Retroactive continuity, frequently shortened to retcon, involves the intentional modification of previously established details within a serialized fictional work. This alteration is known as a retcon, and the process of creating and releasing it is termed "retconning." When George Lucas re-edited the original Star Wars trilogy, he directly altered the existing source material, rather than introducing contradictory new material. Conversely, the Star Wars prequels served as "new source material," and numerous fans have identified instances where they seem to retcon aspects of the original trilogy. While the concept itself predates the term, "retroactive continuity" gained prominence in 1983 thanks to comic book writer Roy Thomas, with the abbreviated "retcon" emerging on Usenet in the late 1980s. ## Star Wars movies - In Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope , Obi-Wan Kenobi informed Luke Skywalker that Darth Vader , his own student, had betrayed and murdered Luke's father. [5] However, Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back reveals that Darth Vader is actually Luke Skywalker's father. [6] Then, in Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi , Obi-Wan clarified his earlier statement, explaining that it was "true, from a certain point of view," because the Anakin he remembered fondly "was destroyed" upon embracing the dark side of the Force , effectively ceasing to be "Anakin" in Obi-Wan's eyes (this is supported by Obi-Wan's consistent use of "Darth" instead of Anakin's name in A New Hope). The validity of this in-universe explanation, and whether it constitutes an actual out-of-universe retcon, remains a contentious subject among fans of the original trilogy . [7] [8] [9] [10] The Disney+ series Obi-Wan Kenobi further elaborated on this point. - Originally, in A New Hope, Han Solo proactively shot Greedo , but subsequent re-releases up to the Disney acquisition depicted Greedo firing first, narrowly missing Han, before Han returned fire. Lucas later asserted that Greedo always shot first, despite the original shooting script indicating otherwise. This led to the notorious " Han shot first " controversy among fans. - In A New Hope, Ben Kenobi mentions that the Galactic Republic existed for a thousand generations, [11] which Star Wars Legends sources interpreted as 25,000 years . Conversely, in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones , Palpatine states that the Republic had "stood for a thousand years". [12] The Legends Expanded Universe addressed this discrepancy with the creation of the Ruusan Reformation . However, following April 2014 , the Expanded Universe, now known as Star Wars Legends , is no longer considered canon. 2020 's The Star Wars Book later confirmed that the canon Old Republic was indeed established more than 25,000 years before A New Hope. [13] - In The Empire Strikes Back, Obi-Wan Kenobi's claim that Luke was the last hope [14] could imply either his ignorance of Luke's relationship to Leia Organa , or his disbelief in Leia's capacity to replace Luke. However, in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith , he was present at the birth of Luke and Leia to Padmé Amidala , and even facilitated Bail Organa's adoption of Leia. - In The Empire Strikes Back, Obi-Wan states that Jedi Grand Master Yoda was his Jedi teacher. [15] However, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace retconned this, establishing that he was taught by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn . - In Return of the Jedi, Obi-Wan claims he decided to train Anakin as a Jedi . This was later contradicted in The Phantom Menace, where he initially opposed the idea, relenting only to fulfill the dying wish of his master, Qui-Gon Jinn. - In Return of the Jedi, Leia mentions a vague memory of her mother's appearance, [16] yet in Revenge of the Sith, Padmé Amidala dies shortly after giving birth to them. While it's debated whether Leia was referring to Breha Organa , her adoptive mother (despite Luke's specific inquiry about her "real mother"), has stated that Leia was indeed remembering Padmé, leaving its current canonical status uncertain. [17] Notably, when illustrator Iain McCaig was tasked with creating concept art for Breha, he incorporated all of Amidala's features in an attempt to explain Leia's recollection of her mother's smile. [18] - Although Poe Dameron and Rey initially met in Star Wars: The Force Awakens novelization , this was later retconned, with their first encounter occurring in Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi . [19] [20] - In Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi , both Kylo Ren and Luke Skywalker asserted that Kylo deliberately destroyed the Jedi Temple of Luke Skywalker , recruited several students, and slaughtered the rest. However, The Rise of Kylo Ren 1 reveals that Ben destroyed the Temple accidentally, that no students joined him, and that they only pursued him after he fled. [21] - The novelizations of Star Wars: The Force Awakens novelization and Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Expanded Edition , along with the visual dictionary for The Last Jedi , establish Snoke as a dark side user unconnected to the Sith , who had witnessed the rise and fall of the Galactic Empire . Conversely, Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker claims that Darth Sidious created Snoke and was directly responsible for the events leading to the rise of the First Order and Ben Solo's corruption to the dark side. ## Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Clone Wars introduced numerous retcons to established continuity upon its debut. - In the 2005 Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith novelization , Anakin states he had only read about MagnaGuards before fighting them on the Invisible Hand . However, the season one episode " Duel of the Droids " depicts him battling MagnaGuards to rescue R2-D2 . [22] - Prior Legends EU media portrayed Ryloth as a tidally-locked planet with one side perpetually facing its sun . [23] However, when Ryloth appeared in The Clone Wars , it was depicted as a planet with a normal day/night cycle and a less extreme environment. [24] - Clone trooper Echo 's designation number was originally given as CT-21-0408 in " Clone Cadets ": although not spoken, all members of Domino Squad had their numbers on their training armor . [25] Both the unfinished and final versions of the later episode "The Bad Batch" changed Echo's number to CT-1409. [26] - The tie-in graphic novel Shipyards of Doom features a Republic strike team, including Anakin Skywalker, carbon-freezing themselves as an infiltration technique. [27] The third-season episode " The Citadel " involves the same tactic , but has Anakin claiming he has never undergone the procedure. - " Citadel Rescue " retconned a detail from the novel Coruscant Nights I: Jedi Twilight by killing off Even Piell , who was originally depicted as dying later in the timeline in that novel. [28] [29] - Season four episodes " Kidnapped ," " Slaves of the Republic " and " Escape from Kadavo " were adapted from the first story arc of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars monthly comic series. However, many elements were altered during the adaptation: The comic, released around the same time as the show's first season, was set early in the Clone Wars, with Ahsoka Tano as a young and inexperienced Padawan. By season 4, the TV series had progressed a few years into the war, and Ahsoka was far more experienced.[30] This change also led to the removal of several characters: Asajj Ventress had been expelled from the Separatists' service during season three,[31] and clone trooper Waxer, who made a brief appearance, had been killed off in "Carnage of Krell," the episode preceding the arc. Consequently, Boil assumed Waxer's role.[32] The Separatists' involvement is lessened, with their forces no longer participating in the Battle of Kadavo, and a plot thread where Count Dooku tried to frame the Jedi for murdering the colonists of Kiros was removed.[33] Numerous characters original to the comic strip, including Onyx and his crew and Xerius Ugg, were omitted.[34] They were replaced with TV-series original character Darts D'Nar and his ship, the Tecora.[30] - " An Old Friend ": Teckla Minnau 's original Databank entry stated that she survived the Clone Wars , married a writer , and served as a handmaiden to Queen Kylantha . [35] The episode retconned this by killing her off during the events on Scipio . [36] - " The Lost One ": The Essential Reader's Companion dated the events of Republic 61 to 22 BBY , [37] depicting the death of former Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum in a terrorist attack . [38] This episode, originally dated to 20 BBY , [39] portrayed Valorum alive and well. [40] - The " Bad Batch " arc, which opened the series' revived seventh season , was initially released on as unfinished story reels. The final versions of the four episodes contained several changes: All four finished episodes have different opening morals than those in the story reels. "The Bad Batch": Rex's explanation to Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu about the Separatists' advantage during the Battle of Anaxes was altered: in the story reel, he is more direct about his theory that the presumed-dead ARC trooper Echo might be alive, and about the strategy algorithm the Separatists are using that led him to this conclusion. In the finished episode, he gives the Jedi Generals a more vague explanation, and only confides his real theory to Cody later in the barracks in a new scene because he feels the Jedi wouldn't have believed him.