Omega Squad was a specially trained clone commando unit that fought for the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. The original members of Omega Squad were brought together because their previous squads were all eliminated during the battle on Geonosis. A distinguishing feature of Omega Squad was their unique [Night Ops Armor],(/article/night_ops_armor) setting them apart from most other commando squads. They belonged to Arca Company, which in turn was part of Zero Five Commando.
Following the rise of the Galactic Empire, Omega Squad was broken up, and its remaining members were reassigned to a new unit called Squad 40.
Approximately three standard months after the Battle of Geonosis, Omega Squad's first joint operation took place on the planet Qiilura. Jedi Master Kast Fulier and his Padawan Etain Tur-Mukan were present on the planet gathering intelligence when Master Fulier was taken prisoner and immediately executed. Etain went into hiding awaiting rescue from the dangerous planet. Omega Squad's mission was to sabotage research being conducted on a nano-virus designed to target clones. Ghez Hokan later used Master Fulier's own lightsaber to personally murder him, a weapon he would later employ to kill Cailshh and Guta-Nay.
During the initial landing, Darman became separated from his squadmates and defended a village by eliminating some of Hokan's thugs. With the assistance of the Gurlanin Jinart, Etain eventually encountered Darman, but she mistook him for Ghez Hokan due to the distinctive Mandalorian T-shape on his helmet. Fortunately for Darman, his exceptional hand-to-hand combat skills allowed him to disarm Etain and clarify the misunderstanding. Meanwhile, the rest of Omega Squad had to evade the local inhabitants before eventually linking up with Jinart. Jinart proved to be valuable to the mission, providing information and acting as a liaison between Darman and the rest of Omega Squad.
To enable squad-wide communication via comlink, Niner destroyed the planet's communications center in Teklet, paving the way for their final assault. Using tunnels created by gdans, the squad successfully stormed the research facility and captured the nano-virus along with Dr. Ovolot Qail Uthan. While en route to the LAAT/i at the extraction point with Dr. Uthan, Etain, Darman, and Atin encountered resistance from Captain Hurati, one of Ghez Hokan's subordinates. Hurati severely wounded Atin with a Verpine shatter gun, penetrating Atin's armor plate approximately 20 centimeters below his armpit. Darman eliminated Hurati and provided Atin with enough first aid to reach the extraction point, but Dr. Uthan was struck by shrapnel from Atin's armor just below the ribs. They completed the journey without further incident. Simultaneously, Niner and Fi faced opposition from Ghez Hokan, the former Mandalorian tasked with protecting Uthan. In a daring maneuver, Niner feigned incapacitation, calling out for his training sergeant, Kal Skirata. Hokan attempted to execute the seemingly helpless commando, but Etain intervened, decapitating Hokan with her lightsaber. Fi claimed Hokan's Mandalorian helmet and armor as a trophy. Later, Etain requested that Darman remain on Quiilura to assist her, but he declined, stating that he could not abandon his newfound brothers.
One month after the Qiilura operation, Omega Squad was stationed at Arca Company Barracks on Coruscant when they were summoned to resolve a terrorist hostage situation at a local spaceport. With the combined efforts of Kal Skirata and the Null ARC trooper Captain Ordo, they successfully resolved the crisis. Fi sacrificed himself by jumping on a bomb to protect his squadmates and Coruscant Security Forces personnel, earning him the respect of the CSF.
Ten and a half months into the Clone Wars, Omega Squad was deployed to Fest to destroy a Separatist research facility involved in the study of phrik alloy. Fest was a frozen wasteland, blanketed in snow. Ironically, the squad received new matte black Night Ops Armor just before this mission, which became a running joke with their pilot. However, the advanced protection offered by the new armor negated the need for stealth.
Shortly after the Fest operation, Omega Squad participated in a TIOPS mission at the Corellian–Perlemian hyperspace intersection. Although they successfully apprehended several suspected Separatist terrorists, they became stranded on a damaged vessel and required rescue by Delta Squad. They were subsequently picked up by the assault ship Fearless, where they reunited with Etain. During this mission, the TIV pilot, Sicko, who had transported Omega to their objective, was killed when a civilian vessel, the Nova Crystal, mistook the TIV for "a pirate ship descending on its prey".
Following the TIOPS mission, a terrorist attack on a freighter drew the attention of the Coruscant Security Force, as well as Kal Skirata. Upon reviewing the incident on a holo-recorder, Captain Ordo suggested that the terrorists had operatives within Coruscant. To minimize civilian casualties, Kal requested that Delta and Omega Squads be granted leave to secretly investigate the recent terrorist act. Jedi Master Arligan Zey overlooked protocol and granted Skirata's request.

With the assistance of Captain Ordo, Jedi Knights Bardan Jusik and Etain Tur-Mukan, and former clone instructor Walon Vau, Kal, along with Delta and Omega, began to uncover a suspected Separatist plot. Their investigation began with a visit to Qibbu, a Hutt on Coruscant, to collect a favor owed to Skirata. Kal convinced Qibbu to provide his quarters as an inconspicuous base of operations. Ordo was then tasked with acquiring a large quantity of military-grade explosives to attract Separatist attention. As expected, a "customer" named Perrive contacted Skirata to discuss the explosives.
