Yayax Squad, an elite clone commando unit, served within the Grand Army of the Republic throughout the Clone Wars. Trained on Kamino by Rav Bralor, they were one of several squads under her tutelage. Similar to Omega Squad, members of Yayax Squad donned matching Katarn armor, featuring a gray-and-brown dazzle pattern that provided camouflage in urban settings. This proved advantageous during the Battle of Coruscant. The squad consisted of four clone commandos: Cov, Dev, Jind, and Yover.
During the Battle of Coruscant, they aided Omega Squad and ARC Trooper Lieutenant Aven in defending the Headquarters building of HoloNet News and Entertainment from Separatist forces. Successfully repelling the droid attacks, they then assisted the Coruscant Security Force in maintaining order within the capital. Following the execution of Order 66 and the establishment of the Galactic Empire by Palpatine, Yayax Squad deserted and sought refuge with Kal Skirata on Mandalore. Nyreen "Ny" Vollen and A'den Skirata transported them to Mandalore when she brought the body of Etain Tur-Mukan to Kal. Alongside former clone commander Levet, the squad transitioned to civilian life, becoming carpenters and farmers.