[26] Kix has his original almost-bald hairstyle in the story reel, but in the finished episode has a full head of hair. Similarly, Jesse's ARC trooper helmet has a rangefinder in the story reel that is absent in the finished episode.[26] In the reel, Jesse comments while the Bad Batch is fighting battle droids in the canyon, wondering "Are these guys for real?" The line is gone in the final version.[26] "A Distant Echo": The story reel includes provocative nose art of Padmé Amidala on the Marauder. The nose art is no longer present in the final release of the episode, nor is it visible in other episodes in which the shuttle appears. Instead, the scene where Anakin Skywalker objects to the nose art is replaced with a scene where he has a private holo-call with Padmé, while Rex attempts to keep Obi-Wan Kenobi from interrupting.[41] Hunter's dialogue about the Marauder not being an obviously Republic ship is not present in the final version.[41] The insensitive remarks Crosshair makes on Skako Minor that lead Rex to lose his temper and punch him are, in the story reel, an insinuation that Echo may have willingly joined the Separatists after being left for dead. In the final episode, Crosshair instead goads Rex by suggesting Echo's death was Rex's fault.[41] "On the Wings of Keeradaks": The scene where Wat Tambor demonstrates the Decimator on a Poletec test subject is gone from the final episode.[42] "Unfinished Business": In the story reel, Echo says that Trench is unaware of his rescue because Wat Tambor is too afraid of the Harch Admiral to inform him of that crucial fact. In the final episode, he instead frames Trench's ignorance as due to Tambor's greed making him loath to admit the loss.[43] Gold Leader, in the story reel, is wearing the same flight suit and face-revealing helmet as the clone pilots in Revenge of the Sith. In the final version, he is instead wearing the face-concealing helmet and Phase II armor introduced for clone pilots in season 4.[43] The reel version of the episode ends with a medal ceremony. In the final version, the last scene is instead Rex seeing Echo off after the latter decides to take up the Bad Batch's offer to join them.[43] - The four-part grand finale of The Clone Wars (" Old Friends Not Forgotten ," " The Phantom Apprentice ," " Shattered ," " Victory and Death "), released in 2020 , retcons almost all details regarding the Siege of Mandalore and Ahsoka Tano and Rex's survival and escape from Order 66 as presented in the 2016 novel Ahsoka . [44] In the novel, Ahsoka's final conversation with Anakin involves him warning her about Maul's danger.[44] "Old Friends Not Forgotten" depicts their last conversation as them wishing each other luck and discussing Anakin's modifications to Ahsoka Tano's lightsabers. Moreover, the lightsabers are now blue, whereas the novel describes them with their original colors, green and yellow-green.[45] Editions of the novel published after the episode's release updated the lightsaber description to match the TV show.[44] In the novel, Ahsoka possesses a weapons belt that she wore during the Siege and used to carry her lightsabers.[44] The TV series presents Ahsoka with a Mandalorian combat outfit lacking a separate belt, featuring catches at her hips for weapon storage.[45] Ahsoka's last duel with Maul during the Siege, in the novel, occurs in a plaza in Sundari. Their conversation is an exchange of insults about her departure from the Jedi and his status as only "half" a Sith. Maul is captured when Ahsoka lures him into a ray shield activated by her allies.[44] Conversely, in "The Phantom Apprentice", their final duel takes place on the support beams of Sundari's bio-dome, and their conversation revolves around Maul's earlier offer for them to team up and defeat Darth Sidious. Ahsoka disarms Maul before capturing him by knocking him off a beam and suspending him in mid-air with the Force, at which point Rex arrives with backup in several gunships. Two Mandalorian warriors then secure Maul with their wrist-cables before Rex shoots him with a stun blast.[46] In the flashback of the Siege, Maul addresses Ahsoka as "Lady Tano,"[44] the same title he uses in the Star Wars Rebels episode "Twilight of the Apprentice."[47] The novel states that Maul adopted the title from the clone troopers, who used it as a sign of respect for Ahsoka, as she was no longer officially part of the Republic Military.[44] However, in the episodes, the clones treat Ahsoka as if she never left, addressing her as "Commander" in reference to her former rank of Jedi Commander up until Order 66.