Marits were a species of sentient beings transported to the world of Gaftikar, a planet characterized by dense forests and expansive grasslands, by Human colonists. These reptilian humanoids stood approximately one meter tall. Their bodies were covered in light beige scales exhibiting a subtle iridescence. They possessed keen muzzles, small black eyes featuring red, slit-shaped pupils. The dominant individuals, primarily female due to the matriarchal structure of Marit society, displayed prominent red neck-frills. Upon the arrival of Humans on Gaftikar, the Marits were employed to construct cities and their corresponding infrastructure. Their selection stemmed from inherent aptitudes that rendered them exceptional engineers: remarkable visiospatial skills, outstanding mathematical abilities, and a strong aversion to waste. Following the completion of urban construction, the Humans banished the Marits from the newly inhabited areas of the planet, effectively forcing them into exile in the wilderness.
Eventually, the Galactic Republic chose to intervene, aiding a coup d'état to depose the Human government.
The Marits, inherently gifted engineers, made a strong impression on the commandos of Omega Squad when a contingent of them demonstrated the ability to rapidly assemble and deploy weaponry provided by the Republic, such as E-Web blasters, without needing to consult instruction manuals.
Furthermore, Marits exhibited proficiency in swiftly disseminating information among their population. ARC N-11 observed that the Marits excelled at "cascading training." A'den Skirata would train a group of ten Marits, who would then each train ten more, and so on, until the information had reached the entire force within mere hours.
Marit custom dictated the recycling of deceased family members' bodies through consumption, often in the form of prepared food like soup. This practice led Clone commando Darman Skirata of Omega Squad to advise his squadmates to remind the Marits to refrain from exhuming and consuming the remains of two Covert Ops clone troopers whom Darman had killed in self-defense.