Fenn Shysa, a Human male Mandalorian, first drew breath on the planet of Mandalore sometime before the outbreak of the Clone Wars. He and his childhood companion, Tobbi Dala, enlisted in the 212-strong Mandalorian Protectors under the command of Spar, known as "Mandalore the Resurrector." During the Clone Wars, he fought for the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and following a devastating battle on Norval II, he, Dala, and Spar were among the mere three Protectors who survived.
Shysa, Dala, and Spar then journeyed back to Mandalore, remaining there until the war concluded, witnessing the Galactic Empire's ascension to power in place of the Republic. When the Empire occupied his homeworld, Shysa assumed the role of the new Mand'alor, the leader of all Mandalorian clans, and initiated a guerrilla war to expel the Empire and its slaving and mining operations from Mandalore. After years of intense combat, the Mandalorians finally achieved victory when Dala sacrificed himself to eliminate the Imperial commander known as the Suprema.
Even with his world liberated from Imperial control, Shysa persisted in his struggle against the Empire. He reorganized the Mandalorian Protectors, leading them into battle alongside the Alliance of Free Planets during the Nagai–Tof War. Shysa's forces played a crucial role in the Second Battle of Endor, successfully repelling Nagai forces personally commanded by the Dark Lady Lumiya. After the war ended and the Nagai joined the Alliance of Free Planets, Shysa journeyed to Nagi to free it from the Tof. After a long and celebrated life, which included fighting at the Battle of Mindor, Shysa met his end on the planet Shogun, saving Boba Fett from certain death. In his dying breath, Shysa urged Fett to succeed him as Mandalore, a wish that Fett would ultimately fulfill.
Fenn Shysa was born on Mandalore, in a small province situated on the planet's largest continent. During his formative years, he developed a close friendship with Tobbi Dala, and they both eventually became local constables. Despite enjoying moments of relaxation with Mandallian Narcolethe, they were keenly aware of the Galactic Republic's consistent lack of regard for their home planet's welfare. As the Clone Wars erupted, Mandalore maintained a neutral stance under the pacifistic New Mandalorians. With Mandalorian traditions waning on Mandalore, Shysa and Dala were eager to initiate their struggle to restore Mandalore's former glory.

It was in this climate that the rogue ARC trooper Alpha-Ø2, who now went by the name "Spar," appeared. Having deserted from the Grand Army of the Republic even before it departed from Kamino, Spar arrived on Mandalore free of the pro-Republic sentiments instilled in his clone brethren and resolved to revive the Mandalorian Supercommandos. When he began recruiting Mandalorian soldiers from the local police force, Shysa and Dala eagerly volunteered. Shysa started spreading rumors throughout Mandalore that Spar was the son of the deceased Jango Fett, hoping to leverage Jango's fearsome reputation as a warrior and Jedi killer as a rallying point for their troops and a symbol of fear to outsiders. He also encouraged Spar to assume the title of Mand'alor, becoming "Mandalore the Resurrector" and the leader of the Mandalorians. Due to Spar's inherent physical resemblance as a clone of Fett, the recruits began to believe he was Fett's son and heir to the True Mandalorians' legacy. Following their new Mand'alor, Shysa and Dala, along with other local police and a dozen former Death Watch commandos, formed the Mandalorian Protectors, a formidable force that fought for the CIS during the Clone Wars. Shysa's role as the true power behind Spar was whispered about, though he was primarily known as Spar's trusted follower.

The Mandalorians first engaged in combat on their homeworld, where the Protectors assisted in seizing MandalMotors' facilities in Keldabe, the planet's capital, compelling the company to dedicate its resources to supporting the CIS. Following this, the Protectors conducted covert missions for the Confederacy. Around this time, possibly during one of these missions, Shysa encountered C-3PX, a formidable assassin droid. This encounter inspired Shysa and the Mandalorians to requisition a droid army for themselves. Utilizing Separatist factories, the Protectors created a force of 1000 BL-series Battle Legionnaire droids, armed with AAP-11 blaster boxes and capable of piloting deadly Mandalorian battle harnesses. With their new droid army, the Protectors launched attacks against the Republic, targeting Null, New Holstice, and Zaadja. Shysa and the Protectors also led retaliatory strikes on New Bornalex and Kamino following the death of a prominent Separatist leader.