[45][48] The only character referred to as "Lady" in the episodes is Bo-Katan Kryze.[45] While the novel doesn't depict the execution of Order 66, it implies that it's issued shortly after the end of the Siege, while Ahsoka, Rex, and Maul are still on Mandalore. It's hinted that Maul uses the chaos to escape, forcing Ahsoka to choose between killing him or saving Rex's life, opting for the latter.[44] While the order is given after the end of the Siege in the TV show, Ahsoka and Rex have already left Mandalore to deliver the captured Maul to the Jedi Council on Coruscant, placing them aboard a Star Destroyer in hyperspace when it occurs. Maul doesn't escape his confinement but is intentionally released by Ahsoka as a diversion for the clones.[48] Ahsoka is indeed forced to choose between dealing with Maul or saving Rex at the climax, but the decision involves whether to let him escape in the shuttle he is stealing.[49] Finally, in the novel, after escaping, Ahsoka and Rex fake their deaths to the Empire by burying another clone in Rex's armor, marking the grave with a headstone claiming they killed each other. Having acquired two starships and decided to split up, Rex leaves first, leaving Ahsoka alone in the night to ignite her lightsabers one last time before kneeling and placing them on the gravesite to seal the deception. She then leaves as well.[44] In the episode, the gravesite is on a moon, where the Star Destroyer they were onboard crashed after Maul destroyed its hyperdrive, instead of Mandalore as implied in the novel. No attempt is made to create a fake grave for Rex, as he keeps his armor, and he and Ahsoka instead bury the bodies of the clones who died in the crash, using the clones' helmets on poles instead of inscribed grave markers. Ahsoka doesn't abandon her weapons at night but in the daytime, and doesn't abandon her lightsabers together, only abandoning her primary weapon, not the shoto lightsaber. She only hesitates briefly before dropping it on the ground. She and Rex are also implied to leave the moon together, only parting ways afterwards, as they only have one starship.[49] ## Star Wars: The Bad Batch The series premiere "Aftermath" directly contradicts events depicted in the Star Wars: Kanan comic series regarding the Battle of Kaller and how Depa Billaba and Caleb Dume experienced Order 66. - In the comic, CC-10/994 "Grey" is a Clone Commander with red armor markings and equipment including a pauldron over his right shoulder and a vibrosword on a bandolier. [50] "Aftermath" depicts him as a Clone Captain with green markings, no sword, and a pauldron over his left shoulder. [51] - Billaba's lightsaber changes from green in the comic [50] to blue in the episode, [51] following up on the reference book Star Wars: The Lightsaber Collection . [52] The blue color originated from concept art created for Star Wars: The Clone Wars prior to the series' initial cancellation. [53] - In Kanan , Commander Grey and Captain Styles attack Billaba and Dume at a campground at night on Kaller after the Separatists have surrendered Kaller to the Republic. Grey responds to the order with "Yes, my Lord." Billaba and Dume fight together until Billaba orders Dume to run while she is shot down. Afterwards, he is hunted in the forest by Rostu Squad . [54] "Aftermath" has Dume separated from Billaba during the daytime in the immediate aftermath of a battle as he follows Clone Force 99 . At this point, Captain Grey receives Order 66 and, saying nothing in response, attacks Billaba with his men. Dume runs back towards his Master, but, after being told to run, escapes into the forest and is followed by Clone Sergeant Hunter and Crosshair . The latter attacks Dume, while Hunter attempts to help him. Dume eventually escapes by leaping over a small canyon. [51] - Kanan shows Dume using his Jedi cloak to conceal his identity while evading clone forces. [54] "Aftermath" shows him losing it in the woods while being followed by members of the Bad Batch. [51] ## Andor - Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide indicates that Cassian Andor was born on the planet Fest . [55] However, the initial episode of Andor, " Kassa ", reveals that Cassian was actually born on the planet Kenari . [56] This inconsistency was later clarified in the subsequent episode, " That Would Be Me ", explaining that Fest was a fabricated false birthplace within the universe, created by his adoptive mother Maarva Andor to conceal his Kenari origins. [57] ## Star Wars Legends - In a 1978 series of strips, later titled The Constancia Affair , Luke Skywalker's parents were referred to as "Master and Mistress Tan Skywalker." At that time, the Expanded Universe was in its infancy, and the name of Luke's father was unknown, except