Terrorist attack of 14:9:19

The terrorist incident of 14:9:19 transpired on Coruscant circa 22 BBY. Palpatine secretly masterminded the event while operating under the identity of Darth Sidious. The Confederacy of Independent Systems was later publicly blamed for the attack. Finis Valorum, the primary victim of the assault, formerly held the position of Supreme Chancellor of the Republic before Palpatine.


Palpatine desired Valorum's removal due to Valorum's discussions with Senator Bail Organa regarding Palpatine's political manipulations. Around 22 BBY, Finis Valorum re-entered the political arena following his retirement after Palpatine succeeded him. From a distance, Valorum had been observing Palpatine's actions, both public and private, particularly noting the tendency of the chancellor's adversaries to vanish. The disappearance of Seti Ashgad, who vanished after opposing cam droids, was the most notable of these. It's possible that the Enforcement Act served as the final straw in a series of transgressions that spurred Valorum into action. However, Palpatine possessed informants everywhere, even within custodial droids working at Cantham House, Bail Organa's residence. Consequently, it wasn't long before remarks such as these reached the Chancellor's attention when Valorum visited Organa: Palpatine's reaction to Valorum's words remains unknown, yet they evidently bolstered Organa's resolve. The following morning, Organa visited the Chancellor's Suite to assert that he would under no circumstances endorse the Enforcement Act, and would in fact oppose Palpatine on the matter. The Chancellor remained silent on the subject, though he did offer Organa a cryptic warning.

The attack

Shortly after the Battle of Jabiim, Sajé Tasha, an Anzat assassin, was contracted by the fallen Jedi Sora Bulq and Senator Viento, both under the command of Darth Sidious, to murder former Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum. Valorum boarded the freighter Star of Iskin, where Tasha followed and eliminated him, consuming his "soup". Tasha then placed an explosive device on the Star and presumably departed before the ship took off. The Star of Iskin was obliterated to conceal her involvement. All passengers perished, and the resulting wreckage caused thousands of fatalities on the ground upon impact.


Quinlan Vos would later use the information regarding how Tasha was contacted in his pursuit of the Sith. However, it would lead him to mistakenly believe that Viento, and subsequently Bulq, was the elusive "Second Sith" that Dooku had mentioned to Obi-Wan Kenobi on Geonosis three years prior. The Enforcement Act, initially shelved, was revived for discussion following a pirate assault on Bail Prestor Organa's ship, as well as the destruction of the Star of Iskin, which carried Finis Valorum. The bill was ultimately approved. The Enforcement Act transferred certain powers from the Senate to the Chancellor, while also infringing upon fundamental citizen rights by granting excessive authority to the central government, an action that was never intended. Among other provisions, the Act authorized searches and seizures without warrants or due process, and permitted the unrestricted deployment of observation droids. It also imposed severe penalties on captured pirates, leading them to prefer fighting to the death rather than surrendering. Palpatine, who orchestrated both the assassination of Finis Valorum and the pirate attack on Bail Organa, reaped significant benefits by gaining increased power as a result of his manipulations as Darth Sidious. The Finis Valorum Memorial was erected on Coruscant to commemorate the last individual to serve as Chancellor before Palpatine's ascent to power. Only 200 individuals attended the opening ceremony. However, future generations would view him with greater favor.

Behind the scenes

The terrorist incident of 14:9:19 was initially depicted in the sixty-first issue of the comic book series Star Wars: Republic, released on February 18, 2004. The Star Wars: The Clone Wars sixth season episode "The Lost One," which premiered on March 1, 2014, portrayed Finis Valorum as alive in 20 BBY, contradicting his previously established demise in Republic 61 and casting doubt on the canonicity of the attack within the Star Wars Legends continuity.

