Kina Ha was a Jedi Master of the Kaminoan species (a female), who underwent training as a Jedi during the declining years of the Galactic Republic. An experienced, but aloof Jedi, she associated herself more closely with the tenets of the Jedi Code than with the Jedi Order itself, living in seclusion and rarely visiting the Jedi Temple. She was among the few Jedi to survive the infamous Order 66, and subsequently dwelled on Mandalore throughout the Dark Times before becoming a member of the surviving Altisian Jedi.
Kina Ha's origins trace back to Kamino, where she was born as a Kaminoan who underwent genetic modification to ensure her survival during extended hyperspace voyages. These planned deep-space missions never came to fruition, leaving Ha without a defined purpose on her highly structured home planet. Her situation worsened as she matured: her inherent Force-sensitivity began to surface, attracting disapproval and scorn from her perfectionistic peers. Considered an outsider and seen as possessing socially unacceptable characteristics, Ha left her home world to avoid potential "re-education." During her travels, Ha became a student of the unorthodox Jedi Master Kras'dohk, who taught her the ways of a Guardian and instructed her in the construction of her own lightsaber. The Trandoshan Jedi imparted all his knowledge to Ha, ultimately elevating her to the rank of Master.
Having lived through the struggles between the Mandalorians and the Jedi Order, as well as the following civil war, Ha journeyed throughout the galaxy for a century following her Master's demise. Her interactions with the Jedi High Council were infrequent, with only a handful of meetings occurring over the centuries of her activity in the galaxy. Eventually, Ha established a temporary residence on the planet Vorusku; it was during this time that she experienced a frightening vision through the Force. In this vision, she witnessed countless soldiers aligned with the dark side emerging from her home planet. Returning to Kamino urgently, Ha found no unusual activity on the water world, and certainly no dark side army. Determined to prevent her vision from becoming reality, Master Ha ventured deep into the ocean using a Uulshos DPx to locate the remains of the Slici Canyon outposts situated on the ocean floor of Kamino. Taking up residence in the isolated, sealed chambers of the outpost, Ha lived in complete solitude, watching Human holovids, and remaining vigilant to counter any potential emergence of a dark side army.
Over the passing decades, the Kaminoans engaged in the production of numerous clone armies, which Ha deemed a misguided endeavor; however, she was unable to determine which clone army was the one she had foreseen in her vision. Indeed, when the Grand Army of the Republic was established at Tipoca City, Master Ha remained unaware of the involvement of the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious in their programming. As the Clone Wars erupted between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, the Jedi Order became embroiled in the conflict, fighting alongside the clone troopers against the Separatist Droid Army. When the Sith devised Contingency Order 66, which was then issued to the Grand Army, the Jedi Order was effectively dismantled and the Republic dissolved. Ha immediately emerged from her seclusion, fleeing Kamino and being rescued by the smuggler Nyreen Vollen.
Accompanied by her Padawan Tallisibeth Enwandung-Esterhazy aboard the Cornucopia, Ha was transported to Mandalore by Vollen, seeking refuge at Kyrimorut, the stronghold and residence of Kal Skirata. Despite Skirata's deep-seated animosity towards both Kaminoans and Jedi, he permitted Ha to remain at his compound on the condition that she allowed Doctor Ovolot Qail Uthan to collect samples of her genes for analysis. The primary objective of this analysis was to exploit Ha's longevity and incorporate similar long-life programming into the DNA of Skirata's refugee clone troopers, who were already undergoing accelerated aging. Ha consented to this arrangement, motivated by her disapproval of her species' actions in recent centuries. Patient and respectful towards the Mandalorians to avoid further agitating them, the dignified Jedi Master kept company with her Padawan Enwandung-Esterhazy and, later, Master Arligan Zey. Once the samples had been obtained and her usefulness to the Mandalorian clan had diminished, the mercenaries decided against killing their Jedi guests. Instead, Bardan Jusik, a former Jedi and ally of Skirata, contacted the renegade Jedi Djinn Altis, who agreed to provide sanctuary to the Jedi in his hidden Jedi refuge.
Despite her Kaminoan heritage, Kina Ha did not possess the typical Kaminoan disdain for imperfection. As the only Force-sensitive individual among her people, she was viewed as a threat by the scientists of her world. She chose to leave the planet to avoid constant animosity. By the conclusion of the Clone Wars, she had lived for over 3,000 years and had witnessed events such as the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Civil War, the Sith going into hiding, the invention of bolo-ball, and the creation of numerous cloned armies and factory workers on her home world.
The Mandalorians with whom she resided after the Clone Wars perceived her as an ancient and dignified woman who defied all Kaminoan stereotypes. While most Kaminoans prefer water worlds with minimal sunlight, she would sit outdoors with the Skirata clan at Kyrimorut (although she wore a cap to shield her eyes from the sun). Unlike most members of her species, she possessed a subtle sense of humor and was known to cheat at pazaak.