Ghez Hokan

Ghez Hokan was a male Human Mandalorian mercenary of Human descent. During the Clone Wars, he offered his combat expertise to the Confederacy of Independent Systems for a fee.


Prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars, the Mandalorian mercenary known as Ghez Hokan secured a position as the main enforcer for Lik Ankkit, a Neimoidian who served as the Trade Federation's representative on the isolated world of Qiilura. He disliked this role, finding his own subordinates more problematic than the sharecroppers he was tasked with intimidating. His 'army', a collection of underworld figures, consisted of Weequays, Ubese, and other recruits obtained by his employer, all of whom the mercenary held in contempt. Hokan himself had killed Jedi Master Kast Fulier, using the Jedi's own lightsaber – a weapon Hokan retained as a convenient tool for executing disloyal underlings. When the Confederacy of Independent Systems established a clandestine research facility on Qiilura, the mercenary eagerly seized the opportunity for a change in employment.

Hokan negotiated a deal with the Confederacy, bypassing Ankkit and granting himself military authority over the planet, along with the temporary rank of major. The Separatists tasked him with safeguarding the bioweaponry research bunker on Qiilura, specifically protecting Doctor Ovolot Qail Uthan and her research personnel. Upon the arrival of Omega Squad on the planet, the Confederacy augmented Hokan's forces with one hundred B1 battle droids and a small number of organic officers. Hokan spearheaded the hunt for Omega Squad, unaware that he was facing only four individuals until it was too late. Fulier's Padawan, Etain Tur-Mukan, escaped Hokan's grasp and encountered a lone member of the newly arrived Omega Squad while on the run. Deeply distraught by her Jedi Master's demise, she immediately attempted to eliminate the clone, mistaking him for Hokan due to the visual similarities between the commando's Katarn armor and Mandalorian armor, despite differences in their respective color schemes. After Omega Squad successfully destroyed the clone-killing virus and apprehended Dr. Uthan, Atin and Darman escorted them back to a waiting LAAT/i gunship, only to be ambushed by Hokan's second-in-command on a speeder bike, who shot Atin with a potent Verpine weapon.

In the meantime, Niner and Fi confronted Hokan alone. Niner deceived Hokan by feigning severe injury on the ground, crying out not for his mother, as many organic beings would, but for his training sergeant, Kal Skirata. As Hokan prepared to deliver a mercy killing with a vibroblade, Etain Tur-Mukan launched a surprise attack from behind, decapitating him. Fi claimed Hokan's armor as a trophy, later wearing it as his own while residing on Mandalore. Uthan, upon seeing Hokan's armor, initially believed he had survived when she was also brought to Mandalore by Fi's father, Kal Skirata, but was relieved to discover it was merely Fi wearing the armor.

Personality and traits

Hokan was widely regarded as a disturbingly violent individual, with rumors suggesting he had been expelled from Death Squad for "enjoying his work too much." His ruthlessness and efficiency were evident in his willingness to eliminate members of his own militia for their ineffectiveness against the clone squads assaulting Dr. Uthan's laboratory.

On the other hand, Ghez Hoken demonstrated a high level of appreciation for those who proved to be valuable assets. When the Umbaran mercenary Lieutenant Hurati distinguished himself as far more reliable than his other officers in the pursuit of Omega Squad, Hokan promised him a promotion to the rank of CIS Captain. Additionally, after Ghez Hoken became trapped behind a blastdoor sabotaged by the commando named Atin, Hurati's ability to slice into the door controls to rescue him prompted the Mandalorian to declare that he loved Hurati more than a son.

He also possessed a certain degree of honor, refusing to wield a lightsaber against a clone of Jango Fett, considering it a degrading act. Furthermore, after killing his Ubese mercenary associate Cailshh, Hokan ensured that another Ubese mercenary tended to Cailshh's corpse in accordance with proper Ubese funeral customs, indicating that while he had no tolerance for incompetence, he respected cultural funeral rites.