As the war neared its climax, the Mandalorian Protectors were selected for a special mission. Darth Sidious, the secret leader of the CIS, instructed the Mandalorian government to send Shysa and the Protectors to the planet Norval II with the objective of capturing Senator Padmé Amidala. However, upon arrival, they were ambushed by Republic forces as part of a grand deception orchestrated by Republic Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, who was secretly Darth Sidious. The Mandalorians suffered near-total annihilation, including almost all of their Battle Legionnaire droids. Only three Mandalorians survived: Shysa, Dala, and Spar. They returned to Mandalore, where a traumatized Spar relinquished his position as Mand'alor, despite Shysa's repeated attempts to persuade him to reclaim the title, believing that without a proper Mand'alor, the Mandalorians would appear weak to the galaxy. However, Spar remained unmoved.
In the Clone Wars' final year, Shysa encountered the clone deserter Fi and his girlfriend Parja at a cantina in Enceri. Still convinced that Mandalorians would thrive under a Fett heir as Mand'alor, he approached Fi with a friendly greeting and an offer to contribute to the planet. However, Fi was still recovering from a severe head injury, and Parja declined on his behalf. They met again in the following days at the Oyu'baat tapcafe in Keldabe, where Shysa was meeting with Spar and another clone deserter named Sull, whom he had also asked to assume the position of Mand'alor, but who had also refused. Shysa offered to buy them drinks upon their arrival, though Parja clarified that they weren't there to discuss Fi becoming Mandalore. Undeterred, Shysa directly tried to convince Fi, expressing his belief that Mandalore needed a Fett heir to demonstrate the Mandalorians' strength to the galaxy, hoping to use Jango's defeat of six Jedi at Galidraan as a symbol of Mandalore's power. When Parja suggested that Shysa himself take on the role, he humbly described himself as a "foot soldier" and felt Mandalore needed a more capable leader. Fi declined again, and Shysa, realizing he couldn't be persuaded, dropped the issue amicably and wished him a speedy recovery. When a conflict arose between Sull and Fi's friend, the former Jedi-turned-Mandalorian Bardan Jusik, Shysa physically pulled Sull away, urging them to resolve their issues over a drink rather than fighting in the Oyu'baat.

As the Clone Wars ended and Chancellor Palpatine declared himself Emperor, transforming the Galactic Republic into the Galactic Empire, Shysa noticed the Emperor's new, scarred appearance, a result of his duel with Mace Windu, which made him resemble his Darth Sidious persona. Later, Shysa pieced together the truth and recounted to Princess Leia Organa that he had unknowingly fought for the Emperor.
Shortly after Palpatine's declaration, Shysa met with former Cuy'val Dar training sergeant Kal Skirata at the Oyu'baat. They discussed young Boba Fett, and Shysa suggested that Boba could potentially be Mand'alor, but Skirata nominated Shysa himself, stating that it was widely believed that Shysa should assume the mantle. Shysa earnestly declined again, stating that with the new Galactic Empire offering the Mandalorians paid work without repercussions for their actions during the war, the people would "cheer for a bantha wearin' a buy'ce". The conversation then shifted to Palpatine and the Empire, which was interested in establishing a base on Mandalore. Skirata considered it foolish to give the Empire a foothold, but Shysa argued that it would only be temporary and that denying Palpatine the base would cost the clans credits and potentially lead the Empire to set up a base anyway. Instead, Shysa suggested that Skirata and his fellow training sergeants could help train a guerrilla army if the deal soured. Skirata then returned to his attempts to persuade Shysa to become Mand'alor, believing he was the best candidate to give Mandalore focus, jokingly suggesting that with a haircut, he would make a fine Mand'alor. Shysa agreed to step up and become Mand'alor, but only if he disliked the situation with the Empire and only to "keep the seat warm until Boba shows up". Even then, Shysa was hopeful when Skirata revealed that Jango Fett's sister, Arla, was still alive, suggesting that it might be good to have a female Mand'alor. Skirata quickly dismissed the idea, and Shysa apologized for asking so much of him soon after his adopted daughter had died, offering his sympathy and recognizing him as a good father.
