Nyreen Vollen, or Ny as she was commonly called, was a pilot of freighters who aided Kal Skirata and his adopted family as the Clone Wars drew to a close. Firmly believing, as Kal did, that clone troopers deserved a complete existence, unrestricted by the limitations imposed by the Grand Army of the Republic (GAR), Ny assisted in the transportation of GAR deserters to Mandalore, thus connecting them with Kal and his kin.
Ny Vollen entered into marriage with Terin, but her husband subsequently vanished. Later, during her career as a freighter captain, she encountered A'den, a Null ARC Trooper. After Darman and Atin captured Sull and brought him to their encampment on Gaftikar, A'den entrusted Ny with the task of relocating Sull off-world. He later introduced Ny to his family when they sought a way to investigate Kuat Drive Yards. She consented to aid their investigation in exchange for assistance in uncovering the truth of her husband's fate. A'den successfully discovered what had become of her husband, bringing her a sense of resolution.
As the Clone Wars ended, Nyreen became involved in transporting refugees to Mandalore, linking them with Kal Skirata. She not only delivered the body of Etain Tur-Mukan to her home but also transported Yayax Squad, Levet, and even two Jedi seeking sanctuary. One of these Jedi was Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy, known as "Scout." The other, Kina Ha, a Kaminoan Jedi genetically engineered for extended longevity, was of particular interest to Kal. Unbeknownst to Ny, Kal intended to utilize Kina Ha's DNA in his quest to discover a cure for the clones' accelerated aging process. She was known to have a deep affection for the Strill Lord Mirdalan, happily allowing it to slobber all over her and lie in her lap. Unbeknownst to her, the Jedi underground had her marked as a sympathizer, likely aware of her assistance in returning Etain to Mandalore. She also accompanied the Nulls to Coruscant during their mission to rescue Darman and Niner Skirata, and she reprimanded them for their disdain towards the Spaarti-grown clones, reminding them that they were all brothers.
Ny's endeavors at the conclusion of the Clone Wars provided numerous clones with a renewed opportunity for life on Mandalore, and facilitated the relocation of several Jedi to safer regions of the galaxy.