Etain Tur-Mukan

Etain Tur-Mukan, a Human Jedi Knight and General during the Clone Wars, was a female of the Jedi Order. She began her Jedi journey as the Padawan of Jedi Master Kast Fulier. Shortly after the First Battle of Geonosis, they were dispatched to Qiilura to gather crucial intelligence regarding the Trade Federation and Separatist networks present there. It was during this assignment that she first crossed paths with the clone commandos of Omega Squad, individuals who would later play a significant role in her life.

Following the completion of her assignment on Qiilura, Etain underwent her Jedi Trials under the guidance of Arligan Zey and achieved the rank of Jedi Knight. Throughout the Clone Wars, she held various command positions, undertaking missions alongside both Omega Squad, Delta Squad and other clone units across locations such as Coruscant, Kashyyyk, and beyond. In the course of one such mission, she violated the Jedi Code's prohibition against attachment, developing a romantic relationship with Darman, RC-1136, a clone commando within Omega Squad. This relationship led to her pregnancy with their child, Venku Skirata. Shortly before her death in 19 BBY, the two were married in accordance with Mandalorian traditions.

Etain's life was tragically cut short shortly after the implementation of Order 66 in the aftermath of Operation: Knightfall. She was killed at a security checkpoint on Shinarcan Bridge, Coruscant, in close proximity to the Jedi Temple. Etain had recently returned from Kashyyyk and was attempting to reunite with the rest of Clan Skirata and flee the planet. While en route to the rendezvous point, Etain was forced to pass through a security checkpoint on Shinarcan Bridge when a number of Padawans were discovered within the crowd. As the Padawans desperately tried to escape, a chaotic melee erupted, and Etain instinctively intervened, placing herself between a clone trooper and a panicked Jedi Padawan. The blow intended for the clone struck her instead, severing her spine and resulting in her almost instantaneous death, only meters away from her loved ones.


Early years

At a young age, Etain Tur-Mukan was taken from her parents after it was discovered that she possessed Force-sensitive abilities. She then underwent training in the ways of the Force at the Coruscant Jedi Temple. After finishing her education at the Temple's academy, Tur-Mukan was chosen to be the Padawan of Jedi Master Kast Fulier. Together, the Master and Padawan accepted missions from the Jedi High Council and traveled throughout the galaxy.

Assignment to Qiilura

Before the Clone Wars began, Tur-Mukan and her Master, Kast Fulier, were tasked with secretly observing and gathering information on suspected Separatist activities within the Trade Federation Barq export operation on the remote planet of Qiilura. They spent several weeks working undercover, collecting data on various Separatist facilities around the planet's capital, Imbraani, including Dr. Ovolot Qail Uthan's biological research facility and the Separatist communication facility near Teklet. Fulier, despite his great skill, was known for his compassionate and fair nature, which often drew unwanted attention to the pair while they were undercover. Witnessing the exploitation and oppression of the local population by the Neimoidians and the Mandalorian mercenary Ghez Hokan, Fulier felt compelled to intervene. After defending some of the locals against one of Hokan's thugs, those same locals later revealed his location to Ghez Hokan for a small amount of Urrqal, forcing Tur-Mukan to escape alone with the building schematics they had obtained. Fulier was eventually captured and executed by Hokan, who then took Fulier's lightsaber for his own use.

Tur-Mukan and Omega Squad

Tur-Mukan meets Darman for the first time.

For the next few weeks, Tur-Mukan managed to survive on her own, hiding in the countryside outside Imbraani. Still in possession of the plans, she desperately searched for a way to either escape the hostile world or at least transmit the information she and Fulier had gathered off-planet. Shortly after narrowly escaping a drunk Weequay thug, she encountered a Gurlanin, a shapeshifting species, named Jinart, who was disguised as an old woman at the time. Jinart assisted Tur-Mukan by influencing a barq farmer named Birhan to provide her with shelter on his farm, at least temporarily.