Shortly after their meeting, the Empire arrived to construct its garrison, and Shysa reluctantly accepted the title of Mand'alor, secretly motivated by his negative feelings toward the Imperial occupation.
Four weeks after the Republic transformed into an empire, Shysa traveled to an old, derelict hunting lodge in Mandalore's Olankur region to meet with Kal Skirata again, far from the Imperial garrison being established in Keldabe. While Skirata's adopted son, Ordo, stood guard in their speeder outside, the two shared a bottle of tihaar as they discussed Shysa's fledgling resistance, a movement he considered simply "an intention to respond in kind" if relations with the Imperials deteriorated. Shysa was particularly concerned about the Empire's interest in purchasing mining rights to extract beskar metal in the Tokursh area. While the offer was lucrative at eight hundred million credits, neither man liked the idea of what Palpatine might use the lightsaber-resistant metal for. Shysa also informed Skirata about the Empire's wanted list of Jedi survivors and its interest in worlds like Haruun Kal, where Force-sensitivity was common. Shysa also mentioned his meeting with the former Jedi Bardan Jusik, subtly suggesting that Jusik and any Force-sensitive children he might have would be a valuable asset to Mandalore. He also invited any of Skirata's sons and friends, many of whom were clone deserters, to spy on the Imperials due to their ability to pass for stormtroopers. They parted on good terms, Shysa expressing his trust in Skirata, though Skirata made it clear that he intended to keep his family safe.
Several days later, Skirata contacted Shysa again via comlink. When Skirata stated he had something to offer Mandalore, Shysa initially thought he had convinced Jusik to aid him. Instead, Skirata revealed that he and his people had developed an immunogen for the Empire's FG36 nanovirus, which had recently been unleashed on the planet Gibad, killing all its inhabitants. Shysa was concerned about the safety of the immunogen, a virus transmitted from person to person that induced a mild sickness, considering Skirata's plan to spread it discreetly across the planet to prevent the Imperials from developing a countermeasure. After Skirata reassured him, having already exposed himself and his family to the cure, Shysa gave his blessing and informed the other clan leaders that there would be a "little bug doing the rounds but that we'll be all the stronger for it". He also accepted that the Imperials themselves would likely become immunized through proximity to infected Mandalorians.

Eventually, Shysa and his former comrade, Tobbi Dala, were branded as outlaws for their role in the war. To recoup losses, Mandalore legalized slavery, using Imperial-sanctioned slavers. With their own people being enslaved, Shysa and Dala were forced back into combat to free their world from the Empire's control. The government, initially hostile to Shysa and Dala, covertly aided them in training special police units. Together, Shysa and Dala waged a campaign against the Imperial slavers, a conflict that lasted over twenty years.

Although the Mandalorian clans secretly supported Shysa and Dala, Mandalore was financially strained after the Clone Wars, forcing Shysa to seek funding elsewhere. He hired himself out to Doctor Follnor Callat, an archaeologist with questionable ethics and a treasure hunter. Callat sought the Alsakan Tessent, a valuable artifact of great importance to the Alsakan people. Following a rumor that the Tessent was with a Guard of Aldera who had been on Ast Kikorie Station before its destruction in a meteor shower, Callat, along with associates and freelance operatives including Shysa and a Blood Carver, arrived at Ast Kikorie to investigate. Settling in Kikorie Port in Lon Heights, Shysa and his mercenary counterparts were out of place among the scholars.
