Great ReSynchronization

The Great ReSynchronization represented a 60-year-long temporal framework. The Republic Measures & Standards Bureau originated it in 36 BBY with the intention of unifying the diverse dating conventions employed within the Galactic Republic. The New Republic dissolved and restructured it into the Galactic Standard Calendar in 25 ABY. Subsequently, it functioned as the zero year for temporal measurements; consequently, the Naboo Crisis occurs in year 3, the Separatist Crisis commences in year 11, the Battle of Geonosis happens in year 13, the Great Jedi Purge in year 16, the Battle of Yavin in year 35, and the Battle of Endor in year 39. The Seventh Battle of Ruusan took place during the year 965 BrS.

Dates employing the ReSynchronization system were structured according to this pattern:

ex. 13:5:21

Dates succeeding the ReSynchronization lacked any trailing characters. Dates preceding the ReSynchronization were appended with "BrS," signifying Before ReSynchonization:

ex. 4,965 BrS

Discussions arose within the Republic in 13:2:28 concerning the selection of a zero-point calendar system, with the ReSynchronization (thirteen years prior) and the Ruusan Reformation emerging as prominent candidates.

Even during the Imperial era, the dating methodology established by the Great ReSynchronization remained in use, although certain Imperials favored the inception of the Galactic Empire (19 BBY) as their temporal reference. Ultimately, the Great ReSynchronization framework became outdated under the New Republic, being superseded in 25 ABY by the Galactic Standard Calendar, which was centered on the Battle of Yavin (0 ABY).

Behind the scenes

Pablo Hidalgo introduced the Great ReSynchronization's dating convention within HoloNet News to retcon the 1994 reference work, A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded, which had established 35 BBY as the conclusion of the Clone Wars, as well as the subsequent notation utilized by West End Games in resources such as 1997's Cynabar's Fantastic Technology: Droids.

