
Hurati was a male Umbaran who achieved the captain rank within the Confederacy of Independent Systems military forces during the Clone Wars. He served under the command of Ghez Hokan, a former Mandalorian mercenary. Hokan valued Hurati's military bearing and greater discipline compared to other subordinates. Consequently, Hokan promoted Hurati to captain, replacing the less effective Lieutenant Pir Cuvin. Hurati, Hokan, Cuvin, and a hundred battle droids participated in an attempt to eliminate a small Republic team on the planet Qiilura. This Republic team was comprised of Omega Squad, a group of four clone commandos, and Etain Tur-Mukan, a Jedi Padawan. After the commandos launched an attack on the Separatist nanovirus facility, Hurati almost killed RC-3222, a clone commando, by shooting him in the back with a Verpine shatter gun. However, RC-1136, another member of Omega Squad, retaliated by turning and fatally shooting Hurati in the head.


Separatist officer

Serving under the command of Ghez Hokan, a former Mandalorian mercenary, Hurati, an Umbaran male of the second lieutenant rank, was stationed on the Mid Rim world of Qiilura around 22 BBY, during the early months of the Clone Wars. Their militia, along with a hundred battle droids, was contracted by the Confederacy of Independent Systems to safeguard Lik Ankkit, the Neimoidian governor of the planet, and a Separatist team of scientists. When Omega Squad, a unit of clone commandos, arrived on Qiilura with the intention of destroying the Separatist nanovirus research facility located there, Hurati and his superior, Lieutenant Pir Cuvin, were tasked with locating and eliminating them. After the clone commandos successfully defeated a battle droids unit and their Aqualish captain, Hokan and his men discovered the remains of the battle. Hurati and Cuvin, the two Umbaran lieutenants, investigated the site, where Hurati found remnants of several droids left by the commandos. The clones had arranged a pile of droid parts as a signal to RC-1136, a commando separated from Omega Squad, indicating their presence. Hokan interpreted the droid parts as a taunt directed at his forces.

Following this incident, Hokan instructed Hurati to impose a curfew on all repulsorlift vehicles. Despite Hurati's concerns about the impact on local farmers needing to transport their crops to the town of Teklet for shipping, the Mandalorian mercenary insisted, suggesting the farmers use handcarts instead. Hokan's forces later initiated the burning of fields near the nanovirus facility to mislead the clones into believing they intended to defend it, even though the research team had already been relocated. Hurati clarified the plan to Cuvin, who was confused by their actions. Together with Hokan, Hurati also analyzed the locations of previous encounters with the commandos, deducing that they were heading towards Teklet. Hokan, considering Cuvin incompetent, privately instructed Hurati to keep an eye on the lieutenant. Hurati agreed to comply.

Final actions and death

After Cuvin's disappearance, which Hokan assumed was desertion, Hurati was promoted to captain as his replacement. By this time, Omega Squad had reunited with RC-1136 and Etain Tur-Mukan, a Jedi Padawan. During the clones' infiltration of the facility housing the research team, Hokan and Hurati became separated from Ovolot Qail Uthan, the head scientist, due to the sudden closure of emergency doors. The commandos successfully extracted Uthan through underground tunnels used for their initial entry before Hurati managed to open the doors by slicing the controls. However, they located the remaining four scientists who had not been captured and decided to evacuate them before more commandos arrived. The clones had planted explosives throughout the building, which they detonated as the Separatists fled. While Hurati and Hokan escaped in time, the scientists, paralyzed by fear upon hearing the clones' gunfire, were killed in the explosion.

Shortly after the facility attack, the pair caught up with Omega Squad and the Jedi. Hurati shot RC-3222 with a Verpine shatter gun, though the commando survived. Moments later, RC-1136 retaliated, fatally shooting Hurati in the head. Hokan also met his end shortly after his Umbaran comrade. With the facility destroyed and the Separatist presence eliminated, the commandos completed their mission and departed from the planet.

Personality and traits

Hokan regarded Hurati as a dependable and skilled officer. During the investigation of the destroyed droids, Hurati eagerly approached Hokan to deliver his report, which Hokan appreciated as a sign of his ambition to attain Cuvin's rank. Hurati consistently maintained a military posture, even when unobserved, which impressed Hokan. Initially, the former Mandalorian considered both him and Cuvin to be "academy theoreticians," but he eventually recognized Hurati as a competent and loyal officer. When Hokan ordered the curfew on repulsorlift vehicles, Hurati voiced concerns about the impact on local farmers. He also agreed to monitor Cuvin for Hokan and later expressed his belief that the lieutenant would not "make captain."

Behind the scenes

Hurati's sole appearance was in Karen Traviss' 2004 novel, Republic Commando: Hard Contact. He was later mentioned in the The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia entry for Ghez Hokan.

