Sajé Tasha

Sajé Tasha was a female Anzati assassin who fought for the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the era of the Clone Wars. She was known for her long, white hair, and she wielded clawed cortosis gauntlets that had been presented to her as gifts.


Tasha with her clawed cortosis gauntlets.

Roughly sixteen months following the First Battle of Geonosis, Tasha was employed by Sora Bulq along with Senator Viento to murder the former Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum. Valorum boarded the AA-9 Coruscant freighter named the Star of Iskin, and Tasha tracked him down, ultimately killing him and consuming his "soup." To conceal her involvement, Tasha placed an explosive device on the Star and departed before it took off. The Star of Iskin was destroyed in an effort to eliminate any evidence linking her to the crime.

Following the Valorum assassination, Tasha maintained contact with Bulq and his Separatist group. Approximately thirty-one months after the battle on Geonosis, two of her Anzati acquaintances were recruited by Bulq to provide training to Morgukai clones located on Saleucami.

Around this same time, Sajé found herself on Coruscant and overheard information suggesting that Khaleen Hentz was interested in hiring her. However, being thorough in her investigations, Tasha correctly deduced that Quinlan Vos, Hentz's constant companion, was the true instigator behind the request. Vos was seeking details regarding the Valorum assassination and her ties to Senator Viento. Vos engaged her in a tense confrontation, hoping to extract the information she possessed. She promised to make him regret the pain he caused, but he eventually used his psychometric abilities to uncover her memories, leading him to suspect Sora Bulq as the "Second Sith," Darth Sidious. With Vos now aware of her other employer's identity, Tasha intended to transform him into "one of the Silent Voices, forever". However, before she could consume his soup, Khaleen intervened, striking her with a metal pole and aiming a blaster at her. Tasha was forced to escape, also losing her gauntlets in the process. She then swore revenge against both Quinlan and Khaleen.

Behind the scenes

In the Dark Horse comic series, Trackdown, Dexter Jettster refers to her as Sajé Tasha. However, during the scene where she confronts Khaleen Hentz, she identifies herself as Saljé Tasha. The 2015 Marvel re-release of Star Wars Omnibus: Clone Wars Volume 3: The Republic Falls rectifies all instances of her name to Sajé.

Unlike other members of her species, Sajé lacks the enlarged nostrils typically found in Anzati. Whether this was an intentional artistic choice or an oversight remains unknown.

Notably, "The Lost One," an episode from the sixth season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, introduced a continuity discrepancy by depicting Finis Valorum—Tasha's victim in Trackdown—alive in 20 BBY, which is one year after Trackdown portrayed Tasha killing Valorum in 21 BBY. Lucasfilm never addressed this continuity issue before designating Expanded Universe material as non-canon.