When Omega Squad landed on the planet, it was also Jinart who scouted out the location of the commandos and led Tur-Mukan to meet RC-1136. When she first sensed him in the Force, she was confused to perceive a child rather than a man. Upon seeing Darman's Mandalorian-style helmet, she mistook him for Hokan and attempted to kill him. However, Darman easily overpowered her and identified himself as a commando in her service. From Darman, Tur-Mukan learned about the Grand Army of the Republic for the first time, as well as the fact that Jedi had been appointed as commanders and generals in charge of leading the army. Given her self-critical nature and feeling that she had been a disappointment to the Jedi, Tur-Mukan refused to take on that role, even ordering Darman to disobey her if she gave an order that didn't make sense. Nevertheless, she agreed to join Omega Squad in their mission to avert the danger stemming from Dr. Uthan's research into a nanovirus lethal to clones and to capture the scientist.

With Tur-Mukan's plans of the Separatist facilities, Tur-Mukan and Darman tried to make contact with the other three members of Omega Squad. During her journey through Qiilura's backlands, Tur-Mukan got to know the clones as individuals, and they developed a friendship-like relationship, especially with Darman. Tur-Mukan felt sympathy for the clones, whose only purpose in life was to fight and eventually die for the Republic, and she tried to meet their expectations as much as possible.

After joining up with the rest of Omega Squad, who had already destroyed the Separatist communications monitoring facility at Teklet, they proceeded towards the nanovirus research laboratories. Through various firefights with hostile mercenaries and Separatist Battle Droids, Tur-Mukan became increasingly accustomed to the ways of soldiers, learning that difficult decisions sometimes had to be made. Although she still felt pressure from the clones' faithful expectations, she began to slip into the role of a commanding officer.

Using one of Hokan's deserted lieutenants whom Omega Squad had taken prisoner, Tur-Mukan spread false information about their numbers by using a Jedi mind trick on the lieutenant, in order to force the Mandalorian to concentrate his forces at one point. However, the bluff backfired on the squad: Hokan instead divided his forces between the two possibly endangered locations, attempting to perform a double bluff to get Omega Squad to attack the villa of Lik Ankkit, in which a stockpile of explosives were being stored.

With Jinart's help, Omega Squad managed to blow up the villa, infiltrate the research facility, and take Dr. Uthan prisoner. While Tur-Mukan, Darman, and Atin made their way back to the extraction point with their prisoner, Niner and Fi were confronted by Hokan.

During the rendezvous with the landing craft from the Majestic, Tur-Mukan discovered that two members of her squad were still missing. Even though Jedi Master Arligan Zey insisted on leaving the planet immediately with the prisoner, Tur-Mukan refused to leave anyone behind. After a brief argument, in which Tur-Mukan even threatened to disable the landing craft, Zey finally agreed to wait for the two remaining members of Omega, feeling that her decision was deeply rooted in her connection with the Force.

Going after the missing two members of Omega Squad, Tur-Mukan arrived at the battle between the two clones and Hokan, seeing Niner down, screaming for his Sergeant, while Hokan stood over him, about to finish him off with a vibroblade. Before Hokan managed to kill Niner, Tur-Mukan sneaked in behind the Mandalorian and beheaded him. Despite the fact that Niner had only been screaming to draw Hokan out, where Fi could kill, the sound of his screaming scarred Tur-Mukan.

After retrieving her master's lightsaber from Hokan's body, Zey offered Tur-Mukan to let her stay with him on Qiilura and assist the Gurlanin in establishing a working resistance against the remaining Separatist forces on the planet. Tur-Mukan knew that she had to adhere to the Jedi code and turn from the attachment she was about to form, but still asked Darman if he would like to stay with her. However, Darman refused, stating that he felt he must stay with his squad wherever they went. Staying with Master Zey, she said farewell to Omega Squad.

Before the events on Qiilura, Tur-Mukan had not been confident in herself or her Force abilities, as her connection with the Force was weak compared to others in the Order. It was Darman that helped her build self-esteem and confidence.

The 41st elite

For a period, Tur-Mukan collaborated with the 41st Elite Corps and Commander Gett, who led Improcco Company. She fought alongside the clones on Dinlo, and after the battles, she would assist the wounded and dying. She made it a point to learn the clones' names, not their numbers, and treated them as humanely as possible. It was here that she first witnessed the Dha Werda Verda being performed.

