Rav Bralor

Rav Bralor, a Mandalorian warrior of Human origin and female gender, played an active role during the era known as the Clone Wars.


Rav Bralor in full armor

Chosen personally by Jango Fett, Rav Bralor was among the seventy-five Cuy'val Dar Mandalorian training sergeants tasked with preparing the clone commandos of the Grand Army of the Republic. Once her responsibilities as a Cuy'val Dar member concluded, it's believed that she went back to Mandalore. Halfway through the Clone Wars, Sergeant Kal Skirata requested her assistance in maintaining Kyrimorut, which would become his home and the stronghold of the Skirata clan, situated in Mandalore's northern forests. Skirata made his return to Mandalore 480 days following the First Battle of Geonosis, accompanied by a visibly pregnant Etain Tur-Mukan, having decided that Mandalore offered the safest environment for Tur-Mukan, a Jedi General, to secretly deliver her child. Bralor ensured the residence was prepared for their arrival and aided them in adjusting to their new lives.

Rav Bralor.

Bralor, alongside her niece Parja, was present both at the birth of Venku Skirata and when Fi Skirata arrived after suffering brain injuries during the Battle of Gaftikar. Bralor provided training to an entire company of Republic commandos, which included both Vevut Squad and Yayax Squad. Following Order 66, the members of Yayax Squad deserted the Grand Army of the Republic and sought refuge on Mandalore, integrating into the Skirata clan and living with Bralor. Later, she was present when Tur-Mukan's body was brought to Mandalore, and she prepared Tur-Mukan's remains for cremation.

Personality and traits

Etain Tur-Mukan characterized Bralor as being 'frighteningly fit'. As a highly skilled soldier, she held a strong aversion to Kaminoans and displayed little patience for hesitation from commanding officers. Sharing similar views regarding the clones they trained, she and Kal Skirata maintained a close friendship and camaraderie that predated their service as Cuy'val Dar, treating the clones as if they were their own sons. Notably, the clones of Yayax Squad, in particular, behaved like children eager to gain their mother's approval when in her presence.

Behind the scenes

The Rav Bralor figurine exhibits a striking similarity to depictions of Vhonte Tervho.