for the shared surname Skywalker. The given name "Anakin" wasn't revealed until the 1983 movie Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi , five years after The Constantia Affair was released. The name " Tan " was later reinterpreted as a title-rank bestowed upon exceptionally skilled pilots. - While the novelization of Return of the Jedi stated that the planet Endor no longer existed, the planet Endor appears in the film and in Star Wars Legends sources. As such, The Essential Atlas retconned the claim in the novelization of Return of the Jedi as a hoax. - The Ewoks TV series depicts the Endor system as a binary star system, all other appearances show the Endor system to only have one star . Therefore, the Databank entry for Endor reinterpreted the Ewoks TV series as depicting Ewok mythology. [58] - Since Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope , it was known that the Republic fought in the Clone Wars , and the Legends Expanded Universe (EU) introduced several other conflicts, such as the Great Sith War . However, in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones , Sio Bibble stated that "there hasn't been a full-scale war since the formation of the Republic." The aforementioned Ruusan Reformation also addressed this inconsistency. - In the novelization of Return of the It's been said, Jedi , that Darth Vader met his end in a lava flow. However, Revenge of the Sith depicts Anakin not actually submerged in lava, but rather his clothing catching fire due to the intense heat from the fumes. This change was likely implemented to make Anakin's survival more believable, rather than being a simple retcon. Furthermore, while Attack of the Clones portrays Obi-Wan Kenobi and Owen Lars as unrelated, it's later suggested that they were brothers (interestingly, in reality, Nash Edgerton , brother to Joel Edgerton (young Owen Lars), stood in for Ewan McGregor (young Obi-Wan)). The Coruscanti were also depicted as loving Palpatine (a sentiment reinforced by the Coruscant and the Core Worlds sourcebook, which stated they viewed him as a demigod), but the Special Edition shows Coruscant celebrating his demise and even toppling his statue. - Heir to the Empire first identified the Imperial capital planet as Coruscant , but The Truce at Bakura uses the term Imperial Center. Consequently, Shadows of the Empire clarified that Imperial Center was the name the Empire gave to Coruscant. - The Coruscant Uprising , and its brutal suppression by the Empire, clashes with the optimistic post-Endor celebrations on Coruscant shown in the special edition of Return of the Jedi because the planet would not be freed from Imperial rule for another two years. - According to the Dark Empire trilogy , Palpatine 's cloned bodies deteriorated quickly due to his essence overwhelming them. However, Crimson Empire revealed that Carnor Jax bribed Palpatine's physician to cause this rapid decay. - The Essential Chronology retroactively designated Lumiya and Arden Lyn as Emperor's Hands , a change The Emperor's Pawns also made for Blackhole and Jeng Droga . - While Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith 0 placed the existence of the Sith well before 5000 BBY , the novelization of The Phantom Menace , set in 32 BBY , claimed they originated "almost two thousand years ago." The Essential Chronology then retconned the novelization to refer to the founding of the New Sith . - Yoda mentions the Rule of Two in The Phantom Menace , but The Essential Chronology later established that Darth Bane created it after the Sith's apparent destruction in 1000 BBY . Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties stated that Kibh Jeen discovered the Order of the Sith Lords and informed the Jedi , who dismissed him as insane. - Dark Forces: Rebel Agent and Dark Forces: Jedi Knight made no connection between the Brotherhood of Darkness and the Sith. However, The Essential Chronology revealed that the Brotherhood of Darkness was the evolved form of the New Sith at the conclusion of the New Sith Wars , with the Seventh Battle of Ruusan leading the Jedi to believe the Sith were extinct until The Phantom Menace. - Dark Forces: Rebel Agent and Dark Forces: Jedi Knight initially stated that the spirits of the thought bomb victims were trapped on Ruusan until Kyle Katarn arrived. Conversely, Bane of the Sith depicted Darth Bane seeing ghosts of Qordis and Kaan on Dxun . Darth Bane: Rule of Two then retconned the Dxun ghosts as hallucinations caused by thought bomb damage to Darth Bane's brain. - Bane of the Sith shows Darth Bane recalling warning Kaan against using a thought bomb, but Darth Bane: Path of Destruction depicts Darth Bane giving Kaan the idea in the first place. - For many years, the Republic's