Fi Skirata

Fi Skirata, previously known as RC-8015, was a clone commando serving within the ranks of the Galactic Republic's Teroch Squad, and subsequently Omega Squad, fulfilling the roles of both team medic and sniper in both units.


Like all clones in the Grand Army of the Republic, Fi's life began on Kamino, where he underwent his formative training under the tutelage of Kal Skirata. His initial combat assignment was on Geonosis, during the opening battle of the Clone Wars. The loss of all three of Fi's squadmates during the battle, attributed to Jedi misjudgments, resulted in his reassignment to Omega Squad alongside RC-1309, RC-1136, and RC-3222, each of whom were also the lone survivors of their respective squads. Fi was the first to arrive when Omega Squad was formed, and his first encounter with his new sergeant, Niner, was rather strained. Fi would prove to be an essential member of Omega Squad. His lightheartedness and generally positive attitude would help to relieve stress within the squad during difficult times, which greatly helped the squad in their first mission together.

Mission to Qiilura

His inaugural mission with Omega Squad took place on Qiilura, where he collaborated with Darman, Niner, and Atin to undermine the Separatist installation. Darman, having bailed out late from the crashing Narsh sprayer, encountered Jedi Padawan Etain Tur-Mukan and rejoined Fi to accomplish the mission and capture Ovolot Qail Uthan. He also took some Mandalorian armor from the dead body of Ghez Hokan, who was defeated by Etain. This mission also highlighted a significant vulnerability in the enhanced Katarn armor: vulnerability to Verpine weaponry and EMP grenades.

Spaceport Siege

When terrorists on Coruscant abducted hostages and rigged Jedi Master Kaim's body with explosives, Fi shielded the blast with his own body, saving the lives of all unarmored individuals within the blast radius. He later said that any clone would have done the same. It was also the day he first met Ordo, and in spite of the commando's joke about the Null's kama, the two became friends in a very specific way—Fi was always joking about the kama and Ordo was hitting him as a welcome gesture; for anyone who didn't know them, it looked like a conflict between the two clones.

Fi's bravery also earned him the appreciation of Jaller Obrim. Jaller often reminded Skirata and Omega that he owed Fi a drink for saving their lives.

Mission to Coruscant

Later, along with the rest of Omega Squad and Delta Squad, he was dispatched to Coruscant for a covert anti-terrorism operation. During this mission, Fi employed a Verpine sniper rifle. He and Sev undertook two reconnaissance missions—the first of which involved instigating a gang war and taking a hostage; during the second, Fi attached a remote detonator to a speeder while Sev dislocated his shoulder.

Mission to Gaftikar

Approximately two and a half months later, Fi and Omega were deployed to Gaftikar to support the Marits in overthrowing the Gaftikari government, due to the Marits' lack of representation. During the mission's reconnaissance phase, Omega Team encountered the rogue ARC, Sull, eventually freeing him. Fi took the former ARC trooper's kama as a trophy to add to the armor taken from Hokan.

During the engagement on Gaftikar, Fi sustained a critical head injury that induced a coma while he and his squad attempted to secure a HoloNet news studio, which was broadcasting propaganda to incite citizens to resist the Republic forces. He was placed in bacta, but when he was removed, the med droid declared him brain-dead and removed the respirator tube from his throat, which would have officially killed him if Fi hadn't suddenly started breathing on his own.

Recovery period

Bardan Jusik arranged for his admission to the Republic Central Medcenter's neurology unit under the alias Fi Skirata, finally giving the man a full name, and Besany Wennen went there to keep an eye on him. However, the medical droid there also pronounced him brain-dead and attempted to euthanize him. Wennen put the pistol Mereel had given her to the droid's head and threatened to shoot if the droid didn't help Fi. The droid called security, and Wennen called Kal Skirata. Skirata called Jaller Obrim, who then went with Anti-Terrorism Unit and moved Fi and Wennen to his house.

Obrim had hired a medical droid to care for Fi, who was unresponsive to any stimuli. Fi remained there until Jusik, using the Force to repair Fi's brain injury, was able to bring him out of the coma. Besany returned to her office and reported to the GAR that RC-8015 had died from severe head trauma. Fi was a free man for the first time in his life, at a terrible cost.


