Levet (clone)

Levet, formerly designated CC-3388/0021 and humorously called Commander Tactful, was a clone commander. In 21 BBY, he was stationed on the planet Qiilura under the command of General Etain Tur-Mukan. There, he led the 35th Infantry while General Tur-Mukan engaged in negotiations with Human colonists, amidst the Galactic Republic's blackmail situation by the native Gurlanins who wanted them to leave the world.

When the majority of Human colonists did not comply, Levet was compelled to utilize the full force of the 35th Infantry against them. The colonists were forcibly evacuated, resulting in numerous civilian casualties.

After the mission's completion, Levet and the 35th Infantry proceeded to the neighboring world of Gaftikar to provide assistance to Omega Squad, Null-12, and the local Marits in their effort to capture the capital city of Eyat.

Following Order 66, he abandoned the GAR and chose to join Kal Skirata on Mandalore. Levet expressed his desire for a farm on Mandalore when Skirata offered him sanctuary. While on Mandalore, Levet obtained his farm, but he struggled to make it successful due to relying solely on an instructional video. Located not far from Kyrimorut, he and the members of Yayax Squad worked together to provide food and supplies for the rest of Clan Skirata.

Personality and traits

His troops gave Levet the moniker Commander Tactful. Despite not being trained by a Mandalorian Cuy'val Dar, he possessed sufficient knowledge of Mando'a to communicate to Null-11 that he was aware of Etain's pregnancy without alerting a nearby medical droid.

