Ovolot Qail Uthan

Doctor Ovolot Qail Uthan filled the role of a scientist who was employed by the Confederacy of Independent Systems.


Uthan, a doctor, spearheaded the investigation into a clone-targeted nanovirus, known as FG36, while she was stationed on Qiilura. Following the attack executed by Jedi Etain Tur-Mukan alongside Omega Squad, she was taken against her will, and her research facility was left in ruins.

Approximately 18 months passed after the Battle of Geonosis, reports indicated that Dr. Uthan was being held within a high-security prison operated by the Republic. During the time she was confined, she pondered if the mysterious, cloaked individual who had originally requested her research had attempted to make contact. It is highly likely that the person in question was the Dark Lord of the Sith, known as Darth Sidious, who held onto her work as a safeguard against the clones in case they were to turn against him.

To maintain her mental stability, Dr. Uthan engaged in breeding Soka flies within the confines of her cell, despite the absence of proper laboratory equipment. During the Battle of Coruscant, she was liberated from the asylum situated at Valorum Center by Kal Skirata, Bardan Jusik, Ordo and Fi. She was then transported to Mandalore, where she gave her consent to Kal's offer of finding a way to counteract the accelerated aging process affecting the clones.

While residing on Mandalore, Uthan developed a romantic relationship with Mij Gilamar, and formed a close bond with Padawan Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy, a Jedi survivor who was living in Kyrimorut, making the young Jedi her assistant in the lab.

Some time after the execution of Order 66, Emperor Palpatine made use of her FG36 virus on her home planet, Gibad, because they were in rebellion against the newly formed Empire. At the point in time when it was released on her homeworld, the virus was not specific to clones, resulting in the deaths of all humanoids on the planet. Absolutely devastated by the near destruction of her entire home planet and the people she held dear, she made the decision to retaliate by recreating the virus with the intention of personally releasing it on Coruscant. Before she could act, Kal Skirata reasoned with her to create an antivirus first, as a different strategy to combat Palpatine and ensure their own safety. The newly made antivirus was then tested on herself to ensure its effectiveness, after which it was distributed throughout Mandalore. It is believed that she started working on reversing the aging gene in clones back to normal after FG36 was finished.

Personality and traits

Doctor Uthan had the ability to express powerful emotions by speaking in a fierce whisper, or, when she was restrained by clone commandos, by simply squirming and wriggling. She had a wild hairstyle that was predominantly blue and black, accented with red stripes, and she also had a fondness for clothing made from septsilk. Ghez Hokan, in particular, was struck by her refined political acumen, her talent for dressing elegantly, and her regal demeanor.