Triple Zero

While on their way back to Coruscant, the Fearless received a Red Zero emergency signal from Omega Squad. During transit, she gave Delta Squad the order to extract the terrorists and ordered the destruction of a Separatist ship that was about to attack both squads. After recovering the two squads and the terrorists, Fearless resumed its course for Coruscant.

Mission on Coruscant

Tur-Mukan was later enlisted by Kal Skirata to participate in a covert operation aimed at dismantling Confederate terrorist cells on Coruscant. She collaborated with Omega Squad, Delta Squad, fellow Jedi Bardan Jusik, Null ARC Troopers Ordo and Mereel, and Walon Vau, another Mandalorian recruited by Fett to train a group of commandos.

Despite the Jedi code's emphasis on non-attachment, her previous interactions with Darman had fostered romantic feelings for him. She expressed these feelings to Darman during the mission, and Darman reciprocated. Consequently, the two began a romantic relationship that resulted in Tur-Mukan becoming pregnant.

In the final operation against the terrorists, Tur-Mukan was paired with Vau to eliminate the terrorist leader, Perrive. After accomplishing that, the two worked together to eliminate a terrorist who had fled from the main battle, where it became clear that she worked very well with Vau's strill, Mird.

Following the operation, Tur-Mukan informed Skirata about her pregnancy, also revealing that her child was Force-sensitive. The two agreed that it was not the right time to tell Darman, as it could distract him during battle. Skirata insisted that the child be raised as a Mandalorian, knowing that it would not be safe for the child of a clone and a Jedi to be known to the Republic. Therefore, Skirata arranged for Tur-Mukan to be sent to Qiilura until she gave birth.

Evacuation of Qiilura

Tur-Mukan spearheaded the relocation of the human inhabitants of Qiilura, fulfilling the Republic's promise to secure the Gurlanins' assistance and allegiance. While on Qiilura, Tur-Mukan engaged in daily Force meditation to accelerate her pregnancy. Although only ninety days pregnant, she successfully advanced the baby to six months of development. She could discern that she was pregnant with a boy and that he would be Force-sensitive. Commander Levet, along with his troops, assisted her and suppressed any rumors of her pregnancy.

When the human farmers resisted evacuation, the troops were forced to work camp by camp, removing all resistance groups one at a time. The Gurlanins were displeased by this slowness and destroyed a Republic vessel, killing over ten thousand troops, to prove their dangerousness. Tur-Mukan led a large assault in a valley, bringing in an AT-TE to blast the foothills of the surrounding mountains. When the surviving rebels surrendered, Tur-Mukan led her troops to arrest them, setting off mines that were secretly planted between the rebels and Republic troops. Although the confrontation ended in victory on her side, she felt responsible for the troopers' deaths.

Away from action

Sensing the buried mines through the Force, Tur-Mukan rescued a trooper by carrying him out of the minefield on her shoulders. Shortly after getting him to safety, she began to hemorrhage, possibly due to added stress and the trooper's weight. Jinart contacted Kal Skirata and watched over her until Ordo arrived with a medical droid. The droid instructed Tur-Mukan to cease her meditation, allowing the baby to develop naturally, and to reduce her stress levels. Etain was forced to leave the field of battle with Ordo, who headed to Dorumaa to meet up with Skirata, where he had captured Ko Sai. After they met up, they headed for Skirata's recently obtained bastion Kyrimorut on Mandalore. While there, she learned what she could of genetics and used her pregnancy to barter with Ko Sai, offering blood and the baby's umbilical cord in exchange for the anti-aging formula for the clones. Ko Sai, highly interested in studying Jedi blood, gave out bits of data as she collected the Jedi DNA.

Tur-Mukan would eventually have her child, named Venku Skirata at first, then called Kad, by Skirata in the bastion. On holding Venku, Skirata realized he was wrong in insisting that Tur-Mukan give up her son. He gave her the option of staying on Mandalore to raise the child, so long as she left the Jedi order. Tur-Mukan felt she could not leave the war to raise Venku, especially since Darman would still be fighting. Skirata delivered the umbilical cord to Ko Sai, who would eventually kill herself, thanking Tur-Mukan for the ability to find one of her long-desired answers.

