Vorusku, a waterworld, was situated in the Juris sector of the Outer Rim Territories'. This planet featured both a volcano city and a mobile bar known as the Hyperdrive Cantina. Kina Ha, a Jedi of Kaminoan descent, once made her home on Vorusku. It was here that she received a vision foretelling the creation of an army by the cloners of Kamino for the purposes of the dark side of the Force.
Following the Invasion of Naboo, Jalla Spree, a crimelord operating on Vorusku, furnished the Blue Star Pirates with sophisticated weaponry. In response, the office of the Galactic Republic's Supreme Chancellor dispatched a team to identify the pirates' arms provider. This investigation eventually led them to Vorusku, where they exposed Spree's involvement in supplying the pirates.
Located in the Vorusku system within the Juris sector of the Outer Rim Territories' was Vorusku, a waterworld.

Centuries prior to 19 BBY, the planet Vorusku served as a temporary residence for Kina Ha, a Kaminoan Jedi who did not follow traditional paths. During her time on this world, the Kaminoan Jedi experienced a vision of what was to come. This vision showed the cloners from her homeworld, Kamino, unknowingly creating a massive army of millions of clone soldiers that would be used by the dark side of the Force. The vision included soldiers loading their weapons and being led by the dark side, deeply disturbing Ha and prompting her return to Kamino.
Sometime after the Trade Federation's invasion of the planet Naboo concluded in 32 BBY, Jalla Spree, the crimelord of Vorusku, began providing the Blue Star Pirates with advanced, military-grade weaponry.
The Galactic Republic's Office of the Supreme Chancellor assembled a team to uncover the identity of the Blue Star Pirates' supplier. The team tracked a lead to a concealed cove on a jungle planet, where they engaged in combat with two Blue Star Pirates. Following the skirmish, they discovered a datacard on one of the pirates, which originated from the Hyperdrive Cantina on Vorusku.
Upon arriving on the water planet, the agents working for the Supreme Chancellor's office conducted an investigation at the cantina, inquiring about the pirate group. This led to a confrontation between the agents and a group of four thugs employed by Spree. After the investigators defeated Spree's henchmen, the latter divulged that Spree might possess information regarding the weapons utilized by the Blue Star Pirates.
En route to Spree's headquarters, the Republic agents were ambushed by a bounty hunter within a volcano city. Following a challenging encounter, the team finally managed to uncover Spree's role in arming the Blue Star Pirates. As they attempted to escape with this information, the crimelord dispatched a destroyer droid to eliminate them, resulting in a fierce battle between the group and the droid at a cliffside slaver camp.
On Vorusku, one could find the floating Hyperdrive Cantina, as well as the headquarters used by Jalla Spree. Along the route connecting these two locations was a volcano city. A cliffside slaver camp was also present on Vorusku.
Vorusku first appeared in Star Wars: Invasion of Theed Adventure Game, a 2000 roleplaying game written by Bill Slavicsek as an introduction to the Wizards of the Coast Star Wars Roleplaying Game. In the Invasion of Theed Adventure Game rulebook, Vorusku was cited as an example of a world that could be created by the gamemaster for a randomized adventure. This article assumes that the given adventure idea unfolds as described.
Its mention in the 2004 Star Wars Roleyplaying Game sourcebook Geonosis and the Outer Rim Worlds confirmed Vorusku's existence within the Star Wars Legends continuity. The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas located the Vorusku system, and therefore the planet Vorusku, in grid square P-17.