After searching the wreckage of the space station for the idol, they discovered that the guard had not been aboard during the crash. He had been shuttling supplies in a small ship. The guard's ship crashed some distance from the station, but it was unclear if he had possessed the Tessent. Continuing the search, Shysa, piloting the Free Mandalore, and the other operatives encountered a separate group of explorers also seeking the Tessent, who seemed to be a step ahead. After chasing the explorers across several worlds, Shysa and Callat confronted their rivals. The outcome was unclear; Shysa may have stolen the artifact, betraying Callat to fund his fight against the Imperials.

Although Shysa returned to Mandalore with funds to continue his attacks, the Imperials had leadership in the form of the Shimholt known as the Suprema, who was installed as the planet's overlord with the goal of capturing Mandalorians for forced conscription. The Suprema was effective, and within months, nearly every capable Mandalorian had been captured and bound with Energy cuffs. Many were forced into hard labor at the City of Bone, crushing their resistance. Around 3 ABY, Shysa's underground resistance attempted to infiltrate the City of Bone to rescue their enslaved people, with Shysa and Tobbi Dala leading. However, the mission was a disaster, and Dala was captured. Despite his comrade's capture, Shysa continued the fight, using hit-and-run tactics against the slavers.
Days after Dala's capture, Dengar arrived on Mandalore to capture Shysa, who had become a thorn in the Empire's side, resulting in a large bounty on his head. However, Dengar was captured by Shysa's forces. To retrieve Dala, Shysa offered to turn Dengar over to the Imperials in exchange for his friend's release. The slavers agreed, but before the exchange, Princess Leia Organa, chasing rumors that Dengar had helped Boba Fett capture Han Solo, landed on the planet and became involved in a shootout between Mandalorians and Imperial slavers. Initially mistaking Shysa for Fett, Organa learned his true identity and purpose. Shysa's memories of the Clone Wars resurfaced as he found Organa strikingly similar to her mother, Padmé Amidala, whom he had been sent to capture during the war.

After providing Organa with a false account of his Clone Wars exploits, including claiming Boba Fett was his commander instead of Spar, Shysa brought Organa and her droid, C-3PO, to his base in the Mandalorian forest. Upon seeing Dengar in a suspended cage, Organa asked Shysa to let her take the bounty hunter back to the Alliance for questioning. However, Shysa refused, determined to get his friend back from the Imperials. Organa, disappointed, devised a plan to secure Dengar. She took Shysa on a midnight stroll away from the camp, leaving C-3PO to free Dengar. During their walk, Organa seduced Shysa, using a forced kiss to distract him before hitting him in the head with a tree. With Shysa incapacitated, Organa released Dengar, hoping for information about Fett. However, the bounty hunter betrayed her to the Imperials for the bounty on her head.
Awakening, Shysa gathered his men to stop Organa from freeing their prisoner. However, they arrived only to see her betrayed. As the princess was being led away, Shysa took out a guard, assumed his identity by donning his stormtrooper armor, and followed the Imperials. After a brief meeting with the Suprema, who ordered Organa to be placed in detention, Shysa freed the princess and made a deal: if she helped free Dala, he would help recapture Dengar and let her take him back to the Alliance. Organa agreed, and the three, including C-3PO, headed to Dala's cell. However, a guard outside Dala's cell forced them to devise a plan. Shysa feigned an injury, and Organa and C-3PO carried him toward the stormtrooper, hoping to convince him to abandon his post. Unfortunately, the guard was not fooled but was stopped from alerting his superiors when Shysa kicked him in the chin, knocking him out.

