The Vorusku system was situated in the Outer Rim Territories, encompassing the water planet of Vorusku. A Kaminoan Jedi, Kina Ha, spent some time on Vorusku, this was centuries prior to 19 BBY. Following the Trade Federation's invasion of the planet Naboo, the crimelord Jalla Spree from Vorusku furnished the Blue Star Pirates with sophisticated weaponry.
Residing within the Juris sector of the Outer Rim Territories, the Vorusku system was a star system. The water planet Vorusku was a part of it.
Kina Ha, a Jedi from Kamino, once resided on Vorusku, centuries before 19 BBY. While there, Ha had a vision foretelling the creation of a clone army for the dark side of the Force on her homeworld of Kamino. This vision deeply troubled the Jedi, prompting her return to Kamino.
After the Trade Federation invaded the planet Naboo in 32 BBY, Jalla Spree, the crimelord of Vorusku, commenced supplying the Blue Star Pirates with advanced weapons. One of the pirates possessed a datacard from the Hyperdrive Cantina on Vorusku, found in a hidden cove on a jungle planet around that time.
A group acting on behalf of the Galactic Republic's Office of the Supreme Chancellor to identify the Blue Star Pirates' supplier tracked a lead to Vorusku and ultimately uncovered Spree's involvement in providing the pirates with weapons.
The reference book The Essential Atlas from 2009, written by Jason Fry and Daniel Wallace, was the first mention of the Vorusku system, placing it in grid square P-17.