Before Kal and his associates met with Perrive, Omega and Delta squads, along with the Jedi, positioned themselves near the meeting location to observe the transaction. Fi and Scorch marked Perrive and his six associates with microscopic transmitters disguised as dust, courtesy of Jusik. After the suspects dispersed, the team attempted to track their movements and identify common locations.
During the mission, Darman and Etain Tur-Mukan's relationship deepened, leading Etain to question her commitment to the Jedi Order. She wanted to give Darman something no other clone in the GAR would have: a future.
During reconnaissance, Fi and Sev encountered Vinna Jiss, a GAR logistics employee, and sent her to Walon Vau for interrogation. After extracting information from Jiss, Vau threw her off a balcony to her death in the sublevels of Coruscant. Ordo, acting on new information about "Dead-Letter" drops, went to GAR headquarters disguised as the receptionist clone trooper Corr. Monitoring the situation, Ordo became suspicious of Besany Wennen, a female employee. However, Wennen met with Vinna Jiss, whom Ordo had believed to be dead.
To uncover the truth, Ordo returned to GAR HQ with Etain in the evening and found Vinna Jiss, with Wennen trailing behind her. Ordo and Etain followed and subdued them, only to discover that Wennen was an agent of the Republic Treasury Audit Division, and the figure of Vinna Jiss was actually Jinart.
As the investigation progressed, Kal and his team set up a sting operation, with unexpected assistance from another Null ARC, Mereel. The explosives were exchanged for four million credits, and the criminals were neutralized.

Four hundred and sixty days after Geonosis, Null ARC Trooper Prudii trained Atin on Olanet in his sabotage techniques. Together, they infiltrated the droid factory on Olanet, which was considered a high-value target by military intelligence, and accessed the main computer. Prudii subtly altered the alloy mixture to render droids produced at the factory ineffective on the battlefield, while avoiding detection by quality control. Atin then returned to his squad at Coruscant HQ and shared the new technique with Omega Squad, while Prudii continued his work with his Null ARC brothers in the search for Kaminoan cloner Ko Sai.
Four hundred and seventy days after the First Battle of Geonosis, Omega Squad was dispatched to Gaftikar to support local rebels attempting to overthrow the Separatist government. Darman and Atin infiltrated one of Gaftikar's cities disguised as civilians. While in the city, they discovered ARC Sull, who had been missing for nearly two weeks. Atin and Darman returned him to their base, and Darman went back to Sull's apartment to retrieve his armor and any evidence of his involvement with the GAR. There, he encountered two clone assassins who mistook him for Sull. He eliminated them, but was disturbed by the fact that clones would kill their own brothers. During the battle for the city, Fi sustained a head injury when an artillery round struck the HoloNet station they were sabotaging, leaving him virtually brain-dead.
Fi was scheduled for termination due to the incurable nature of his injury, as determined by med droids onboard the Leveler. However, Omega Squad and Kal Skirata intervened, and he was transported to Republic Central MedCenter for further diagnosis. There, he was treated as government property, not as an individual. Besany Wennen visited him and held him hostage to prevent his termination. CSF Captain Jaller O'Brim resolved the situation and took Besany and Fi to his home for recovery. Kal Skirata assisted in his rehabilitation and brought him back to Mandalore to be cared for by Bardan Jusik and Mandalorian Parja. He was replaced in the squad by Corr.
Maujese rebels were attacking GAR supply convoys on Haurgab, and Omega Squad was sent to assassinate their leader, Jolluc. They observed the rebels raiding convoys to gather information. When they finally acted, Corr successfully shot Jolluc in the head, followed by another shot from Atin when the body twitched. However, they were ambushed by more rebels than Intelligence had predicted. They defended their position on a hill and were eventually rescued by a LAAT/i sent by Captain Maze.
As Omega returned from Haurgab, they were caught in the Battle of Coruscant. They navigated through the intense space battle and through an opening in the planet's shields. Unfortunately, a droid starfighter followed them through and caused their ship to crash in Galactic City. There, they joined Republic forces, including Yayax Squad, to repel the Separatist invasion. When Order 66 was executed, Omega refused to comply because of Darman's relationship with Jedi Knight Etain Tur-Mukan. Disillusioned with the GAR's treatment of clone troopers, Omega decided to desert with Kal Skirata and the Null-ARCs. However, the evacuation plans were jeopardized when Tur-Mukan was killed at the Shinarcan Bridge Extension, a skirmish in which Niner was also injured. Atin and Corr evacuated to Mandalore with Skirata, while Darman remained with the injured Niner. Unable to rejoin their brothers due to the establishment of the Galactic Empire, Darman and Niner were forced to remain commandos. They were integrated with survivors of Galaar Squad, becoming Squad 40 of the 501st Legion, tasked with capturing Jedi and Jedi sympathizers.
Sgt. Kal Skirata (their field trainer Cuy'val Dar) also known as Kal'buir, which translates to Papa Kal.