic forces triumphed in Pau City, removing the CIS and occupying the city as the clones began to depart, arresting locals.

Probe droids were deployed to find Kenobi's body. However, Cody's probes were devoured by cave-monsters, which Kenobi had influenced into believing were delicacies. Kenobi stealthily returned to Pau City and Grievous' starfighter, Grievous' starfighter, and fled Utapau.

After the Battle

The Clone Wars soon concluded, with the Republic transforming into the Galactic Empire. The Confederacy retained control over other sinkhole cities on Utapau, threatening the planet. Imperial forces were dispatched to bring Utapau under Imperial rule, and clones continued to fight the CIS, even after the loss of the Separatist Council. The fighting ceased when the deactivation of the Separatist Droid Army ended the Clone Wars.

Grievous' words to Kenobi proved prophetic: the Jedi Order was near extinction by their own soldiers across the galaxy.

Behind the Scenes

According to stunt coordinator Nick Gillard, six IG-100 MagnaGuards were initially intended to defend General Grievous during his duel with Obi-Wan Kenobi. George Lucas rewrote the scene, having Kenobi crush the bodyguards with a ceiling piece, as the fight wasn't essential and production was short on time, even though Ewan McGregor trained for a week.

In the PS2 and Xbox video game adaptations of Revenge of the Sith, the Utapau levels ignore Boga. Grievous is killed by Kenobi stabbing him in the gut and his armor malfunctioning. During the Order 66 level, the clones fire at Kenobi from a LAAT rather than an AT-TE cannon, resulting in Kenobi retreating through the battlefield, killing clones and walkers, and disabling a Juggernaut.

Similarly, in the GBA and DS video game adaptations, Obi-Wan intended to scout the area, but a patrol forced him to fight through a droid foundry, evading an IG-227 Hailfire-class droid tank, and taking out an Armored Assault Tank, deducing Grievous was at Utapau. Reaching the city, Kenobi targeted the most fortified position, suspecting Grievous was hiding there. After traversing the city, Obi-Wan called in Commander Cody as backup, who confirmed his forces were arriving in orbit. Cody's troops eliminated IG-100 MagnaGuards. Obi-Wan fought Grievous in his hangar, who used two lightsabers, before dealing enough damage to release an explosive geyser. When Order 66 occurred, Kenobi ordered the clones to finish the droids, but the clones shot at Kenobi, forcing him to flee in a Nos Monster cave, defeating two MagnaGuards with advanced regeneration.

In LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game, the battle is omitted, except for Obi-Wan's duel with Grievous. Obi-Wan lands and meets Cody; after a duel, Cody attempts to shoot Grievous, but Grievous disarms and kills Cody. Kenobi is disarmed, lunges for Cody's blaster, dodges Grievous' blow, and shoots Grievous in the chest, killing him.