Tur-Mukan returned to Coruscant to report to General Arligan Zey and to introduce the baby to Omega Squad; however, he was introduced as Skirata's grandson. Skirata outlined that they needed to look for the right time to tell Darman that he was the father. Tur-Mukan was exasperated when Darman appeared nervous and scared around the child, holding him only moments before returning him to Skirata's arms. Atin asked Corr what he would name a son, which prompted Darman to say he would name a son Kad, meaning "saber" in Mando'a. Tur-Mukan left the baby with Skirata and spent the day with Darman, who told her he felt it was not the right time to have a baby during a war. Tur-Mukan knew at that point that she could not tell him he was the father.

Battle of Haurgab

While rejoining with both Omega and Delta Squad at Haurgab, Tur-Mukan decided it would be best that she tell Darman about Kad after the battle. When she saw that Scorch was grief-stricken with anger, she did her utmost best, through words, and when given permission through Force calming techniques, to calm him down.

Deciding to leave the Order

At Coruscant, Tur-Mukan told Darman that Venku was his son, and that they had named him Kad. Prior to this, Tur-Mukan met Callista Masana and discussed Jedi ethics and the idea of marriage. Tur-Mukan had also been growing more wary of the way the clones were treated by the Republic, and her own code of ethics did not mirror the Jedi Order's views. With guidance from the Force, she decided to leave the Order.

Although Darman was angry about being the last to know he had a son, he soon reconciled with Etain, and they spent several days together with their son on Coruscant.

Mission to Kashyyyk

Tur-Mukan was sent with Delta Squad and Skirata's Wookiee companion Enacca, to liberate Enacca's homeworld of Kashyyyk, where she had seen the deadly Jedi-slaying cyborg, General Grievous, for the first time. Before Delta went on their objective to destroy a Recusant-class light destroyer, which attempted to land more battle droids, Tur-Mukan openly bet that they could be much faster than Omega, just to wish them luck.

However, when Tur-Mukan heard that Sev was being left behind, due to possible apprehension by multiple Separatist forces, she regretted her boast. She was more infuriated to hear that Grand Master Yoda himself had ordered Delta's evacuation. Enacca, under orders from Skirata, loaded Tur-Mukan into a transport shuttle and forced her back to Coruscant.

While Tur-Mukan was in transit back to Coruscant from Kashyyyk, Darman sent her a comlink message asking her to marry him according to Mandalorian tradition. Once she had emerged from hyperspace and received his message (after Order 66 had been initiated), she transmitted back, and they were married.

Victim of the Sith

This happiness would be short-lived, as Tur-Mukan saw the Jedi Temple burning while switching into civilian-like clothing. She heard rumors of Master Mace Windu trying to "assassinate" Supreme Chancellor Palpatine and being blasted away to his death for doing so, but she failed to recognize that Palpatine was Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith, and that Anakin Skywalker had been manipulated into becoming his new apprentice, Darth Vader. Skirata told Tur-Mukan to stay still, and he would send someone to pick her up. Tur-Mukan refused, stating the Clan Skirata members shouldn't expose themselves so close to their defection from the GAR. Skirata went to meet her at the Shinarcan Bridge Extension after they learned her path to their hideout and current location.

However, while at the bridge, Tur-Mukan witnessed a group of eight Jedi Padawans attempt to break through a checkpoint held by clone troopers from the 501st Legion, who were now under Vader's command. Initially resisting the urge to get involved, she eventually reacted to a Jedi trying to kill one of the clones and stepped in front of him. His lightsaber cut her from shoulder to spine. She died almost instantly, as Darman nearly broke into madness, Kal Skirata went into a fit of rage, and his son burst into tears while sensing her death.

Darman resisted his urge to run to her and break into tears, instead calling a Med-evac for Niner, who had broken his back when a Jedi pushed him off the bridge while leaping away from combat. This caused Darman to miss the evacuation with the rest of Clan Skirata and to miss Tur-Mukan's funeral.