Although Fi regained consciousness, he was a changed man. The head injury had impaired his speech and muscle control. His sense of humor seemed to have vanished, replaced by depression and a sense of isolation. He was taken to Skirata's stronghold on Mandalore with Skirata to recover his strength and continue to heal. No longer a soldier of the Republic he instead wore the gear he had scavenged from Hokan and Sull. Rav Bralor's niece Parja took an interest in Fi and helped with his therapy to begin walking again and regain his strength and coordination.

With the support of his new Mandalorian girlfriend, Parja Bralor, Fi's recovery accelerated, and he even regained some of his sense of humor, although he still needed instructions on a datapad sometimes to remember what he was doing. According to tests using Republic equipment that Mij Gilamar had stolen, Fi recovered to just over 89% of his former movement, which, while this was better than most normal people, was still not satisfactory to Fi.

While in town, following directions on his datapad to get to the cantina, Fi was visited by a young, charismatic Mandalorian mercenary, Fenn Shysa. After a brief conversation, Fi went to the cantina to meet Parja, and encountered Shysa again,. Shysa wanted Fi to take the title of Mandalore, and proclaim himself Jango Fett's son, saying that if he claimed to be, the whole planet would unite under him and strengthen them against possible attempts of control by the CIS or Republic. Parja refused once. Shysa tried again, this time with Spar and Sull present. Fi was unsure, but Parja made it clear that Fi would not be Mandalore. As this occurred, Bardan Jusik entered the bar. Sull recognized the Jedi, and attacked Jusik. In a fit of rage, Fi punched Sull, forcing Shysa to break up the fight.

End of the Clone Wars and Order 66

Later, Fi insisted on accompanying Jusik to Coruscant to prepare for their departure. Sull and Spar approached them again, but this time they wanted to help. They had heard of Skirata finding a way to stop the speed-aging, and they wanted to be cured. Jusik allowed the two ARC deserters to join them, as Fi and Parja spontaneously decided to get married in the standard Mando'a fashion. They exchanged short and binding vows, and left for Coruscant.

Fi was not directly involved in the execution of Order 66, due to his status in the republic army as legally dead, so Fi assisted Skirata with his final plans to escape during the battle. On Coruscant, under orders from Skirata, Jusik took Fi, Sull, and Spar with falsified papers to extract Ruusaan Skirata from the Republic detention facility Pols Anaxes. Fi did mention casually that now he had another sister.

Fi, Skirata, Vau, Bardan, and Ordo retrieved Dr. Ovolot Qail Uthan out of the madhouse in Valorum Center, while the other inmates were evacuating. But before they could leave, Bardan went to collect another passenger: Arla Fett, the long lost sister of Jango himself.

Fi soon after left Coruscant to return to Kyrimorut, where he attended Etain Tur-Mukan's funeral.


In 40 ABY, Venku Skirata was seen wearing a helmet that matches the description of Fi's. It may be concluded that he died sometime between the Clone Wars and Boba Fett's return to Mandalore. At the same time, however, Goran Beviin stated that Mandalorians often wear parts of family members' armor to honor them both in death and even if they were still alive. A second conclusion could be that Fi gifted the helmet to Venku when he came of age and was still alive in 40 ABY.

Personality and traits

Fi was considered an anomaly among clones due to his lightheartedness and humor. He also yearned for what he termed a normal existence, particularly after observing civilians on Coruscant and witnessing the developing relationship between Darman and Etain. Like all clone commandos, he had a fondness for specialized equipment, such as Verpine sniper rifles, and enjoyed reciting Mandalorian chants. Additionally, Fi had a habit of collecting mementos from his deployments, such as a Geonosian force pike and Ghez Hokan's armor. He also seemed to have a particular liking for glimmik music, which he would sometimes listen to before or after a mission. He was often found trying to make jokes of everything. Sometimes Niner told him to shut it, but sometimes found him funny.

Behind the scenes

"Fi" translated to "son" in High Galactic. "Fi" is also a shortened version of the Huttese term "Fierfek", signifying hex or curse. The name "Fi" was also a nickname for many clones due to their number. This was adopted by many clones in the Grand Army of the Republic as a curse word.

One of the few representations of Fi Skirata's armor is the one produced by Hasbro in 2009. It bears a close resemblance to the armor of Republic Commando Niner Skirata, but in a darker shade of blue.