Dala nearly engaged Shysa in combat upon his arrival in the cell, mistakenly identifying him as a legitimate stormtrooper. However, Dala was soon liberated, and the group began their return journey through the cityscape. Shysa, convinced that the moment was ripe for an offensive against the enslavers, launched a flare from a city window, signaling the commencement of an assault by his Mandalorian forces. As the stormtroopers struggled to defend the city, Shysa and Dala exploited the resulting disorder to seize control of a hovercraft. Soaring above the Imperial troops, Organa discerned the central control mechanism for the prisoners' energy restraints. They focused their firepower on this device, successfully destroying it and liberating the city's enslaved population. Amidst the ensuing uprising, where the Mandalorian people confronted their oppressors, the group capitalized on the turmoil to storm the Suprema's headquarters.
After breaching the door with explosives, the group confronted the Suprema directly, demanding that he unlock the city's blast doors. The Suprema, however, disregarded their demands, drawing a blaster and shooting Dala in the chest. As the Imperial leader attempted to eliminate the remaining members of the group, Dala intervened, seizing his weapon-wielding arm to prevent further shots. During this struggle, Shysa launched himself at the slaver, delivering a kick to his chest. He then began to relentlessly strike the Suprema with the butt of his blaster. Organa intervened before he could complete his assault, preventing the killing of the alien, arguing that the Imperial might be needed later. Shysa relented and attended to his injured companion. Sadly, Dala's injury was fatal. Knowing his end was near, Dala urged his friend to leave, promising to open the blast doors to the city.

With reluctance, Shysa and the princess went back to the hovercraft to provide support for the Mandalorians engaged in combat within the city. They soon found themselves under attack by Shrike Squadron, a unit of airspeeders determined to eliminate them. The freed slaves managed to thwart the Imperials by hurling a gruel trough at the pursuing ships, destroying one of the Imperial fighters. As the remaining members of the squadron pursued Organa and Shysa back toward the blast doors, Dala fulfilled his promise and opened them, enabling their escape from the city. As Shrike Squadron hastily followed the Rebels through the same exit, Dala closed the blast doors. The resulting collision of Shrike Squadron led to a massive explosion. The fire from the downed fighters ignited a chain reaction of fuel and ammunition, which rapidly escalated, engulfing the entire structure in flames, killing all the Imperials, the Suprema, and Dala. The death of the Suprema marked the conclusion of the slavers' presence on Mandalore, and Dala's sacrifice finally eradicated the Empire's control over the planet.
After the battle, Shysa, keeping his word, made Dengar tell Organa everything he knew about Fett's location. Dengar insisted that he had not collaborated with Fett in the search for Solo but had overheard Fett mentioning a hideout in the Anga system to an unknown individual. Shysa, disappointed by Dengar's lack of concrete evidence regarding Fett's whereabouts, apologized to Organa for the futility of her mission. The princess, however, considered the significant blow dealt to the Empire a sufficient reward, thanked Shysa, and returned to the Alliance.
Following Dala's passing, Shysa, now the Mand'alor, bore the sole responsibility for revitalizing the Mandalorians and restoring Mandalore. Re-establishing the Mandalorian Protectors, Shysa spearheaded an uprising against Grand Admiral Miltin Takel, who governed the Mandalore sector. Shysa's influence also led his home planet to align itself with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, joining the fight to overthrow the Empire's dominion over the galaxy. This endeavor culminated in success at the Battle of Endor, where the Rebels destroyed the second Death Star, eliminating Emperor Palpatine and his apprentice, Darth Vader. Nevertheless, the Empire persisted. Imperials loyal to the Dark Lady Lumiya soon forged an alliance with the Nagai in an attempt to repel the Alliance. The Rebellion had reorganized into the Alliance of Free Planets, a new government that the Mandalorians readily embraced. Upon learning of the potential threat posed by the Nagai, Shysa led a contingent of Mandalorian warriors to the Alliance's base on the forest moon of Endor. The Nagai had also initiated open attacks on worlds within the Mandalore system, even establishing bases in the surrounding areas.