leader was known as the President of the Republic [59] or the President of the Galactic Senate . [60] When the prequels introduced the title Supreme Chancellor , "President of the Senate" was retconned as one of the Chancellor's official titles (some argue it was the title prior to the Reformation). - In the Jedi Prince series, Bertroff Hissa , Trioculus , and Kadann were attempting to seize power from Ysanne Isard . Isard is never mentioned in the series—in fact, it's frequently implied that there is no Imperial leader other than Trioculus—but this retcon was created to fit the series into the established timeline. - The Dark Side Sourcebook retconned the Prophets of the Dark Side from the Jedi Prince series as imposters of the true Prophets of the Dark Side . - The EU initially established that Raith Sienar provided Tarkin with the Death Star designs, and Bevel Lemelisk developed the superlaser. After Episode II revealed that the Geonosians gave the plans to Tyranus / Sidious , it was retconned that the Geonosians elaborated on outlines provided by Sienar and Lemelisk. The Death Star history became so complex that a novel was dedicated to it, effectively serving as a large retcon. - Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO depicted C-3PO and R2-D2 having various adventures between the Empire's rise and Episode IV. After Episode III showed them in the service of the same individuals as in Episode IV, the series was retconned to suggest the droids were separated from their owners by Corla Metonae after Episode III, only to return before Episode IV. - Although A-wings were not supposed to exist before the Battle of Yavin , they appear in the Droids series, which happens between the two trilogies. The identical R-22 Spearhead was then "invented" as a predecessor of the A-wing, in order to explain the appearance of such ships in the Droids era. - The title Darth was originally thought to have been created during the New Sith Wars, until Knights of the Old Republic introduced Darth Revan and Darth Malak , who lived 2,000 years earlier. It's generally assumed the title was forgotten and the tradition lost. The first Sith Lord to use the title Darth in the New Sith Wars era also constantly shifted into the past: first it was thought to be Darth Bane , then Darth Rivan , and later Darth Ruin . - In Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy , Timothy Zahn positioned the Clone Masters as the Galactic Republic 's adversaries in the Clone Wars, reflecting the '90s view of cloners and clones as villains. However, after Attack of the Clones depicted the clones fighting for the Republic, the Clone Masters were retconned as rogue elements who only attacked after the Empire's formation. - The Confederacy of Independent Systems ' use of Morgukai clones during the Siege of Saleucami , depicted in the Star Wars: Republic storyline of the same name , and a young Gilad Pellaeon's presence among the Republic forces, explains Pellaeon's claim in Heir to the Empire (part one of the aforementioned Thrawn trilogy) to have battled unstable clones during the Clone Wars many years before. - The BBY dating system, prevalent in Star Wars timelines, is itself a retcon. Originating as an out-of-universe system, its popularity led to its retcon as an in-universe system used by the New Republic and others. - According to The Star Wars Sourcebook , the Mon Calamari and Quarren first encountered offworlders when the Galactic Empire discovered their planet. This created continuity issues when Quarren appeared as background aliens in Episode I, and when the Mon Calamari Padawan Bant Eerin appeared in the Jedi Apprentice series. The idea that the Mon Calamari's conflict with the Empire was their first experience with offworlders was retconned away when they appeared as loyal members of the Galactic Republic in Star Wars: Clone Wars . Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds explained these previous references as Imperial propaganda. - Little Kessel was established in The Essential Atlas to clarify that the lush "Kessel" from The Second Kessel Run is distinct from the "regular" Kessel —a desolate world synonymous with Hell. - The Last One Standing: The Tale of Boba Fett implied that Jaster Mereel was Boba Fett 's real name. However, Attack of the Clones revealed Boba to be a clone of Jango Fett , leading Jango Fett: Open Seasons to retcon Jaster Mereel as a separate character, Jango's mentor and predecessor as Mandalore . Star Wars Gamer 10's entry for State of the Arts clarified that Boba used "Jaster Mereel" as an alias. - As revealed in the comic book Star Wars 68 , Boba Fett was believed to have served with a group of Mandalorian supercommandos called the Mandalorian Protectors towards the end of