Aven (clone trooper)

Aven was a male Human, specifically a clone originating from the Mandalorian bounty hunter, Jango Fett. He came into existence on the planet Kamino and was one of the hundred Advanced Recon Commandos of the Alpha-class, forming a segment of the Grand Army of the Republic's special forces. As the Clone Wars erupted across the galaxy between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Aven served the Republic as a lieutenant within the Grand Army's Special Operations Brigade. During the Battle of Coruscant in 19 BBY, Aven spearheaded Republic commando squads Omega and Yayax in the defense of the headquarters belonging to HoloNet News and Entertainment, ensuring the HoloNet station could continue its broadcasts to the citizens of Coruscant and the wider Republic.


Aven was a Human male, created as a clone derived from the Mandalorian bounty hunter known as Jango Fett. He was secretly developed on the planet of Kamino, becoming one of the hundred elite Advanced Recon Commandos of the Alpha-class within the Grand Army of the Republic. Like every Alpha-class ARC trooper, Aven received his training on Kamino directly from Jango Fett. However, the Kaminoans, perceiving the ARC troopers' strong independence as a source of unpredictability, placed them in stasis until the Battle of Kamino during the first year of the Clone Wars. As the battle droids of the Confederacy of Independent Systems attacked the planet, Jedi Master Shaak Ti ordered the ARC troopers to be released from stasis to aid in the defense. Following the Republic's victory in the battle, Aven and his fellow ARC troopers entered service within the Republic, becoming part of the Grand Army's Special Operations Brigade.

By 19 BBY, the Clone Wars' final year, Aven had achieved the rank of lieutenant in the Grand Army. When General Grievous, the commander of the Separatist Droid Army, attacked Coruscant, the Republic's capital world, Aven was present on the surface, contributing to the planet's defense. He commanded the Republic commandos of Omega and Yayax squads in safeguarding the headquarters of HoloNet News and Entertainment, ensuring the continued broadcasting of the HoloNet to Coruscant's citizens. After the HNE employees had assembled a mobile transmitter, both the transmitter and approximately a dozen HNE staff were loaded onto a LAAT/i gunship and moved to a safer location. Aven and the commandos then took position in the foyer of HNE headquarters, where they defended the building for almost a week during the battle.

Personality and traits

Aven possessed a sharp, cynical wit, often subtle but incisive. He held a critical view of Republic Defense Procurement and its perceived shortcomings, while also displaying empathy for the needs of his fellow clone soldiers. In combat, Aven fearlessly engaged super battle droid at close range, and his rank as an ARC lieutenant allowed him to request aerial support from nearby gunships.


As an Alpha-class ARC trooper, Aven wore the more durable ARC trooper armor, instead of the more common Phase II armor that standard clone troopers used. During the Battle of Coruscant, Aven also employed dual DC-17 blaster pistols to fight Separatist battle droids.

Behind the scenes

The ARC trooper known as Aven was first introduced in Order 66: A Republic Commando Novel, the fourth book in the Republic Commando series written by Karen Traviss.