During their journey to the Alliance's headquarters, the Mandalorians were accompanied by Bey, a skilled warrior who had witnessed the Nagai's initial attacks on Mandalore and had assisted in repelling the invaders. After arriving, Shysa and Bey sought out Organa but were surprised to find her in a heated argument with Han Solo. Observing Solo forcefully grabbing Organa to emphasize his point, Shysa intervened, seizing Solo by the collar and throwing him to the ground. Although Shysa was concerned that Solo might have harmed her, Organa quickly clarified that they were simply engaged in a minor disagreement and led him away from the displeased Solo. Shortly thereafter, Shysa and Bey accompanied Organa aboard a transport to investigate mysterious energy spheres that had been appearing throughout the Moddell sector. As Solo piloted the Millennium Falcon toward one of the energy spheres, he was inexplicably transported to a technology-deficient planet. Shysa was shocked by Solo's disappearance, but the skilled pilot eventually returned to the base unharmed.

With Solo's safe return to the forest moon, Organa was overjoyed, putting their earlier disagreement behind them. However, Shysa had developed a strong attraction to the princess and began to flirt with her, diverting her attention away from even her Zeltron attachés, Bahb, Jahn, Marruc, and Rahuhl. Solo felt somewhat jealous of the situation but remained silent, not allowing the Mandalorian's obvious advances to bother him. While on the forest moon, Shysa participated in a holographic piloting exam designed to assess the competence of the Alliance's pilots. Shysa passed the test, but Solo and Luke Skywalker did not, as the computer determined that both pilots flew in ways that no rational pilot would ever attempt. However, just as this news was circulating, a large fleet of ships commanded by Lumiya was detected in the system, heading toward the forest moon. With Skywalker and Solo grounded and unable to pilot their ships due to the computer error, Shysa and Lando Calrissian were compelled to assume command of the fighter squadrons.
As the battle commenced, the Nagai fighters appeared to anticipate the squadron's maneuvers, predicting their every move. Unbeknownst to the Alliance, a traitor within their ranks had divulged the Alliance's flight plans to the Nagai, enabling them to prepare perfect counterattacks. Shysa and Calrissian's squadrons gradually began to be decimated by their prescient adversaries. Fortunately for the Alliance, Solo, still grounded, discovered the traitor, Bey, and engaged him in hand-to-hand combat. With the betrayal exposed, Admiral Ackbar contacted Calrissian, instructing him to abandon all preprogrammed flight tactics. Employing an old tactic of Solo's, the fighters began to fly in unpredictable patterns, masking each other's attacks. Confused by their abandonment of tactics, the Nagai began to lose their advantage. Lumiya, unable to regain control of her forces, ordered a retreat, hoping that the Nagai who had landed on the forest moon would conclude the battle. However, with assistance from Skywalker and Solo, the Nagai ground force was also defeated, and their forces were captured.
With the war now fully underway, Shysa continued to lead the Mandalorians against the invading Nagai. Following the Battle of Zeltros, the Nagai decided to ally with the Alliance of Free Planets due to the arrival of the Tof, the Nagai's ancient enemy who had enslaved their home planet of Nagi. The Alliance began to push back the Tof threat, isolating them at their forward base on the planet of Saijo. Shysa participated in the Battle of Saijo, fighting alongside Organa, Solo, Skywalker, and the Nagai's commander, Knife. During the battle, Shysa was forced to intervene in a conflict between Solo and Knife, who was also Bey's half-brother. The two were constantly at odds over Bey's betrayal, but Shysa's presence was sufficient to prevent the disagreement from escalating into violence. When Skywalker chose to lead a detachment of troopers in infiltrating the Tof headquarters, Shysa remained behind with Trif, Maggie, C-3PO, and R2-D2 to maintain a communications link between Skywalker's group and Calrissian, who was commanding the fleet above Saijo.