Tur-Mukan was later cremated in Jedi fashion back on Kyrimorut, the home on Mandalore she was headed to before she died. Shortly before the ceremony, Kal Skirata posthumously adopted her as his daughter, saying daughter-in-law was not good enough. Her lightsabers were saved for Kad and her ashes saved for Darman. In Tur-Mukan's stead, Bardan Jusik trained Kad how to use his Force powers.

On Mandalore, Kal Skirata set up a memorial listing all the fallen clone troopers of the Clone Wars. Tur-Mukan was the only nonclone he permitted to be honored in the memorial (with the exception of Bardan Jusik, in the event of his death). Jusik let Clan Skirata know after the funeral that Jedi believe that spirits of Jedi can sometimes appear and accompany loved ones even after death.


Etain with baby Venku

After Tur-Mukan's passing, Clan Skirata's members frequently reminisced about her, ensuring her memory persisted. Upon Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy's arrival on Mandalore, the Strill Lord Mirdalan showed great excitement, mistakenly believing she was Tur-Mukan finally returning. In 41 ABY, her son carried both her lightsaber and Kast Fulier's.

Personality and traits

Though compassionate, Tur-Mukan was plagued by deep-seated insecurities. Even after adjusting to her role as Omega Squad's commander, she often found herself shocked and repulsed by the troopers' actions. Furthermore, she held a strong aversion to the concept of a clone's predetermined existence. Having spent her entire life within the Jedi Order, she lacked exposure to the outside world and was consistently taken aback by non-Jedi behavior.

Tur-Mukan was consistently plagued by doubt, questioning her own capabilities, worth, and effectiveness as both a Jedi and a commander. Her apprehension about disappointing those who depended on her caused her to shy away from responsibility, which, especially under pressure, led to feelings of desperation and anger. This struggle to manage her emotions, especially when compared to the Jedi's expectations, made her feel anxious and paradoxically uncomfortable. However, as she matured and gained experience, particularly with Omega Squad, Tur-Mukan began to overcome these challenges. She drew parallels between her situation within the Jedi Order and the clones' predetermined path, recognizing a conflict between her desires and the Jedi's teachings.

Her strong bonds with Omega Squad's members, especially Darman, instilled in Etain a profound empathy for the clones, leading her to question the Republic's use of them. Ironically, it was this very compassion that ultimately led to her demise. Reacting purely on instinct, without careful consideration, Tur-Mukan intervened to protect a 501st Legion clone trooper from being killed by a Jedi, effectively sacrificing herself for those who had been ordered to kill all of her fellow Jedi without remorse or hesitation.

Etain Tur-Mukan was a petite, slender woman with freckles and long brown hair accented with red and blond streaks. During her time as a Padawan, she typically wore the traditional braid, although she occasionally abandoned this custom while on Qiilura to avoid being recognized. It was noted on Mandalore that Etain bore a resemblance to fellow Jedi, Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy, even sharing similar personality traits.

Powers and abilities

While not considered a particularly strong Jedi by the Order, Etain Tur-Mukan displayed remarkable physical endurance during her ordeal on Qiilura, keeping pace with Darman and Omega Squad despite her weakened state. Her greatest impediment was her lack of self-confidence. However, she demonstrated significant potential in controlling the Force through some of her actions, but her insecurities often hindered her, particularly when attempting to utilize her various Force powers under duress.

Tur-Mukan employed a Jedi mind trick to prevent numerous weak enemies from detecting her and her squad, as well as to exert influence over a Weequay lieutenant in Hokan's militia. She combined her telekinetic abilities with her physical strength when carrying equipment and to shield herself and Niner from the dangerous shrapnel of an explosion. Her most impressive display of telekinesis involved reshaping a gdan warren tunnel to facilitate Darman and Atin's escape. Additionally, Tur-Mukan possessed the ability to use the Force to soothe and reassure troubled minds. She utilized this ability at least once on Atin, who continued to grieve the loss of his former squad mates, and on other clones to provide comfort and encouragement. This may suggest that she had the potential to develop battle meditation, or at least a less potent version of it.

Behind the scenes

Etain Tur-Mukan was first introduced in Republic Commando: Hard Contact, and subsequently appeared in its sequels.