the Clone Wars. According to Fenn Shysa , only three survived: himself, Fett, and Tobbi Dala . However, The History of the Mandalorians retconned this "Boba Fett" into not being Boba Fett, but rather a rogue ARC trooper named Spar who had become obsessed with returning the Mandalorians to their former glory. [61] - The rumor mentioned in The History of the Mandalorians that the renegade clone Spar was in fact Jango Fett's son rationalizes Fenn Shysa's claim that, during the Clone Wars, he and the Mandalorian Protectors had served under Boba Fett - who was later shown to have been only 13 at the end of the conflict. - The History of the Mandalorians retconned Boba Fett's appearances in Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights into being appearances of his daughter, Ailyn Vel . - Before Attack of the Clones , Stormtroopers during the Galactic Civil War were rarely identified as clones, except in the article Soldiers of the Empire! . Furthermore, numerous Expanded Universe sources mentioned normal human stormtroopers (such as Davin Felth and Kyle Katarn ) and showed the existence of Imperial academies (such as Carida ) which trained normal humans to be stormtroopers. Later, large numbers of clones were retconned into the stormtrooper ranks. Star Wars: Battlefront II explained that, following the Kamino uprising , clones of people other than Jango Fett and non-clone humans began to be recruited to be stormtroopers, although the 501st Legion continued to be composed entirely of Jango Fett clones as late as the Battle of Endor . - The Phase Zero dark troopers —aging and wounded Clone Wars veterans essentially turned into cyborgs—explain how, while the Empire's first use of them did not occur until after the Battle of Yavin, the Battlefront games include " Dark troopers " in the Imperial arsenal as early as 18 BBY . - I, Jedi places Corran Horn at the Jedi Praxeum during the events of The Jedi Academy Trilogy , and also fine-tunes some of the events of the trilogy to fit later canon. - In the Return of the Jedi novelization , Obi-Wan Kenobi refers to Owen Lars as his brother, and in Jedi Apprentice: The Hidden Past , Obi-Wan has a vision in which he has a brother named Owen. Attack of the Clones established that Owen Lars has no relation to Obi-Wan, so Lone Wolf: A Tale of Obi-Wan and Luke retconned Owen Kenobi into a vision symbolizing that Obi-Wan and Owen Lars would work together to raise Luke Skywalker . [62] - The Dark Jedi Jerec wears a blindfold. The New Essential Guide to Characters described Jerec as a human blind from birth. More recent sources, however, retconned him as a member of the eyeless Miraluka species. - While the 2002 video game Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast calls its Imperial antagonists the " Imperial Remnant ," The Dark Forces Saga, Part 6: Outcasts and Megalomaniacs Welcome retconned them as representatives of the Empire Reborn , [63] an Imperial splinter faction first introduced in the 1994 novel The Crystal Star . [64] - George Lucas originally intended Quinlan Vos to appear in Episode III as one of the Jedi killed during Order 66 . Star Wars: Republic writers included this scene in the comic adaptation despite plans for more Vos stories. Upon learning Lucas hadn't filmed Vos' death , they retconned his survival, bringing him back, severely burned, in Republic 82 . [65] - Dark Apprentice describes the Massassi as "grayish-green", but Tales of the Jedi – Dark Lords of the Sith 4 and subsequent appearances depict them as red-skinned. - Tales of the Jedi – Dark Lords of the Sith 1 states that Naga Sadow was "a member of an elite priesthood, of pure Sith blood, who were in rebellion against their rulers, the fallen Jedi who wore the title Dark Lords of the Sith", but in Tales of the Jedi – The Sith War 4 , Exar Kun refers to "the Dark Lord Naga Sadow" and in Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith , Naga Sadow is a Dark Lord of the Sith with mostly human blood. - Tales of the Jedi – Dark Lords of the Sith 2 claims the Sith fled to Korriban after the Republic tried to exterminate them. However, Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith 2 depicts the Sith Empire using Korriban to bury their Dark Lords before the Republic's discovery. - Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith_ 0 states that the First Great Schism resulted in "a century of bloodshed" ending with the Exiles being banished from the known galaxy. The New Essential Chronology instead identified the Second Great Schism as leading to the Hundred-Year Darkness , equating it with the "century of bloodshed" mentioned in Tales of the Jedi - The Golden Age of the Sith 0. ## Notes and references ## External links - Retroactive continuity on Wikipedia