The battle and the war concluded when Skywalker's group captured the Tof leader, Sereno, with assistance from Bey, who was revealed to be a double agent working for Ackbar. Following the end of the conflict, the Alliance of Free Planets transitioned into the New Republic and extended membership to the Nagai, suggesting that they establish Saijo as their new home planet. However, most of the Nagai declined the offer, preferring to locate a world of their own. The Nagai fleet set course for their homeworld, intending to liberate Nagi from the Tof who still controlled it. Shysa joined this effort, leading his forces alongside the Nagai. Shysa survived the conflict and later returned to Mandalore.
Shysa and the Mandalorians continued to fight for the Alliance, even after its transformation into the New Republic. Around 5 ABY, Shysa and the re-established Mandalorian Protectors played a crucial role in the Battle of Mindor, providing the decisive force to defeat Lord Shadowspawn, who fought to the bitter end. Under Shysa's leadership, the Protectors continued to engage in conflict, primarily as the defenders of Mandalore.
Approximately twenty years after Shysa drove the Empire from Mandalore, he fled to the planet Shogun in the Quence sector, where he was confronted by Boba Fett. Fett was pursuing a bounty placed on Shysa's head by the Kaminoan Taun We, who sought revenge for Shysa's involvement in the attack on Kamino during the Clone Wars. While the specifics remain unclear, Shysa died during this encounter on the planet. Shysa managed to save Fett's life, but at the cost of his own. Surrounded by Sevvets and under intense fire, Shysa sustained severe injuries that would have prevented his escape. To spare Shysa what he termed "a rotten death," and at his request, Fett performed a mercy killing. With his final words, Shysa requested that Fett assume the title of Mand'alor and command the Mandalorian Protectors, still believing that a Fett was Mandalore's best hope for a leader.
Following Shysa's death, Boba Fett did indeed take on the mantle of Mand'alor and the leadership of the clans. Future Mandalorians held Shysa in high esteem for liberating the planet from the Empire and restoring their pride after the Imperials had nearly crushed it. Shysa's legacy of revitalizing the Mandalorian Protectors and guiding them out of their post-Imperial destitution was well-remembered on his home planet, and the inhabitants continued to regard Shysa as a literal savior of their world. Shysa's dedication to remaining near the planet and safeguarding it from external threats was well-known. When Fett assumed the title and did not adhere to Shysa's practices, many Mandalorians resented him for remaining so distant from the people he was expected to protect. Some Mandalorians, such as Goran Beviin, felt that the new Mand'alor did not live up to his predecessor. However, these comparisons did not prevent Fett from also admiring Shysa. Even before their encounter on Shogun, Fett held the Mandalorian leader in high regard. During his pursuit of Jodo Kast, he expressed disappointment that Kast was not Shysa or Dala, criticizing Kast for not having "earned his armor." A memorial to Shysa was erected on Mandalore by Fett, and his helmet was considered a sacred relic among the Mandalorians.

Fenn Shysa possessed a strong moral compass and unwavering principles. He was deeply devoted to his fellow soldiers, particularly Tobbi Dala, whom he considered a brother. During the campaign to liberate Mandalore from the Empire, Shysa personally cared for the wounds of his comrades, assisting them through their most severe injuries. In addition to his dedication to his troops in battle, Shysa displayed a romantic side and felt protective of Princess Organa, even attacking her lover, Han Solo, when it appeared he might harm her. Shysa also possessed linguistic abilities, being able to speak Shyriiwook, a skill uncommon among Humans. While a formidable soldier, Shysa also exhibited compassion, extending his efforts to other just causes, such as the Nagai campaign to reclaim their homeworld from the Tof.
Shysa spoke with a noticeable accent during the fight to liberate Mandalore, but this trait disappeared by the time of the Nagai-Tof War. Shysa's helmet was distinguished by two prominent swooshes, known as Jaig eyes, on either side, a design adopted in various forms by the Mandalorian Protectors during the Clone Wars. However, similar to his accent, he wore a plain helmet without any distinguishing marks by the time of the conflict with the Nagai.
