Battle of Gaftikar

The Battle of Gaftikar was a conflict during the Clone Wars era, which ultimately resulted in a Republic triumph.


Following the settlement of Gaftikar by Human colonists, Marits were brought in to construct the urban centers. Subsequently, the Marits were denied the right to reside within these cities and were subjected to second-class citizen status. Given their numerical superiority, the Marits believed they deserved governmental representation proportionate to their population size, which led to escalating tensions between the two groups.

These divisions intensified during the Clone Wars period, as Shenio Mining and the Republic sought control of Gaftikar due to its significant deposits of kelerium and norax. The CIS offered protection to the planet from the Republic, aligning themselves with the humans, while the Republic formed an alliance with the Marits.

Training of the Insurgents

In 21 BBY, the Republic dispatched Sull, an Alpha-class ARC trooper, to Gaftikar with the mission of training Marit rebel forces. Their training methodology involved a cascading approach, where Sull would initially train a select group of Marits, who would then train additional members of their community; this iterative process enabled the rapid training of hundreds of thousands of fighters.

Following Sull's disappearance, A'den and Omega Squad were deployed as replacements. During a reconnaissance mission into Eyat, Gaftikar's capital city, they located and apprehended Sull, who had deserted his post and secured employment within the city. Darman visited Sull's residence and eliminated two Covert Ops clone troopers who attacked him, mistakenly identifying him as Sull. This incident deeply troubled the clones, as it revealed that the Republic army was deploying assassins against its own personnel. Subsequently, A'den facilitated Sull's release.

The Engagement

The strategic plan involved clone troopers under the leadership of Jedi General Mas Missur neutralizing the local defense forces, while the Marits would enter and occupy Eyat, subsequently expanding their control to other cities. Following this, the clones would withdraw, leaving the Marits in control. Despite the Separatists alerting the local Gaftikari to the approaching Republic forces, the Gaftikari offered minimal resistance, resulting in a relatively straightforward victory for the clones. A'den and Omega Squad dedicated their efforts during the battle to identifying Gaftikari communication stations for targeting by Republic starfighters, and near the battle's conclusion, Omega Squad was tasked with disabling the Gaftikar HoloNet relay center.


The Republic successfully seized control of Gaftikar with limited losses, and it is presumed that the Marits gained a voice in the government.