Fenn Shysa was conceived by David Michelinie for inclusion in Marvel Star Wars' Star Wars (1977) 68. Shysa appeared in the subsequent issue, Death in the City of Bone, before vanishing from the narrative. Shysa's backstory claimed that he had fought alongside Boba Fett in the Clone Wars and that the Mandalorians had supported the Emperor, even being tasked with kidnapping Princess Leia Organa. This account was later contradicted by the release of the prequel trilogy, which revealed that Fett was a clone of Jango Fett and was too young to have fought alongside Shysa. Furthermore, Organa was not born until the end of the Clone Wars. Shysa made three more minor appearances in the Marvel Star Wars arc, including a role in the final issue, All Together Now. Following this, Shysa was not referenced until 1997's Boba Fett: Twin Engines of Destruction. This comic, also written before the release of the prequels, seemed to accept Shysa's account of Fett as reliable, as the bounty hunter mentioned both Shysa and Dala during his fight with Jodo Kast.
Three years later, before the release of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones and the revelation of Fett's true backstory, Shysa was again referenced in Rich Handley's and Joseph Bongiorno's article in Star Wars Gamer 1, "The University of Sanbra Guide to Intelligent Life: The Marvel Series," which explained Shysa's actions after the end of the Marvel run, stating that the Mandalorian had assisted the Nagai in liberating their homeworld. Shysa was again referenced in Star Wars Gamer in issue 9's article, Race for the Tessent. In addition to mentioning his fight against Imperial slavers, the article acknowledged that the details of Shysa's early career were "sketchy," referring to the recent contradiction created by Fett's background in Attack of the Clones.
This contradiction was ultimately retconned by Abel G. Peña in his article "The History of the Mandalorians," in Star Wars Insider 80. This correction explained that the individual Shysa believed to be Fett was actually a rogue ARC trooper, Alpha-Ø2, a character from Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds. Furthermore, the article clarified that Shysa and the Mandalorians who had fought in the Clone Wars had been sent to kidnap Padmé Amidala, not Leia Organa, as Shysa had originally claimed. The final inconsistency, regarding Shysa and the Mandalorians fighting for the Emperor, was resolved by explaining that the Mandalorians had been deployed into battle by Darth Sidious. Since the Emperor and Darth Sidious were the same person, Shysa's claims were technically true.
Following this resolution of Shysa's background, the Mandalorian warrior began to be referenced in several newer sources, including the new batch of Essential Guides. Shysa even played a role in the Star Wars: Legacy of the Force series of novels, warranting mentions in Legacy of the Force: Bloodlines, Legacy of the Force: Sacrifice and Legacy of the Force: Revelation. However, the mention of Shysa in Legacy of the Force: Revelation presents a somewhat conflicting backstory. While The History of the Mandalorians explained Shysa's claims in The Search Begins as simply confused recollections, Revelation alters the story. In the novel, the character Goran Beviin states that Shysa knew Spar's true identity but encouraged him to impersonate Boba Fett to capitalize on Jango's reputation and boost morale. In this version of events, Shysa was the true leader of the Protectors, using Spar as a figurehead. However, this narrative appears to contradict the original Marvel comics. In The Search Begins, Shysa is highly critical of Fett, condemning him for joining the Empire after the Clone Wars. In later issues, Shysa maintains this viewpoint, even explicitly stating that Fett was simply "bounty hunting scum" in Star Wars (1977) 99. Given this attitude, it seems contradictory that Shysa would claim to Organa that his commander was Fett if he had orchestrated the deception himself. Especially since if the purpose of the deception was to establish legitimacy, there seems little reason to disparage Fett. Since this contradictory backstory is only mentioned by one Mandalorian who was not present for the Clone Wars, it is possible that Beviin was simply repeating a popular rumor that portrayed Shysa as more of a mastermind than he actually was.
Further explanation of this new version of events was featured in Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel, which explained that he did, in fact, know Spar was a clone, and merely asked him to pretend to be Fett's son. He also asked this of Republic Commando Fi Skirata and ARC Trooper Sull.